Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1528: Planar Walker

Relying on his own knowledge of the treasure, Rod can see at a glance that the huge camp in front of him is a space treasure with unique effects.

Below the camp, there is a special magic ceremony. The ritual protects the camp itself. If someone wants to move the camp, or rashly put it into other spaces, it will suffer a very serious backlash.

At the entrance of the camp, a group of fire elementals guarded this place, and as Rod released their own breath, they showed a vigilant look.

"They are not elemental creatures born naturally, but made by a mage." On the side, Rowling seemed to feel something, approaching Rod and whispered.

"I know." Luo Ling replied slowly. Long before Rowling reminded him, he had recognized the origins of these fire elementals when he first saw them.

"Who are you? Why are you approaching the city of flames?" After noticing the appearance of several people from Luode, a fire elemental man quickly stepped forward and asked at the same time.

It seemed that he was worried that Rod and his party would not understand, the Fire Elementalists changed other languages ​​that Rod could not understand, and they said something there.

"We are plane walkers. We just came to this plane and want to learn about the divine bird Phoenix. Can you tell us?"

Seeing that Rod did not intend to answer the question, but instead squeezed the blade capable of summoning lightning, Rowling shook his head helplessly and replied.

"You dare to hit the divine bird's idea..." Hearing Rowling's words, the Fire Elemental's face changed suddenly, and he didn't know what he had done. The nearby Fire Elementalists surrounded one after another, "You are not allowed to approach the Flame One step in the city."

"Humph." Rod snorted coldly. When he was about to act, a mage took the initiative to walk out of the huge camp.

"My flame creation, don't let them leave. Take these people who blaspheme the flames into the prison in the city. I want to interrogate them myself." The red-haired, red-eyed male human mage said loudly.

"It's him..." Noting the appearance of this mage, Inota approached Rhodes and exclaimed, "He is Kanter the Planewalker and also the guardian here. When I came here before, He asked for treasures."

Rod nodded. In his perception, the comprehensive strength of the mage who suddenly appeared had reached the level of legend. There were strong fire magic elements all over his body. It seemed that he was still specializing in fire magic. Among the planes of, naturally can exert a stronger force.

"He has mastered a unique spell, all creatures close to him will be melted by high temperature. In addition, he likes to collect treasures the most. It is probably for this reason that he stopped us." Ta quickly said.

"It seems that you have heard of my existence, so I don't need me to explain it to you. Listen well, no matter whether you leave or enter the city, you have to hand over three treasures!" The human mage said loudly.

"Why?" Rod asked casually.

"Because this is our rule here! More importantly, my strength is stronger than you. In the Land of Flames, I am the real master. If I disobey my words, there is only a dead end."

A strong flame was released from Kanter's body, and waves of heat spread to the surroundings, and the eyes of the nearby fire elemental people also showed respect.

"So, you must have collected a lot of treasures." Rod said.

"That's natural." The human mage stared, looking at Rod in the distance, "Speaking of what you are doing, you should quickly hand over the three treasures on your body. I mean three for each person."

"I think you might have made a mistake..."

Rod's voice came over, and the human mage showed a trace of disdain. Just as he was about to say something, a strong sense of crisis suddenly spread in his body.

Without any hesitation, the next moment, he flashed his figure and tried to move away from him.

However, if you want to release one of the water magics in the fire element plane, it will be extremely laborious for the mage regardless of the stage and will be blocked by the power of the plane.

The human mage, who always relied on the high temperature around his body to burn his enemies to death, also neglected the practice of teleportation. Even if he had already used it for the first time, he still did not completely escape this attack.

At this moment, his left arm was cut off by Qi Gen, and the severe pain filled his mind, making him unable to stop groaning.

"Oh?" A voice of doubt reached the ears of the howling human mage, "Unexpectedly, you could escape my attack. It was your head that I was going to cut off."

Kanter turned around and looked around, and saw that Rod did not know where he had been, and he had come to where he was originally standing, and Rod was holding a red dagger in his hand, staring at him indifferently.

"It's impossible...All the creatures that are close to me will be burned to the limit. How can you approach me without being burned to ashes by the flames?" Kanter asked with a trembling voice, if he didn't detect the attack in time The arrival of, I am afraid that the result will be just as Rohde said, his head will be instantly beheaded.

Looking at Rod in front of him, Kanter clearly felt something wrong, but he couldn't tell what the reason was. It was as if there was a special power in the person in front of him, far beyond his imagination.

"The temperature around you is indeed very high, and this spell is also surprising to me, but compared with the original flame, it is still far behind. No, it's not worth mentioning." Rod sneered. "Well, it's time to end the battle."

Perceiving the killing intent on Rod’s body, the human mage shook his body. He hurriedly said, “Wait...I realize my mistake and am willing to hand over my treasure in exchange for my own life. My treasure is used by me. The door of the different dimension is placed in a space that only I know. If you kill me, you will get nothing."

"Okay, then you can hand over your own treasures, and hand over ten...no, thirty treasures, I will let you go."

"Thirty treasures, this..." Kanter was embarrassed for a while. After noticing the indifferent eyes that Rod looked at, he could only grit his teeth and accept it all.

After using magic to stop the injury, Kanter looked at Rod again: "How can I believe that you will let me go after I hand over the treasure?"

"You don't have the right to choose, I can kill you now." Luode said solemnly.

"Since it's all dead, why should I hand over the treasures before I die?" Kanter looked at Rod with some suspicion, "Unless you swear by your soul, I will take out these treasures."

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