At this moment, there are no other voices in the sky above the exterminators, only Little Brat’s wild laughter.

Everyone was silent.

Yes, they can only be silent.

Because the forces behind Little Brat are too powerful!

Guardian of Swallowing Heaven Beast, huge monster of mysterious and unpredictable, who dares to easily sin?

Little Brat laughed and said impatiently, “Can you still fight?”

Godly Python Heavenly Venerate Steady God, differently said: “Whether you fight or not depends on how the Xuanyuan Ao queens.”

Xuanyuan Ao shook his head and said, “I can’t let you destroy the inner temple.”

Little Brat said with a laugh: “Xuanyuan Ao, this time you can’t do it for you. If you don’t destroy the inner temple, Master Frog will join forces with West Continent, and the consequences will be serious.”

“Do you want to join them?” Xuanyuan Ao frowned.

Little Brat said, “Of course, don’t forget, Master Frog is also a beast, and it should be right to work with them.”

Xuanyuan Ao’s eyes fell.

If there is only Heavenly Venerate, he is not afraid, but if the Guardian of Swallowing Heaven Beast is also involved, it will undoubtedly be worse for the Sky Warriors.

Little Brat said, “Do you know? In fact, in the temple, Master Frog could directly destroy the Qiankun Tower.”

“What? The crack in Qiankun Tower caused it?”

As soon as this word came out, the audience was shocked.

A group of Old Antique from West Continent, originally thought to be the masterpiece of Godly Heavenly Venerate, but didn’t expect, it is actually a masterpiece of Swallowing Heaven Beast.

In shock, they were puzzled by 10000 points.


Why didn’t Swallowing Heaven Beast directly destroy the Qiankun Tower?

They are both giants of the holy realm. Naturally, they know that the grievances between Swallowing Heaven Beast and Xuanyuan Ao are incomprehensible, and Swallowing Heaven Beast also has this ability now, but why hasn’t it done so?

Little Brat said, “Do you want to know why?”

Everyone is nodded.

Little Brat played with the taste: “Master Frog is boring to do it by himself. Master Frog wants Xuanyuan Ao to destroy the inner temple by himself and put his ancestral hands in his hands.”

I heard that everyone could not help but have one’s hair stand on end.

This Swallowing Heaven Beast is too terrifying!

The meaning of this sentence is already very obvious.

It is deliberately not to destroy the Qiankun Tower.

Imagine if it destroyed Qiankun Tower, it would only make Xuanyuan Ao angry.

But if Xuanyuan Ao is forced to destroy it with his own hands, Xuanyuan Ao will not only be angry, but also crazy, aggrieved, but there is no way!

This approach, simply is the shame Xuanyuan Ao in the naked ‘naked’ naked!

This kind of behavior makes the people of the Sky Warrior kill. If the eyes can kill, Little Brat doesn’t know how many times he died!

Xuanyuan Ao also clasped her hands, said solemnly: “Little Brat, don’t go too far!”

“Master Frog is too much? Haha …”

Little Brat laughed wildly, his eyes burst out of cold cold light, staring at Xuanyuan Ao, and said, “Do you remember, at Heaven Realm, how did the Little Tian son ask you? He said that the world of stars was left by his parents. The only thing about him is that you don’t want to take it away, but what happened? You took it ruthlessly. Have you ever thought about it, you are even more than Master Frog? “

Xuanyuan Ao said: “I am for the sake of the world.”

Little Brat said with a sneer: “It’s a sound reason. For this reason, you can even hurt your loved ones who have been born and died together. This is your Xuanyuan Ao’s person, really his hypocrisy. Sorry, Digression, come on, let’s get started, don’t waste Master Frog’s time. “

Xuanyuan Ao said solemnly: “You have to do this?”

Little Brat said: “It’s not necessary, it must be.”

“Well, since you are going to fight hard, then I don’t need to give you any more affection!” Xuanyuan Ao said, showing a trace of madness in his eyes, a flick of his sleeves, and three silhouettes of lithe and graceful. Out.

3 people are Jiang Mengqiu, Zhang Ting, Ai Qingyou!

3 After the girl appeared, when she saw Little Brat, her grief suddenly appeared in her eyes.

However, apart from sadness, there were also some inquiries.

They were asking if Wu Tian had died!

Little Brat pupils slightly shrink, indifferently said: “Do you want to use them for Master Frog?”

Xuanyuan Ao said, “You forced me.”

“Then you are very wrong. Little Tian is dead. Master Frog will not be softened by them.” Little Brat said, and looked towards 3 people, saying: “Master Frog will not save you, but Master Frog Will kill you, are you afraid? “

3 The woman shook her head and made a wu wu sound in her throat. Obviously she was completely imprisoned by Xuanyuan Ao and unable to speak.

“Master Frog understands what you mean.” Little Brat nodded, taking a deep breath, his eyes were suddenly cold, shouted: “Master of the 3 worlds, do it!”


The 3 lords did not hesitate, took a step forward and killed 3 women!

Xuanyuan Ao froze for a moment, apparently didn’t expect that Little Brat didn’t even remember a little bit of old love, just kill it!

“Protect them!”

In his mind, he flicked his sleeves and sent the three women to Xuanyuan Phoenix. After a whistle, he punched him towards the three realms.

However, Heavenly Venerate’s eyes are light flashed, and the silhouette flashes in front of Xuanyuan Phoenix, turning his hands into eagle claws, as easy as blowing off dust, stealing Ai Qingyou from Xuanyuan Phoenix, and he He also grabbed Xuanyuan Phoenix, and then flashed again, then returned to the original position.

It is here that Xuanyuan Ao and the 3 Realm Masters collide together!

With a bang, a devastating air wave roared between the fists of two people, destroying the 2 parties!

At the same time, the two of them took three steps back, and the strength of the fleshhy body was comparable.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Ao, Lord of the Three Realms, Heavenly Venerate, waved their hands one after another, setting up a divine force Formation, covering their respective people, so as not to be affected by the air waves.

Fortunately, the 3 people are protected in time. Otherwise, such as Little Brat and Clansman of the Sky Warrior, they will be instantly killed by this air wave. Even the Old Antique of Western Continent may be seriously injured and endangered.

This is the strength of great perfection Heavenly Venerate, even if it is only Yu Wei, it is enough to sweep the audience!

However, this time Xuanyuan Ao confronted with the three realm masters. Although he did not suffer, he let God Python Heavenly Venerate put it together.

“Hehe, Swallowing Heaven Beast has been perverted. If you want to stand on the side of my western continent, naturally, you must show sincerity, too?” Godly Python Heavenly Venerate lightly said with a smile. In front of Little Brat, said with a smile: “Swallowing Heaven Beast, don’t know if this sincerity is enough?”

As for Xuanyuan Phoenix, he was imprisoned by Godly Venerate.

“many thanks.”

Little Brat thanked her, hurriedly looked towards 3 women, and cared, “How are you doing?”

From this tone, it can be judged that it was only acting before. It allowed the 3 realms to take the initiative. Actually, it wasn’t really about killing the 3 women, but to take the opportunity to rescue the 3 women during the confrontation.

Ai Qingyou shook her head and quickly asked: “Wu Tian, ​​is it really already …”

Speaking of which, she didn’t dare to continue talking, only to watch Little Brat nervously.

Similarly, Zhang Ting and Jiang Mengqiu both looked at Little Brat with tension and expectations.

Little Brat nodded and said: “Little Tian, ​​he is really dead.”

After hearing this sentence, for a moment, the 3 women felt like the sky was falling and the end was coming. All the emotions and expressions on the cheeks and in the eyes disappeared. Help replace!

“oh! ”

Little Brat sighed deeply in his heart, nodded to the 3 realms of the side.

The 3 world masters understood it with a wave of their hands, and the 3 women disappeared out of thin air.

After the three women disappeared, Little Brat pupil light became cold again, looking up at Heavenly Venerate, saying: “Presumably you also know that the resentment between Master Frog and Xuanyuan Phoenix gave her to Master Frog.”

Heavenly Venerate said with a smile: “Of course.”

Waiting for Little Brat to tell him, the Lord of the Three Realms stepped in front of Heavenly Venerate, an overwhelming presence, imprisoned Xuanyuan Phoenix, and turned back to Little Brat.

Little Brat looked towards Xuanyuan Phoenix, with a little mouth grinning, “I don’t know if you remember, what happened to the Master Frog soul?”

Xuanyuan Phoenix icily said: “I only hate that I didn’t kill you!”

Little Brat nodded and said: “Indeed, if you killed Master Frog in the first place, what will happen now, but unfortunately you didn’t do it.”

At this time, Xuanyuan Ao anxiously said: “Little Brat, let her go!”


Little Brat froze slightly, turned his head and looked towards Xuanyuan Ao, and said, “It’s not impossible to let her go. You smash the Qiankun Tower first, kill all the people in the inner hall, and send the ancestors inside, hands to Master Frog In front, Master Frog could consider releasing her. “

Xuanyuan Phoenix hurriedly said, “Ancestral, don’t promise him!”

Little Brat eyebrow raised, saying: “3 Masters, let her shut up!”

3 The master of the world snapped a finger, and a dao divine force rushed into Xuanyuan Phoenix’s brows, and now she screamed, then her eyes closed, her body collapsed, her life and death were unknown!

“Phoenix !”

Xuanyuan Ao growled, his teeth cracked.

Little Brat joked: “Don’t worry, she’s just broken and she’s in a coma for now, but if you don’t do it again, she will really die.”

Xuanyuan Ao looked towards Little Brat, holding his hands tightly together, and exuding a strong anger in his eyes, saying, “I can give you all the ancestral veins, but I will destroy the Qiankun Tower and kill the inner temple. I can’t do it absolutely! “

“That’s it!” Little Brat bowed his head and thought a little, and said: “Just like this, the people of Qiankun Tower and the inner hall can not kill, but you have to give Shan Youde and Jian Yi to Master Frog, including Sikong Yanran. “

“I disagree!”

At this moment, a voice sounded, and the speaker was Sikong Lie.

Little Brat obliquely leaned over, dismissive: “What qualifications do you have to disagree? Little grandma, roll away and go cool, there is no part of you here.”

Sikong Lie looked cold.

Little Brat said, “How do you want to find abuse? Would you like Master Frog to complete you?”

Sikong Lie shook his hands and ka beng rang, but at this moment, Xuanyuan Ao waved to stop Sikong Lie Hu Lai, looked towards Little Brat, and said, “Okay, I promise you!”

After speaking, he waved his hand, and more than 100 silhouette one after another appeared.

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