Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1508: Discovery and Doom

"Have you found the Prophet?"

Just as Rod was searching the room for Mexijia's trace, Rowling's voice suddenly came from his ear. She didn't worry about Rhodes, and immediately followed her.

"Yes." Rod replied, his eyes lit up, and he looked around, not letting go of any corner of the room. "She is being imprisoned in hell."

"Hell?" Rowling was taken aback, and quickly came to Rod's side and asked, "How did she get to hell? Does it rely on space spells?"

"It's not clear yet, but I think something happened that we don't know..."

Rod slowly said, he took out a crimson crystal from the space ring, which was the [Doom Crystal] that Rod obtained from the ogre not long ago.

As soon as the doomsday crystal was taken out, a burst of red light burst out, dispelling all the darkness in the room.

Rod approached the doomsday crystal in his hand to the long table in the room. The closer he got, the brighter the light of the crystal, and finally reached its peak in front of an empty seat.

Rod's expression became faintly solemn, and the seat in front of him was not on Mexijia's side, but on the opposite side of her.

"There are demons who have been here, and their status is not low, which can cause a change in the doomsday crystallization." Rod made his own judgment. "It seems that the defense on the island has to be strengthened. We need to ban the ritual of space spells, otherwise even The arrival of the enemy is unknown."

Rowling asked, "What about the prophet? Can you save her back?"

Rod pondered and replied: "I can do this, but it will definitely offend those demons. This is not a good thing. I need to contact those demons first, and then make a decision."

After thinking about it for a while, Rhode made his own judgment.

Although the prophet can predict the future, he can only give a vague result when facing an enemy with the same ability, which is undoubtedly much less effective.

The flame escape and the door of the upper dimension allow Rhode to go to any place in the world. The farsighted pendant has already told Rhode where the prophet is, and Rhode can go there anytime, even if it is deep in hell.

However, the ability to hide flames is not exclusive to Rhodes, and can be used by all great demons of pure blood.

This also made Rod vigilant. He can go to the **** where the devil is located, and the devil can also escape through the flames and directly come to the island. It is necessary to arrange rituals that interfere with space spells as soon as possible around the island.

"Where's Inota? Didn't she come with you?" After making a decision in his heart, Rod glanced at Rowling not far away, and then asked.

"She said she was a little worried about Ann, she should be nearby, do you need me to find her?" Rowling pointed to the door, where there were a few wooden houses scattered around.

"No need." Rod shook his head. His flame escape has not yet finished cooling, just enough to allow Inota and Amdo to stay for a while.

At this moment, Rod looked at Rowling not far away.

Speaking of it, since he rescued Rowling from the trial, Rhode has not asked her about her situation, but has led Inota to many places.

"Have your strength recovered? Without spiritism, are you still used to it now?" Rod asked actively.

"It's okay." Rowling smiled. "It's better than before. Without the interference of death energy, the spells I cast are more pure than before. According to Brakada's rating, I should be considered a senior mage now. ."

Rod nodded. In his perception, Rowling, who once mastered spiritualism, reached the threshold of Tier 6 when she was strongest. As long as she completes the endless long night ritual, she can be promoted smoothly, but now, she probably only has The level of the fifth rank and second level is just stronger than the original in the casting of spells.

"Very well, becoming an orthodox mage is the best choice to give play to your heroic expertise. In this way, the purification of angels is not only a bad thing, but also helps you." Rod nodded and said, "Continue to study spells. Right, you will become a powerful legendary mage."

After speaking, Rhode no longer looked at Rowling, but moved his gaze to the prophecy cards placed on the long table. As the prophet left, no one could use these prophecy cards. In addition, these prophecy cards also have attributes that reduce luck.

Rod sighed. Not long after he handed the prophecy card to the prophet, the prophet was taken to **** by the devil, and Rhode was not sure whether this was related to the lower luck of the prophecy card.

"I heard Inota say that you plan to deal with the powerful monsters in the ocean."

Rowling’s words came in his ears, but Rod’s attention was still placed on the prophecy card. He stretched out his hand, arranged the prophecy cards on the table, and said: "What you said is right."

Rowling raised her eyebrows. Without hearing what she wanted to hear from Rod, she had to ask: "Can I go with you? You gave me a treasure suitable for underwater, and I always wear it. It will definitely not affect you."

Rod raised his head and looked at Rowling, who was involuntarily pursing his lips. He felt the anxiety in her heart. He sighed and had no reason to refuse her. He said, "Come with us, we Go and rescue my death knight."

Seeing Rod's consent, Rowling smiled from the heart.

At this moment, she looked at the back as if she was a little guilty, and then quickly came to Rod's side and hugged Rod tightly.

"What's the matter?" Rod asked with some confusion.

Rowling buried her head and took a deep breath, then looked up at Rod again, with a little unwillingness on her face: "Why are you always willing to take her by your side instead of me? I heard her say, you took her to Bracada, to the underground world, what competitions did you participate in..."

"Rowling." Rod said helplessly, "Following me means that I am always in danger. I will meet many powerful enemies. No one knows what traps will be waiting for me in the next moment. I don't want to let You are injured."

"Then do you want her to be hurt?" Rowling asked.

Rod shrugged: "To be honest, she is not easy to get hurt, she has enough strength to deal with everything, but you are not necessarily..."

Rowling was lightly hammered a few times in front of him, and Rod coughed dryly and said: "When you have the strength of a legendary creature, I will call you the first time I go, right?"

"Humph." Rowling snorted softly. The next moment, it seemed that something had been thought of, and she looked at Rod helplessly: "You promise?

"If this makes you feel better, I promise." Rod said softly after patted behind Rowling.

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