At this moment, Wu Tian is filled with a winning mind!

He used to have countless ordeals, countless ups and downs, and even faced the desperate situation on the verge of death, he could survive tenaciously. I believe this time is no exception!

At this time, the black-armored person who was tortured by the Purple Gold rat could not help but begged Wu Tian to kill him.

He was fed up with this taste of life rather than death!

He thought about Self-destruction Divine Spark, and also thought of self-destructing Divine Physique, but he couldn’t do it, because he couldn’t escape the horrible coercion of Wu Tian!

However, Wu Tian behaved extremely indifferently, and did not even take a look at it. He took out the earth sign and sent a message to the two of You Mo, asking where they are now?

After counting the interest, two people wrote back, saying they were still inquiring about the city.

Wu Tian made them immediately think of a way to leave Tianyu and wait for him at the door of Heaven Realm.

And, when you get to the door of Heaven Realm, remember to give him a message.

As for the reason, Wu Tian did not say.

Out of trust in Wu Tian, ​​Lengyue 2 didn’t ask more, and immediately started to grab the badge.

Tianyu leads to the Northern Domain ’s Transmission Gate. Only the Tianshen badge and Demon God badge can be opened, but with the strength of 2 people, it is easy to grab a badge.

After entering the Northern Domain, they directly opened the Transmission Gate, transferred to Fengmen City, and then swept towards the gate of Heaven Realm.

However, when they came to the door of Heaven Realm, they froze.

The door to Heaven Realm at this moment was unguarded, but it was closed!

2 people immediately told Wu Tian the news.

Wu Tian, ​​who received the message, couldn’t help frowning.

In fact, he should have thought that since Celestial Emperor already knew that the black robe 2 had sneaked into Heaven Realm, it would definitely close the door of Heaven Realm. It would never open until no black robe 2 was found.

But because he encountered too many things, he ignored this.

Fortunately for 10000, he asked the two of Youmo to go to the door of Heaven Realm in advance and discovered the change.

It’s not too late to discover now!

Wu Tian returned a message to two people, the content is roughly, let two people 2 don’t act blindly without thinking, lurking near the door of Heaven Realm, just wait for him quietly, as for the key to open the door of Heaven Realm And he will think of a way.

They also told two people that if the black robes asked their whereabouts, they said they were near the gods.

You Mo and Leng Yue also readily agreed.

Next, Wu Tian stowed the ground order and fell into meditation again.

The key to open the gate of the holy realm is the order of Holy Lord. Is the key to open the door of Heaven Realm the order of Celestial Emperor?

If that’s the case, you can only start with the great big shots of Heaven Realm.

Because of such important things, only these giants are eligible to own.

After thinking about it, he set his goal on the devil.

When he was at Heaven Realm, the Devil did not bother him a lot, and when he was at the tenth station, he wanted to put him to death everywhere. Now it is also time to go to him and clear the old account!

In fact, in his heart, Thunder God should kill more than the demon!

Because at that time, those dead men who repeatedly plotted him were sent by Thunder God.

But in the face of Ni Yeye, let Thunder God go first this time!

After all, when he was in trouble, Ni Yeye sincerely helped him. Although he was indifferent, he was not ruthless, and he should try to pay back his kindness.

With a clear direction, Wu Tian no longer continued to meditate, looked up towards the black-armored person who was going to die, and killed him with a wave of his hand, his soul was annihilated, and skeleton doesn’t exist, leaving only a space bracelet!

The Purple Gold rat was dissatisfied: “Wu Tian, ​​what are you doing? I don’t object to killing him, but you should always keep his Divine Spark. You must know that he is a top ten spiritual Spirit!”

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “As long as I think, there are a lot of Paragon Divine Sparks, and the Divine Sparks of the Spiritual Spirit of Divine Spark, can’t let me look at them.”

This sentence is not bragging. With his strength today, only Divine Spark of great perfection Heavenly Venerate can attract his attention.

“So cattle?”

The Purple Gold rat is dumbfounded. It has only just begun to become an emperor. The Divine Spark of the Spiritual Spirit of God is aloof and remote to him, an unexpected divine object, let alone a Paragon Divine Spark!

It cautiously asked: “Wu Tian, ​​are you already a Paragon now?”

Wu Tian nodded and said: “Small Accomplishment Paragon.”

“I rely on, perverts, damn pervert, too perverted, you asshole, I just became the emperor, you are already Small Accomplishment Paragon, you still let the uncle Rat live!” Purple Gold rattled his eyes, Shocked and incoherent, this is too shocking, right? No, it is against rat.

Wu Tian shook her head and promised: “After leaving Heaven Realm, I will find a way to make your cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, even more than me.”

“Over you!”

Purple Gold rat body trembled, his eyes lighted up, “Then I’ll wait and see, oh yes, don’t forget the little sparrow, let it be born again, and recultivation is the top priority.”

Wu Tian said: “I have always remembered the story of the bird sage. I don’t hide from you that now I have found a way. As for whether it can be reborn, it depends on its own creation.

“I am relieved of this.”

Purple Gold rat relaxed. As a companion who was born and died, the bird can’t let go of it most. Now, listening to Wu Tian, ​​a big rock in his heart can finally fall.

Wu Tian warned repeatedly: “You are here, I will save Nie Caixue.”

When Purple Gold rat heard it, it suddenly burst into flames at 30,000 feet, and said angrily, “Why should you save that stinky 3 8? Did you forget it? She was Xuanyuan Ao’s biggest accomplice?”

“I haven’t forgotten, but this is my mission. I must rescue her, and only if I can successfully rescue her, can I enter Holy Land in the astral world.”

Wu Tian’s bright light glittering eyes, took out a jade green jade pendant from the space bracelet, put it in her arms, the whole body immediately disappeared, like a transparent person.


Then, he put away the space bracelet of the black-armored person. After the silhouette flashed, he left the space divide object and went to cell 9 of the prison.

When he walked to the door, he extended his hand and stuck it on top of the stone gate, and then the divine force was sprayed down. With a boom, the stone gate quickly opened.

Strode out of the cell, came to the door of cell 8, and quickly opened the stone gate again.

After the stone gate was opened, it showed a small cell. The decoration in the cell was no different from cell 9. On the stone bed in the corner, a silhouette of a skinny cricket was sitting.

This person has gray hair, an old face, and wrinkles, and his eyes are extremely turbid.

At first glance, Wu Tian thought he was looking for the wrong person.

But a closer look, he found that this person was actually Nie Caixue!

But isn’t Nie Caixue a Spiritual God? How could it be like this?

When the stone gate was opened, Nie Caixue had already opened his eyes, but only a slight glance at Wu Tian closed his eyes again.

Wu Tian stepped forward and frowned, “Are you really Nie Caixue?”

“Do you still need to ask?”

Nie Caixue didn’t open her eyes, said huskyly, looking senile.

Wu Tian wondered, “Why did you become like this?”

Nie Caixue said in disgust: “Don’t cat cry and rat a fake compassion.”

“The cat is crying and the child is false compassion?” Wu Tian shuddered and shook his head. “I am here to save you by order of Xuanyuan Ao. If you are so rude, don’t blame me for leaving you alone.”

Hearing, Nie Caixue finally opened his eyes, and those dim eyes dazzled a bit of light, and asked, “Are there any credentials?”

Wu Tian took out the Purple Gold badge.

As soon as he saw the badge, Nie Caixue suddenly glowed and got up from the stone bed, but as if he was physically weak, he just got up and fell into a hurry and planted on the ground.

Wu Tian frowned, with her big hand poking out like lightning, holding her, and then holding her down from the stone bed, she asked again, “How can you be like this?”

Nie Caixue’s old face immediately began to grow thick with resentment, and said gloomily, “I will become like this, it is the credit of the black-armored persons of the 2 Guardian God prisons!”

“How do you say?” Wu Tian frowned.

Nie Caixue’s eyes emerged with Murderous intention, saying: “They not only broke my Qi Sea, but also snatched my space bracelet, and lost the supplement of Divinity Medicine and Essence. The blood energy and Life Strength of my within the body passed away every day, If you come here decades later, I’m afraid you won’t see me! “

“It’s better to die!” Wu Tian secretly slandered. He had no sympathy for Nie Caixue.

At this time, Nie Caixue asked anxiously: “How is my father?”

Wu Tian said: “I haven’t seen him, but it is said that there is no problem.”

“I can rest assured.” Nie Caixue relaxed, looking behind Wu Tian, ​​frowning: “Are you alone?”

Wu Tian said: “You don’t care about it. I will wrong you for a while. Only by knocking you out will I take you away.”

Nie Caixue said: “As long as I can leave this damn ghost place, no matter what grievances I have, I will bear it.”

Wu Tian nodded, with her palm as a blade, on the back of Nie Caixue, she passed out on the spot.

He can’t let Nie Caixue know that he has a space divide object.

Because when Nie Caixue went to the holy realm, Cho Luo would ask her about the process of saving her. If Nie Caixue knew the existence of the space divide object, she would also say 100% of the space divide object, and maybe it would cause Xuanyuan Ao’s doubt.

As for Nie Meixue, he didn’t plan to bring it to the holy realm together. As long as Nie Meixue stayed at Heaven Realm, it would not pose a threat.

However, just when Wu Tian was going to bring Nie Caixue and enter the space divide object, a full-bodied voice sounded behind him: “Who are you? Where are you going to take Nie Caixue?”

Hearing this voice, Wu Tian tightened his body and mind, turned and looked around, and immediately saw a middle-aged big man wearing a purple armor, standing outside the stone gate, watching him vigilantly.

“First Generation Thunder God!”

Wu Tian was shocked. Absolutely didn’t expect. At the critical moment, this horrible powerhouse will pop out!

“Meet a generation of Thunder God Senior!”

Wu Tian looked respectful, bowed down and worshiped, but his mind was moving at a high speed. Almost instantly, he thought of a way to escape!

“Do you know me?” Thunder God frowned.

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