Just when the 2nd generation Lord Lord killed in western directions in all directions, just as the 3rd generation Lord Lord chased and stopped, across the icy river, with the help of great hall Lord and 3 Palace Lord, the inner palace Palace Lord was out of coma. Wake up.

3 people stood above the giant pit and looked at the mountain range that was destroyed once. For a time, they couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing.

The inner palace Palace Lord lamented: “This is a great disaster for the 2nd generation of Lord Lord. The temple will soon usher in a calamity!”

The great hall said at this time: “Palace Lord, I am going to leave the temple.”

3 Palace Lord also said, “I am also going to leave the temple.”

The Palace Lord hurriedly said, “Why are you? Is it only for the 2nd generation of the Lord Lord?”

“Isn’t that enough?” The Great Hall asked, with a hint of self-mockery in the corner of his mouth.

The Palace Lord silently sighed, “The old man knows that you are disappointed and very embarrassed, but now is the time of the temple crisis, do you have the heart to look at it, you have guarded the temple for so long and fell into consigned to eternal The land of damnation? Stay here, this is your home. “

“In the past, I did guard this place as a family, and even to protect the temple, I never seriously closed the cultivation. Otherwise, I have already stepped into Heavenly Venerate, but what is it now?”

The great hall laughed and shook his head: “Forget it, the temple is no longer suitable for me. I still prefer to make an idle cloud wild crane, free and unconstrained, without any trouble, how free and easy.”

3 Palace Lord said: “My thoughts are the same as the great hall Lord. After leaving the temple, go to a good retreat for cultivation and strive for an early step into Heavenly Venerate.”

“If it is only a cultivation problem, it is well solved. After this incident, the old man immediately selects 2 people and inherits your Palace Lord. Then you can go to Paragon Secret Realm to retreat. No one will disturb you. “The Palace Lord Anxiously said.

The reason why he is so anxious and so hard to retain 2 people is because they have very high innate talent and potential.

Although only Perfection Paragon, if from the very beginning, meditation retreat cultivation, today’s strength will definitely not be lower than him.

In other words, they were all delayed by the affairs of the temple.

Great hall laughed and shook his head: “I’m tired of the temple life, you don’t have to advise it anymore, we will have a period later.”

3 Palace Lord arched: “Farewell!”

Then they looked at each other, and both rose into the air, turned into a stream of light, and quickly disappeared into the vast between Heaven and Earth.

The inner palace Palace Lord looked at the direction in which the two people disappeared, and could not return to God for a long time.

2 sky vertical genius, 2 temple indispensable managers, actually walked alive by the 2nd generation Lord Lord, leaving the temple is really funny, really sad!

“oh! ”

In the end, he sighed, grabbed his volley, and across the river, the body of Yan Chen hanging from the treetop cut through the sky and landed in front of him.

Then he carried the corpse and flew towards the sanctuary, his thin back, looking extremely tired and old.

He is really tired.

The temple’s repeated incidents made him mentally and physically exhausted. He even wanted to let go of the burden like the two people in the Great Hall, and walk away, living a life of idle cloud wild crane.

When the Palace Lord returned, he immediately announced the departure of the two people in the Great Hall.

There is no suspense, causing a great uproar directly in the temple.

Basically everyone is sorry and lamenting.

When Emperor Tian returned to the temple, he immediately entered Holy City and merged with Wu Tian.

Zhuyuelou, in the private room!

The outside is already full of excitement, and it has almost turned the sky, but Wu Tian 2 is sitting on the seat leisurely, drinking tea, talking and laughing.

Both were also immediately and received news that the main 2 people in the great hall had left.

Wu Tian indifferently said: “The great hall and the 3 Palace Lord will leave the temple, which I did not expect, but 2 people accidentally hit each other by mistake, leaving the temple at this time is also a wise choice.”

Di Tian said with a slight smile: “It is indeed wise that the temple will be baptized today. If 2 people stay, only the dead end will be there.”

Wu Tian said with a smile: “Their death or immortality has nothing to do with me. What I want is the destruction of the temple. I want Xuanyuan Ao to regret it for life. Now that the fuse has been lit, it depends on Li Tian’s ability.”

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “But I am still worried about one person, Xuanyuan Ao, and if the major wild animal races really kill the temple, the 9 Anti-Battle Warriors will probably not stand idly by, maybe they are already preparing.”

“Don’t worry about this. This time, Heavenly Venerate let Li Tian find a way to disintegrate the temple. I believe Godly Venerate will not let Xuanyuan Ao shoot. After all, Xuanyuan Ao is too strong. If he shoots, Li Tian will not Hope for the least. “

“Although Heavenly Venerate is testing Li Tian, ​​it is within its means, isn’t it?”

“As for the nine anti-Sky war clan, even if they appear, as long as the battlefield is in the temple, that temple and the inner temple will still disintegrate.” Wu Tian lightly said with a smile, everything is in plot against.

Di Tian nodded, said with a smile: “We are also very boring here, it is better to find a place, sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, what do you think?”

“Just what I want, but before we leave, we will tell Li Tian about the situation of the mountain range of the burial god, and the news that the 2nd generation of Holy Lord has killed Kun Peng Holy Land.”

Wu Tian faintly smiled, put down the tea cup, took out the ground elephant, and sent a message to Li Tian.

Then, he stowed the ground warrant, rose up, and walked towards Zhuyue Tower.

Emperor Tian follows closely from behind.


West continent!

Li Tian passed through the space-time mirror and descended over a barren forest near Kun Peng mountain range.

In fact, he summoned the Paragon beasts of the mountain range and the Kun Peng family at that time, not to explain anything at all, but to gather them together to facilitate the 2nd generation of Holy Lord slaughter!

Similarly, he came to Kun Peng Holy Land and did not give good news to Kun Peng Emperor. Instead, he came to give Kun Peng Emperor a bad news!

After appearing above the barren forest, he did not immediately enter the Kun Peng mountain range, and he was also waiting for a rumor from Wu Tian 2 people.

Because he left before the second generation of the Holy Lord, so what happened to the mountain range of the burial god, and what happened, he didn’t know yet.

After waiting for a while, the earth elephant finally reacted.

That’s right, this is exactly the message Wu Tian passed to him.

But when Li Tian learned the content, he was honestly surprised.

“Didn’t expect 2 generations of Holy Lord, so brutal to such a degree, but such an end would be more beneficial to me!”

His eyes were cold light flashed, and he stowed the ground, his body shook, and the divine force suddenly sprayed out, turning into a sharp blade, destroying his own fleshhy body!

In an instant, his plain clothes were ragged, his body was covered with wounds, and his blood was dripping!

Then, he looked up and down his eyes, satisfied with nodded, and then seemed desperate, rushing towards Kun Peng mountain range!

After more than ten breaths, he came to the sky over Holy Land in a breath, and shouted anxiously: “Uncle, ancestor, 2 ancestors, 5 ancestors, major event is not good, you all come out soon!”

The kung fu of this acting is really brought to the point of perfection!

“dong! !!”

The four silhouettes flew out of the lake and descended in front of Li Tian.

When they saw Li Tian’s howling appearance, all 4 people changed their colors!

Kun Peng asked in a hurry: “What happened?”

Li Tian was paralyzed at the feet of four people, and said with a snot and a tear: “Uncle, nephew is useless, nephew damn it … Uncle, Three Old Ancestors, you punish me, I voluntarily lead to death …”

That sadness, that sadness, and the look of self-blame is simply sad.

The Kun Peng emperor looked at each other. Although they did not know what had happened, their hearts also followed.

Emperor Kun Peng leaned down and lifted Li Tianzhang with his own hands. He said softly, “Hurry up and make things clear.”

“Uncle, Three Old Ancestors, this is how it is.”

“In the past 100 years, our confrontation with the temple was that we had the upper hand, but just a few days ago, the 38 Paragons in the temple actually easily sneaked into the mountain range of the burial god and slaughtered the beast madly. “

“After I found it, I immediately called the Paragon beasts in the Great Elder and the mountain range to fight back. The emperor lived up to the caring people. After several bloody battles, they finally beheaded them. Only 2 people fled. Both of them were from the inner hall. Paragon. “

“I thought they would be honest with this lesson, but absolutely didn’t expect that person named Yan Chen, while we weren’t paying attention, went into the mountain range of the burial god and slaughtered countless beasts and heard the news , I was furious, and ordered Great Elder to kill him. “

“I thought that the temple should have ceased this time, but what made me even more didn’t expect that the 2nd generation Holy Lord of the temple actually entered the mountain range of the burial god in revenge in person, without saying anything, directly to us Killer. “

“The Great Elder fell to protect me. Those Paragon beasts were all dead. Even the mountain range of the burial god was razed to the ground by the 2nd generation Lord Lord. No one but me was spared except me! “

“Uncle, Three Old Ancestors, it is because of my incompetence that this tragedy happened. You punish me!”

Li Tian simply and clearly explained what happened these days.

Of course, there are also oil and vinegar.

But his tone of self-blame, his sad look, let Kun Peng 4 people, no way to blame him.

To be honest, after hearing this, the four of them were not in the mood to blame Li Tian.

Because they are all angry at this moment!

The ancestor of Kun Peng suddenly growled suddenly: “bully intolerably, really bully intolerably, does his temple really think that the holy realm is not their world?

Kun Peng emperor pats Li Tian’s shoulders, comforted: “Great Elder, their resentment cannot stand for you. The 2nd generation of the Holy Lord is Perfection Heavenly Venerate. He personally entered the mountain range of the burial gods to take revenge. It is already 10000 that you can come back alive. Blame, take good care of the wounds, and let us handle the next thing. “


Li Tian bowed to his feet, turned and flew towards a mountain with a painful look.

Suddenly, he stabilized the silhouette again, turned and looked towards 4 people, and said, “Yes, uncle, Three Old Ancestors. The 2 generations of Holy Lord have already killed the Kun Peng Holy Land. It should be to destroy our Kun Peng Holy Land. He’s like a crazy dog ​​now, and you 10000000 want to stop him! “

After that, he added: “There are 3 generations of Holy Lord behind him, so be careful.”

Kun Peng Huang nodded and said: “I’m understood, you go to rest!”

Li Tian was nodded, dragging his tired body and turned away.

However, deep in his eyes, he flashed an astonishing cold light!

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