Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1522: Flame furnace


"You got the racing achievement [Deep Underground]"

"[Deep Underground]: Reach the location of the demon in the depths of the earth. Basic bonus skill points +2, after wearing it, reduce fire damage by 40%."


After checking the racing achievements he had obtained, Rhode focused his attention on the golden palace in front of him.

Not far away, two fire elves quickly flew over the lava lake and approached Rhodes and Karnason. The arrival of Rod and his party has already attracted their attention.

"Who are you and why are you hanging out here."

A raging fire elf asked, his body was surrounded by a shield turned into flames, and all physical attacks rashly launched against it would receive additional feedback damage.

This is a characteristic of the fire elves, and relying on the existence of this special ability, the fire elves are not disadvantaged in close combat.

"We are judges from the surface world, and we are here to find the Flame King Flam." Seeing the appearance of the fire spirit, Karnason took the initiative to show his identity and purpose for Rhode.

After hearing the information Carnarson said, the two fire elves looked at each other, with deep disdain in their eyes, obviously not taking her words to heart.

"You are just ordinary judges, not even the presiding judge. What qualifications do you have to meet the great flame king?" said one of the fiery elf.

"What's more, you are not pure-blooded demons, just accept the lowly microbes of the demon blood. If there is any problem, go to your loyal king and get out of the land of flames! Otherwise, you will be severely punished. !" Another flame elf echoed.

"Okay..." Rod curled his lips and took out a unique weapon from the space ring.

The next moment, without any words, only a flash of fire, Rod’s figure appeared behind one of the fire elves. With a scarlet blade, he pierced the fire elves’ chest, and by the way, the core of its elements Also destroyed.

The body of the flameless elf fell down, splashing hot lava toward the surroundings, and Rhode just watched all this indifferently.

"How dare you do this? I must kill you!"

Another blazing elf, after a brief loss of consciousness, immediately reacted, yelled at Rod, and rushed straight over.

Following the words of the blazing elf, a raging flame ignited on his body, and the closer to Rhode, the greater the flame outside his body.

Facing the raging fire elves, Lord seemed to feel nothing. He just let the enemy approach, and there was complete composure in his burning eyes.

Seeing that Rod was unmoved, the Fire Spirit was overjoyed and said loudly: "No matter who you are, no matter what your ability, you are dead now. No one can bear the burning of the Fire Spirit, no one! "

He firmly grasped Rod, his body surface reached an unimaginable temperature, enough to melt everything nearby.

However, a scene that shocked him appeared. Faced with the burning of the flame, the person in front of him seemed to feel nothing, and his eyes showed a bit of playfulness.

"It's impossible...The district judge, how can you block this level of flame..." The Fire Spirit murmured. At this moment, there was a bit of fear in his heart.

"This is all your abilities? I thought I could see something else." Rod said disappointedly.

Following Rod's words, at this moment, the fire elf also saw the long horns growing on his head and the red skin all over his body.

"You are... the big devil! Only the big devil can not be afraid of the burning of all flames." Until then, the flame elf in front of him finally discovered the anomalies that existed in Rhode's body. Through these anomalies, he also recognized Out of the demon blood that exists in Rhode's body.

"Please forgive my offense, the mighty great demon. As that family member who exists, of course you are qualified to meet the Flame King..." The Fire Elf resisted the fear in his heart and said sincerely.

Upon seeing this, Rod put away the weapon in his hand. He looked at Karnason behind and ordered: "You stay here and wait for my order."

After speaking, Rod looked back at the fire spirit ahead: "Take me to Flam."

The Fire Elf didn't dare to resist any resistance, and walked silently ahead. When he passed the position where his companion had sunk into the lava lake, he felt the dissipated fire magic element. There was a bit of pain in his eyes, but there was no word.

In the underground world, the great demon has the supreme status, as the family of the arrogant king, coupled with its own powerful power, and the characteristic of not afraid of flames, so that other demons cannot resist all their actions.

If he had known that Rhodes had the status of a great demon, the fire spirit would not dare to stop him. In the judgment of the fire elves, Luo Luo was clearly just a judge who was given the blood of the devil. It was unexpected that the blood contained in Luo Luo was the blood of the great devil.

With this blazing elf leading the way, Rod was not hindered in any way when he was traveling in the golden palace.

During the journey, Rod also saw many strange-looking demons, including Magog throwing fireballs, as if juggling, and flame demons floating in the air. In addition, Rod also discovered Some humans wear dark red robes, surrounded by rich magical elements.

Looking at the human beings in the golden palace, Luo was hot in his arms. He stretched out his hand to take out the things in it, and saw that the doomsday crystals had already turned red.

Before that, when the believer with the doomsday crystallization came to Diya’s Shadow City, the doomsday crystallization in Rhodes’s arms had also undergone the same change, which was a sign of perceiving other doomsday crystallizations.

This also made Rhode realize that the human beings that can exist in the golden palace are probably doomsday followers who follow Flam. They carry the doomsday crystallization, and only wait for Flam's order, they will come to the surface world and exchange their lives for the coming of powerful spells.

Ignoring these doomsday believers, soon, under the leadership of the blazing elf, Rod came to the deepest part of the blazing temple, in front of a huge flame furnace.

It is hard to imagine that such a thing would exist in the depths of the golden palace.

In the distance, fire spirits kept coming and poured various things into the furnace. Among them were flame crystals full of impurities and some unnamed monster corpses.

Under Rhodes's gaze, as the flames ignited high, a new born flame elf walked out of the furnace and released his flames to the surroundings.

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