Hero Don’t Stop Chapter 229


Chapter 229 Apprenticeship Ceremony

Qiao Yuntian and the others rushed to Suzhou City on horseback, and they were on the road for a while The dust was flying, the sound of horse hooves was dense like rain, and those who did not know it thought that an army was coming.

Their Inner Strength is not enough to support across 600 li or so with Lightweight Art. Horseback riding is the fastest way.

Hurry up and hurry, and finally arrived at Suzhou City at dusk, and then rushed to Peach Blossom Valley with Lightweight Art.

"With the power of Master Yan Qingya, I am afraid that the current Peach Blossom Valley is already a tragic situation on earth. Even if Gu Yang arrives, it will also consume a lot of Inner Strength. How can he fight?"

Tianyichang Lightweight Art is extraordinary, sighing while driving with Cloudstair Warp.

Huo Kun agreed and said: "Let's go now, maybe to collect a corpse for him."

Little Monk said angrily: "Nonsense, my second brother martial arts Arts is unparalleled, how could it be possible to lose? Besides, Master and Hong Old Senior have already passed one step ahead, and the second brother will be guaranteed!"

Feng Taixu shook his head and said, "Even if Gu Yang doesn't die, Peach Blossom Valley is also over, this Sect has just emerged recently, didn't expect to encounter such a disaster."

Jing Xin looked at her few brothers who were sworn in, and saw their expressions were extremely solemn, and her heart also changed. Then sank.


When they came to Peach Blossom Valley, everyone's face changed greatly.

Too tragic!

The surrounding vegetation is ash, the mountains and rivers are broken, there are earth-pit-holes everywhere, huge fist marks and palm marks abound.

Even the Heavenly Absolute Mountain, which was originally towering, has become riddled with holes.

What's even weirder is that it's very hot here, very hot, and the rolling heat wave makes these experts with deep Inner Strength feel a little uncomfortable, and the big beads of sweat keep falling.

"It's so hot, has it ever been burned here?"

Jing Xin wiped away sweat and turned pale. Could it be that Yan Qingya set fire to the mountain after destroying the Peach Blossom Valley? already?

Qiao Yuntian said solemnly: "Such a hot temperature is not like ordinary flames can achieve."

Nangong Xuan pressed the piano case with one hand, ready to prepare After preparing for battle, Fuxiqin told him that the flames were very dangerous!

Tian Dao Dao sighed: "It seems that Gu Yang and Yan Qingya have already fought, didn't expect him to fight with Yan Qingya to this step."

Everyone looked at the terrifying traces of the hand-to-hand fight all around. Although it was already known that Dao Sect's power was unparalleled in the world, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Divine Immortal fights, mortals suffer."

Hokun shook his head: "It seems that everyone in Peach Blossom Valley is dead, Gu Yang should be defeated."

Just then, there was a sound from the lake.

oh la la!

A person surfaced, it was Xiao Shijirou, he held a head in his hand, and said excitedly: "I found it!"

Everyone couldn't help being a little disgusted. What perverted hobby?

But when they saw the head clearly, everyone was shocked.

"Yes... it's Yan Qingya!"

With that stubborn face and long golden hair, in addition to the Alliance Leader of Baisheng League, the mighty Yan Qingya, Can anyone?

"Gu...Gu Yang won?"

Huo Kun and Tian Yi Chang looked at each other with a burning feeling on their faces.

Xiao Shijiro saw them, his eyes shined, and he said with a smile: "Of course Elder Gu won, this magic lake was left behind when Elder Gu and Yan Qingya fought, and the two broke it. Only after the underground river can we have this lake."

Everyone was once again shocked by the mighty power of the master. This big lake is as wide as several hundred zhangs, no less than the West Lake.

“Dangmo Lake?”

Linghujing is a bit strange, how come the lake that was just born has a name?

Xiao Shijiro said with a smile: "Gu Chang, Old Yu, killed Yan Qingya, isn't it appropriate to call it Dangmo Lake? It's the devil's head that fell into the lake, killing me. It's a good meal."

He lifted his head ashore and said, "Elder Gu said that there will be Disciples from other Sects coming to Peach Blossom Valley today, and let me salvage Yan Qingya's head, while at the same time I'm waiting for you."


"Yes, Elder Gu will hold a ceremony to receive disciples later. The Disciples have all gone to the Juxian Hall in the middle of the valley. I'll show you guys. Let's go together."

The crowd entered the valley and came to the so-called Juxian Hall.

It's full of holes, but the Disciples at Peach Blossom Valley are cleaning up in a frenzy, and everyone's pumped up.

Qiao Yuntian praised: "Every one of them has hope in their eyes, and this kind of vigor is very rare."

"Peach Blossom Valley, this is for Phoenix Nirvana, reborn from The ashes!”


The one hour passed quickly.

Gu Yang opened his eyes and spat out one mouthful of impure air for a long time. Eighty percent of the injuries in his body had recovered. Nine Yang Divine Art was really amazing and had a miraculous healing effect.

After repairing Nine Yang Divine Art to Eleventh Layer, Gu Yang obtained six innate talents, namely Nine Yang Body Protection, Nine Yang Martial Saint, Nine Yang Rejuvenation, Everlasting, Extremely Firm and fierce , Ten Yang Promise!

Jiuyang body protection is Body Protection True Qi, and it also has a certain anti-shock effect.

Jiuyang Martial Saint can copy other people's martial arts, which is equivalent to like a tiger that has grown wings when combined with Great Heaven and Earth Shift.

Jiuyang rejuvenation is the ability to quickly heal and heal itself.

Eternal life is a quick return of Qi, and True Qi is constantly circulating, almost inexhaustible.

Extremely firm and fierce can greatly enhance the formidable power of the masculine martial arts and add additional burn damage to True Qi.

As for Ten Yang Wuji, it is the unique trick that Gu Yang used when he detonated ten small suns.

These six innate talents, each of which is quite extraordinary, have greatly increased Gu Yang's strength. Now, if he encounters Yan Qingya again, he will not fight so hard again.

But Gu Yang wasn't proud either, that terrifying finger poured cold water on him, who is that illusory shadow? With such strength, it must be the Great Grandmaster!

A person emerges in Gu Yang's heart - Zhao Wuji!

Today's Heaven Ranking No. 1, Fist Jue Zhao Wuji, if it were him, he would definitely have this ability, why did he deliberately cover his face?

The illusory shadow was hazy, and it was hard to see his face, obviously he didn't want to be recognized.

Gu Yang shook his head, whether it was Zhao Wuji or not, that person has a great relationship with Lin Kun, and is likely to be an opponent in the future.

Also work hard to improve your strength!

After a while, the apprenticeship ceremony was held as scheduled.

Looking at the pair of longing eyes, Gu Yang smiled slightly, that's what he wanted, Peach Blossom Valley can't be the only one who is strong, besides him and Yaoyao, he also needs to be able to hold back. The expert of the field.

Gu Yang stood on the stage and also saw Qiao Yuntian and the others.

“Second Brother!”

“Second Brother!”

Gu Yang also greeted them with a smile, this scene was seen by many players, some people Recognized Qiao Yuntian and their identities.

"That burly man seems to be Beggars' Sect Young Gang Lord?"

"Ahhh, the Linghu Mirror of Mount Hua Sect, she's so sassy!"

"I like to clean my heart, Little Monk is so cute, she's coming to the elder sister's arms, hehe~"

"Nangong Xuan, it's Nangong Xuan! God, I was originally I wanted to pay my respects to Nangong Family, but aptitude was too bad to go in, so I thought I could take a look at him..."


Gu Yang waved his hand and went quiet. .

“Everyone deserves credit for this Peach Blossom Valley battle. After discussions with Valley Master and I, we decided to appoint Gong Xue as Vice Valley Master, Azure Phoenix as Executive Elder Jian and Cloud Dream Lake as Executive. For the Law Enforcement Elder, Peach Blossom Valley will be managed by the three of you while the Valley Master and I are away."

The players were shocked, Gong Xue and Azure Phoenix were promoted, not surprising, but Cloud Dream Lake is a player, a player turned out to be one of the top tiers of the Sect, and with such courage, they are unheard-of.

But they are even more excited, which shows that in Peach Blossom Valley, players can not only learn powerful martial arts, but also have the opportunity to take charge of the power and experience the thrill of becoming a big boss!

Cloud Dream Lake's eyes flickered with starlight, she bit her red lips lightly, holding back the excitement in her heart.

She knew she made the right bet. When Peach Blossom Valley was robbed, some players were actually scared at first and chose to retreat, worrying that Peach Blossom Valley was destined to be killed by the plot.

She also hesitated at the time, but she still made a decision through gritted teeth. She called on the players of the Yunmeng Guild to stick to it, and even spent huge sums of money to promote it in the real world, so that many offline Peach Blossom Valley players could get it in time. Got the news.

It's all worth it now!

Gu Yang continued: "Next, I will announce the candidates."

(End of this chapter)

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