“It’s really him.”

Wu Tian was amazed. I never thought that Wu Chi would take over the position of the Northern Domain Celestial Court. Even more so, even his son was already so old.

Seeing this, the purple clothed youth became even more unscrupulous, with a slight disdain in the corners of his mouth, and asked, “Senior, do you know Asura King Wu Tian?”

Wu Tian fainted for a moment, nodded and said: “I know, what’s wrong with him?”

The purple clothed youth said proudly: “His strength is strong enough, but he was repeatedly defeated by my father, and in front of my father, he was a stray dog.”

“so smart?”

Lengyuemu was surprised.

You Mo also frowned, doubting: “Even fierce might, Wu Tian, ​​is not your father’s opponent. Is your father so powerful?”

Purple clothed youth eyebrow raised, threatening: “Do you want to die? Don’t you dare to doubt my father’s strength!”

You Mo eyes cold light flashed.

Wu Tian reached out to stop You Mo, watching purple clothed youth, and said differently: “Who told you that Wu Tian is your stray dog ​​under father?”

Purple clothed youth proudly said: “I father said personally, and Jian Huo and Yi Huang’s uncles.”

“It’s really a clown.”

Wu Tian sneered.

Distorted facts aside, dare to say that he is a stray dog, it seems that these people are really tired!

Purple clothed youth said: “Mask people, I advise you to hurry away, my matter, you are not qualified to intervene.”

He has been completely ecstatic!

“Someone’s going to die!”

You Mo stepped aside, both hands crossed near chest, her eyes full of jokes.

“no Zuo no Die!”

Leng Yue also spit out the cold words and retreated to You Mo.

Purple clothed youth is a smart person. When you see Youmo 2 retreating, a deep anxiety emerges in my heart!

But thinking of father’s support, he summoned his courage and put it in front of Wu Tian, ​​saying, “Mask man, do you dare to try it on me?”

“Other people will choose to escape if they are in crisis, but you come up with courting death, you said, are you very cheap? Since you want courting death, then I will complete you!”

Wu Tian’s eyes were cold, and he kicked away suddenly, slamming on the lower abdomen of purple clothed youth, accompanied by a scream, the purple clothed youth flew out, and the fleshy body exploded in midair, blood splattered!

“He really killed Wu Jiang?”

“Have no hesitation?”

“Wu Jiang is the son of Wu Chitian. Is he ambitionous?”

Seeing this scene, the crowd all around was startled.

Ding Ninger is also a dumb chicken, didn’t expect this mask person, and really dare to do it!

The 3 companions of purple clothed youth were even frightened with soft legs and pale faces!

Wu Tian glanced at 3 people and looked at Ding Ninger and asked, “What’s your name?”

Ding Ning’er said: “Back to Senior, Junior’s name is Ding Ning’er.”

Wu Tian nodded, and looked towards the three companions of purple clothed youth, said differently: “Go back and tell Wu Chi, don’t come to Ding Ninger again, otherwise I will go to the Imperial City to find him in person.”

“What? He dare to threaten Wu Chitian?”

Everyone turns pale with fright.

The arrogance of this person can no longer be described in general, it is simply the lawless of law and natural morality!

Those 3 people are also terrified!

Wu Tian frowned, shouted: “Not rolling yet?”

The three of them suddenly shivered, and hurriedly opened a space-time door, and fled without looking back.

Someone even panicked and bumped his head directly on the gate of time and space. His head was smashed, showing how scared they were at the moment!

The crowd all around also got up, fearing that they would hurt themselves, and fled here quickly.

Soon, the whole island left only Wu Tian 3 and Ding Ning’er, but Ding Ning’er was still in a daze.

“Love will find a way, I believe that one day, the person you wait for will come back to find you.”

Wu Tian lightly saying, then rolled up two of Youmo, swept into the sea of ​​stars, and quickly disappeared at the end of the Sea Territory.

This sentence finally brought Ding Ning’er back to reality, quickly moved towards Wu Tian’s direction of disappearance, bowed down and thanked him, “Senior, thank you, I will always wait, and I also believe that he will one day appear.”


Over a piece of Sea Territory, Wu Tian 3 people fast as lightning, wherever they go, the sea water set off 1000 hundred zhang, it is extremely spectacular!

You Mo said curiously: “Fu Qiu, you usually don’t like to worry about nosy affairs, how can you save that woman with good intentions today?”

“Because she is poor, she is infatuated.”

Wu Tian casually made an excuse. Of course, he would not say that he knew Ding Ning’er, and people like Ding Ning’er were still his brother.

Leng Yuedao: “It’s really pitiful to wait for the return of the one you love for thousands of years, but I worry that you killed that Wu … You Mo, what is the name of the purple clothed youth?”

“Wu Jiang, his father’s name is Wu Chi, 咦, this name seems to be quite fun, Wu Chi, shameless, haha ​​…… Why did his parents give him such a wonderful name?” You Mo couldn’t help laughing. Up.

Leng Yue couldn’t help smiling, saying: “Fu Qiu, I’m worried that you killed that Wu Jiang. Wu Chi will go to Ding Ning’er for trouble.”

You Mo laughed, nodded and said: “Yes, Wu Chi is also the master of Northern Domain. When his son is killed, it is absolutely impossible to give up and take revenge. He must have no chance. The only thing is to go to Ding Ning’er. Get angry with his family. You kindly saved Ding Ning’er, but you feel that it hurt her. “

Wu Tian indifferently said: “I have let those 3 people talk. If he doesn’t take my words to heart, at worst, I will do it well and send him to the prefecture to reunite with his son.”

You Mo shook his head and said, “You guys are really vicious and merciless. It’s up to you. As long as you don’t take trouble, we don’t care.”

Wu Tian said: “No trouble, because the Imperial City of the Northern Domain is the only way to the Tian Domain.”

Lengyue 2 looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.


Emperor City, a palace inside the palace, where the master was originally Lu Lan, but now replaced by Wu Chi.

Wu Chi sat on the throne above, closing his eyes to heal.

But at this moment, a messy and hastily footsteps sounded.

Wu Chi eyes opened, looked towards the palace gate, and 3 silhouettes soon came into view.

The 3 people are exactly the 3 companions of Wu Jiang!

3 people stepped out of the great hall and knelt on the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, Wu Chi frowned.

The Chinese clothing youth whose head was smashed, said in a hurry: “Master, God, no good, Brother Jiang was killed!”

“what did you say?”

Wu Chi stood up suddenly.

Seeing Wu Yanlong Yan’s anger, the three of them could not help shrinking their necks, and their eyes raised their fears.

Huafu youth stuttered: “Master, there is a mask man who killed Brother Jiang on the first island, and skeleton doesn’t exist!”

Wu Chi’s body trembled, stepped in front of the 3 people, grabbed the clothing of the youth clothing, twisted it up, shouted: “What mask man!”

Huafu youth hurriedly said, “We have never met him, but he is really strong, and everyone on the island cannot move under his authority.”

Wu Chi waved his hand like garbage, and threw the youth costume on the ground, then lowered his head, silently, his eyes gloomy.

Huafu youth said, “Master Tianshen, he also told us to tell you a word.”

Wu Chi asked without raising his head: “What is it?”

Huafu youth said: “He said, let you not go to the trouble of Ding Ninger, otherwise he will come to the Imperial City to find you in person.”

Wu Chi was furious, his eyes Murderous intention shot, gnashing teeth said: “Okay, it’s good, kill my son without telling me, dare to threaten this Eminence, this Eminence should see, who is you What is he capable of! “


He flickered and returned to the throne, shouted: “The three of you immediately went to the Heavenly Palace, dispatched ten Inner Palace Disciple, and captured Ding Ninger and her family, all to this Eminence!”


3 people bowed and said, then got up and left as if to escape.

“Mask man, dare to oppose me Wu Chi, I want to make you better than death!”

Wu Chi also disappeared, leaving only a sensation of laughter, echoing inside the palace for a long time.


A glare, half a month passed.

After half a month of non-stop rushing, Wu Tian 3 people finally came to Star Sea City.

Looking at the familiar city below, Wu Tian felt for a while.

At the beginning, he came here at 2 degrees, but the time consumed each time was calculated in units of years.

But this time, it only took half a month.

I have to say that time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

Time is changing everything, and it is also changing him. Now he is not what he used to be. He is now a Paragon overlord!


Wu Tian took a deep breath, calmed down the mood of having ups and downs, turned his head and looked towards You Mo 2 people, warned repeatedly: “less than 10000, no more than 10000000.”


2 people are nodded.

Wu Tian looked at the Star Sea in the distance, and murmured in his heart: “Nie Qiuyu, I haven’t seen you for so many years, are you okay?”

Immediately, he rolled up the two of Youmo, took a step, and landed directly over the Star Sea Peak.

“This is the Sea Spirit Race Holy Land. Please leave 3 others immediately.”

At the moment, a loud drink sounded in a loft.

Immediately after, a dozen lofts located on the top of the mountain, at the same time grabbed a silhouette, then they gathered together, staring at Wu Tian 3 people improperly.

It is led by Nie Qiuyu.

This was followed by Three Great Old Ancestors of the Spirit Race, and Nie Qiu’s parents.

The last is Elder of the Spirit Race.

Wu Tian glanced at everyone, and his eyes locked directly on Nie Qiuyu.

Over the years, Nie Qiuyu has been a Spiritual God, and his appearance has not changed much, but he is more mature and stable than before, and has a kind of Sovereign spirit all over him.

Seeing Wu Tian 3 people are indifferent, the ancestor frowned, shouted: “Let you leave quickly, haven’t you heard?”

Nie Qiuyu reached out to stop the ancestors. First, he generously saluted Wu Tian 3 people, and then a smile of goodwill crawled on his cheeks. Then he asked: “Seniors, I do n’t know if you come to the Spirit Race. Expensive? ”

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