Look at Ding Ninger’s family of four, there are still hundreds of people lying quietly in the pool of blood!

They are young and old, there are men and women, there are even 7-year-old teenagers, 8-year-old children, newborn babies!

They are all Ding Family people!

Some are servants and some are Ding Ning’s relatives!

But without exception, they torn skin and gaping flesh, blood dripping!

Even bones can be seen!

However, there are no signs of life in their bodies!

In other words, they are dead!

And, I was killed by a whip!

This terrible picture is terrible!

The bloody smell in the air is strong and pungent!

This is simply Asura hell, blood flowing into a river, and it’s horrifying!

But seeing all this Wu Chi with his own eyes, there is no sympathy or compassion in his eyes. On the contrary, he very much enjoys this kind of bullying and weakness, this Only I Am Supreme feeling!

Especially when he heard the scream that came from the beating, he was so happy in his heart!

The Transmission Gate is magnificent, and 4 silhouettes are revealed!


Wu Chi frowned, heading for the Transmission Gate.

“finally come!”

At the moment, a strong murderous intention appeared in his eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!

That’s right!

The visitor is not someone else, it is Wu Tian 4 people!

As soon as Wu Tian appeared in the imperial city, the pungent blood smell was assaults the senses like waves!

He was heart trembled, striding out of the Transmission Gate, and when he saw the picture in front of him, he was angry, completely angry!


Lengyue and You Mo also couldn’t help holding breath cold air!

As Adjudicators, they have slaughter countless lives, their hands are stained with blood, and they can even be said to be heinous, but when they face the enemy, they are usually crushed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. They never did it!

Even, they have lived for so many years, this is the first time they have seen such a means, such a picture!

They were shocked!

Nie Qiuyu was even more shocked. Where did she see such a bloody scene? The face was pale, the lovable body was shiver coldly, and his eyes were full of terror!

Seeing the expressions of several people, Wu Chi was very satisfied, and a bright smile crawled on his face, jokingly: “Sorry, you are late. Except for Ding Ninger’s family of 4, everyone else has gone to Difu to bury my child. “

Wu Tian indifferently said: “Wu Chi, you do this, it doesn’t make any sense to me. On the contrary, you will send yourself to Bottomless Abyss!”

“is it?”

The smile on Wu Chi’s face grew brighter, but the smile suddenly changed into a full sneer, saying: “This Eminence has already laid inescapable net, just waiting for you to walk right into a trap!”

Wu Tian glanced at the crowd around all around, indifferently said: “Just by them?”

“Of course not them.”

Wu Chi coldly smiled, looked up towards the sky, loudly said: “Everyone, come out!”

“Hehe, mask man, I’m really curious, where did you borrow the courage to dare to kill Wu Chi’s son.”

“I hope in the afterlife, you will have bright eyes and see who can offend and who you cannot offend.

“Wu Chi, kill him, but don’t forget the benefits promised to us.”

Several sounds sounded one after another in the sky.

Immediately after, 4 men and one woman descended from the sky, rounding Wu Tian 4 people around the center.

“Jian Huo?”

“Qin Shou?”

“Yi Huang?”

“King Wu?”

“She colored clothes?”

Wu Tian one after another glanced at the past, his eyes suddenly became strange.

Jian Huo stared at Wu Tian proudly and said, “Let the Spirit Race patriarch be released, we will give you a lot of joy!”

Wu Tian glanced at him lightly and glanced at the others, and finally looked towards Wu Chi, shaking his head and saying, “I really don’t know, what kind of capability do you have, dare to be arrogant before me.”

With that said, he took a step without warning and appeared in front of Wu Chi!

Faced with this sudden change, Wu Chi heart startled, and went away without thinking!

However, he was shocked to find that he couldn’t move, and felt a pull on his chest. He looked down and saw that a big hand had grabbed his clothes and dragged him.

Immediately after, only a faint sound came into my ear.

“Your son told me that you had told him that I was a stray dog ​​in front of you. Is this really the case? Tell me, who is the stray dog?”

Hearing this sentence, Wu Chi first hesitated, then lifts the head and stared at Wu Tian in suspicion, and finally, a look of horror crawled on his face!

“you are……”

He stared at Wu Tian unbelievably, his throat as if stuck in something.

This is a sign of excessive panic!

Because he already thought about the true identity of the masked man in front of him!

Wu Tian got to his ear and whispered: “Yes, I am your nightmare, Asura King Wu Tian, ​​now I know, how ridiculous is your so-called inescapable net?”

Wu Chi trembled physically and mentally, frightened by 10000, and opened his mouth angrily. He clearly wanted to scream Wu Tian’s true identity, but he couldn’t scream for half a word. He had been scared to death!

“This is the expression that a stray dog ​​should have.” Wu Tian whispered again, reaching out with his big hand, grabbing Wu’s head like an eagle’s claw.

“Do not kill me!”

When death came, Wu Chi was in a hurry, and finally roared out, but at the same time, Wu Tian slammed his hands, his head exploded like a watermelon, his brain 4 splashed, and his soul was crushed into pieces!


When Jianhuo 5 saw this, they immediately exhibited their desperate Divine Ability and blasted off towards Wu Tian!

But Divine Ability has not yet killed Wu Tian, ​​a coercion first emerged, imprisoning the audience!

“really strong !”

Jian Huo and the others turn pale with fright, and finally realized that the strength of this mask man has far exceeded their expectations!

Wu Tian glanced at 5 people, differently said: “I have a secret to tell you.”

He stepped forward, came to Jian Huo, and muttered in his ear. Jian Huo immediately showed the same expression as before Wu Chi’s death, but before he spoke, Wu Tian smashed his head with a punch. Crush his soul!

Similarly, when the people of Wu Wang heard Wu Tian’s whisper, they were frightened!

In the final end, the skull was broken and the soul was destroyed. Only a headless corpse fell to the ground, and blood spewed out of the large hole in the neck, which looked extremely embarrassing!

The scene was full of chills, the four big men with long whip, and the Tiangong disciples all around, all of them were ashamed, ashen-faced!

Wu Tian glanced at the audience, killing his heart, and arrogantly rolling towards the 8 sides. The heavenly palace and the four big man, the fleshy body exploded, all the blood splattered on the spot, and the screams echoed between Heaven and Earth for a long time. Not to go!


Outside the square, people groaned!

Wu Chi waited for the 6 Great Spiritual Gods. He said kill and kill. Tiangong disciple didn’t stay. These irony methods made them shocked and scared!

Even Ding Ning’s family of 4 who were the victims were shocked speechless!

Very powerful !

The 6 people in Wu Chi are all famous Spiritual Gods, but in front of this masked man, they are like tiny ants, and they have no strength to fight back!

Who is he?

Why help them again and again?

Wu Tian took a deep breath, and after a slaughter of iron blood, his anger was relieved a lot. He strode to the four members of the Ding Ning’er family. Indifferently said, “Can their deaths make up for your wounds?”

Ding Su’s instinct was nodded, but then a bitter smile appeared on his face, and a little worry.

“Don’t worry, if God and Demon God ask you, you can tell them the truth.”

Wu Tian finished speaking, grabbed a big volley, and Wu Chi’s space bracelet fell on him.

He found out Wu Chi ’s God ’s Coat of Arms, facing the Transmission Gate across the air, spraying the divine force, and a beam of light swept out of the badge and integrated into the Transmission Gate. The Transmission Gate was instantly brighter and brighter than before.

“Let’s go to Tianyu.”

Immediately, he crushed the Tianshen badge, said something to the two of Youmo, and strode into the Transmission Gate. The three of Lengyue turned and followed.

In a split second, 4 people disappeared without disappearing.

As soon as 4 people left Wu Tian, ​​the crowd around the Heaven Sect square suddenly swarmed towards Ding Ninger 4 people, chirp chirp twitter twitter kept asking.

The question is nothing but who is the mask man? Why is he helping you Ding Family? What does it have to do with your Ding Family? and many more.

In response to these problems, Ding Ninger’s family of four could only report bitter smiles.

They haven’t figured it out yet, how can they answer other people’s questions?

However, soon after the Transmission Gate lit up again, the two gods strode out, and after seeing the tragic situation at Heaven Sect Square, their faces were suddenly gloomy!

The scene fell into silence again!

The two gods approached Ding Ninger, and Ding Ninger answered truthfully.

In the end, the two did not go to the Ninger family.

Because they also heard about the grievances between Masked Man and Wu Chi.

Therefore, they only think that the masked man is purely rough and help.

But this matter is very important. Even if they help each other, they can’t stop there. The two gods immediately opened the Transmission Gate, returned to Tianyu, and reported the matter to Huangfuyi one to ten.

After learning about this, Huang Fuyi was surprised by 10000 points!

Dozens of gods were dispatched immediately, and a death order was issued. Even if you dig the ground 3 feet, you must find a mask person!

In this way, one passed ten and ten 100. Not only did the people in Tianyu know that there was a mask man who showed great courage, but the method was very ruthless. Even the people in the other three domains were talking about this mask man.

Wu Tian has once again become the focus of Heaven Realm!

Devil’s Mountain, a place piled up with dung, is used to punish those hedonistic sons of rich parents in Tianyu. Wu Tian will never forget it in his life.

At this moment, he was near Devil’s Mountain.

On a mountain top, Wu Tian stood up against the wind, the breeze blew and his silky white hair was blowing. At the moment, in the eyes of the three people in You Mo, he was like an expert who was about to leave by the wind. Like the cold-blooded look before, judging as 3 people!

You Mo and Leng Yue are no strangers.

However, there is a hint of curiosity in Nie Qiu’s words.

Not long ago, a horrifying Asura, but now it has become dusty. How could this person be so contradictory?

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