Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 580: : Power of magic

The Dreadnought Fleet desperately poured shells at the only remaining battleship of the Holy Empire. In just five minutes, at least 4,000 shells were fired.

The protective masks of the three warships kept shaking, but they were not in danger of being destroyed for the time being.

Boom! The seven-masted warship of the Holy Empire completed its spell charging, and the blue semicircular light instantly spread to the entire battlefield.

On the surface, there was no change, which surprised Simon. The last time the San Karl launched the ultimate magic circle, the movement was not small.

How come this seven-masted warship has not moved at all?

Suddenly, Simon's face changed dramatically. After the light diffused, water elements were frantically gathering under the sea surface of the entire battlefield, and the sea surface gradually became turbulent.

"Sacrifice of the four elements, guarded by the water element!"

Simon didn't dare to be careless, and immediately sacrificed most of his mana, the sea water rolled, and four giants of water elements several meters high slowly gathered and formed by relying on the sea surface.

This was given to him by the royal family to repay the debt, another fifth-level spell, four-element sacrifice.

The biggest problem with half-step legends is that they cannot effectively mobilize their mental power and mana. If they mobilize too much at once, their bodies will collapse because they cannot bear it.

But mental blasting is to cut part of the mental power and then bombard the enemy's spiritual sea. It is simple, rough and easy to use. It perfectly solves the situation that the mental power cannot be mobilized effectively.

After all, people don't need to mobilize it at all, just cut it out, just use it as a one-time consumable... just can't be used more, it is very troublesome to restore this thing.

If you really use it too much, Simon might become an idiot, a real idiot, the kind who is in a daze, giggles and drools every day!

Four elements sacrifice, this thing is not too bad.

The specific principle is to actively sacrifice the huge mana that cannot be mobilized in the body to the goddess of the four elements in exchange for the ability to summon the guards of the four elements.

This is equivalent to having a converter, but the handling fee is a bit tricky. Simon can sacrifice 100 units of mana, and can convert up to 80 units of mana, and he can only summon four-element guards.

But one thing to say, these two spells are indeed very practical. After all, there are so many mana and spiritual power stored in the body every day, but they just can't be used, so you can't be angry!

Now these two spells that went the other way perfectly solved this problem.

Four huge water element guards rose from the sea surface, using their talents to stabilize the surrounding sea area, and the water elements that were frantically gathering.

However, the entire sea area is too vast, and the linear formation of the Dreadnought Fleet is too scattered. The water element guards can only protect the St. George and the four warships near the St. George.

Rumble! The surface of the sea boiled completely, and even all the warships of the Dreadnought Fleet were crazily arousing the water flow circle to stabilize the water elements around the warships.

But it didn't help at all. The seven-masted warship of the Holy Empire once again diffused a blue light from the mast.

The berserk water element broke through the dreadnought fleet's spell defense in an instant. Except for the warships sheltered by the water elemental guards, the water began to recede around the rest of the warships.

The warships without the support of the seawater slowly lowered and lowered until they fell below the sea surface, and the surrounding bowl-shaped seawater suddenly turned into palms, grasping these warships.

cluck cluck! The hull of the warship was crushed into pieces by these palms made of sea water, and the crew was directly turned into a ball of blood, with no bones left!

The water elemental guard appeases the raging water elemental, wave after wave of palms made of seawater came to him, but they were all blocked and resolved.

Seeing that more than half of the warships were instantly destroyed, Simon and the others on the St. George were speechless.

This is the traditional seven-masted warship, the overlord of naval warfare that can truly reverse the situation!

Even in terms of conventional combat power, traditional alchemy warships are not as good as artillery warships, but in terms of high-end magic, these warships built by Simon are still far behind.

If it weren't for the water element guards summoned by Simon, they might even be wiped out!

Among the onlookers, seeing the seven-masted warship destroying most of the warships of the Dreadnought Fleet in an instant, these people also fell silent.

Although the new warships of the Silver Moon Kingdom have impressive combat power, the seven-masted warships of the Holy Empire are still the true overlords of naval battles!

"Damn it!" Feeling the water element gradually receding, Simon's face became extremely hideous, as did Crown Prince Jonas and others.

The Dreadnought Fleet has a total of thirteen warships, including two Dreadnought-class battleships, five Heroic-class battleships, and six Falcon-class cruisers.

But under the attack of the spell just now, of the two Dreadnought-class battleships, only the St. George survived, and the Moonlight, which sailed for the first time, sank directly to the bottom of the sea.

Only two Valiant-class battleships survived, and two Falcon-class cruisers survived. This is because of the distribution of battleships in linear tactics and the mix and match of strength and weakness.

Under the blow just now, these four warships happened to be at the front and rear ends of the St. George, so they survived under the protection of the water elemental guards.

Hundreds of thousands of gold coins were invested, and more than 2,000 naval officers and soldiers were all buried at the bottom of the sea!

How can Simon and others not be angry!

Well done, the Holy Empire wants them to buy the artifact, if they don't give it, they will break through the door and grab it, if they can't get it, they will be ambushed, and if the ambush fails, they will be intercepted halfway!

The situation continued to escalate, and the nature became worse every time. This is good, more than 2,000 people died in the seabed, and maybe those who died in the Holy Empire will be added.

Four to five thousand people, real people!

They also have their own wives and children, but just because of a few orders from the prince of the Shabi Empire, they can never go back now!

Although Simon also felt that he was not a good person, the things he did were never for personal grievances.

Now he can't even imagine how to face the families of these crew members when he goes back.

"Rush up and kill them!"

Seeing the three warships of the Holy Empire preparing to flee the battlefield, Simon punched the ship's railing angrily.

"Yes!" Viscount Doyle was also extremely angry, and immediately prepared to give the order to pursue.

After releasing the ultimate spell, the seven-masted warship may not be able to release it again in ten days and half a month. If it is only a comparison of conventional combat power, the seven-masted warship is not as good as the St. George, which is why Amon is in a hurry to escape.

"Wait!" At the critical moment, Crown Prince Yona was still a little rational, suppressing his anger and gritted his teeth: "Can't pursue!"

That's right, the Silvermoon Kingdom can only fight back if the Holy Empire attacks them first. If the Holy Empire tries to escape from the battlefield, they can't pursue them either!

Because the Holy Empire is very strong, far stronger than the Silver Moon Kingdom!

Therefore, no matter how angry they are, they can only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs. They can't afford to offend the Holy Empire. If they choose to pursue at this moment, they may vent their anger in their hearts.

But what followed was the conquering army from the Holy Empire!

At that time, the entire Silver Moon Kingdom will be in danger!

"Grass!" Simon was angry again, smashing the ship's railing with his fist, looking up at the sky in pain, feeling a sense of powerlessness.

In the end is to vent the anger in the heart? Or put the entire Silvermoon Kingdom in danger?

Simon didn't know what choice other people would make, but he knew that he didn't want to implicate those innocent people.

Therefore, they can only suffer this big loss!

"Oh, let's go, let's go!" After the war ended, those audiences from various countries left with regret, as if they regretted not being able to enjoy themselves to their fullest.

But they couldn't understand the feelings of Simon and others, because to them, those war dead in the Silver Moon Kingdom were just a scene of this good show.

However, there are also those who are quick-witted and see the advantages of artillery battleships.

The major powers block the knowledge of spells and alchemy. Even if they have money, they can't build warships with excellent performance. These small countries will never have a bright future.

But now the new warships of the Silver Moon Kingdom don't seem to have high requirements for spells and alchemy skills. If the cost is right, maybe you can consider buying some for research.


In the captain's room of the seven-masted warship, Amon drank black tea in shock, the tea overflowed from shaking hands, and the attendant stood opposite him.

"We, what shall we do next?" Amon asked in disbelief.

This time in public, he took the initiative to attack the ally's fleet ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and caused heavy losses to the entire overlord fleet. Once he returns to the Holy Empire, he will definitely be executed by his father directly!

"Your Highness, don't be afraid, I have a plan to save His Highness from punishment!"

The attendant smiled reluctantly, but he couldn't hide the loneliness in his eyes.

"Oh, really?" Emon stood up immediately, walked quickly to the attendant, and grabbed the attendant's arm like a life-saving straw.

"Of course!" The attendant smiled strangely, and then a dagger slipped from his cuff and plunged into Amon's chest.

"Uh!" Emon lowered his head in disbelief, then raised it abruptly, and asked feebly, "Why?"

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure out why the servant who had followed him for more than ten years would betray him.

"Sorry!" The attendant shook his head expressionlessly, tore off a corner of the mask on his face, and said, "I'm not who you think!"

Amon's eyes widened, and he understood everything in an instant, but he no longer had the strength to curse, and his lifeless body fell straight down.

The attendant took out a spell scroll, tried to tear it several times but stopped at a critical moment.

"Trash, since you have served your country with your heart, why die!" A trace of nostalgia flashed in the attendant's eyes, and then he tore the scroll apart without hesitation.

boom! The only three warships remaining in the Holy Empire exploded at the same moment!

An unknown dark child, a story destined to be forgotten, at this moment, turned into the hope of breaking the situation of the Blue Kingdom.

Some people may or may not know his story, but who cares?

For the future of the country, playing tricks and tricks, maybe in the eyes of others, what he did is wrong, but as long as he thinks it is right, isn't that enough?

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