Two Level 2 energy essences are rewards for Locke and Kayla to complete the task.

When the two of them took the head of the Gabu Beast leader and 20 fangs as proof of the completion of the mission, and handed them over to the task hall of the War Zone in the Thorns Wilderness, the two walked together in the planned fortress of the Knight Palace to supply them.

It is not the wishes of Locke and Kayla to complete high-intensity tasks and earn a lot of energy essence. What they need most now is their own strength.

So after the Gabumon mission, the two people received some normal level missions one after another.

There are two Level 2 powerhouses team, one of them is a magician, the staff of the Knight Palace launching the task saw this, so they did not assign low-level Knight and slave creatures to the two.

No one else has corrected Locke’s intentions. After returning to the space fortress, based on his understanding of Kayla’s character, Angelina is sandwiched between them. I am afraid that there will not be much overlap between the two in a short time.

Take advantage of this time to enjoy the’romantic couple’s world’.

It’s a pity that this is Locke’s wishful thinking. During these days of working together on the mission, Kayla did not show any kind behavior to him, as if the period Locke was lying in the recuperation base was his dream.

And Locke didn’t dare to show any unreasonable thoughts, Keira still had some nasty thoughts about him, this guy could only hide in his heart.

The zombie violent Dragon Beast’s influence on Locke is still there. Regardless of Kayla’s apparent indifferent appearance to Locke, in fact, many magic materials bought in the fortress trading market are potions that have a calming effect.

“Blue heart, red bone flower…” Kayla stopped in front of a Knight’s booth, wondering what kind of potion to make Locke’s mood stabilizer.

These magic materials are special products of the digital world. During the three years of the invasion of this World by the West 3 islands, almost half of the materials produced by this World were marked by the sacred tower and indicated the purpose of the effect.

These materials will serve as the biggest gain of the Western 3 islands in the digital world and feed back the wizard world.

Not all magic materials need to be made into potions to be effective, just like the blue hearts and red bones on the stalls.

The blue heart has a faint mint smell in the mouth, which can speed up the elusive condition of the Knights to enter the cultivation. The red bone flower, as its name suggests, is crushed and sprinkled on the wound to help repair muscles and skeletons.

This Knight who collects these magic materials, since it is sold in the temporary fortress set up by the Knight Palace, his main audience is Knight.

Regardless of the many restorative potions in the Locke space ring, in fact, Knight of the overwhelming majority still can’t afford alchemy potions.

For general minor injuries, he would use his body to recover slowly, or use some low-level potions. Only the more serious injuries would take precious magic potions.

Since then, this kind of magical materials that can directly play a good curative effect has been sought after by the low-level Knights.

“How do you sell these kinds of materials?” Kayla chose 4 kinds of magic materials, each with an average of 3 plants.

“No, no energy spar payment is required. Master, you can give me an intermediate recovery potion.” The Knight who set up the stall was a Level 1 Little Brat. He saw a powerful Level 2 magician stepping forward to buy his things. , Said with some excitement.

This Little Brat is not stupid, knowing that for a magician

That said, magic potions are cheaper than energy spars.

The intermediate recovery potions he said were not the junk goods used during the Locke Knight Knecht period, but the recovery potions suitable for creatures above Level 1. They are sold at the trading office of the Holy Tower and the Knight Hall, and an average of 2 Level 1 The look of the energy essence.

Kayla frowned when she heard it. She glanced at the stall again, pointed to two of the materials and said, “Then I will add one more copy of each of these two materials.”

“No problem!” Knight who set up the stall readily replied.

The ending of the transaction is happy. An intermediate recovery potion is nothing to Kayla. Even more how she is promoted to Level 2 Light Elementalist, it will not be difficult to refine high-level recovery potions and even top recovery potions in the future.

When Kayla was bargaining with Knight, Locke was also wandering around at will. This stroll really made him discover acquaintances.

“Dadani?” Locke yelled at a dwarf who was shrouded in black robes not far away.

Hearing someone calling himself, Daddani looked to Locke.

He was the Bloodline warlock whom Locke happened to be acquainted with in the Dark Tornado mountain range when Locke first came to the digital world. After listening to Angelina’s introduction to him, these people should be members of the Nidro giant lizard family.

Sure enough, not far from Daddani’s side, Locke met several cloaked people with familiar auras, all of whom were Daddani’s partners.

“Are you… Locke?” Turning the hood down, Daddani walked towards Locke, and his kinsmen also moved closer.

The unity of Bloodline warlocks is well-known in the wizarding world. They are linked by family. These warlocks are not only brothers of the same race, but also the most reliable comrades in the battlefield.

Dardani’s surprise is also a little bit unbelievable. Locke is not far away from him, but in the noisy fortress trading area, Locke is the first to spot him, indicating that Locke is better than him in mental power exploration. .

Even if the Bloodline warlocks pay attention to the stimulation of Bloodline’s power, as a spellcaster, Daddani should never be worse than Locke, a Knight, especially he is also known as the genius of the giant lizard family of Nidro.

Unless… Locke’s level exceeds him!

How could it be possible, less than half a year has passed.

The closer he got to Locke, the more serious Daddani’s surprise became, not to mention that he also noticed a Level 2 magician with strong fluctuations in the light element beside Locke.

“Brother Locke, didn’t expect you to be promoted to Knight in Level 2 so soon.” Daddani said to Locke with a bit of bitterness in his smile.

Half a year ago, Locke’s quasi-Level 2 Knight’s strength has not made D’Adani so restrained. This time he has truly become a Level 2 creature and has the ability to transform. In D’Adani’s eyes, Locke has become a person who needs to look up temporarily.

“A fluke, a fluke. You are not bad.” Locke said with a smile, of course he could see that Daddani had also become stronger during this time.

As the degree of contact with the warfare on the plane deepens, and Kayla, who knows a lot of deep insiders, is beside him. Locke knows that this plane called the digital world is far more than that for the West Coast warlocks. Knight and magician of the island.

It seems that it has a deep relationship with the Digimon eggs of this plane. Locke also knows from some sources that many Digimon eggs seized in the Holy Towers of the West 3 Islands and the Knight Hall were sold to the West Coast Surgery.


Today, Daddani and his clansman should also come to this War Zone fortress to buy some necessary supplies. Just looking at their location, it happens to be in front of some booths selling Digimon eggs.

The role of Digimon Eggs is really small for Knight and magicians.

It takes a long time to incubate Digimon eggs and it costs a lot. I really don’t know what use these warlocks are so keen on Digimon eggs.

Locke’s humble words did not convince Daddani, but said with a bitter smile “Compared with your promotion speed, I am still far behind.”

Among the 3 people standing next to Daddani, Locke only knew Havigny and Bruken who had done missions together, and the other should be their new partner.

As for where those people who have done missions together before have gone, Locke guessed that they might have acted with their other clansman, or they might have fallen into the digital world.

Havigny, who has a pair of cyan-green wings on her back, left a deep impression on Locke at the time. She is said to be a variant of the giant lizard family of Nidro. After experiencing zombie storm Dragon Beast’s Bloodline fusion, Locke was right Some powerful individuals after mutation became more interested.

The black hood on Havigny’s back was bulging up, and Locke knew that was where her wings were.

“Why are you here?” Locke asked, he remembered that Daddani and the others were in the dark tornado mountain range activity.

“The battle line goes on, there are no good Digimon eggs on the dark tornado mountain range, so we come here to try one’s luck.” Dadani said with an open arm.

People who are not from the West 3 Islands, Daddani and the others naturally have no obligation to be required to go to the front line, so his tone is quite relaxed.

The same as Locke and Kayla’s criteria for choosing tasks, Daddani and the others are picking up some soft persimmons and fighting to the death for non-self forces. They will only do so unless their brains are broken, even though everyone belongs to the same plane. Humanity.

“I have always wanted to know why you warlocks pay so much attention to Digimon Eggs, can you tell me?” Locke said curiously, “If there are any secrets or inconveniences involved, just treat me as if I didn’t ask anything.”

“There is nothing inconvenient, and it’s okay to tell you.” Daddani said with a smile.

A Level 1 Knight will not arouse Daddani’s attention, but a Level 2 Knight is different.

There are not many Level 2 powerhouses in their family. A powerhouse of this level is enough for Danila to take down his identity and make friends.

“Research has found that a certain trace element contained in Digimon’s eggs has a strong role in awakening our ancestors in the Bloodline. This trace element is called Gaka element.” Dadani explained. .

“On average, a Digimon egg contains 0.1 micrograms of Gaka elements. The higher the level of the Digimon Egg, the more abundant the Gaka elements it contains, and…” Dadani continued, “In addition to the Gaka elements, there are also There are some elements that have not yet been named in the high-end Digimon eggs. These elements help us develop the Bloodline Strength.”

Unlike the Knights who fuse powerful creatures, Bloodline, even if the bloodlines of other creatures are fused, the original strength of the Knights is still Battle Qi. Bloodline Strength just allows their bodies to accommodate more purer Battle Qi and carry more powerful power.

And Bloodline Strength is the original strength of West Coast warlocks.

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