When Xuanyuan Ao returned to West Continent, he immediately began to transfer the 9 great battle clan.

Because he was afraid that Little Brat would really say it, he came to snatch Divine Physique and Divine Spark.

And, when he told the original words of Little Brat to the patriarchs of the great battle clan, these normal, aloof and remote, mighty 8-faced giants were suddenly scared with cold sweat!

How dare you hesitate and start to pack things, but everyone who can move into the world of stars!

It was a complete escape.

If the world were to see how embarrassing they are at the moment, I’m afraid that even their chins would startle.

In the evening of the day, Little Brat really arrived in the Sky Warrior, but it was already a man.

Then, it went to several other great battle clan, but it also did not find the silhouette, and it seemed quiet and cold.

3 The master of the world frowned: “Little master, even the ancestors are gone. It seems that they have migrated, but they don’t know where they moved.”

“I know, they must have gone to the astral world!”

Little Brat’s cold light blinked.

The 3 world master said: “This is troublesome. There is no fixed entrance to the world of stars. We can’t go in at all. Little master, shouldn’t you be uncomfortable?”

“It’s not just unwilling, it’s very unwilling, but they shrink to the stars, what else can I do?”

Little Brat’s two small claws are clenched tightly, and a strong anger is spitting out in his eyes. The star world is Wu Tian’s, which is equal to it, but now, the 2 great battle clan actually uses the star world as a shelter, leaving it helpless. How can you not be angry?

3 The Lord of the World secretly sighed, and it seemed to remind him of something, and asked: “Little master, the world of Stars is the thing of Wu Tian, ​​and you and Wu Tian are like family members, can’t you take it back?”

Little Brat said: “Don’t say me, even if the Little Tian son is born again, I am afraid there is no way, unless the strength is stronger than Xuanyuan Ao, which is the real reason why I have not been able to kill Xuanyuan Ao, I am afraid to force him, Destroy the Astral Realm. I can care nothing else, but the Astral Realm is the parent of the Son of Little Tian, ​​the only thing left to him, I can’t care less. “

3 World master said with a smile: “Little master, you are really value emotion, value friendship. Not only do you find ways to recapture the world of stars, but you also take good care of Wu Tian’s former subordinates, friends, and soulmate.”

“Little Tian Son has fallen, taking care of Ai Qingyou and Jian Yi, their responsibility naturally falls on my shoulder, but I really hope that Little Tian Son will return.”

Little Brat looked at the sky, and there was a mist in the golden eyes.

3 The lord sighed deeply and asked, “What shall we do next?”

Little Brat wiped away the tears, her cold light shot, and said arbitrarily, “I know Xuanyuan Ao so well that he can’t be alone. He will definitely transfer the other people in East Continent to the astral world. You will immediately send someone to ransack. All of the spirit veins in the East Continent, no, are all resources, especially those of the king race, who dare to stop, all without kill! “

Because of this phrase from Little Brat, Dong Continent immediately set off a battle for resources!

There are a total of 3 sent from the 500 lords, and each one is Heavenly Venerate powerhouse!

Many of them are Perfect Heavenly Venerate!

Faced with this horrible force, the major races of the East Continent have no room for resistance at all, and the resources within the race have to be compromised.

Because you do n’t give it, you will be destroyed!

After hearing the news, Xuanyuan Ao couldn’t sit still, and immediately dispatched all Heavenly Venerate of the 9 great battle clan to step out of the astral realm and participate in the snatch.

However, the Heavenly Venerate of the 9 great battle clan does not exceed 2 100. Which is the opponent of Little Brat? Even on that day, Heavenly Venerate suffered casualties in the 9 great battle clan.

Xuanyuan Ao was also forced and had to start moving the others in East Continent in advance.

In addition, the ancestors of the nine anti-Sky war clan are all on this day!

The whole holy realm was alarmed!

Of course, the 9 great battle clan took out the ancestors, not really to kill the war, but just to deter them.

Because they did not dare to revive the ancestors.

But because of this, Old Antique of West Continent also discovered Xuanyuan Ao’s plan.

It’s just that they chose to watch the fires burning across the river, including the Godly Heavenly Venerate.

They don’t step in for two reasons.

The first reason is that the people of East Continent moved to the astral realm, and the holy realm is equal to the world of the wild beasts, and of course they will not stop it.

For the second reason, the strength shown by the Little Brat side made them frightened. In addition to the shock of the 2 great battle ancestors, they could only choose sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight.

Time flies, the battle has been going on for 3 days!

This race against time has spread to the entire East Continent. Countless creatures have been hit, not killed, but resources robbed!

Also on 3rd day, Wu Tian and Di Tian also met a big man in blood!

In a broken mountain range, the big man in blood cloak looked down at them, and said coldly, “Give up all the resources on your body, and let you go alive!”

Wu Tian 2 looked at each other.

Wu Tian’s archway said: “Senior, all the resources are entrusted to you. We can’t make a difference when we go back. We also ask Senior to leave a way out.”

“courting death !”

The bloody big man’s Murderous Intention surged, without saying a word, the index finger was a little volleyed, and he went directly to the killer!

Wu Tian is tight!

Emperor Tian is just 6 Spiritual God, body trembled, and a blood spurt on the spot, look pale, covered in a breath of death!

Wu Tian hurriedly said, “Senior, I know Swallowing Heaven Beast!”

Blood man big man said with a sneer: “Swallowing Heaven Beast fame, who doesn’t know the world? Don’t try and gain somebody’s friendship with me, useless!”

Wu Tian said, “I didn’t try to gain somebody’s friendship. I not only knew Swallowing Heaven Beast, I also knew Ouyang Chengjun.”


Blood man big man eyebrow raised, stopped immediately, frowned, “How do you know Cheng Jun?”

Wu Tian relaxed, saying, “Senior, I not only know Ouyang Chengjun, but I also know Luo Tian and Xiao Yu.”


The big man in blood cloak was extremely surprised, and secretly muttered, “Three little bastards, who have never left the clan, how did they know each other? No, at first, the three bastards went to Heaven Realm. Are they the people of Heaven Realm?”

Gaze in horror at 2 people, and the big man in bloody clothes asked, “What’s your name?”

Wu Tian said, “Just go back and ask Ouyang Chengjun, who ransacked his Spiritual God Secret Realm, and he will naturally know who I am.”

“Plundering the Spiritual God Secret Realm? I seem to have heard of Cheng Jun. The person who robbed him of the Spiritual God Secret Realm is like … what’s the name? Why can’t I remember?

Blood man big man bowed his head in thought.

Seeing this, Wu Tian performed 9 steps of Asura, grabbed Di Tian’s hand, and disappeared as soon as he slipped away.

“Yes, I remember, that person is called Wu Tian!”

Just then, the big man in the blood cloak shook, and immediately looked at Wu Tian 2 people, but where else?

“Wu Tian ……”


“It’s him, he’s not dead!”

The blood man’s big man’s eyes were full of unbelievable things. He immediately took out the earth elephants and sent a message to the three realm masters.

“What? Wu Tian is not dead?”

A big inside the palace, the 3 world masters who received the news, stood up, and their eyes were full of incredible!


At the next moment, he disappeared and appeared on a hill again. Little Brat was standing alone on the edge of the cliff, silently looking at the sky, exuding an inseparable sorrow.

Little Brat said, “I didn’t say, don’t you bother to come to me?”

The 3 masters exclaimed: “Little master, I received the message that a clansman met Wu Tian in East Continent!”

Little Brat stunned, but exasperated, “I have no mood to make a joke for you.”

3 Jie Dao said: “It’s not a joke, it’s 1000, it’s really 10000. Indeed, the clansman told me that although Wu Tian didn’t admit it personally, he said a word, the original words are; you just go back and ask Ouyang Chengjun, who was robbed With his Spiritual God Secret Realm, he will naturally know who I am. “

“Really Little Tian!”

Little Brat turned abruptly, her golden light was shining, and she hurriedly said, “Hurry up, take me to him!”

3 The Lord of the World was nodded, rolled up Little Brat, and disappeared immediately without a trace.

The blood man big man knew that Little Brat would come to him, so he never left.

“Shua !!!!”

3 The Lord of the World took Little Brat and manifested in front of him.

Little Brat quickly asked: “Where is Little Tian?”

The blood man big man truthfully said: “He just slipped away while I wasn’t paying attention.”

3 Lord of the world frowned and said, “You dignified Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate, can he slip away from you in front of one’s eyes?”

“I was guessing his identity at the time, and I was a little fascinated for a while, so …” The big man in the blood suit grabbed his scalp, his face awkward.

Little Brat growled: “The Lord of the Three Realms, immediately use the time and space shuttle, even if the East Continent is turned to the bottom, you must find him!”

The 3 world master said: “Little master, calm down first, I guess, Wu Tian doesn’t want to recognize you now.”


Little Brat wondered.

“Wait a minute, let me ask clearly.” 3 After the lord said, looking towards the big man in blood, asked: “What is the Wu Tian you see? What is the cultivation base now?”

The big man in the blood coat thought for a while, and said, “He is still a gray-haired, but he wears a blood-colored mask. He doesn’t see his true face. Realm seems to be a Paragon. By the way, he also wears a Purple Gold badge. , Should be a member of the inner temple. “

“Beginning of Paragon?”

3 The lord of the kingdom was taken aback.

Is this really Wu Tian?

If you remember correctly, when Wu Tian was at Heaven Realm, it was only 6 Robbery Spiritual God. How long has it passed now? He’s already in Paragon’s realm?

And you know, Wu Tian self-destructed Divine Spark, self-destructed Bloodline Strength, and also used Paragon Divine Spark.

So he began to suspect that this mask person might not be Wu Tian.

Little Brat said: “Don’t doubt, I believe that he is the Little Tian son, and because he is the Little Tian son, everything is possible.”

3 Jie Zhu helplessly said: “Well, even if he is Wu Tian.”

Little Brat eyebrow raised, “What does it mean? You know why he wears a mask, because he doesn’t know what he looks like.”

3 The lord of the world and the big man in the blood cloak looked at each other, and their eyes started to grow thick wry smiles.

Little Brat said: “I don’t want to recognize him because of any reason. I have to find him, order it immediately, stop robbing resources, and try to find the whereabouts of Little Tian!”


3 The Lord of the Realm was nodded, and he took out the earth decree, and the messages were sent out one by one.

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