Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1366: War Yoke One

Rod looked silently at Deken in the distance. Between their conversations, the figures of several powerful mages appeared in the sky. There was a tendency to surround Rod in the middle.

Looking around, Rhode met many acquaintances.

Eric, who had fought against Sandrew, was side by side with Deken’s mirror, and was blocked in front of Rod. In addition, suspended in the sky, there was Els, the dean of the Ice Blue Spell Academy, and from Tetalia. Edney fled, waiting for some legendary wizards belonging to the Spell Academy.

"Dragon hero Tu said you will definitely show up. I didn't want to believe it at the time. Now it seems that he is indeed correct."

Looking at Rod in front of him, Eric in a pure white formal dress said slowly.

Rod snorted and looked back at Deken again: "In this way, you took that holy dragon back, just to lead me out? Not to lead more dragons? You don't want to be the most A great dragon hero?"

Dekenlang said: "When I woke up from the darkness, cast a spell to destroy the dragon kingdom, and cleaned up the dragons in the Saint-Fonzel Mountains, I suddenly felt a loss... I am still lost. Any change has happened to the Warriors, maybe my journey of exploring life is only the first step, but now, I have found something more meaningful."

From Deken’s original words and his move to open the magic guild, Rod felt his urgency.

The doomsday prophecy is obviously already known to Deken. All he does is to make Bracada better face the coming doomsday.

For a while, Rod seemed to understand why he would unlock the process of [The Doomsday] from the system log after he was killed by Deken.

The emergence of Rhodes has already changed the original expansion process, which also gave Brakada's mages more opportunities to master the spells from the open magic guild to fight against the enemies in the end.

"Rode, before the end of the day, you will use the power of the artifact to plunge the entire continent into chaos, severely depleting the power of the main plane, and I will end this and liberate the continent from the shadow of the Necromancer." Deken said in a deep voice.

The strong magical elements have been condensed out by the mages around, but they did not rush to cast the spell, but looked at Rhodes with a dreadful face, as if waiting for something.

From Deken's words, Rod noticed some anomalies. These mages seemed to be waiting for something. They must find a way to hold themselves back. If they changed to other occasions, these mages might have already attacked.

Inota and Jussia wanted to rescue the holy dragon, they also needed Rod to drag these mages, but at this time, feeling the abnormal Rod, they wouldn't wait so passively.

In the sky, many skeletal dragons acted together, spitting out the dark clouds of death, completely covering the space around Rod.

As the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the creatures inside revealed their original shape, which surprised Rhodes that the mages did not seem to be affected by the cloud of death at all, only that a pure white barrier was shrouded on the outside of the body.

Rhode's expression changed. Before this, he only saw this unique barrier on Deken. As Deken opened the magic guild, the rest of the masters also mastered this unique spell.

Seeing that the cloud of death couldn't work, Rod just wanted to order the undead dragon to fight these mages in close proximity. Suddenly, it seemed that he was aware of something, and Rod looked at Deken's mirror.

A huge and heavy chain, I don’t know when, was taken out of the space treasure by Deken. The nearby mage looked at the chain with an unnatural look.

Looking at the huge chain in Deken's hand, Rhode had a bad secret in his heart. Just wanting to control the ghost ghost dragon, he quickly flew away to the sky, and Deken threw the chain in his hand.

The chain thrown by Deken did not fall back to the ground due to gravity, but kept rising toward the higher sky.

The chain is rising faster and faster. When its speed reaches the extreme, the chain with its limited length suddenly seems to be blessed by some kind of power, and begins to extend infinitely towards the surrounding space.

Feeling the anomaly of this chain, Rod didn't hesitate anymore and immediately moved to move, trying to come out of the space enveloped by the chain.

However, Rhode only felt disturbed by the unknown power, and the mana value in the body was chaotic. The instantaneous movement was not successfully released. Rhode's figure remained on the ghost ghost dragon.

The dark chain finally sealed the surrounding space and formed a huge cube. Rod and the wizards were inside the cube.

After all this was done, the shape of the chain disappeared, revealing the blue sky above the head, but the pressure in the space was not relieved.

With the high-speed flight of the Nether Dragon, Rod quickly reached the end of the cubic space.

As soon as Rhodes approached, a wall of chains appeared in front of him, blocking Rhode's road. The top of the head seemed to be empty, but Rod knew that as long as he continued to rise and reached a certain height, there would also be such a wall sealed by the chain.

"The shackles of war..." With a trace of unwillingness in his heart, Rhodes said the name of the treasure.

The war shackles have the power to block the space. The walls composed of iron chains, up, down, left, and front, and six positions can effectively prevent the enemy from escaping. Even if the legendary mages cast space spells, they can't escape the space blocked by the war shackles.

The only side effect of this treasure is that once the war shackles are unfolded, even the treasure holder cannot escape from the space itself, only the winners and losers in the cube space are divided, all the personnel on one side are killed, the war shackles The restrictions will be lifted.

In this case, even if the owner of the war shackles dies, as long as there is still living creature on the side he is in, the restrictions of the war shackles will not be eliminated.

Relying on the effectiveness of the war shackles, Rod was able to hold these mages well, making Yusia and Inota complete their plans, but at this time, Rod was more worried about his own life.

When the war shackles were launched, there was only an endless ending between Rod and the mage. There were almost no treasures that could break the restrictions of the war shackles.

Even though Rod at this time, controlled many undead dragons, and wanted to kill the wizards below, it was still impossible to achieve, even if only Deken was alone, with the ability to cast spells infinitely, as long as he was given enough Time, you can also clean up all the undead dragons in the air.

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