Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 642: : Battle of Yelin River (final)

"How are the casualties?" Simon, who had recovered from a near-death state, asked the soldiers to clean up the battlefield the next morning.

"More than 30,000 people died in the battle, and 80,000 orcs were killed!" Grand Duke Gasepe replied with a smile on his face. Yesterday, he and Valery completed the statistics overnight. This is an unprecedented victory.

And the scouts have already found out that the orc army is retreating towards the Buluo Fortress, and they have won this battle!

"A big victory!" Simon's face was not happy, but he was a little bit sad. Thirty thousand people died in the battle... Including the Sissoko family who joined the war later, they only had a total of 50,000 people.

With a death rate of 60%, they can still fight fiercely on the battlefield, which is almost impossible in the era of cold weapons.

This is a miracle, and it is these brave and fearless soldiers who created this miracle!

"Simon, can you collect the corpses of the war dead and bring them back to their hometown for burial?" Valery asked dejectedly.

"I think..." Simon was silent for a while: "Probably impossible, the orc army may counterattack at any time, we can't take this risk."

"Xivir is dead!" Valery was a little agitated, glaring at Simon and said, "Before he died in battle, he still asked me to save you!"

Memories and the old knight's thoughts about getting along, remembering that he owed him an apology, Simon's body froze immediately, but after a moment of silence, he still shook his head expressionlessly: "He was not the only one who died in battle, we had a total of 30,000 people 30,000 righteous and brave warriors! Died on this battlefield."

"They gambled with their lives on the future of the Silver Moon Kingdom. We can't take this hard-won victory and take this risk!"

If Xiver's body was transported back to his hometown for burial, wouldn't the rest of the war dead be left alone?

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality. At this time of crisis, we must ensure that everyone is treated equally!

But if they transported the 30,000 war dead back to their hometown for burial, how much manpower and material resources would it cost?

The orc army at this moment still maintains an absolute superiority in strength. Once they take advantage of this moment to counterattack, the victory won by countless sacrifices will become meaningless in an instant.

"You!" Valery's face was full of anger and disbelief. He couldn't believe that this son had become so cold and heartless.

Knight Silver has served three generations of the Hawke family, plus Simon is the fourth generation, and he has always taken care of Simon when he was a child.

But what about Simon? He didn't even miss any old love!

"Okay! Valery!" Seeing that the two were about to erupt into a dispute, Grand Duke Gaspe stopped him and said, "Simon is right, we must always be on guard against the orcs' counterattack, and the bodies of those who died in battle should be buried on the spot! Think of it as what we owe them!"

"Hmph!" Valery glared at Simon angrily, then turned and left the tent.

He understood the truth, but he just felt uncomfortable. Since he couldn't let Xavier be buried in his hometown, at least let him bury Xavier's body with his own hands.

"In addition, we found some human female slaves in the orc camp. They should be the family members of Buluo Fortress, as well as...the corpse of His Majesty the King." Grand Duke Gaseppe said hesitantly.

Simon fell into a deeper silence. He and this old man had known each other for a long time. Although they didn't have much contact with each other, their relationship was considered close.

The farewell to the new law a year ago was just an ordinary farewell...but now it is never seen again.

And those female relatives, because of this war, don't know what kind of humiliation they have experienced.

"Contain Your Majesty's body, and use the coffin I prepared earlier. As for the female relatives, let the Sissoko family take care of them first." Simon replied blankly.

In order to improve morale before the war, he specially asked the funeral shop to prepare a high-quality coffin to show his determination to fight to the death, but he did not expect to use it for this in the end.

As for those female relatives... There are a lot of things to be busy next, and he can't handle everything in person. The Sissoko family is the leader of this area, and it is most suitable for them to be placed.

"Understood. In addition, we also captured a general of the orcs. He claimed to be the number one warrior of the Red Scorpion Khanate. He said he wanted to see you, and Sir Ferry died at the hands of him." Grand Duke Gaseppe continued to report .

Sir Ferry, did you die in the battle too... Thinking of the old man who wanted to fight, Simon buried his sadness deeply in his heart and sighed: "Bring him over to see me!"

After a while, Battelle, who was seriously injured, was dragged in front of Simon like a dead dog by Bronco, Cirillo and the others.

Although it seems to be seriously injured, according to Siegel and Yousef's description, this orc is not so strong, so he should be more careful.

"Before you die, what do you want to say?" Simon sat in the main seat and asked expressionlessly.

"Hahaha, you're the human who defeated us, you brat?" Seeing the young Simon, the weak Battelle laughed maniacally.

It's so ironic that the one who led the 50,000 mob to defeat their 200,000 troops was actually just a brat.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Bronco kicked Battelle over and stepped on his feet: "Don't talk so much nonsense, Mr. Marquis asked you something?"

"Hahahaha..." Battelle was not angry, but kept laughing wildly. He had humiliated King Silvermoon like this before.

If it wasn't for the old Khan who had cheated on him, how could he be the number one warrior of the Red Scorpion Khanate in such a state?

"Do you want to know why the entire army outside the Great Wall was wiped out?" Battelle, tired of laughing, looked at Simon and the others with a sarcasm on his face.

Humanity? Orcs? What's the difference? Isn't it all for the sake of power, thus exchanging dirty tricks?

This is even more so for our own people!

Hearing these words, the eyes of everyone in the camp moved slightly. The crisis of the Silver Moon Kingdom all came from this sudden defeat, which left them unprepared.

It can be said that the great defeat outside the Great Wall was the root of everything. Without this failed war, the Silver Moon Kingdom would not be in such a mess!

"Let me tell you!" Battelle looked at everyone with a sneer: "The reason why we were able to wipe out your army outside the Great Wall so easily this time is that someone secretly passed on your information, all the information, and this force is... ...."

"Shut up!" Simon, who was originally calm, suddenly became furious, and a majestic spiritual force gushed out, instantly making Battelle unable to move or utter a word.

"Pull out his tongue, cut off his hands and feet, nail him to a cross stake, and let him slowly feel the pain of death!" Simon shouted quite fiercely.

In the sun torture, the victim is nailed to a cross stake and then exposed to the sun. During the process, the victim will feel the loss of water and blood bit by bit, until finally he becomes a mummified corpse.

For this orc who committed many atrocities, Simon will never be stingy with his cruelty.

"Woo!" Bronco and Cirillo showed no mercy, and Battelle, who was oppressed by mental power and unable to speak a word, struggled desperately, just like the human slaves he violated.

But in the end, he could only watch helplessly. The hands that had pinched countless enemies to death were cut off by Bronco with a sneer, and the once strong and powerful feet were also cut off by Cirillo with a cold face.

He has completely turned into a useless person!

As the former number one warrior of the Red Scorpion Khanate, this is even more unacceptable than death!

Pulling out his tongue, Bronco dragged Battelle out with a smirk. He wanted to follow Simon's order to nail the orc to a cross stake, and then choose a good place to bask in the sun for a while.

"I don't think anyone will spread the words of the orc just now?" Simon glanced at everyone coldly.

From the moment Battelle opened his mouth, he thought of who was the force that provided information to the Red Scorpion Khanate. This kind of thing can be well known, but it must not be revealed.

Because of them, they don't have the capital to tear their skins apart!

Everyone in the camp was silent. They were not fools. Even if they hadn't guessed it just now, it was difficult for Simon to guess with such a sudden reaction.

Looking at the silent camp, Simon crossed his hands for a moment of silence, and ordered: "Send someone to the capital to deliver a letter saying that we have repelled the orc army."

A group of people nodded unnaturally, and then they all left the camp. They needed to take a breath. This **** world is so **** **** up!

After everyone left the camp, Simon, who was calm at first, began to burst and bleed. Bishop quickly appeared and used the source of life to help him stabilize the injury.

This time, Simon was seriously injured. Most of the magic circuits in his body were destroyed by the magic-breaking arrow. The forceful use of mental power just now aggravated the injury.

"If you continue like this, you will die!" Bishop shook his head sullenly. Simon's physical condition was really not optimistic.

"It's okay, don't forget my identity."

Simon didn't seem to care, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and asked, "How is your side this time?"

"Fortunately, thanks to you, there was no fight." Bishop said with a shrug.

This round in the mortal battlefield played a crucial role. The Moonlight Goddess didn't have to die, and they didn't have to fight to the death as the legendary powerhouses this time.

"That's good, I don't know, what happened to Guy?" Simon looked into the distance with a wry smile.


On the foggy sea, the St. George and a cruiser were fleeing crazily. After dealing with the Sea Race fleet for so many days, these are the only two remaining warships.

Watching the approaching Sea Clan fleet, Viscount Doyle slowly lowered his binoculars, and Guy stood behind him.

"You board Gomez's ship and retreat with him!" Viscount Doyle said slowly.

"What?" Guy was shocked, and hurriedly said, "How is this possible!"

"If this continues, none of us will be able to get away!" Viscount Doyle scolded with a cold face.

"No, Alicia is still waiting for you to go back. If I escape alone, how should I explain to her!" Guy urged anxiously.

"Idiot!" Viscount Doyle turned back angrily, and knocked Guy to the ground with a punch: "Do you want her to lose her father and husband on the same day? Get lost!"

Guy was speechless for a moment, for Alicia, this was indeed more cruel.

The two warships connected slowly, and Viscount Doyle found Evedon, the archmage stationed by the royal family on the St. George.

"Master Everton, do you still have mana?" Viscount Doyle asked expressionlessly.

Everton, who was about to board the boat and escape, stopped and asked, "Yes, what are you going to do?"

"For the St. George, cast a spell of charm." Viscount Doyle remained expressionless.

Everton's eyes were slightly open, and his face was a little unnatural. As a ship mage, he knew all the structures of the St. George, so he had already understood Viscount Doyle's plan.

"Good luck!" After casting the charm spell, Everton saluted Viscount Doyle who was still staying on the St. George.

"You too!" Seeing Guy and others leaving gradually, Doyle also gracefully returned a noble salute. As a rude captain, this may be the most standard noble salute in his life.

On the empty St. George, Viscount Doyle came to the lowest deck and opened the secret room with a key that only the captain could grasp.

Inside, it is full of gunpowder.

This is a self-destruct device designed by Simon, which has been in the stage of model design.

Sitting on the powder keg, Viscount Doyle slowly hummed a ditty, and thoughts of the past emerged one by one, and the most memories belonged to his daughter Alicia.

"Hey, my daughter has grown up, so my father won't be able to accompany you in the future, but I want to have a good time with that bastard." Viscount Doyle shook his head with a wry smile.

There has to be someone to do it, and the captain will never abandon his ship unless he finds something better...

Guy, you must protect Alicia from now on!

The huge Sea Clan fleet gradually surrounded the St. George, looking at the huge warship in front of them, all the Sea Clan captains revealed greed in their eyes.

In these days of fierce battles, the St. George sank more than a dozen of their warships, and escaped from the encirclement many times. The performance is obvious to all. No captain can resist this temptation.

Unfortunately, this giant warship is destined not to belong to them.

The only seven-masted warship in the fleet, calling the tide and raging waves, is standing respectfully behind an old sea clan, this is the sea king of the sea clan kingdom.

Since the destruction of the Sea Clan fleet he led, he has fled all the way to the deep sea, because according to legend, there is a kingdom established by the Sea Clan.

After going through untold hardships, Nu Tao finally found this place, and then won the appreciation of the king of the sea clan by virtue of his ability to control sea water.

Then it was constant flickering, which finally convinced the king of the sea clan that the human world has more advanced shipbuilding technology and inexhaustible wealth.

This gave him a chance for revenge!

Looking at the St. George that was forced to stop, the old sea king showed a smile on his face, thinking about it day and night, and finally got the warship.

For the Sea Clan, the excellent St. George is simply a priceless treasure.

"Nu Tao, you did a good job this time. After you go back, I will promote you to be the commander of the squadron!" The king of the Sea Clan, who was already a bit old, laughed.

"Don't dare, Nu Tao is already satisfied if he can share his worries for the king." Nu Tao sneered in his heart, but there was a look of panic on his face.

Although he is also of the Sea Clan, he, an outsider, has always been guarded by the King of the Sea Clan. The reason why he was not killed was to find out the situation on the main continent.

This time it is said that it has made a great contribution, but after returning, it is almost time to do it!

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a treasure! Look at the armor, look at the shape!" Boarding the St. George, the king of the sea clan praised everywhere.

He has not been in contact with him for many years, and the shipbuilding technology of mankind has indeed surpassed his cognition~www.wuxiamtl.com~ As for Raging Waves, he who has been guarded against has no qualifications to board the ship.

Not to mention the St. George, even the seven-masted warship just now couldn't stay without the summoning of the king of the sea clan, so he could only obediently roll back to his own three-masted warship.

As for the five-masted warship that Nu Tao brought with him when he defected, it was seriously damaged, and was replaced by the three-masted warship by the King of the Sea Clan!

For this, he still has to be grateful to Dade...

Hearing the movement of the outside world, Viscount Doyle, who was sitting on the powder barrel, lit his pipe with a match, and immediately showed pleasure after taking a puff.

"It's really handsome!" Recalling the appearance of Simon activating the self-destruct device when testing the performance of the warship, Viscount Doyle shook his head with a wry smile, and threw the match into the powder keg.

I hope this time, the commander of the Sea Clan fleet can't resist boarding the ship...

boom! Rage, who had just returned to his ship, was almost knocked away by the shock wave of the explosion. Turning around, he found that the original location of the St. George was now only a pile of wreckage.

Nu Tao's brain went blank at first, and then his pupils shrank suddenly. The king of the sea clan died!

Then, who should inherit the Sea King?

The way the Sea Clan inherits the throne is more law of the jungle than the orcs. There is no saying passed down from generation to generation. Whoever has the biggest fist is the king of the Sea Clan.

The other captains in the fleet, of course, also thought of this problem, and the sails immediately began to tilt, and they turned around one after another, heading towards the Sea Clan Kingdom.

They must obtain the greatest support and advantage in the shortest possible time.

"Quick, turn the sails, and we'll go back too." Fu Tao, who was about to run away, suddenly became excited. He wanted to take the position of the king of the sea clan!

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