Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 574: : computing everywhere

"No, it's impossible!" Amon's face was pale and he couldn't believe it when he saw the ambush soldiers who had been killed to the point of defeat through the light and shadow spell.

This time he was on a mission to the Silver Moon Kingdom and brought a fleet of overlords. These people are all elites, and many of them are leaders and commanders.

Now that the loss is here, the combat power of that overlord fleet will at least be halved out of thin air!

Not only that, if he returned to the Holy Empire in such a disheveled manner, his status in his father's heart would probably plummet, as his father had quite a few sons.

And those powerful nobles...

A prince who is not valued has no value in continuing to invest!

"Damn, what should I do!"

Amon was sweating profusely, racking his brains but couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

This time, I still underestimated those people in the Silver Moon Kingdom. How dare a small country directly touch the majesty of the Holy Empire!

"The Blue Kingdom, yes, the Blue Kingdom!" Amon's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is the territory of the Bilan Kingdom. The people of the Silver Moon Kingdom are killing the envoys and guards of the Holy Empire in the street. This is a serious dereliction of duty of the Bilan Royal Family.

If he can't give him a satisfactory explanation, this time he must go back and report to his father.

The Bilan royal family made an explanation, not only can he get compensation, but he can also severely punish the group of lunatics in the Silver Moon Kingdom.

As for not making an explanation...

snort! The Holy Empire has long wanted to kill the Blue Royal Family!

No matter what the facts are, the Holy Empire just needs a pretext to suppress the Blue Royal Family.

And he, Emon, can use this to avoid punishment, and even get a reward from his father. Is there any better way to kill two birds with one stone?

"Alas~" A long sigh sounded in this small confined space, and the several high-level mages who were in charge of staying behind in the room suddenly felt terrified.

Sneaked in here quietly, who is it?

Amon's personal archmage slapped his staff directly, and the protective shield enveloped himself and Amon.

There was an unhurried knock on the door of the room, and Emon and the others were immediately in suspense.

With his eyes, he signaled a guard to open the door. The mages in the room were all holding their staffs tightly, and the top of the staffs shone with magical brilliance, obviously ready to fight at all times.

The guard opened the door in fear, and immediately retreated, fearing that someone would surprise him.

The door was completely opened, and groups of well-equipped soldiers, surrounded by an old mage, walked into the room. The room, which was originally small, seemed even more crowded now.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the mages of the Holy Empire changed drastically. The archmage who stayed beside Amon even used his mental power to check the situation around the room.

At this moment, more than a thousand well-equipped soldiers surrounded the small building where they were hiding, and the five archmages exuded the brilliance of magic without any concealment.

Whether it is a soldier or these archmages, the coat of arms or armor is painted with the coat of arms of the Blue Royal Family.

Again, this is the Bilan Kingdom, or the territory of the Bilan Royal Family. No one can hide their every move from the Bilan Royal Family here.

The Holy Empire wanted to ambush the Silver Moon Kingdom, but they didn't care, and the Silver Moon Kingdom ambush the Holy Empire, and they didn't care.

But now, this idiot actually wants to drag their Blue Royal Family into the water...

Then they can only use the plan they have prepared a long time ago!

"Good day, Your Highness Amon!" The old mage who walked in bowed and bowed with a smile.

But Amon felt chills in his heart, not only the Silvermoon Kingdom, perhaps, even the Bilan Royal Family, who had been doing nothing all this time, had been underestimated by him!

Why does he think that the Bilan royal family can only be slaughtered by others, this is their territory!

"Master Melvin, what do you mean?" Amon asked calmly. He had already recognized the old mage, who was the chief mage advisor of the Blue Royal Family.

"Heh!" The old mage smiled lightly, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just want to chat with His Highness suddenly."

"Oh? What are you talking about?" Amon's face was so gloomy that he was going to die. I'm afraid this time, he will really be bitten back.

"It's mainly to calculate an account."

The old mage said without hesitation: "Excluding the major orthodox churches, the background of the Bilan royal family can rank in the top five among all human forces. I dare not say anything else. It is probably no problem to force out three or five legends. of!"

"Hmph! So what?" Amon replied with some disdain, what do three or five legends count? There are at least thirty or forty legends on the surface of their holy empire!

If you count those who haven't shown up for a long time and still don't know whether they are dead or alive, there are more than fifty legends.

Just three or five legends are not enough to watch!

"Really?" The old mage shivered with a smile: "If the Bilan Royal Family is here, three or five legends are nothing, but if the Bilan Royal Family dies, what will these legendary powerhouses lose their shackles?"

Amon's heart was shocked, and he looked at the old mage in disbelief.

If the legendary powerhouses run away with all their heart, almost no one can stop them, unless they dispatch their own legends that are several times the enemy's.

But is this really safe?

Once a legend escapes alive, what awaits the Holy Empire is endless revenge.

The legendary strong can fight and run, retreat with one blow, and never love to fight. The territory of the Holy Empire is vast, and there is no way to deal with a legend that is wrecking everywhere.

By the time their legendary powerhouse arrived, they would have long since disappeared!

"Think about it! Your Highness Amon, there is a reason why the Blue Royal Family can't be attacked. Your elder brothers think more comprehensively than you!" The old mage still smiled indifferently.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. At worst, the Blue Royal Family will perish, and then the legendary powerhouse will survive and go to the Holy Empire to fight guerrillas.

Even if it can't hurt the Holy Empire, it can definitely disgust them to death.

Emon's face changed again and again~www.wuxiamtl.com~Made, he didn't expect this at all, by the way, it seems that he was fooled by those brothers when he went to the Azure Kingdom this time!

hell! He was calculated again!

"I understand." Emon closed his eyes calmly, but his heart almost exploded.

These bastards! How dare you plot against him like this!

The Holy Empire brought down the Blue Royal Family, and the benefits he received were not great, at best, some financial rewards, and his position in the heart of his father was more important.

But once the Blue Royal Family becomes a legend, he will be the first to kill!

Legendary powerhouses have their own cards, and many people, even the regent of the Holy Empire, are indifferent to answering.

No matter how important he is, his father will not arrange a legend to protect him personally.

In other words, if he is really targeted by a legendary powerhouse, then he is likely to die...

The old sorcerer nodded in satisfaction, which was quite sensible, and saved him from wasting threats.

Glancing secretly, the old mage smiled even more happily as the light and shadow spells were still projecting images.

At this moment, the ambush was coming to an end, and the Silvermoon Kingdom successfully wiped out all the ambush soldiers of the Holy Empire with nearly one-third of the casualties.

With three archmages and many high-ranking mages in the formation, these warrior-type professionals don't even have a chance to escape.

It's a pity that the five great mages of the Holy Empire were not left behind.

After all, the archmage has many means, even if he runs away, it is expected.

let's hit! let's hit! If the fight is more intense and the attention is not diverted, the Blue Royal Family will really have no chance of breaking the game!

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