Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1351: New revelation 2

Seeing Rowling agreed to her arrangement, Rod nodded in satisfaction.

After solving Rowling's affairs, Rhode looked at Maxi once again.

"What else do you want to ask? Or do you intend to punish me for failing to fulfill my revelation?" There was a hint of laughter in the husky words of Maxija.

Rhode's expression remained the same, and he said: "I intend to unite all the Necromancers to launch a general attack on the remaining elves of Eli. Give me some revelation, Prophet Messiah."

"as you wish."

The purple crystal on the top of Maxija's head shines brightly, dazzling far more than the previous revelations. Even Yusiya on the side couldn't help but slightly side her head and couldn't look directly at this strong light.

Soon, the light stopped, and Maxi said with a trembling voice: "The time is up, the holder of the artifact, your prestige will be sung in Eli, and you will achieve an unprecedented victory."

"I see." Rod said in a deep voice.

"However, before the final general attack begins, I suggest that you first go to Elisir City to see what you need." Just when Rod was going to say something, Maxica suddenly added.

Rhode's expression changed slightly: "What do you mean? What exactly exists there?"

Maxi whispered: "I don't know this. Only the information is in the revelation. Maybe you should ask yourself, what is needed for you?"

treasure? power? Rhode didn't know exactly what the apocalypse meant, but with previous experience, Maxica had proved her ability to Rhodes, so it would be okay to visit Zhishuicheng.

"What a miraculous power! Is this the power of revelation? I remember that the Queen of Purple Wings had a similar power." Hearing the Prophet's words in his ears, Inota, who had never spoken, also had some interest.

"I used to be the queen of Purple Wings and let her teach me this unique ability, but she has been reluctant to answer my request, always saying that she is good at using the ability of revelation, and one day in the future will be met with unknown backlash, I haven't mastered this ability until now." Inota sighed.

"Oh, Queen Purple Wings? Are you saying that the lowly dragon species? She is not qualified to be called the Queen!" Jussia said aside.

"Trust me, there is absolutely no such thing." Messiah uttered a hoarse laugh. "Like the mage casting a spell, if I say that the spell you are casting now will cause you to bite back one day in the future, you will believe I am afraid that anyone who knows a little bit about the principles of spells will not believe it."

"But... why Ziwing... why did Eliza tell me this?" Inota looked a little hesitant, glancing at Jusiya, and then changed her mouth.

"I don't know, maybe she didn't want you to bother her, and she deliberately compiled a reason to scare you."

Mexijia spread her hands and said, "You know, the power of revelation always brings unnecessary trouble. Many times, some people will always seek the revelation of the prophet for some trivial things. It's ridiculous. , These actions of them are just to give them some psychological comfort."

"The power of the prophet is not for these people. In order not to be disturbed by these people, these statements are made. Like what kind of apocalyptic power will counteract the prophet and so on."

Listening to the words of Messiah in his ears, Rod always felt that something was wrong. In his impression, the revelation made by the prophet was indeed, as Enota said, and would be subject to some backlash. , But I don’t know where it will be reflected. Rodco has never heard of a statement like Messica.

"I can tell you clearly that this ability of revelation is of course used as I want. I have never minded answering the puzzles of other creatures, as long as the person who asks me for help has something that deserves my attention."

With that said, Maxica pulled up her dark purple robe and raised her hand to salute Rhodes.

"It's an interesting ability." Jusya in a blue dress next to Inota commented, "Can you give me some inspiration?"

With the words from the Lord of the Ice Prison in his ear, Rod felt a surprise. He thought that Yusia, who was a holy dragon, was not interested in everything outside the dragon. She did not expect that she would actively seek enlightenment.

The amethyst light flashed above her head, and Messica's expression changed: "A deep threat envelopes you, a powerful legendary hero, who sees you as a target, and you and your people are about to be in danger."

"Legendary hero, do you mean that elf? I'm not afraid of him." Yousia said unconsciously.

Hearing the revelation of Maxija, Rod's expression suddenly changed.

Misjudgment of the information referred to in the revelation will often have tragic consequences, even worse than not knowing the content of the revelation at all.

Rhode clearly knew that the legendary hero mentioned in Maxica's revelation was not the elf Eve who escaped in battle at all. Before Rhode's death, Ive could not shoot the Lord of the Ice Prison.

The legendary hero mentioned in the apocalypse, according to the information known to Rod, could only be that one.

"The legendary hero in the apocalypse is probably not the elf Eve, but the legendary magic mage who once attacked the dragon kingdom, the hero Deken."

With a little hesitation, Rod intended to tell Jusiya the truth and count it as a reward for her saving Inota.

"Impossible! I personally saw him die on the battlefield, and die... in your hands."

Although he was unwilling to admit this, he was obviously a very weak human being, but he had solved a powerful enemy that the dragon couldn't handle, but at this time, in order to refute Rod's words, Yusia said so.

"He was indeed dead at the time." Rhode said slightly, then said: "But his body was completely taken away, and now, he was resurrected by the mages."

"Last time, he only led his own team. Those magical wizards who followed him came to attack the dragon country, but this time, I believe he will make every preparation to unite those who have been famous for a long time. The legendary mage, as well as the seniors of the Spell Academy, attacked together.

Hearing Rod's words, Yusia's expression changed: "How do you know the news?"

"I have my own way of gathering intelligence. Of course, the above are my guesses. As for what kind of team he will lead, it is not what I can know."

If it wasn't the magician he met by chance in the forest, Rhode had no way of knowing what happened in Brakada.

"Compared with this, you have to worry more. It should be the safety of the dragon in the Dragon Kingdom. The legendary hero will not let you go easily."

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