Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1512: Vera's request

Returning to the island, Rod briefly said goodbye to Rowling and Inota, and then brought Death Knight Vera back to the Soul Tower in Sao City.

Along the way, Vera looked in a trance, lowered her head deeply while walking, without the slightest joy of returning to the main plane.

Soon, Rod knocked on the door of a quiet room. Hearing a response from inside the quiet room, Lord quickly pushed the door and walked in.

In the quiet room, the walls were connected to the magic eyes one after another, the light was still bright, and the blind Margaret was facing the direction where Rod was, and seemed to have noticed Rod's arrival.

"I need you to restore his blood and restore him to... a more normal state." Looking at Margaret in the quiet room, Rod directly stated his intention.

"Let me see..." Margaret also noticed the abnormality on Vera's body. His raised hands, plus some organs in it, didn't look like a normal person.

At the bottom of the wall, a magic eye slowly crawled out and looked around Vera's body.

Suddenly, as if to find something, Margaret's face changed, and she immediately said, "Lord Rhodes, please stay away from his body!"

"Did you find anything?" Rod frowned and asked.

"There is a very polluting blood in his body. This blood has profoundly changed his body, causing him to have various abnormalities. I don't know the specific effect of this blood and need further experimentation. ."

Rod noticed that following Margaret's words, the eyeballs on the surrounding walls trembled violently at this moment, as if they had seen something terrifying.

"Unbelievable... his body is clearly dead, but the blood in his body makes his body come alive again. I need his blood."

Under Rod's gaze, Margaret quickly came to Vera's side, took out the dagger and container from the space ring, gently cut Vera's arm, and carefully took his blood.

Rod is also aware of the anomaly in Vera. As a death knight, he should not have any bloodline power. Only living creatures can use the bloodline power, but Vera is not like that.

A magic eye, under Margaret's order, came to her. This demon eye didn't know what fate was waiting for him.

Without any hesitation, Margaret poured the blood in the container onto the magic eye. The next moment, the surface of the magic eye began to change.

As soon as the blood touched the eyeball of the magic eye, it quickly penetrated into the eyeball, dyeing the entire eyeball crimson.

At the same time, the tentacles in the lower half of the magic eye twitched violently, and some of the tentacles were erected high, and a huge sarcoma was born on the surface. Some amazing changes were taking place on its body.

Soon, the change was completed, and the sarcoma on the surface of the tentacles of the magic eye cracked and opened a new eye.

"No! My child!" Margaret screamed, and she raised her hand to let out a flame, burning the magic eye that had changed.

Rod looked at her strangely: "I thought you would at least check it out. I didn't expect you to destroy the magic eye used for the experiment so quickly."

Margaret shook her head and said in a trembled voice: "My child has become a heresy with multiple eyes. I destroy it for its good."

As he said, Margaret returned his sight to Vera: "The blood in his body is very polluting. Ordinary witchcraft rituals cannot work on this blood. Unfortunately, I cannot restore him to his original state. . You can’t put him here, he will affect my children.”

"Okay." Rod said helplessly.

Compared with the enchanter in the alien creature competition, Margaret's bloodline research is obviously a lot worse. She is not able to solve Vera's problems, and Rod is not surprised.

Seeing that Rod was going to leave, Margaret seemed to have thought of something, and proactively said: "Lord Rod, don't worry so much. I can feel that the blood in his body has stabilized, and it will not bring him more big change."

"In addition, I received a message from an old friend. He is a powerful enchanter with extremely high attainments in blood. Soon, he will come to the surface world. At that time, the death The anomaly in the knight may be able to be resolved." Margaret continued.

Rod nodded: "After the enchanter came, remember to tell me as soon as possible. The tower is not safe anymore. Take your magic eye to the plane of water as soon as possible, the experiment you need Materials, the necromancer over there will provide them normally."

After a simple farewell, Rod led Vera out of this quiet room, preparing to send him back to the Elemental Plane of Water.

"Master Rod, can I ask you something?"

In the process of marching, Vera, who hadn't spoken for a long time, even if his body was cut by a sharp blade, did not change his expression, suddenly said to Rod.

"I will find a way to cure you, you are my death knight." Rod waved his hand and said.

"It's not this..."

Hearing what Vera said, Rhodes asked with some confusion: "What do you want? Do you want more power, or let me give you treasures?"

"Neither. Lord Lord, I hope you can help me resurrect someone." Vera said with a trembling voice.

"Oh?" A flame lit up in Rod's eyes, he looked at Vera, and instantly saw through all the thoughts in his heart.

"Do you want to see her like you are now?" Rod raised his eyebrows and asked, "You wouldn't want to do this. After you restore your blood, I will help you resurrect her."

Hearing what Rod said, Vera's eyes also showed a bit of desire, and at the same time, there was deep pain in the deepest part of his eyes.

"Vera, you are the most diligent of all my death knights. I see everything you do, so I agree to your request. When you are ready, I will The person you said is resurrected." Rod said slowly.

According to the feedback from the system log, before Vera was swallowed by the sea snake, the number of experience points Vera gained was the highest among all death knights, far exceeding the second place. He tried his best to challenge the sea snake, the same is true In order to achieve Rhodes's order, this is also the reason why Rhodes agreed to Vera's request.

At the same time, Vera is one of the few death knights who do not need the control of the Dark Words to be loyal to Rhodes. Coupled with the will in his heart, this also makes Rhode value him very much, so after discovering that there is a problem in his bloodline , Luo Luo will find the magician to solve the problem immediately.

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