Most of the people present were Paragon. Naturally, they had survived the Paragon blaze, but none of them had such a natural phenomenon!

When I came to a mysterious castle, I didn’t say, there was also an arrow with such amazing lethality, and everyone was a little dazed. Is this really Paragon?

Wu Tian was also surprised.

Although he was the first time to cross the Paragon, but he also often heard about it. Although the formidable power of the Paragon is a horrible number of times more than the Spiritual God, there is no such thing as such.

What the hell is this?



The inner palace Palace Lord stepped out and darted toward the gorgeous woman.

Surprising returns to suspicion, people still have to save.

Within a few steps, behind his gorgeous woman, his fists blasted out, accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the murderous aura rolling in, instantly turned into nothingness!

Look at the Palace Lord again, there is no trace of injuries!

From this point, we can see the gap between Heavenly Venerate and Paragon!

After the murderous aura dissipated, the Palace Lord hurriedly led the gorgeous woman back to the distance, frowning, “How? Are there any major problems?”

The gorgeous woman shook her head and said, “It doesn’t matter, this Murderous Aura is amazing, but I can feel it, it can’t kill me.”

Palace Lord said: “Even if it can’t be fatal, it’s amazing enough. Hurry up and avoid being caught.”

Everyone was nodded, and they retreated one after another, watching from a distance.

“clang! !!”

The blood-colored arrows trembled, shrilling the sound of metal, and finally a snoring sound, strikes on Wu Tian!

Among the flashes of light and fire, Wu Tian’s big hand burst out, grabbing the arrow and holding it firmly, but at the moment when the arrow paused, a horrible lethality was smashed, and Wu Tian’s big hand smashed directly, then With a bang, the arrow fell into his chest!

And, after the arrow didn’t enter the chest, he didn’t rush out from the back, but shattered within him, turning into one after another incomparable destruction, destroying his fleshhy body and vitality madly!

Wu Tian complexion changed, and now he can finally be sure that the arrows are not war soldiers at all, they were formed by the aggregation of Thunder Tribulation!

And the arrows were shattered, and the destructive power that it formed was beyond his imagination. For a while, he could not refining, or forcing within the body!


However, at this time, an arrow was shot inside the castle!

Did not give him a chance to breathe, it seems that he will be killed on the spot!

For Wu Tian, ​​this is definitely worse!

The Palace Lord saw the situation, complexion sank, and said, “Fu Qiu, my husband is here to help you!”

“No need to!”

Wu Tian’s indifferent mouth opened, and the blood light flickered. Although this arrow had amazing lethality, he had a hunch. If he could get through it successfully, he would have unexpected gains.


Palace Lord frowned in the inner temple, eyes full of worries, Wu Tian shook his head and said, “Palace Lord, the subordinates have the confidence to carry on, but the subordinates need a huge amount of life energy, and if any subordinates do anything to hurt Paragon Secret Realm, Please do not blame Palace Lord. “

The Palace Lord said, “As long as you don’t destroy the Paragon Secret Realm and the ancestors, the old man will not blame you.”

“many thanks Palace Lord.”

Wu Tian said a word of gratitude, looked up towards the 2nd arrow, and dazzled in his eyes, he took the initiative to meet him!

And, at this time, he didn’t fight back and let the arrows fall into the body!


At the moment, his body was shaken, and a crack was cracked on his skin, like a spider web. Divine blood was pouring out, and the sky was red!

However, the ancient castle suspended in the sky seems to really not want to give him a chance to breathe, but another bloody arrow is coming!

“To destroy me Wu Tian, ​​you don’t have that qualification yet, plunder!”

Wu Tian growled in his heart. The Bloodline Strength within the body burned instantly, all the flowers and trees all smashed at this instant, turning into one after another pure life energy, and continuously flowing into his within the body!


Seeing this scene, the gorgeous woman and the others in the distance are full of eyes, full of incredible!

“How is that possible? The blood of my within the body is actually leaving uncontrolled!”

Gorgeous woman exclaimed.

After such a reminder, the rest of the people also checked their own situation, don’t see it, they were startled, and their faces paled instantly!

Everyone is incredible, what kind of war is this person? Have such terrifying predatory capabilities?

With a lot of life energy, Wu Tian’s injury healed quickly.

The third arrow, immersed in him within the body like lightning, fleshy body cracked again, but was quickly repaired by the energy of life, so repeatedly, it made him anxious!

But he clenched his teeth and insisted!

When he insisted on the ninth arrow, half of the Paragon Secret Realm showed a bare scene. All the flowers and trees were forcibly plundered by him, and no grass was left!

Inside the palace and the others watching it all in a stunned way, they saw it for the first time!

Is this person a reincarnation of Swallowing Heaven Beast?

Wu Tian stands proudly in the sky, with white hair dancing in the void, like a Fiend God outside the domain, not a strong body. At this moment, everyone looks so powerful, like a giant who can to support both heaven and earth!

I’m afraid they can’t forget this scene!

The ninth arrow was submerged within the body, Wu Tian looked up towards the castle and whispered, “It should be over!”

This weird Paragon can never have Eighteen too?


However, things are often unexpected. With a metal sound, the tenth arrow comes down, and the power of the sofa is several times that of the ninth!

Wu Tian calm down quickly and respond wholeheartedly!

After more than a dozen breaths, we finally ushered in the eighteenth arrow.

The flowers and trees of the entire Paragon Secret Realm have been plundered by Wu Tian. Looking out, they are bare, like a dead Danger Land!


The eighteenth arrow, submerged in Wu Tian within the body, Divine Physique cracked instantly, and fell like a meteorite into the deep ground below.

To be honest, he is mentally and physically exhausted now, exhausted, but he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Palace Lord and the others also took a long breath.

Although the time of Transcending Tribulation is very short, only about twenty breaths, but they all feel like they have passed a long century!

However, just when Wu Tian and everyone thought that Paragon God World came to an end, the gorgeous woman was shocked: “Look at it, the castle has not disappeared!”

Everyone immediately looked up, and sure enough, the black castle was still suspended on the top of the clouds, exuding breathtaking gas, all around the bloody robbery cloud, there was no sign of dissipating!

Is n’t Fu Qiu ’s Paragon robbery yet over?

Everyone’s mind is involuntarily climbing up this terrifying idea!


Sure enough, 3 is not enough, and with a loud sound of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, another arrow shoots out of the castle, carrying the demise of the world, pointing directly at Wu Tian!


Wu Tian smashed the ground with one punch, rose to the sky, stood at a high altitude, looked up coldly at the bloody arrows, and looked through the weak eyes, quite gloomy!

Such a terrible Paragon, Eighteen is already very unfair to him, but absolutely didn’t expect, it is not over yet!

“Endless, right?”

He angry roar, with anger and murderous intention, rushed towards the castle. He wanted to see what was hidden inside the castle!

With a sigh, the arrow was submerged within the body, making his injury worse, but he ignored it and continued to rush towards the castle with gritted teeth, his eyes flashing with madness!

However, in the end he failed to approach the castle as he wished.

Because on the way, he was bombarded with 5 arrows in a row, seriously injured and endangered. When he was several ten zhang from the castle, an arrow blasted him directly into the ground, and his life was unknown!

The heart of the Palace Lord, followed by his throat!

This kind of Paragon robber should never exist in the world!

To him, it was nothing, but to Wu Tian who had not yet stepped into the realm of Paragon, it was a total killing!


Another arrow falls!

However, Wu Tian, ​​who was deep in the ground, didn’t even have the slightest movement.

The Palace Lord can no longer calm down, take a step forward, and smash the arrows with one punch!


But this move seemed to anger the old castle. The old castle suddenly trembled on the top of the sky, smashing a murderous aura, which blasted on the chest of the Palace Lord at the speed of thunder. !!


Palace Lord sprayed blood from his mouth, like a meteorite, smashing on the ground!

In addition, his chest was penetrated, showing a blood cave with a big head, with cracks centering on the blood cave, spreading rapidly towards the whole body, a breath of death came like a tide!

The Palace Lord was shocked. He hurriedly took out dozens of divene medicine and swallowed them all in one breath, which stabilized the injury.

He forcibly suddenly silhouetted, retreated to the gorgeous woman and the others without thinking, and looked again towards the castle, with old panic in his eyes!

Similarly, witnessing this thrilling scene, the gorgeous woman and the others are all pale and trembling!

Even Heavenly Venerate can take a hit in one fell swoop. What exactly is this old castle?

But the ancient castle not at all chased after the Palace Lord, the rays of light flashed out, and another arrow rushed out, killing Wu Tian underground!

The beautiful woman said: “Palace Lord, Fu Qiu has already lost his skills. If he doesn’t want to do anything, he will die today!”

Palace Lord said solemnly: “I can’t help it, it seems I have to inform the 2nd and 3rd generations!”

He immediately gave the 2nd and 3rd generation Holy Lord sound transmission.

Almost at the same time as the sound transmission was completed, 2 Great Holy Lord descended on Paragon Secret Realm.

2 people glanced at the top of the sky, and then looked at the arrows shooting downwards, and a moment of astonishment rose in their eyes.

The 2nd generation Holy Lord was startled, “What’s going on?”

Palace Lord Anxiously said: “Details later, let’s smash that arrow!”


The 2nd generation Holy Lord silhouette flashed, caught up with the arrow in an instant, and shattered it with a punch!


The old castle above seemed to be angry and trembled suddenly, and the sky collapsed!

The terrible murderous aura, as if traveling through time and space, immediately blasted on the 2nd generation Holy Lord.

Suddenly, the divine blood was flowing, and the Divine Physique of the 2nd generation Holy Lord broke apart!

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