Seeing everyone’s look, Wu Tian eyebrows slightly frowned, could not help looking up towards the sky.

Clouds have disappeared, and the castle has disappeared, but between Heaven and Earth, there is still a trace of authority.

Palace Lord also looked at the sky, looked back at Wu Tian, ​​and asked, “Fu Qiu, you blasted the door of the ancient castle, did you see anything inside?”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “No, it’s dark inside, it feels like a bottomless pit, but there is no doubt that the castle is definitely a horrible creature, and the appearance of the castle is specifically aimed at I.”

The inner palace Palace Lord is nodded.

This can be seen by a discerning person.

If the castle is not specifically aimed at Fu Qiu, then when he and the 2nd generation Holy Lord go to crush the arrows, the castle will not bombard them.

And, according to common sense, no matter what Heavenly Tribulation is, it can be no more than 99.

But this time, the castle dropped a total of 101 arrows. The reason is 100%. The two destroyed by the 2nd generation Holy Lord. If he and the 2nd generation Holy Lord do not take action, it will definitely only drop 2.

In other words, Fu Qiu had to be bombarded with 99 arrows.

At this time, the gorgeous woman said, “Fu Qiu, can you tell us what kind of war you are?”

A middle-aged big man next to him said, “Look at Paragon Secret Realm, and now you can’t find even half a weed. This is your masterpiece!”

Wu Tian glanced at all around, and with a bit of a bitter smile in his eyes, arched, “You guys, I’m really sorry.”

Gorgeous woman said with a laugh: “We don’t want you to apologize, as long as you tell us what kind of war you are.”

“Is my body?”

Wu Tian pondered for a moment, indifferently said: “My body is the Asura body.”


Everyone froze for a moment. Why has this war body never been heard?

It doesn’t make sense, such a terrifying warfare can’t be unknown!

Wu Tian said: “My warfare was created by myself, and I also named it Asura. It is normal for you to have never heard of it.”

“Make it yourself?”

“Name yourself?”

Everyone was completely stunned, and they felt that Wu Tian was teasing them.

Seeing this, Wu Tian shook the head, ignored them, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and continued to heal.

But my heart was wondering, why didn’t I see Xianruo Ling?

His Transcending Tribulation was so loud that it was impossible for Sylvia to fail to sense it unless she was not at Paragon Secret Realm now.

Seeing Wu Tian closed her eyes and ignored her, the gorgeous woman and the others were dissatisfied.

“If you don’t just cross a different Paragon, what will you drag?”

“What if God is different? Isn’t it just Paragon?”

“Thinking of being a Paragon would make you an expert? Really an idiot.”

“Paragon is just beginning to be Paragon, in front of us, no different from clown.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long before he will know how insignificant his position and strength in the inner hall.”

Everyone talked secretly.

Some disdain, some sneer, some sneer, some disgusted.

If it weren’t for the Palace Lord, they would even open up the taunt mode.

They didn’t stay, and turned around.

The abnormality of the crowd naturally couldn’t escape the eyes of Palace Lord in the inner temple, but he didn’t enlighten or persuaded, because it was too calm, but not a good thing, as long as they didn’t kill people, they could do whatever they wanted.

But when his eyes fell on Wu Tian again, he immediately became dignified and asked, “Fu Qiu, is your Asura body really created by yourself?”

Wu Tian eyes opened, nodded and said: “1000 true 10000 true!”

“Well then, take care of your injuries, remember that you can’t be complacent about what you have achieved today, you have to be down to earth.”

The inner palace, the Palace Lord, had a meaningful commandment, and then went away.

Watching the Palace Lord leave, Wu Tian couldn’t help scoring the light.

Before he lied.

In fact, after blasting off the stone gate of the castle, he saw something inside.

This thing is exactly an arrow!

And, the shape of the arrows is exactly the same as the 99 arrows that killed him and the 99 arrows in Qi Sea!

That’s why he was so surprised at the time.

But this matter is really strange.

Not only this, but everything is weird today, so he kept his mind open and didn’t tell the truth.

Looking back, Wu Tian spread his palm and tried to control the arrows in Qi Sea. Didn’t expect it to succeed!

An arrow swept out of Qi Sea, rushed out of the palm, and then hovered in the palm.

But Wu Tian frowned. During the Transcending Tribulation, the formidable power of the arrows was obvious to all, but at this moment, there was no breath, no lethality, only a dim light.

“what happened?”

He really didn’t understand.

He could feel that these arrows were definitely not easy, but he couldn’t figure out how to use them.

After pondering for a moment, Wu Tian suddenly thought of something, and muttered, “Will this be the case?”

He then cut through his fingers, a drop of blood spilled from the wound, and then dropped on the arrow.

He just held the mind of trying.

Because cultivation is all the way, many things pay attention to the dripping recognition Master.

He speculated that this arrow might need to do the same to drive it.

But absolutely didn’t expect, he was really hit by a dead cat with a blind cat and hit!


The moment the blood dripped on the arrow, a terrifying and destructive breath roared out of the arrow, and this void suddenly collapsed!

However, the giant beast underneath was not damaged in any way, and was obviously tempered by a divine force by a certain powerhouse.

But that doesn’t matter anymore!

Wu Tian suddenly got up, staring at the arrow in front of him, his eyes were brilliant!

As his heart moved, his arrows rose in the wind, and in a moment, a three chi long, thick-colored bloody arrow appeared in his sight!

And, according to his judgment, the breath emitted by the arrows is comparable to Small Accomplishment Paragon!

He lifts the head, glanced at Paragon Secret Realm, then controlled the bloody arrows and swept towards a nearby uninhabited main peak!

He’s going to try this, Arrow’s true formidable power!


The blood-colored arrows blasted into the main peak, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering boom, and exploded immediately inside the Paragon Secret Realm!

At the same time, several nearby giant beasts trembled!

“Who dare sneak attack this Eminence, get out of this Eminence!”

But just after the rumbling sounded, another cold and bitter scream came out!

And, the sound still comes from the main peak strikes by the bloody arrows!

Immediately after, a purple light and shadow rushed out of a Cave Mansion within the main peak, and struck above the sky.

This is a purple clothed man, with a youthful look, 5 official appearances, a 7-foot body with a majestic and tall body, and a temperament quite out of the ordinary!

But at the moment, he was ragged, with injuries all over his body, and most of his clothes were red with blood, looking a little embarrassed.

However, in his eyes, the Murderous intention is dazzling, and his complexion is even more gloomy!

“How come there will be people?”

Seeing this person, Wu Tian was stunned.

Purple clothed man glanced at the 8 sides, and finally locked on Wu Tian!


He stepped forward, descended over Wu Tian’s head, and looked down at him, coldly, “Did you just attack this Eminence?”

Wu Tian eyebrow raised, saying: “It is indeed me, but I am not a sneak attack …”

Purple clothed man’s cold light surged, Wu Tian hadn’t finished the words, and then said differently: “Whether it’s a sneak attack or not, you have to pay for this stupid move!”


After that, a powerful coercion rushed out of him within the body, covering this piece of Heaven and Earth, and then he stepped on Wu Tian directly!

Wu Tian’s eyes were rather gloomy. Once his coercion came out, he could not move, which shows that his realm was higher than him.

But his attitude made him very dissatisfied!

This is just a misunderstanding. It is not necessary to explain clearly. Is it necessary to make a big effort?


Wu Tian opened the veins, and the silhouette appeared in the sky 100 miles away in a flash!

A loud explosion sound, the purple clothed man trampled on Wu Tian’s original position. Although the ground was not broken, the entire giant beast trembled violently!

At the moment, the cold light of Wu Tian’s eyes surges!

I didn’t expect this person, but he really did kill. If there is no heavenly pulse, this time, he must be bode ill rather than well!

“Yi! ”

The purple clothed man glanced in surprise, apparently did not expect that Wu Tian could avoid it.

Wu Tian said solemnly: “Sir, you are too overbearing!”

Purple clothed man looked at the sound, looked up and down Wu Tian, ​​said with a sneer: “Doing wrong will pay a price!”

Wu Tian said: “I don’t think it’s my fault. Since you are cultivation on that main peak, you should engrav your name on the stone tablet, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.”

The purple clothed man scorned: “Does this Eminence need to be engraved? You ask, Paragon Secret Realm, who doesn’t know the name of this Eminence?”

“Dare to be a great character?” Wu Tian muttered secretly, shaking his head and saying, “No matter how famous you are, you should follow the rules!”

“Here, this Eminence is the rule, this Eminence will kill you if he wants to kill you, kneel down and apologize to this Eminence, spare your life!” The purple clothed man looked at Wu Tian aggressively, even more arrogantly than Holy Lord. , Everything.

“Your Majesty?”

Wu Tian was angry, said with a sneer: “What kind of thing are you, dare you let me kneel? Since you want to settle accounts, come, I will accompany you!”

“haha ……”

Purple clothed man laughed wildly and looked at Wu Tian like an idiot, saying arbitrarily: “From this Eminence to the temple, you are the first person who dares to speak with this Eminence. You have a kind, but your life not long!”

“——Burial tears”

Wu Tian has lost patience and spit out these 2 words coldly!


The 2nd generation Holy Lord who is sealing the ancestors, when he hears the movement here, he immediately stops talking!

And one step forward, descended between Wu Tian and purple clothed man, and then roared out with coercion and imprisoned 2 people on the spot!

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