Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 588: : After the celebration

"Well...do you have any questions?" the old king asked in a weak voice, as if he was really dying.

All the dignitaries were silent. They didn't want to test the king's state at this moment, but it was about their interests, so they had to bite the bullet and stand up.

The first to attack was the Marquis Sissoko, who was the leader of the lords: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, there are still some barbarians who pass through Lord Simon's new law to harass our people, and now recognize the legality of the new law." Sex, is it a little too hasty?"

According to the kingdom's development law, only when the lord can protect the people and completely resist the harassment of foreign enemies, the kingdom will recognize the legitimacy of its territory.

The area of ​​the new legal territory established by Simon is too large, and the construction time of the territory is too short. Even if the territory defense circle is basically closed, it is difficult to completely stop the barbarians.

Therefore, the criticism of the Marquis Sissoko can be regarded as hitting the nail on the head.

The old king took a deep look at him, and said with a weak smile: "Master Hisokko just joked, the lords near the Gru Mountains, the lords near the west coast in the south, and the lords near the Fortress of the North have not been able to completely stop them. The enemies of the kingdom, according to what you say, are you going to deny them all?"

The lords near the Gelu Mountains must guard against the barbarians; the lords on the west coast of the southern border must guard against the orc navy; the lords near the Buluo Fortress in the north must assist the Buluo Fortress in resisting the orcs of the Red Scorpion Khanate.

These three places are the gathering places of pioneering lords.

If they completely followed the pioneering laws, none of them could completely resist foreign enemies, but they were all recognized by the royal family as the legality of their territories.

After all, in these areas where foreign enemies frequently harass, it is too difficult to completely resist foreign enemies, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to do it!

Marquis Sissoko was covered in cold sweat. Although these three places were poor, they were in a state of war all the year round, and the people were tough.

If it was because of his words that the royal family would deny the legitimacy of these territories, these lords would definitely lead troops and fight desperately with the Ciscoo family!

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. At that time, they will be in big trouble for the Sissoko family!

"I made a slip of the tongue!" Marquis Sissoko backed down unwillingly.

This is the rule, the old king can allow them to have different opinions, but everyone has only one chance, and if they fail, they will be out.

If you keep pestering him endlessly, then you really don't know how to flatter...

"Your Majesty, I heard that because of the shortage of food last year, the new leader borrowed 100,000 gold coins from the Royal Chamber of Commerce. I wonder if there is such a thing?" Marquis Hood also found the problem.

As a qualified pioneer lord, not only to resist foreign enemies, but also to protect the people in the territory, is also a very important inspection item.

If the people in the territory can't even eat enough to eat, then Simon, the pioneer lord, is undoubtedly dereliction of duty!

"Oh? Lord Simon, is there such a thing?" The old king turned his head to look at Simon. Although he knew what was going on like a mirror in his heart, he still had to do something.

"Hey, Your Majesty, there has never been a new law leader, and he has borrowed food from the royal family." Simon replied very calmly, because what he said was true.

"Minister Doherty, is there such a thing?" The old king looked at Mike's grandfather again, the Minister of Finance of the royal cabinet... After all, this is also a figure from the same faction as Simon.

"Your Majesty, Lord Simon's new French leader has indeed never borrowed food from the royal family." Earl Doherty replied with a smile.

The corner of Marquis Hood's mouth twitched, and he asked, "Then I would like to ask Lord Simon, where did he get the food from when there was a food shortage in New France last year?"

Wearing the same pair of trousers, if he can trust the Chancellor of the Exchequer, there will be ghosts...

"Of course I borrowed food from my teacher, Master Clifford!" Simon looked contemptuous, and he had thought of this kind of inferior criticism before he left the new law.

"Then I would like to ask, Master Clifford, where did you get the food?" Marquis Hood asked persistently.

"I don't care where he gets the food, does it have anything to do with me?" Simon said disdainfully.

Borrowing food from the royal family is equivalent to asking the royal family for help, which is his negligence as a lord, but borrowing food from his own teacher is using his own contacts, which belongs to his own ability.

As for where his teacher got the food, that's none of his business!

"You!" Facing Simon's unreasonable words, Marquis Hood glared angrily, but he couldn't find a place to continue his attack, so he could only snort coldly and retreat.

"Do you have any questions?" The old king looked at the three Hamilton families with a half-smile.

Earl Hamilton and the other two earls shook their heads quickly. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the royal family wanted to support Simon this time.

These big lords who are close to the royal family, it is better to protect themselves wisely.

"What about you?" The old king looked at the cabinet ministers again.

"No." Earl Dougherty smiled and shook his head. His grandson, Mike, was very close to Simon, and the two had already been tied to the same warship. How could he have any problems.

"No." Cabinet Prime Minister Medel also shook his head. He was able to serve as the old king's cabinet prime minister because of his knowledge of current affairs.

Those who are the happiest cabinet ministers are basically dead for no reason!

"Your Majesty, I have a question!"

Minister of Military Affairs Bloom asked angrily, "You said that Sir Simon has made many meritorious deeds. I would like to ask, what merits he has made so that the two territories can be merged!"

The merger of territories is something that the royal family has been suppressing.

If the lords could amalgamate their territories at will, the Silvermoon Kingdom would probably have several great lords with dozens of towns in less than a hundred years.

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with him, Brome, he talks about it only because he is Simon's hostile faction.

Back then, he sent people to ambush Simon on Death Hill, and colluded with the Shadow Church to assassinate Simon, but he was the one who contributed.

Later, Simon also sent people to hack and kill. The lover and illegitimate child he raised outside, the two sides became more and more entangled, and now there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides~www.wuxiamtl.com~The papermaking technology contributed by Sir Simon, It gave the royal family an extra income of 600,000 gold coins every year. "

"In addition, Lord Simon also contributed rapid fortification technology, and equipped the second army stationed in the Fortress of Unfallen with half-body plate armor."

"Improvement in shipbuilding technology also allowed the kingdom to open up the Sea Clan banned by the Sea Clan, and later formed the Dreadnought Fleet. Isn't this credit too big?" The crown prince replied coldly.

There is no mention of new legal collars, because resisting foreign enemies is itself the duty of the lord.

Papermaking workshops, dreadnought fleets, these things that have benefited the royal family a lot can be regarded as real achievements!

Military Minister Brome was speechless, and retreated embarrassingly. The royal family now made it clear that they wanted to support Simon. No matter how many attacks they made, it was just a joke.

"It seems that all the adults have no objections."

Glancing at the silent dignitaries, the old king seemed to have regained his vitality, and stood up from the wooden chair with a bang, completely ignoring the weakness just now.

Seeing this, Marquis Sissoko and the others felt solemn... This old guy is really pretending!

"Since this is the case, then these three edicts will be announced to the whole country from now on!"

Picking up the wine glass handed over by the attendant, the old king smiled and shouted to the guests: "Today, let us enjoy the celebration! Congratulations to Marquis Simon!"

"Long live the Marquis Simon!" The guests attending the celebration, regardless of their will or not, burst into cheers.

Today, another noble of the kingdom was born, and they must give the royal family this face!

The celebration was held until late at night, and all the guests left with their own concerns. Facing the imminent changes in the kingdom's structure, these nobles must make early plans!

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