Looking at the picture, the 2 Old Monsters getting closer and closer, Han Tian’s forehead exuded big sweat beads, shouted: “The 2 old bastards are actually willing to burn Life Strength, Wu Tian, ​​hurry up, they chase Come up! “

Wu Tian’s eyes now seemed extremely gloomy.

2 people will burn Life Strength, totally unexpected!

However, if you think about it, it seems that the 2 people can only prevent him from leaving Yin Long Shan’s vein by burning Life Strength.

Because the space divide object is 5 Heavenly Venerate Divine Armament, the speed is equivalent to 2 people. If they do n’t burn Life Strength, they ca n’t catch up with him.


In Wu Tian’s eyes, he passed a touch of madness, and said without looking back, “Be assured, they can’t catch up!”

As he spoke, a jade bottle filled with red blood appeared in front of him out of thin air!

He reached out his big hand, grabbed the jade pendant in his hand, pulled out the stopper, and the immense energy of life suddenly surged out like a tide. Then he put the mouth of the bottle directly to his mouth and raised his head. Just drink half a bottle of blood!

If this scene were seen by Little Brat, he would definitely scold him for recless waste of natural resources.

Immediately after, his body surface was burning with a bloody flame!

The speed of the space divide object suddenly increased, and at the same time, he drunk: “Activate the altar!”

The Purple Gold rat standing next to the altar heard that he didn’t dare to hesitate, and put the divine force light ball in his arms, all his brain into the altar, and the bloody altar shone brightly, one after another beam of light rose into the sky!

“They can activate the altar!”

Looking at the 2 Old Monsters in the space divide object, when they saw the rising beam of light, eyes immediately stared at the boss, full of incredible!

At this moment, there is at most a breath between the space divide object and the altar!

“The altar must be destroyed to stop them from leaving!”

One of the white monsters, Old Monster hair stands up in anger, pointed out in the air, preparing to destroy the Scarlet Altar.

Another Old Monster is a thick black hair, hurriedly stopping: “Don’t be impulsive, the person who controls the space’s divide object is also burning Life Strength. Before you destroy the bloody altar, he is enough to enter the altar. Destruction, we can only stare! “

At this moment, Wu Tian took control of the space divide object and swept into the bloody altar. At the same time, he grabbed the Purple Gold rat into the space divide object, and then the space divide object disappeared into the sense of the two Old Monsters.

Then, the rays of light of the Scarlet Altar faded quickly.

The white-haired Old Monster shouted: “Damn it!”

black hair Old Monster exclaimed, “Don’t bullshit, follow!”

“xiu !!”

Before the blood of the altar’s rays of light was completely dim, the two successfully entered the altar and immediately disappeared.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Celestial Emperor fast as lightning all the way back to Celestial Emperor Palace Ninth Layer, but when I saw Thunder God and Huang Fuyi lying on the ground, unconscious, his heart that had only just been put down before, and hesitated again. !!

He glanced at the stone wall behind the throne and reached out with both hands. The divine force sprayed thinly into the within the body of Huang Fuyi 2 people.

At present, the eyelids of the two moved, and eyes opened, revealing confusion.

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, the two of them suddenly shivered, and they bounced, and glanced at all around vigilantly.

Celestial Emperor frowned. “What happened to you? Who stunned you?”

Huangfu Yi shook his head and said, “I didn’t see it.”

“The man who blame us is like a ghost. There is no sign of it. Huang Fuyi and I have been stunned before they can react.” Thunder God said, his face was rather gloomy.

Celestial Emperor thought for a moment, and said, “Is it him!”


Huang Fuyi 2 people looked towards Celestial Emperor, with a strong murderous intention in their eyes!

They were fainted and didn’t say that they didn’t even see the appearance of the enemy, which was a shame to them!

Celestial Emperor said, “Mask man!”

At this time, the stone wall behind the throne opened silently, but there was no one in the dense room.

The Celestial Emperor 3 people looked at it immediately, and were surprised by 10000 points!

The secret room was naturally opened by Wu Tian, ​​but he didn’t show up. After the stone wall opened a crack, he drove the space divine object, grabbed the Celestial Emperor Palace Ninth Layer, and fled directly to Heaven Sect in Heaven.

But all this, Celestial Emperor 3 people don’t know!

The three looked at each other and were about to walk towards the back room, but at this moment, 3 Old Monsters manifested on the altar, full of blood!

“See the ancestors!”

Seeing 2 people, Celestial Emperor 3 people expressed changed and immediately bowed down to worship.

However, the 2 Old Monsters didn’t even look at them, and left the Celestial Emperor Palace directly, divide sense hiding the sky and covering the earth, and once again captured the trace of the space divide object.

“sou! !”

2 Murderous intention surges, teleports, and chases away!

“what happened?”

Celestial Emperor 3 people looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, the Scarlet Altar was once again full of light, and the 5 Old Monsters appeared in the back room one after another.

Three people hurried forward, Celestial Emperor asked, “What happened to the sages, why did you all leave Yin Long Shan’s vein? And why did the 3 ancestors burn their Life Strength?”

One of the Old Antique said solemnly: “The Reincarnation Body and Yetian and the others of the first generation Celestial Emperor were taken away, and this person possessed a space of 5 Divine Objects for Heavenly Venerate Divine Armament, 2 ancestors in order to prevent them from leaving Heaven Realm, you have to burn Life Strength! “


“Reincarnation Body was taken away?”

“5 The space divide object of Heavenly Venerate Divine Armament?”

3 people were stunned.

Celestial Emperor suddenly shivered, came back to his senses, and said angrily, “I immediately ordered to go down and let people block the heavens!”

That Old Antique shook his head: “It’s useless. Although the space divide object does not have attack power, we can’t stop it, let alone those gods and Demon God. Now we can only expect 2 ancestors to leave them. . “

“How is this good?”

Celestial Emperor was so anxious that he finally found the Reincarnation Body of the Celestial Emperor. Could it have made him fly like this?

The Old Antique asked, “Celestial Emperor, have any suspicious people appeared recently?”

“Suspicious person?”

Celestial Emperor took a moment’s notice, calmed down quickly, and pondered for a while, nodded and said: “Yes, there are people in the Holy World who came to rescue Nie Caixue, but 2 of them Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate has been beheaded by a generation of Thunder God, and another called Members of Fu Qiu’s inner temple rescued Nie Caixue … “

Having said that, Celestial Emperor complexion changed, said solemnly: “It’s him, yes, the people who took Han Tian away are definitely Fu Qiu!”

“Fu Qiu?”

Twelve Old Antique eyebrows raised a little doubt, why has the name never been heard?

Celestial Emperor now tells these 5 Old Antique one after another what happened these days.

And the entire Tianyu, because of the appearance of the 2 ancestors, instantly exploded!

Although they don’t know, these two people are who you, but the breath emitted by them is enough to make anyone daunted!

Someone will recognize them soon!

Those who can recognize 2 people are naturally the Old Monsters of Loose Cultivator Alliance and Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

That’s the problem.

Why are these 2 Old Monsters out of the hidden Long Shan vein?

At the beginning, Xuanyuan Ao led the gods in the holy realm and came to the tenth station to snatch Divine Spark and Divine Physique. Neither of them appeared, but now they actually appear, and depending on their appearance, it is obviously a major event !!

But what happened? It would surprise them 2?

Those Old Monsters at the Loose Cultivator Alliance and Heavenly Treasure Pavilion are 100 wonders.

At this moment, Wu Tian has taken control of the space divide object and descended on Heaven Sect Square of Tianyu.

Without hesitation, he grabbed a black badge and appeared in front of the Transmission Gate.

This badge, the Demon God badge, was found in the Devil’s Space Bracelet.

As one of the Three Great Giants of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, the devil is naturally a lot of things, a lot of scratches in the space bracelet.

He was holding the badge, facing the Transmission Gate, divining force sprayed, a beam of light swept out of the badge, and integrated into the Transmission Gate.

Suddenly, the Transmission Gate bloomed ten thousand zhang rays of light!

Then, he stepped into the Transmission Gate, turned and looked towards the void ahead, and the silhouette quickly faded.

The 2 Old Monsters were coming lightning-fast, covered in murderous-looking, and their eyes were so angry that their position at this moment was only 3 breaths time away from the Transmission Gate.

In other words, they can come to the Transmission Gate with only a maximum of 3 coupons.

However, don’t look at just three small things, enough to change everything!

At the second interest, Wu Tian’s silhouette has been completely faded and disappeared without disappear without a trace.

In the third interest, two Old Monsters actually landed in front of the Transmission Gate, without the slightest hesitation breaking in, and the silhouette quickly faded.

They are anxious now, and they will be transmitted to Heaven Sect on the other side in an instant. However, the transmission of Transmission Gate has a process. No matter how high your cultivation base and strength are, you need to go through this process. of.

Northern Domain, Imperial City!

After Wu Tian walked out of the Transmission Gate, the divine force suddenly roared from within the body, turned into a bloody torrent, and headed for Transmission Gate strikes!

The whole process came down, he did not panic, calm and calm!

He didn’t go to see the result either, entered the space divide object, and swept toward the Xiyu City nearest to the Imperial City.


The bloody torrent rushed to the Transmission Gate, and when they met, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering blast came out!

In an instant, the people at Heaven Sect Square, Transmission Gate, and Tianmai Square scattered ashes and dispersed smoke directly. The void here also turned into nothingness, as if chaos was removed!


An angry roar sounded in the broken void!

Immediately afterwards, the 2 Old Monsters smashed the void and stormed out, leaving no scars on or around them!

Of course, Wu Tian didn’t expect that smashing the Transmission Gate could kill them or seriously hurt them.

After all, they are both great perfection Heavenly Venerate, even if they fall into a space tunnel, they can easily walk out.

Wu Tian smashed the Transmission Gate just to gain time.

At this time, one breath and two breaths are enough to determine their life and death, so he must find a way to win time, even if only a little bit.

And smashing the Transmission Gate and letting 2 Old Monsters fall into the space tunnel is the best and only way.

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