Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1360: Ice Tomb

Under the direction of the Lord of Ice Prison, Rod and Inota re-boarded the body of the Holy Dragon and flew rapidly over the snowy mountains.

"Do you really know where you are going?" Rhode said coldly: "Don't get lost in the snow."

The snow falling in the sky is getting denser and denser. It won't take long before he can bury everything that once belonged to the dragon kingdom, and even his sight is affected, and he can't see the distant scenery. Rhode asked.

"Quiet! I naturally know where I am going!" The Lord of Ice Priest uttered a dull dragon roar, her mood was far worse than Rhodes thought.

"Is there a place like that? The ice lake where the dragon's body is buried..." Rod said skeptically. "Don't you make up to lie to me. Maybe you are flying to a human town now, think To force us to face invincible enemies, if so, I can only cast space spells and escape with Inota."

"Stupid human, you are questioning the majesty of the dragon." The holy dragon gave a roar again.

"I won't escape with space spells, I will fight with Yousia to the end and find a way to rescue Madol." Inota next to Rod said.

"Inota, don't you believe what I said?" Sheng Long asked.

"This..." Inota was hesitant. "In my hometown, the lifespan reached its limit, and the dragon whose soul was about to die would take the initiative to go to the bottom of the plane of the Qi element, where I spent the last time. I haven’t heard anything like Binghu.""

"You will see you soon." Yousia said firmly.

Through the snow-capped mountains, the traces of animal activity are significantly reduced. I don't know how long after that, Rod's mana has been restored to most, and a dragon roar suddenly sounded.

"We arrived, and the tomb of the dragon is just below."

Following Yusya's sight, Rhode noticed that there was a large blue ice in the snowy mountain somewhere, which looked like a frozen lake.

"This is..." Rod was puzzled.

Without answering Rod's doubts, Yosia quickly descended from the sky and fell on the blue ice.

Landing on the ice as bright as a mirror, the blue ice in front of him gave Rod a familiar feeling. Not long ago, he was in the ice prison and saw a similar ice, which was aided by the holy dragon. The strength of the ice dragon breath, the hard ice that can be condensed, can hardly be destroyed by other means.

"As you can see." Seeing Rod's expression of surprise, Yousia said in a deep voice: "This is the place where the dragons in Xiangzel have been buried for hundreds of years. We call this the Ice Tomb. "

Without the reminder of Yosia, Rhode noticed the anomaly, the extremely huge energy of death, and was sealed under the blue ice. If he did not stand on the ice in front of him, even Rhode could not feel these. The existence of death energy.

"Dragon's corpse..." Rhode, aware of the existence of something underneath, looked at Usia with some surprise. "You would be willing to let me transform these dead dragons into undead creatures?"

Inside the destroyed Chanzel, Rod did not find any corpses belonging to the dragon, which were obviously taken away by the human mage in a space ring.

The dragon's body is undoubtedly a treasure for creatures of other races. Many powerful treasures are made of the dragon's body.

The dragon will not tolerate the blasphemy of other creatures by other creatures, and will find a way to dispose of it. The way to handle the dragon's body in Xiangzel is to sink them into the ice lake.

Yousia sighed: "In order to rescue Madall, we need helpers, don't we? If these dragons are still alive, I think they will be willing to fight alongside me."

"What’s more, the Chanzel dragons who once remembered them have already died in the hands of human mages. Apart from me and Madall, there will be no other creatures remembering them. They are like forgotten, sleeping forever. The deepest part of the ice lake." Yousia looked at Rhodes deeply. "Let them fly again. Let those humans recall the glory of the dragon! Rhodes."

Rhode fell silent for the first time. This was the first time he heard Yousia calling his name. Prior to this, Yousia called him either a stupid human being or a small human being.

Raising the arrow of the Titan in his hand, Rod had just planned to cast the arrow of the Titan, breaking the blue solid ice on the ice. His movement was suddenly stopped by Inota.

Rhode was shocked, and saw Inota making a waiting gesture while looking at the side of Usia: "Usia, please also open the road of the frozen mausoleum and let Rhode enter it."

The biting chill, since Yusia condensed around her, the sky and snow were insignificant in front of her. She spit out a special cold, and all the hard ice that touched the cold melted.

Soon, a gap that was only accessible by one person appeared on the originally flat ice surface, exposing the lake below. There was no sign of flowing water in the lake. Perhaps it was because of the ice. The lake was so clear.

As the frozen ice surface was opened, a strong energy of death rose into the sky, and Rhode could clearly feel this.

According to the words of Yousia, the bones of those dragons will sink in the deepest part of the lake. As long as they can transform it, they will have enough power to rescue Mador.

Thinking of this, Rod no longer hesitated and jumped into the ice lake.

Thanks to Rod's current body, the cold temperature of the lake water can't affect his condition, and he doesn't need to use spells to breathe underwater like regular creatures.

With the experience of fighting underwater in the plane of the water element, the glacial lake in front of him cannot help the current Rhodes.

The deeper the ice lake is, the darker the light is. The lake is still clear, but Rhodes can't see clearly.

Upon seeing this, Rod raised his hand, the light blooming from his skulllike fingertips, illuminating everything underwater. Through the light shining from his fingertips, looking at the scene at the bottom of the lake, Rod's expression suddenly froze.

Existing at the bottom of the ice lake are densely piled up corpses, just as convenient as Rhode can observe.

Although the density of the bones at the bottom of the lake is not as good as that of the dead wild tomb where Rod was once, the quality of the bones at the two locations is different. Belong to those dragons.

Looking at the bones of the dragon sinking at the bottom of the lake, the energy of death spilled out from the whole body of Rhodes. Various unknown changes are happening under the lake.

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