Huang Fu frowned, “What are you doing here?”

That day Divine Dao: “Great Commander, his subordinates sensed a strange life aura broke into here, but when his subordinates came to check, they found that no one, his subordinates were afraid that something would happen, so they stayed here and waited 2 An adult returns. “

Hearing, Huang Fuyi and Celestial Emperor looked at each other with a little doubt in their eyes.

Huang Fuyi waved: “Come on!”

“Yes, the subordinates retire!”

God bowed back that day.

Watching the departure of the gods, Huang Fuyi turned and looked at Celestial Emperor, said solemnly: “Someone deceived us into the Devil’s Mountain with false news. After we left, another person broke into the Celestial Emperor palace, Celestial Emperor. We, the fake ones, want to lured the tiger away from the mountain! “

“Lured the tiger away from the mountain!”

Celestial Emperor complexion changed and hurriedly looked at the wall behind the throne.

After some observation, however, he found traces of passiveness at the wall not at all.


Celestial Emperor glanced at the great hall void, shouted: “Sir, please come out!”

Nie Meixue said, “Not good, he found us!”

Wu Tian indifferently said: “Don’t panic, he didn’t find us, he was testing us.”


Nie Meixue froze slightly, but she was still a little worried.

But soon, she realized that what Wu Tian said was true.

Seeing that Celestial Emperor waited for a while, and no one appeared, he released divine sense and searched for the void in great hall.

Huang Fuyi also paid attention to it secretly, and then shook his head at Celestial Emperor a little later: “No one, it is estimated that when he was discovered by the gods, he left.”

Celestial Emperor nodded, said solemnly: “I’m still a bit relieved. I’m going back to Celestial Emperor to see. You continue to look for the whereabouts of the masked man. Remember, you must find him anyway. I always feel that this matter and him related.”

“it is good.”

Huang Fu turned and left.

With a wave of Celestial Emperor, the gate closed tightly, then turned and walked towards the throne.

Nie Meixue said in surprise: “Senior, what treasure are you, even the Celestial Emperor who is Heavenly Venerate, can’t even capture it?”

After learning about Wu Tian’s true cultivation base, she also became respectful and no longer called the Lord the same as the original and changed her name to Senior.

Wu Tian hearing this, frowning, “Isn’t Celestial Emperor a great perfection Paragon?”

Nie Meixue said, “30 years ago, he had broken through to Heavenly Venerate.”

“Holy Lord breakthrough to Heavenly Venerate, and Celestial Emperor followed through Heavenly Venerate. The two really deserve to be their rivals.” Wu Tian mumbled.

Nie Meixue said, “Senior, you haven’t answered my question yet!”

Wu Tian staring’s looking towards Celestial Emperor in the picture, differentially said: “You don’t care, you just need to know that you are safe here.”

At this point, Celestial Emperor had already reached the throne, and then he bit his finger, a drop of blood overflowed, and between the fingers, the blood dropped on the wall, and then the blood quickly penetrated into the wall!

Immediately afterwards, the original integrated wall was in a silent state, cracking a door gap enough for one person to pass!

Through the door gap, Wu Tian can clearly see that there is a secret room with ten zhang left and right, and a bloody altar stands in the center!

That’s right, the Scarlet Altar!

Wu Tian frowned instantly!

He has seen more than one or two scarlet altars, and he already knows them well.

Such as God World’s 2 altars leading to Heaven Realm and God World.

Such as the Reincarnation Continent, 2 altars leading to Dark City and the ruins of the overcast.

Another example is Heaven Realm leading to the ancient continuous altar.

In short, the altar is the access point for 2 different continent!

The same continuous, generally used Transmission Gate, space-time gate, or World Gate.

So, when I saw the altar, Wu Tian’s first reaction was that Celestial Emperor is not in Heaven Realm!

But he felt as if something was impossible.

However, at this time, Nie Meixue asked, “Senior, you haven’t told me why Qiuyu came to Tianyu?”

What Wu Tian hates most is being interrupted when thinking about problems.

His eyes were cold light flashed, he turned around, shot lightningly, and slammed on the back of Nie Meixue, with a groan, Nie Meixue fell to the ground on the spot, and passed out, and his ears were finally quiet.

Later, he drove the space divide object and swept into the closet before the door was closed. Immediately he saw Celestial Emperor standing in front of the altar. A fiery divine force spurted out from the index finger and continuously integrated into the altar.

As the divine force continued to flow in, the altar gradually glowed with radiance.

“It turned out that the rumors were true. I really wanted the blood of Celestial Emperor to open the entrance and the divine force to open the altar.”

Wu Tian muttered to himself, but suddenly his gaze was fixed, staring directly at the fiery red force from the Celestial Emperor’s fingertips. In this force, he felt a heart-breaking destructive force, and Give him a very familiar feel!

“Extreme divide force!”

in Wu Tian’s eyes

Yes, Celestial Emperor’s divide force is the ultimate divide force!

鈥渨eng! 鈥?/p>

At this time, the altar was fully exposed, and at the same time, Celestial Emperor closed it and stepped onto the altar.

Wu Tian also hurried away the distractions in her heart and drove the space divide object and fell on the clothes of Celestial Emperor.

The space divide object, from the inside, is estimated to weigh 1000000 kilograms, but it is no different from the dust on the outside, plus another 5 Heavenly Venerate Divine Armament. Celestial Emperor would never think that there would be a space divide on his clothes. object.

The scene in the picture moves like the speed of light. After about 5 breaths, the scene is finally fixed.

It is a majestic mountain range, the end can not be seen at a glance, the ancient wood in the mountain range is towering, and the finest ancient wood, it is estimated that 5 people cannot join in hand, the thick vines everywhere are like horned dragons Like, or entangle ancient wood, or hang from the ground!

Even the weeds are several people tall!

This is completely a primitive wilderness!

However, in the mountain range, Wu Tian did not feel the breath of a ferocious beast. There are many peaks, but they are not high. The highest peak is probably about thousand zhang, but it looks a bit like a Divine. Dragon shape.

After entering this place, Celestial Emperor didn’t stop at all, stepped into the void, and walked solemnly toward the mountain range, like a pilgrimage!

With the strength and status of Celestial Emperor, teleportation and flight can be performed anywhere, but here he did not do it, but used it.

Suffice it to say, here is the legendary hidden Long Shan pulse!

Wu Tian drives the space divide object and follows Celestial Emperor. There is excitement and unhappiness in her heart.

I was excited because I was about to see Han Tian.

He was because he was afraid that Han Tian and Long Hu were the same, and he was more afraid of being the same as Xuanyuan Ao.

With so much complexity, he followed Celestial Emperor to a mountain peak.

The peaks are thousand zhang high, lush vegetation, but quiet and silent.

Looking at the top of the mountain, there can be around hunted zhang, like an axe, flat and flat, with wild flowers blooming on it, lush trees, and three graves standing among the flowers!

The three graves are very ordinary, just a small mound. In front of the mound, each one has a tombstone embossed with a few big black characters on it!

The first tombstone, the tomb of the 3rd generation Celestial Emperor!

2nd tombstone, tomb of Celestial Emperor 2nd generation!

The third tombstone, the tomb of the first generation Celestial Emperor!

Looking at the three tombstones, Wu Tian was puzzled.

Han Tian hasn’t all found it, why is the grave of the previous life still?

Celestial Emperor turned around all three tombs, seeing nothing different, bowed to the three tombs and worshiped for three, rose again into the air, and continued to walk deep into the mountain range.

After Celestial Emperor left, Wu Tian released divine sense and sank into the grave, only to find it was an empty grave!

Full of doubts, he continued to follow.

It’s a big hindrance to breathe around, he faintly senses dozens of breaths!

At the same time, the surprise in his eyes cannot be masked!

Although it was only faintly sensed, he could tell instantly that among these breaths, there was the breath of Han Tian, 鈥嬧€媡he breath of night and day, the breath of Shishi, and the breath of nature!

There are shadows, souls, bird saints, ten 5 Beast Sovereign, they are all among them!

“Guys, I’m here!”

Both of his hands clenched tightly, and could not care about the slow Celestial Emperor. He drove the space divide object and stormed towards the source of the breath of Han Tian and the others.

There are almost only three breaths. More than a dozen mountain peaks enter the picture, only 3 zhang or so, and the peak is flat.

On one of the hills, Yetian, Shishi, Tianyi, Shadow, the soul of the pupil of life and death, sitting cross-legged, both eyes closed tightly, as if retreating quietly.

They all around, Long Ma waited for the 5th and 1th Beast Sovereign to lie on the ground, their eyes were closed, and their breath was stable.

As for Flying Heaven Fox and Tori St., the former lies on Shishi’s side, while the latter lies on Shishi’s fragrant shoulder.

Seeing these familiar faces, Wu Tian was trembling and wished to step out of the space divide object immediately, but reasonably told him that he could not go out now.

Because on top of a dozen other mountains, he sensed one after another terrifying atmosphere.

These breaths are only revealed naturally, but they are unfathomable. According to his analysis, it is estimated that they are Perfection Heavenly Venerate.

Because their breath is stronger than the black robe 2 people, but they do not notice the space divide object, indicating that they are indeed Perfection Heavenly Venerate.

Wu Tian one after another A glance over the past, there are an old loft on the top of more than a dozen mountains, and those breaths are emitted from the loft, there are ten or five in total.

Ten 5 Perfection Heavenly Venerate!

What a terrifying number!

He really didn’t expect. Not only is there a lot of Paragon and Heavenly Venerate lurking in God’s Prison, but even Long Shan’s veins hide so many terrifying Old Antiques. Sure enough, Heaven Realm cannot be underestimated!

It turned out that after understanding the overall strength of the Holy Realm, he still looked down on Heaven Realm.

He felt that Heaven Realm’s overall strength was far less than that of Holy Realm.

But now he has to change his mind, Heaven Realm is a tough opponent.

A little calmed down the shock in his heart, he looked towards another mountain.

This mountain is at the very center, a bit higher than Shishi and the others and those of the Old Monster, like all the stars cup themselves around the moon.

The hilltop is not an attic. It is an ancient palace. The breath of Han Tian is from the palace.

In front of the palace, there is a ten zhang high stone tablet with 3 flamboyants engraved on it, an imposing manner of amazing ancient character-Celestial Emperor Mountain!

At this time, Celestial Emperor finally came here, glanced down at Shishi and the others, and glanced at the attic where the dozens of Old Antique were located. Then he descended directly on the Celestial Emperor hill, and then strode toward the palace.

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