When Wu Tian rushed back to the secret room of God World, only Leng Yue and You Mo were found, indicating that the black robe 2 had not returned.

He was not relaxed secretly either.

Leng Yue asked, “How is God World?”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “No creature can be found.”

Lengyue pump shrink, said: “This Wu Tian is really cruel.”


Wu Tian couldn’t help sneering. He didn’t have any sympathy for God World, because they asked for it.

Leng Yue again said: “Wu Tian has a great reputation, and all the continents of Megatron, but unfortunately, I have no chance to see him in person.

“There will be opportunities.” Wu Tian said meaningfully.

Leng Yue shook her head and said, “Without a chance, he has fallen. Even if he was famous all over the world, he will gradually be forgotten and disappear into the long river of history.”

Wu Tian shook her head and laughed. Later, when Leng Yue learned that he was Wu Tian, ​​she didn’t know what would happen.

He didn’t say much, he turned his head and looked towards You Mo, You Mo stood side by side, his eyebrows tightened, and it seemed that he was still thinking about how to crack the killing of the black robe 2 people.

Wu Tian would like to tell him that there is no need to worry at all.

Because for the situation of Heaven Realm, he can be said to know!

In contrast, there are 2 people in the black robe. What powerhouses does Heaven Realm know? They definitely know, but absolutely don’t know the pattern and terrain of Heaven Realm. Once they enter Heaven Realm, Wu Tian has 10000 ways to kill 2 people alive!

Of course, these cannot be said.

Then he lowered his head, and his eyes rose with relief.

Shao Chen’s siblings have been able to step into the scourge of nine sorrows for more than 1000 years. Such a speed is also quite amazing. Finally, he did not disappoint his painstaking teaching.

As for giving them only a few 20 divine medicine, it is not because he is stingy.

For others, divine medicine is something that can be encountered but not wanted, but for him, there is no concept at all.

The reason he didn’t give more to two people was because he was worried that the two siblings were too dependent on divinity medicine and thus ignored their own exercise.

Divine medicine’s spiritual materials at this level are far better than the cultivation base realm of the siblings. Even in their eyes, they are no less than any peerless Supreme Treasure. If they are more, they may forget them and be proud.

That was the last thing he wanted to see.

After all, it took him a lot of thought to train Shao Chen siblings. He didn’t want to affect the mood and foundation of the two because of something outside of him.

Time flies, half an hour has passed, but the 2 people in the black robe have not yet returned.

Wu Tian could not help climbing a trace of doubt.

At the speed of 2 people, why does it take half an hour? As long as you count ten breaths, you can get back to the stone chamber from Azure Dragon Continent, but why haven’t you come back yet?

Is it hunting down Thunder God 2 people?

Not right!

Thunder God and Devil are just Paragon. With their strength, they can be wiped out with a wave of hands. It is impossible to drag them to the present. What are they doing?

Another half hour passed.

Eventually, the black robe 2 came in, untainted by even a speck of dust, no traces of injuries, normal looks, and no trace of injuries.

Wu Tian suddenly realized that the previous time, 2 people were repairing the injury, it seemed that he and Leng Yue 2 didn’t want to know that they had been injured.

“It’s really good.”

Wu Tian’s heart was scornful, but she pretended to be very concerned, and asked: “Two seniors, did Wu Tian’s Battle Soul quit?”

The black robe elderly said differently: “There is nothing treasure inside the Battle Soul.”

Wu Tian glanced through the rays of light in the depths of his eyes, and then said, “The two seniors are not running for nothing?”

The old man in red robe raised eyebrow, saying badly: “You still have no end?”

Wu Tian said with a laugh: “Junior doesn’t care about 2 seniors!”

The old man in red robe glanced at Wu Tian in disgust, said differently: “Our business is not up to you, you can do it yourself.”

“Oh, then Junior doesn’t ask.” Wu Tian embarrased smiled, but started to ask again, “I don’t know 2 Seniors, did you kill Thunder God and the Demon King?”

The old man in black robe was furious and threatened: “Fu Qiu, do you want to die?”

There was a belly of fire in their hearts, and they originally planned not to think about these bad luck, but were repeatedly questioned by Wu Tian. They couldn’t help but think of the appearance of a horror before an hour. The anger in their hearts had already erupted. the edge of!

If Wu Tian dares to ask questions, they will be completely angry!

Wu Tian has read countless people, and has already mastered observations and observations. At the sight of this situation, I know that I can no longer persecute 2 people, shut my mouth, but sneer in my heart.

It was quite unexpected that Thunder God and the Demon King could escape the birth.

Although the black robe 2 did not say it clearly, their tone and complexion were not difficult to judge, and they did not kill the Thunder God 2.

Can escape from the 2 Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate, it seems that Thunder God and Devil can not be measured by ordinary people’s eyes.

In his meditation, the old man in the black robe took out a jade pendant and set it in a groove on the altar leading to Heaven Realm.

You see, Wu Tian is a bit stunned.

He heard it with his own ears, that mysterious powerhouse let 2 people bring words to Xuanyuan Ao, but from the current situation, it seems that the 2 people have no plans to return to the Holy Realm.

He didn’t know that, in fact, the black robe 2 had already discussed it when they were healing, and will not return to the holy realm for the time being.

There are 2 reasons!

The first reason is that if you return to the Holy Realm now and tell the truth about the Reincarnation Continent, telling the truth about Xuanyuan Ao, Xuanyuan Ao will most likely come to the Reincarnation Continent immediately. When Wu Tian 3 people see Xuanyuan Ao, they will definitely threaten For 3 people, tell Xuanyuan Ao.

When Xuanyuan Ao learns about this, they can’t finish eating.

The second reason is that although mysterious powerhouse shows great strength, in their hearts, they still have the slightest disdain, and feel that it is not necessary to alarm Xuanyuan Ao.

So they plan to go to Heaven Realm first, and then report the matter after completing the task.

The altar opens quickly!

The black robe 2 took the lead on the altar.

Wu Tian 3 looked at each other and took a step at the same time, all appearing on the altar.

At the moment, the altar rays of light are flourishing, and the silhouette of Wu Tian and the others fades quickly.

After counting the interest, the door of Heaven Realm, which entered the interest, entered Wu Tian’s sight.

There are 2 gods guarding the gate, both of them are Spiritual God.

As soon as the old man in black robe appeared, he shot directly. Crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood killed and killed two people, leaving no hair left.

The old man in the red robe looked towards 3 people, said differently: “The next thing you want to know about the news is for you to do. Remember, don’t bother us until you know clearly.”

Wu Tian frowned: “Where are we going to find out the news?”

The old man in the red robe said, “Look for a woman named Nie Meixue. She now seems to be in a place named Spirit Race.”

“Nie Meixue.”

Wu Tian is light flashed deep in her eyes.

You Mo frowned, “Where are you going?”

“This is not your business.”

The old man in red robe said with a scornful tone, and after speaking, he was nodded to the old man in black robe. Two people took the lead in the door of Heaven Realm and disappeared into the sight of three people instantly.

You Mo angered: “War God obviously asked them to help, but now he is an uncle, and he doesn’t care about anything, hell!”

Wu Tian indifferently said: “Isn’t this better?”

Leng Yue nodded and said: “Yes, without them, we have a lot of convenience in doing things.”

“That’s right, but their attitude really makes people angry!” You Mo said.

“They are strong, we are weak, and their words, we have to obey. This is the law of survival. There is nothing irritating. Let ’s go and find out where the Spirit Race is,” Wu Tian said.

He naturally knows where the Spirit Race is, but there are 2 people on the cold moon side, and he still has to pretend to come to Heaven Realm for the first time.


Wu Tian turned into a stream of light, swept into the door of Heaven Realm, and swooped down towards the ground below. Lengyue followed closely from behind.

You Mo clenched the teeth, after quickly catching up with 2 people, frowned, “Fu Qiu, don’t you really have any plans in mind?”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “I’m not familiar with Heaven Realm, what plans can I have? Only one step at a time.”

You Mo rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t pretend to be stupid with me. My plan is not referring to this, but to the black robe 2 people.”

Wu Tian looked at him in amazement and asked, “What do you want to do with them?”

“We can’t sit still.” You Mo said solemnly.

Leng Yue also followed nodded, representing her determination.

Wu Tian’s face hidden under the mask suddenly sneered.

Nowadays, Leng Yue and You Mo both kill the black robe 2 people. It is even easier to set up a pit to kill them.

However, he was also very clear that before rescue Nie Caixue, it was absolutely impossible to kill two people.

After all, losing two people in the black robe, it is impossible to rescue Nie Caixue with the strength of their three people.

Moreover, not only Nie Caixue was rescued this time, but also Ye Tian and Shishi.

With a little thought, Wu Tian shook his head and said, “It is not a simple matter to deal with them. We slowly find a way.”

2 people are nodded.

After more than ten breaths, 3 people landed in a barren forest, 4 people were unoccupied, only some ordinary beasts.

Wu Tian said: “The essence of fast conversion.”

“Transform the essence?”

Hearing that Lengyue 2 turned to look at Wu Tian, ​​their eyes were puzzled.

Wu Tian frowned, and frowned, “You don’t even know the nature of the conversion?”

2 people shook their heads, their eyes were more puzzled.

Wu Tian was amazed at first, but she felt relieved when she thought about it.

2 People have never left the Holy Realm, so naturally they do not know that Heaven Realm and the Holy Realm are fundamentally different.

He explained a little, and the two of them also understood that when they entered the barren forest, they began to transform the essence.

Wu Tian, ​​who owns the Asura body, successfully converted in just 3 days.

But it will take a long time for the cold moon 2 people.

Wu Tian naturally can’t wait forever, and lied to 2 people to inquire about the situation of Heaven Realm.

In fact, there is nothing to lie about, because he did probe the situation, but what he probed is the situation of Heaven Realm in recent years.

He entered various major cities and made unannounced visits, but it took 3 months, not at all to find out particularly valuable news.

But he was not disappointed, because at first he had already expected that this would be the result.

Northern Domain, Xilingzhou, Fengmen City!

This is the city where he is now.

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