Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1035: Inquiry 2

Asri's words suddenly made North look amazed. Before waiting for North to say anything, she continued:

"If it was before this, I might discuss it with you, what is a real necromancer, and even guide you to become a lich."

"But now, with the upcoming battle, I can't divide that much energy and put it on you again. I don't want to give up halfway before things are done. The specific guidance will be put on hold for now, and I will talk about it later."

"Now, I can answer one of your questions, including but not limited to knowledge of higher-level spells, as far as I know, the secrets of Braccada, and various matters related to lich."

"If you are sure what you want to ask, you can ask me at any time, I will only answer one question. If you don’t think about it, you can also keep the question. We will ask again when we meet next time, but I think that when the battle After opening, it has to wait a long time."

Knowing the meaning of Asri's words, North's heart burst into excitement.

The opportunity to ask the lich is not so easy to obtain, let alone what she is in front of is Asri, the mother of the earth who must be awed by other liches.

No matter what level of Necromancer, the opportunity that he longed for in his heart fell on the head of North, and for a time, North thought a lot in his heart.

North has thought a lot about what questions to ask, but he still can't pay attention. It seems that no matter what he asks, it will have a great impact on himself.

In North's view, the questions he asked, no matter what they were about, would have a profound impact on his subsequent development. The questions he asked of Asri were enough to change many things.

Among these ideas, the most attractive thing to North is still about reincarnation, the most special fifth-order magic knowledge.

Recalling the scenes in the previous lich rally, Asri took out the magic scroll of the reincarnation spell, which was made by herself, and she has a mastery of this spell, even if she is not very proficient in the spell. North can also feel it deeply in his heart.

North realized that if he proposed to Asri that he wanted to know the knowledge of the rebirth of the fifth-order magic, there might be a great possibility to get the magic's casting method.

In addition to asking the lich in front of him and being able to touch the extremely special reincarnation, North did not know whether he had any chance in this life and got the chance of reincarnation casting method.

Seeing that North was about to make a request for reincarnation magic, however, noting that Asri looked into his own eyes, North's thoughts gradually calmed down.

Let’s not talk about whether Asri will actually provide a reincarnation casting method. Even if Asri takes it out, North has no way to learn this spell. The gap in basic spell knowledge makes North no way. , Master this fifth-order magic, can only look at its records worry.

What's more, North believes that Asri is willing to give himself this opportunity, and I'm afraid he doesn't want to see that his question is about the reincarnated spell knowledge.

As for other power matters, such as the secrets of Bracada, North believes that with the knowledge of Asri, it can certainly provide information that many people do not know, even completely dusty information, but for North In other words, the information is of little significance.

Regarding the state of the existence of the lich, as long as before, North had made an inquiry to Asri, and now it will only be wasted this time.

In the end, North made a decision in his heart and said to Asri:

"I want to know that the history of the development of the royal family of Diya also asked the immortal mother of the earth to answer."

At this time, North will naturally not inquire about spell knowledge. No matter what kind of spell knowledge, it is impossible to make North's strength and qualitative leap to the level of a lich in an instant. For a long period of time, North relied on none of its own strength.

The secrets in other areas are not very useful to North, but the secrets in Diya are completely different.

North has realized that for a long time after the battle started, he must stay in the royal family, use the artifact to control the identity of the person, and attract the attention of the enemy.

For this reason, it is undoubtedly extremely important to understand the history of the royal family in advance, which can help North to avoid many troublesome things.

Prior to this, North did not have the opportunity to ask other creatures, but instead came to the inside of the palace and was able to use the waiting time to learn about the history of the royal family from Asri.

In North's view, inquiring other creatures about Diya's royal family may not be able to get a satisfactory answer, but inquiring to Asri, who is a lich, can undoubtedly understand all this intuitively.

The immortal lich sees all the history of Diya in his eyes, just like the walking Diya history book. Even if it is a royal matter, North believes that Asri will not feel strange.

The history book is the most uninteresting thing in Diya. No necromancer cares about the king who nominally rules Diya. No one cares about Diya’s history. The necromancer only cares about how many undead creatures can be transformed, and perhaps only The real lich can answer North's question.

Hearing what North asked, Asri nodded, apparently extremely satisfied with the question he raised, and then answered:

“The first thing you need to know about the royal family is that Dia’s throne is not inherited.”

"Since the establishment of Diya, the Griffinhart family has always ruled the area of ​​Elasia. The king of Elasia is called the Griffin Heart King, but in Diya, the king is appointed by the lich Dominate, and change one if you die."

"Most of the initiatives implemented by King Diya were granted by Lich, which is the main reason why Lich appointed King Diya."

"If you want to become King Diya, you don't need to achieve much merit, you only need to get the consent of more than half of the lich in the country to achieve this."

"Dia’s current king, Catherine, led a skeleton creature under his leadership to fight against enemies in a battle led by the Elves forty years ago, and insisted on praising Dya’s glory. Approve."

"Among the twelve liches at that time, headed by Aisha, I strongly recommended him to become King Diya, and Caesarea achieved this, and the identity of the king continues to this day."

It seemed to worry about what North did not know about, which led to more doubts, Asri explained in detail.

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