Wu Tian asked, “How do you say?”

Youth in white sighed, “The soul of the source is in his hands.”

“What is the soul of the origin?”

Wu Tian is puzzled.

Youth in white said: “The soul of the origin is the soul of the stars.”

Wu Tian was surprised: “The world also has a soul?”

“These things are too esoteric for you now. When you reach the realm of Hengyu, I will slowly tell you that now I will explain the interests to you first.”

Youth in white said: “Every World, big or small, has a heart of origin and a soul of origin, but the heart of origin can open spiritual wisdom, such as me, my IQ will not be worse than you, but the spirit of origin No, in short, the source soul is a dead thing. “


Wu Tian 2 frowns.

Youyi nodded and said in white: “Yes, he is a dead thing, you can imagine that a dead thing has no resistance, Xuanyuan Ao cannot refining me, but he can refining him.”

Wu Tian hurriedly said, “What will happen to the source soul after it is refining?”

Baiyi youth said worriedly: “Is it the consequence? If that is the case, I’m afraid I will even listen to Xuanyuan Ao’s command line.”

Seeing Wu Tian and Emperor Tian are showing doubt, Bai You youth explained: “Although the soul of the source is only a dead thing, it is closely related to me. Once I destroy it, he will also destroy it. The same reason, if he is Xuanyuan Ao refining, I am also indirectly being refining by Xuanyuan Ao. “

After speaking, he added: “In one sentence of your humanity, my relationship with the soul of the origin is that we can’t leave the scale, we can’t leave the scale.”

Explained so clearly, Wu Tian 2 people naturally understand the truth.

Wu Tian said, “So the most urgent thing is to grab the source soul from Xuanyuan Ao?”

Youth in white shook his head and said, “It’s not necessary to snatch, not to mention that it is more difficult for you to mine in Xuanyuan Ao’s hands than heavenly ascension.”

Wu Tian asked, “Do you have a solution?”

“I didn’t just say that I am closely related to the soul of the origin? Before, I was sealed and couldn’t stop Xuanyuan Ao, but now that I am out of difficulties, I can naturally stop him, but it takes a long time.” White youth self channel.

Wu Tian said, “How long?”

He now basically believes that this person is Heavenly Dao of the stars.

Because this person knows too much.

Youth in white said: “According to my inference, after so many years, Xuanyuan Ao’s Soul Seal should have been left on the soul of the source, and Xuanyuan Ao’s strength is stronger than mine. I want to erase these Soul Seals. The lowest conservative estimate. , It takes 5000 years. “

Wu Tian asked, “Your strength, is it your own cultivation, or something else?”

Youth in white sighed: “If you are still the master of the astral world, then my cultivation base will be synchronized with you, what realm you are, what realm I am. As for now, I can only rely on my own efforts.”

Wu Tian frowned: “Here, how do you cultivate?”

Youyi said with a smile: “You do n’t understand, do you know where elemental energy and essence qi come from? Tell you, it ’s all evolved from Source Strength. I ’m cultivation here, much faster than you outside. Now. “

“It turned out to be the case.”

Wu Tian nodded, and said, “Don’t you be shocked to Xuanyuan Ao when you are here?”

Youth in white said: “No, don’t forget, I am the heart of the origin. This is my place. I will do whatever I want. He Xuanyuan Ao was not qualified to intervene before I completely refined the soul of the origin. I To tell you the truth, I still have half of the world in control. “

Wu Tian was pleasantly surprised.

Youth in white clothing shook his head said with a smile: “Don’t be so excited, I only dare to use small means now to prevent Xuanyuan Ao from sensing the situation in the place of origin. As for other things, I don’t dare to do it openly.”

Wu Tian’s eyes suddenly felt a little disappointed, and frowned, “If Xuanyuan Ao entered the place of origin, wouldn’t he find you?”

Youth in white said: “So, you have to give me the bottle of magical purple blood. When he comes, I enter the seal. After he has gone, I will come out again.”

Wu Tian looked towards Emperor Tian, ​​Emperor Tian groaned a little, nodded agreed.

Wu Tian took out most of the bottle of purple blood and handed it to youth in white, said solemnly: “I hope you better not lie to me.”

White said with a smile: “Relax.”

He took the jade pendant, looked a little curiously, grabbed his volley with a volley, and the Source Strength below rose into the air, condensing into an original heart that was only the size of a thumb, suspended in front of Wu Tian.

Youth in white said: “If you want to come to me in the future, crush the heart of this source, then I can feel that it shouldn’t stay here for a long time, you should leave immediately!”

Wu Tian nodded, put away the heart of the origin, and was ready to take God’s heaven into the space of the divine object.

But at this moment, the youth in Baiyi’s face changed slightly, and he was shocked: “Not good, Xuanyuan Ao is back, and he is back to the place of origin.”

Wu Tian 2 is also discolored.

Why don’t you come back late, don’t come back early, but just come back at this time?

“Don’t panic, I’ll send you out of here, but you have to remember that the matter of the soul of the source is entirely up to me to handle. You just have to cultivation well, 10000000 can’t beat the grass to scare the snake.” Youth in white said.

2 people are nodded.

With a wave of youth in white clothes, Wu Tian 2 disappeared instantly.

Immediately, white youth took a drop of purple blood, opened the seal, turned it into a stream of light, and swept into the seal space.

As the seal healed, Xuanyuan Ao descended high.

He glanced at the location of the seal space, and glanced all around again, his frown slightly.

“I just sensed that the place of origin is abnormal, but now it’s all right?”

“It seems to be because I’m so tired these days, and I have an illusion.”

With a low murmur, Xuanyuan Ao disappeared again without a trace.

Soon after Xuanyuan Ao left, youth cut open seal appeared in white.

Similarly, his eyebrows were tightened tightly, and he muttered to himself: “didn’t expect, just a little movement of Source Strength, Xuanyuan Ao sensed that it is estimated that the soul of the source has been refining most of him, and it seems that he can no longer Keep dragging on. “

Later, he sat in the void, both eyes slightly closed, and the Source Strength underneath continued toward him.


Besides Wu Tian 2 people.

When the heart of the origin sent them away, they felt that the sky was spinning, and after about 3 breaths, they landed on a barren ground.

Lifting 4 eyes, the eyes of both of them are glowing.

Because here, it is the newly developed continuous by Xuanyuan Ao.

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “Wu Tian, ​​he can send us here directly, it seems pretty close, he is the real Heavenly Dao in the stars.”

Wu Tian said: “In fact, I have gradually believed his words, but the heart is separated by the heart, who knows what he thinks? We should be careful.”

Emperor Tian nodded, teased: “If his appearance is really born of you, then you can be considered a handsome handsome guy!”

Wu Tian shook her head, said nothing, and sighed: “Oh, my appearance, after I find my parents, ask them to talk, but this time, our hard work is worth it.”

Di Tian said with a smile: “The only thing we have to do now is to wait.”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “No, we still have a lot to do. Divine Spark and Divine Physique, the first generation of the 8 great battle family War God, we are all going to get it!”

He groaned a little, Emperor Heavenly Dao: “This matter is not trivial. You still have to think long and hard about the news and leave it to me to do it. You can work hard to cultivate and strive to enter Heavenly Venerate as soon as possible.”

Wu Tian said with a smile: “It’s hard for you.”

There is a military division of Emperor Tian who is making plans around him. He believes that there is nothing they can’t do!

Di Tian laughed and said: “Check that original heart.”

“I am also doing this.”

Wu Tian takes out the heart of the source, and the dive sense blends into it.

After some careful inspection, he didn’t find the divine sense or the spirit in it, just the simple Source Strength, which is enough to show that the youth in white was insidious.

Then, he put away his original heart, and changed his face with Emperor Tian, ​​and flew towards Holy City.

In Holy City, the gorgeous woman and the others are still kneeling on the street.

After Wu Tian appeared in Holy City, Ling Chen Ye immediately came together, and said with a smile: “Fu Qiu, big brother, you disappeared for several days when you went there. Did you encounter any good thing?”

“I just went to see this new continent.” Wu Tian said lightly, and swept towards the crowd all around. When those people saw Wu Tian, ​​they bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly.

Wu Tian looked back, looked towards Ling Chen Ye, and asked, “the past few days, did they make trouble?”

Ling Chen Ye said: “You have already savagely spoken words, do they dare to make trouble? These days, their meditation retreats, recuperating gods, are as honest as little sheep, but there are some people who really want to go to you hard ! “

Ling Chen Ye glanced at the gorgeous woman and the others kneeling on the ground, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

Wu Tian indifferently said: “It’s just a puppy and a kitten, and it can’t turn any big waves.”

After hearing this, the gorgeous woman and the others immediately looked up towards Wu Tian, ​​and the Murderous intention in the eyes was undisguised!

Wu Tian ignored it and asked, “Don’t they return, Palace Lord?”


Ling Chen shook her head at night.


Wu Tian picked it up without a trace. Since the Palace Lord and the others did not return, why did Xuanyuan Ao return early?

Could it be that when Xuanyuan Ao was shocked when the youth in white clothes condensed the original heart?

Thinking of this, Wu Tian rubbed his painful forehead, and didn’t even think about it.

Youth in white, as the heart of the stars, should be okay with Xuanyuan Ao.

“Fu Qiu, I want to challenge you, there is a match between me and just and honorable!”

Just then, a growl sounded.

The speaker is the first Paragon who is kneeling on the ground!

Kneeling for several days in a row, every day someone came to watch them, as if they were watching them as monkeys, he had had enough!

Wu Tian glanced at him, indifferently said: “Not interested.”

That first Heavenly Venerate said with a sneer: “I don’t think you dare, like your garbage, waste, is not worthy to enter the inner hall, you are a wild hybrid with a mother and no mother!”

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