Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1346: Yousia One

"how come……"

It wasn't Rod, but Ive, who was also at the top of the tower, who was amazed. He was amazed at the dragon that suddenly stopped attacking, and it was followed by deep dissatisfaction.

"The enemy is right in front of your eyes. Why did you stop your hand at this time? Don't rush to attack the enemy yet!"

The dragon suspended in the sky was unmoved, and Yvre shouted loudly: "Do you know who this necromancer is? He is the holder of the artifact, who brought deep disaster to Eli, how many Eli The creatures died in the hands of him and his Necromancer, what are you still hesitating? Kill him and it will be over!"

The dragon suddenly stopped attacking, and even the elves who had come by the dragon had to stay on them, unable to help Yvre on the top of the tower.

"I stopped them."

The huge golden dragon landed slowly at the center of the top of the tower. Above the body of the golden dragon, a cold-looking woman in blue chanted, the words contained supreme majesty.

"Yusia..." Looking at the blue woman not far away, Ive felt incredulous. "Why do you want to help the evil Necromancer, in your capacity, you should never be involved with the Necromancer!"

"It has nothing to do with the Necromancer." The woman in blue said coldly: "If it wasn't for me to stop the dragons in time, my friend was already in your hands."

"Your friend... what do you mean?"

Without answering Eve's words, the woman in blue quickly walked towards Rhodes.

Noting that a powerful person he had never seen before was approaching his position, Rhode immediately stood in front of Inota and raised the arrow of the Titan in his hand.

A strong sense of oppression, accompanied by the blue woman's advance, shrouded towards Rod. The danger from Rod's perception was even better than that of Yves in the heyday.

The woman in blue is slender and her skin is pale and tender, without any trace of blood. It does not look like a melee professional who has been fully exercised. Instead, she is more like a mage who has been studying classics for a long time. All melee professionals in Rod's impression.

Rhode couldn't imagine how, under the seemingly thin body, the woman in blue had such a powerful force like Bimon, blocking her in front of her, just like blocking a mountain.

Recalling the anomaly in the blue woman's words, Rod did not attack immediately, but let her approach, and stared at her every move at the same time. Where the women in blue passed, there was a layer of frost, and the temperature dropped sharply.

From her, Rhode could perceive a familiar breath, and it seemed that he had seen her before, but Rhode had no memory of her. From her ability to give orders to the dragon, her identity was obviously Bi Luo. Germany thought more prominently.

Juthia... Rod had no impression of the name, and he never heard anyone mention it.

"I remember you, you should be called Rhodes, and follower of Inota. Now make way, don't stand in front of me."

The voice of the woman in blue came from her ears and was watched by her dark golden pupils. Rod stunned, and he undoubtedly remembered something.

"It's you... Lord of the Ice Prison..."

Feeling the unique breath from the blue woman, Rod finally recognized her identity.

Being able to order all dragons to be at the apex of legendary creatures, with such a special momentum, who is not the Lord of Ice Prison?

Compared with the last time I saw, the shape of the Lord of Ice Prison has changed a lot. It is no longer the incomparably huge body of the dragon. Instead, it shows a human form. From the appearance alone, Rod can't recognize it at all.

Despite the great changes in appearance, the immortality of the holy dragon on the Lord of Ice Prison has not changed at all. Just looking at the blue woman in front of him, Rhode can feel a strong threat.

Only the real holy dragon can command all other dragons based on his own words.

"Master of Ice Prison, do you speak common language? Also, why are you with those dragons?" Rhode asked suspiciously, although the blade in his hand was not completely lowered, there was no lightning attachment anymore. .

The woman in blue did not answer Rod's inquiry, but just gave him a white glance, then crossed Rod and came to the fairy dragon lying prone on the ground.

"Inota." The woman in blue called the name of the fairy dragon and exhaled into the wound in front of Inota.

The chill spread in the body of Inota. Under the effect of this cold breath, even the blood flow seemed to freeze. Although Inota's injury did not immediately improve, it did not continue to deteriorate.

"I'm sorry, I didn't find all this early, and almost caused irreparable consequences." The blue woman sighed, stroking Inota's purple body.

Sensing the familiar breath in front of him, Inota, who was somewhat conscious, opened her eyes and saw the blue woman in front of her: "You are... the great Lord of the Ice Prison? Why are you here?"

"It's a long story." The woman in blue shook her head. "Also, I have already dismissed my position in Xiangzeer, and I am no longer the master of the ice prisoner. Just call me Yusia."

Inota tried to climb up from the ground and faced the woman in blue in a more respectful manner, but her move, instead of touching the wound on her body, could not help but whine.

Upon seeing this, the woman in blue hurriedly expressed comfort: "Don't worry, you will be fine. After a while, you will be able to recover as before, and the battle is over."

"The battle is not over!" The roar came from Ivor, who was at the top of the tower. He dragged his weak body and pointed the blade of his hand at Rhodes. "Queen of the Golden Dragon, are you not afraid of the blame of the Elven King, Is it going to let the dragons under his control be released from the evil Necromancer?"

The huge Golden Dragon sighed: "The will of the Holy Dragon can not be violated. This is derived from the constraints of the deep blood. Her words are the common decision of all dragons. Guardian Yvre, recognize the situation now, this The battle is over."

"No..." Eve's blade trembles, which is extremely rare for legendary melee professionals. Even if the body is weak, the hand holding the weapon will not tremble, "I will not let This happens."

With that, a loud whistle sounded in Yves' mouth.

In an instant, all the black elves staying on the back of the dragon, after hearing this whistle, jumped from the back of the dragon to the top of the tower, preparing to attack Rod in the field.

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