Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 342: Scaring Pants General

"Want to commit chaos, right, and **** rebellious, right? There is a head of family who is dreaming in you, bang..." Fang Yan has just seen Ren Jie, and hasn't waited for a reaction, Ren Jie's fist has been smashed.

Ren Jie, without any politeness, clenched his fists and directly hit Fang Yan's face.

A few times, Fang Yan's face had spattered blood.

"You can't even clear the street because of who you are. You **** make people clear the street, Bang Bang..."

"Remember what the owner said, you are not bothered, but the owner is very annoyed, bang bang bang..."

"Dezhi is rampant, isn't it? You have to have that capital too, just because you want to be rampant, bang..."

"Do you know why I hit you?"

"Bang bang...damn, these punches have no reason."


Qi Tian grabbed Fang Yan's back neck with one hand, as if carrying a chick, without even looking at Fang Yan, standing in front of Ren Jie still comprehending the words that Ren Jiexin wrote to him, and Ren Jie raised his fist and clenched it frankly while talking.

Fang Yan has thought about and dreamed of working with Ren Jie countless times, and devastated Ren Jie, so easy every time.

Because he is confident that he is strong enough, he is Wu Bangyan, and he has broken through into the Yin and Yang realm. He was bullied by Ren Jie several times before, and he was unable to do so.

He never thought that after he became a yin and yang, he would be beaten by Ren Jie, and he would also hit his face specially, and his fist would be like a sandbag.

Pain, very painful, but this is still the secondary key pain.

This is on the street of Yujing City, but he is the general of the Ruijian Camp, tens of thousands of soldiers are watching, countless people in Yujing City are watching, but he can’t even run his mind and mana. Yes, but I can’t even die.

Just ordered tens of thousands of troops to start, but now...

"General...General..." At this time, the talents around Fang Yan reacted, and just stopped being shocked by Ren Jie, intimidated, but at this time when Fang Yan was caught, he was beaten and called a Miserable, rushed over immediately.

"Shoot..." Ren Jie raised his hand and grabbed volley, grabbed a knife directly from the weapons scattered on the ground, and put it directly on Fang Yan's neck.

"Ah...stop it..."


The people who were about to rush to see it immediately immediately controlled their body very smartly. They had just been out of their abilities at the same time, and there was fear in their hearts that they were not Qi Tian's opponents. And Ren Jie had already reached Fang Yan's neck, and they dared to die with a move.

Although he was beaten into a pig's head, his eyes could not be seen clearly, and his consciousness could not detect the surroundings.

But Fang Yan could still feel clearly with the knife on his neck.

"Boom..." Fang Yan felt that his head was about to explode. There was only one thought. It was over. This time it was really and completely over. I didn't expect to be killed like this. I was not reconciled, too unwilling.

I have worked hard to get to the present, the magic weapon I have obtained, I will soon be on the top, myself...

"Damn, my boss told you to dare to rebel, and today you will be wiped out..." Look, it looks very enjoyable. If you all like it so much, let all of you watch it. Ren Jie thought, The knife is about to be cut off.

"Family leader, stop, don't be impulsive, the holy has a purpose..." At this time, the **** who was coming from afar, who had originally extended his voice to declare the purpose, panicked immediately, and his body quickly rushed. Although it is not a super strong in Yin and Yang, but the speed is also extraordinary. In a blink of an eye, it has reached Ren Jie Ling's car.

"Boom..." Ren Jieling was on the horoscope, and Tong Qiang and several of his guards immediately stopped the man.

"Renjiazhu should not do it, there are some misunderstandings, your majesty has a purpose, Renjiazhu, General Fang quickly receive the purpose..." The person even dared to block himself at first glance, the anger flashed in his eyes, but then immediately realized In front of him, this master is a fearless and fearless master. He dares to kill the king in the palace. He usually has a bit of majesty, and the majesty of the emperor is not easy to use here, so I said it again immediately.

It was also a surprise to meet Fang Yan Ren Jie originally. Normally, if he didn't go to trouble with others, others should burn the incense. If Fang Yan took the initiative to find trouble, Ren Jie was naturally not afraid. Later, when I saw Fang Yan playing so much, the emperor still condoned. This signal was stronger than the previous releases. In the end, he threatened Fang Yan's men. Obviously, the emperor couldn't scare the talent out of watching this dog.

At this time, Ren Jie would naturally not let things end so easily, so that Qi Tian started to grasp Fang Yan.

"Misunderstanding, father-in-law, have you misunderstood, this guy has committed chaos and led troops into the city, intending to rebel!" Ren Jie said solemnly: "The head of the family is the head of the five major families. This kind of thing is not dare to be careless. Not so, you read the decree, look at the head of the family, this guy is extremely fierce and absolutely cannot be let go easily."

Ren Jie didn't take it off, and still put it on Fang Yan's neck.

If someone respects me for a foot, Ren Jie will respect others, but if the other party has bullied him to the door, Ren Jie will not have any fear. The emperor pretended to be stupid and didn't come out until now. Several times before, the Neptune directly threatened and bullied him at the entrance of Ren's house. He also ignored it, so why should he be polite to him.

So even at this moment, even if the imperial edict came, Ren Jie simply pretended to be stupid, completely meaningless.

"This..." The eunuch's face immediately became extremely embarrassed. The decree, you know, others will burn incense and bathe when they receive the decree, even if they are too late, they will kneelly and respectfully, and carefully, why have such a arrogant guy, Let yourself read it.

The **** is embarrassed, read it. The majesty of the decree remains. This represents the royal dignity, but don't read it. This situation is also very troublesome.

After a little hesitation, he seemed to get any order. The **** directly opened the imperial edict: "Your Majesty has a purpose, Fang Yan suppresses the evil cult, and he is instructed to lead the army into Beijing to receive rewards. Fang Yan is a general of the Jianjian Battalion. They are all pillars of the country, but they are fighting on the street and disregarding their decency. Fang Yan is now retreating outside the city to wait for the order, and the merits and demerits are met. Don’t lose the glory of your father if you learn the method of raising qi."

Seemingly playing 50 big boards each, in fact, as Ren Jie guessed, and muddy.


Ren Jie scolded inwardly, and now you come out and say that your dog bark is welcome, not to bite, this is too fake.

"Oh, that's what it is." Ren Jie seemed to understand, but the knife was still placed on Fang Yan's neck, thinking for a while: "Please ask your father-in-law to return to your majesty, Chen...know..."


Ren Jie's words came out, especially when the knife in his hand was slowly falling downwards. The direction of the drop was officially Fang Yan's neck, and countless people's hearts were raised.

More people thought of a scene that was known to everyone in Yujing City. Ren Jie took a knife and stepped on Guo Zongyou, sentenced him to conviction, and then looked down at the head of the king with a knife. Killed.

Then he dropped a piece of dead jade and it was done.

Not to mention others, even if it was Fang Yan, he just felt ashamed at the moment when he just heard that the Imperial Decree originally thought he was saved.

Finished, completely finished!

Fuck, this guy is more serious this time than last time, this is really going to mess with the emperor.

If he kills Fang Yan again this time, I'm afraid he will really get into trouble.

If it's a big trouble, it's just a **** big trouble. I'm afraid that anyone in my family is afraid of it.


At this time, countless people are paying attention, countless people are nervous, thinking about everything.

"Chen...know...wrong...dang..." The knife fell slowly, and Ren Jie laid it away beside Fang Yan, and the knife fell below. Ren Jie smiled and said: "It was all a misunderstanding. If I said it earlier, it wouldn’t happen like this. General Fang was relieved that the owner wasn’t killing innocent masters. It’s terrified. You see, why did you even urinate your pants? Gee, this smell, I’m not going to take your general back home to wash it away, and it’s urinating the spirit of my car.”

Ren Jie lowered the knife, patted Fang Yan with his hand, then covered his nose, and a scene where Fang Yan scared his urine, then asked Fang Yan to take him away.

"Haha..." At this time, in the Spirit Beast, the fat man could not laugh anymore.

Not to mention the fat man, even for days, the cloud has been shrouded in clouds, and Yu Wushuang, who doesn't have any smile, can't help but cover his jade lips and smile. Because they saw clearly inside, although Fang Yan was indeed terrified in the end, he could even see that he was unwilling to struggle and his body was shaking.

But he didn't scare urine, but let Ren Jie say this, especially the movement, even they felt that Fang Yan was really urine, but they didn't see it, and Ren Jie beside him smelled it Smelled.

Don't talk about them, even the **** who heard the statement below couldn't help but cover his nose. The **** likes cleanliness. His action is instinctive, but it fell into the eyes of other people and it really became Fang Yan scared. Evidence.

"No, it was terrifying."

"It's just that majestic, why did you freak out?"

"It's scared to pee. What kind of general is it? It's a shame."

"I depend, there is such a general, and he is dead."

"It's not Wu Bangyan, it's awesome, how can it scare me?"


At this moment, the surroundings exploded, and all of them talked with excitement, and the dazzling general scared. You know, the soldiers pay attention to die unyieldingly, Ma Ge shrouds the body, and fights to death, there is no electric spirit and guts to be a soldier.

What's more, he is still a general, commanding hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Woo..." At this moment, Fang Yan couldn't wait to open his mouth and scold Ren Jie, wanting to refute it, but he was beaten with his teeth, and his mouth was full of blood. He couldn't speak at all.

As for his strength, he was blocked by Qi Tian and had not recovered, and the people under his hands did not understand this. As a result, Fang Yan couldn't help but glanced down at him, and he said that there was no urine.

At this moment, these people did not think much, and took him directly back.

"Flapping..." Fang Yan couldn't stand it anymore. Although it was only a facial injury, he spurted blood with anger.

"Spit, vomit again, haha, last time I spit him out of blood, the boss of the meal ticket also said that at the time, the gentleman is big belly, the small person is very popular, and it is true, he will die a few times in the future "The fat man looked at Fang Yan and was vomiting blood, and he was very excited, because he was vomiting blood last time.

"Awesome, I thought... Ren Renzhu would say that he was not worth a jade card, or that he really used a death-free jade card to kill him, but this trick was thousands of times better than these. "At this time, Hai Qingyun couldn't help but feel awesome, and felt that this trick was a stroke of magic. Although it was just a sentence, it was much better than the various methods he just thought of.

You know, Ren Jie's move is not just against Fang Yan, it is obviously against the emperor.

Although the emperor's imperial decree and the mud, but also saved Fang Yan, also said that he made a contribution, and he pulled him as a general, and lifted him up. Now Ren Jie is just saying that he scared his pants, it is enough.

No one in the world is stupid. What does the emperor do? He even promotes a man who can scare his pants to become a general, and he is in charge of hundreds of thousands of troops. Is there no one in the Ming Yu Dynasty? This is a blow to the emperor's prestige. As for Fang Yan, it is clear that Ren Jie didn't even care. Those in the front seemed to be paving the way, just waiting for the emperor to appear, and the emperor's predecessor appeared to do it. To the last sentence It became the finishing touch.

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