“True body is not eligible? True body is timid?”

“haha ……”

Godly Python Heavenly Venerate laughed exaggeratedly on the spot, sarcastically saying: “It’s not true body, timid and fearful, it’s your overestimate one’s capabilities, this world was created by mysterious person, and you want to overthrow him and know your behavior What’s your name?

Xuanyuan Ao clenched his fists firmly and said firmly, “I only believe that people can win the sky!”

Godly Venerate shook his head and said, “Someday you will recognize reality.”

Xuanyuan Ao said with a sneer: “Is there no day, I do n鈥檛 know, but I know that one day, it will be difficult for you, the gods and pythons, to get out of touch, because mysterious person will not let you this threat, continue to exist in the world, do not believe Let’s go and see! “

Godly Python Heavenly Venerate frowned.

Xuanyuan Ao said nothing more, turned his head and looked towards the 2nd generation of Holy Lord, said solemnly: “Explain to me clearly.”

“Master War God, this is how it is.”

At present, the 2nd generation Holy Lord tells what happened in Holy City in detail.

After finishing the second generation of Holy Lord, Palace Lord took out the cracked space bracelet and handed it to Xuanyuan Ao.

Xuanyuan Ao frowns, carefully look at the space bracelet a little, take out the bottle of Kun Peng blood, turn around and look at Three Great Old Ancestors, said solemnly: “How do you explain this thing?”

But Three Great Old Ancestors is confused.

Kun Peng ancestor shouted: “Kun Peng, come in!”


After a few breaths, Kun Peng entered Star River.

Kun Peng ancestor said, “Tell me, what happened to that bottle of blood?”

Looking at the jade bottle in the hands of the Kun Peng Dynasty Xuanyuan Ao, he was suddenly shocked, because he recognized at a glance that this was the thing of Tenth Elder, but how could it fall into the hands of the East Continent?

Isn’t Tenth Elder secretly running to East Continent, strangling those who run for Adjudicator?

Kun Peng emperor confused!

Originally he thought that the inner palace was just trying to find an excuse to eradicate the Kun Peng clan, but absolutely didn’t expect it, it really happened!

What should I do now?

The death of the Kun Peng son has been resolved. Tenth Elder ran to East Continent to do this kind of confusion. It was his Kun Peng family’s fault. Although both sides have suffered heavy losses now, his Kun Peng family has to take full responsibility because It is his Kun Peng family who picks things first!

“Can’t admit it, absolutely can’t admit it!”

“Tenth Elder’s space bracelet will be in the hands of people in the inner hall. It is enough to show that Tenth Elder has fallen. It also means that there is no witness. As long as I pretend to know nothing, he can’t help me in the inner hall!

Weighing another 3, Kun Peng Emperor finally made this decision!

He turned and looked towards Kun Peng, the great ancestor, said solemnly: “Great ancestor, this thing is tricky!”

The ancestor asked, “What a mess?”

Kun Peng Sovereign Dao: “The blood in jade bottle is indeed Kun Peng blood essence, but Ten Great Elders with blood in these years have never left the Kun Peng mountain range half a step.”

Palace Palace Lord said: “Kun Peng, I have a doubt in my heart, as everyone knows, the current Kun Peng family is Tenth Elder in charge of affairs, but when we entered the Kun Peng mountain range, why didn’t we see him? You Tell me, is this bottle of blood his? “

“A nonsense!”

Kun Peng was furious and said, “Tenth Elder has entered the 2th house mountain range 100 9 years ago in order to find an opportunity for breakthrough. Now you are not sure whether your life or death is related to him. This is really sinister. ! “

Palace Lord was surprised, “He actually went to the 9th house mountain range!”

The 2nd generation of the Holy Lord, the 3rd generation of the Holy Lord, Kun Peng Three Great Old Ancestors, all looked a little daunting.

Xuanyuan Ao, Godly Python Heavenly Venerate, also couldn’t help raising her eyebrows, like this 9th house mountain range, what a great place!

Kun Peng was sneered in the emperor’s heart, arching: “Big ancestors, 2 ancestors, 5 ancestors, I now start to suspect that this bottle of blood is most likely to be found in the inner temple from other places, in order to find an excuse to report The bloody sanctuary of our temple! “

Three Great Old Ancestors nodded.

The ancestor looked up towards Xuanyuan Ao, and said gloomily, “It turns out that this matter is nothing. Now what are you going to do about it?”

2 ancestor sole solely: “My 9-day Kun Peng clan is one of the strongest beast races. Your subordinates actually led people to break into Kun Peng Holy Land directly, and also took the lead in destroying my Kun Peng mountain range. If you do n鈥檛 give us an account of this matter, my Kun Peng family will never give up, and even if we do our best, we will die with you to the end! “

Xuanyuan Ao looked at the Palace Lord 3 and asked, “But do you do it?”

The Palace Lord of the inner palace said: “Master War God, this is the case. At that time we entered the Kun Peng mountain range. Li Tian and the swallowing python suddenly appeared. The green robe temper was hot. , But the Green Robe’s move is purely against Li Tian, 鈥嬧€媙ot at all against the Kun Peng family, and the real first shot is for them. “

“It is him again!”

Xuanyuan Ao’s eyes turned cold, and he turned his head and looked towards Heavenly Venerate, said solemnly: “true body doubts that this is Li Tian and the swallowing python who is making a ghost, should you, as the Guardian of swallowing the python, should take the initiative to stand out? , Investigating the truth and returning to peace? “

Godly Python Heavenly Venerate said: “Li Tian only 5 robs the Spiritual God, and swallows the God Python is only 6 robs the Spiritual God. What big waves can they set off? Xuanyuan Ao, how are you, the ancient War God, can you not be so mean, wrong? Pass it on to someone else? “

Xuanyuan Ao said with a sneer: “From your sentence, the true body has seen that you haven’t really understood Li Tian at all, and his degree of terrifying is not something you can imagine.”

“is it?”

Godly Venerate shook the head with disapproval.

He didn’t take it at all, but thought that Xuanyuan Ao wanted to move eastward.

Xuanyuan Ao said: “I know, no matter what I say now, you can’t listen to it, but I advise you to take a good look at Li Tian to ensure that you will startled.”

He looked towards Three Great Old Ancestors again, saying: “This thing is wrong in the temple. True body can not give you any explanation. If you have to die to the end, the temple will accompany you to the end, but the true body warns you not to recover again. Ancestral soldier, otherwise true body will shoot at you personally, let’s go! “

The meaning of this sentence is quite obvious. You Kun Peng family will come to find trouble, and the temple will accompany you, but if you dare to do anything harmful, the Kun Peng family will wait for their death!

Xuanyuan Ao took 2 generations of Holy Lord to go.

Three Great Old Ancestors and King Kun Peng, their eyes are extremely gloomy!

4 people looked towards Godly Venerate, with a plea in their eyes.

“Don’t look at true body. The idea of 鈥嬧€媡rue body is the same as Xuanyuan Ao, as long as you don’t revive your ancestors, you can do whatever you want.”

After Godly Venerate finished speaking, she also took a step forward, and immediately disappeared into the void.

The ancestor of Kun Peng immediately stood up in anger, growling, “Sanctuary, you are so aggressive. From today, my Kun Peng clan will stand against you!”

5 Zu gnashing teeth said: “Big ancestor, fight!”

The ancestor angered: “What battle? You won’t use your mind to think about it. If you really fight the temple now, you will die and live, who will suffer? It is us!”

Kun Peng emperor nodded and said: “The great ancestors made sense. Now is not the time to fight hard, but if we do nothing, the 3 ancestors and 4 ancestors will die without eyesight. The beast of God’s mountain range, go and attack the temple! “

The ancestor said: “This idea is good, you arrange it, must make the temple a day of peace!”

“it is good!”

Kun Peng Emperor is nodded.

The ancestor also said: “Also, from now on, Lao 2, you and I will concentrate on the retreat and strive to enter the great perfection Heavenly Venerate at an early date. We will not be so passive when facing Xuanyuan Ao. Old 5, you also To work hard, future battles will only become Heavenly Venerate cannon fodder. Emperor Kun Peng, too, after you arrange it, leave hatred for the first time, meditation retreat, and step into Heavenly Venerate early!


3 people answer.

4 people leave Star River, retreat retreat, busy busy!

Besides Xuanyuan Ao and the others!

Passing a certain mountain, Xuanyuan Ao stopped suddenly, instructed: “You go back to the temple first.”

The 2nd generation Holy Lord asked, “How about you?”

Xuanyuan Ao ice-cold saying: “I’m going to find Li Tian. If this person doesn’t get rid of it, the holy realm is bound to be endangered!”

The 2nd generation Holy Lord was shocked: “Is it really Li Tian who planned these things?”

Xuanyuan Ao said: “I know this person so well. With his mind, it is necessary to plan these out easily, and whether it is the blood sanctuary of the Kun Peng family or the Kun Peng mountain range now, he has Li Tian. The shadow is not who he is at work, but who are you? Go back first, and don’t break into the western continent without authorization. “


3 people responded, and then left.

“Li Tian, 鈥嬧€媡rue body will come to kill you in person and see how you escape!”

Xuanyuan Ao whispered, the dive sense spread silently in all directions, and after a few breaths, he learned that Li Tian’s current position!

With cold light flashed in his eyes, he stepped forward and disappeared suddenly without a trace!

The Great Elder of the Kun Peng family, although it is a Perfection Paragon, but compared to the speed of the War God of Xuanyuan Ao, that is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

After more than ten breaths, Xuanyuan Ao descended above Li Tian’s head. Without a word, he trampled away!

Such a rapid assault, Mo said Li Tian, 鈥嬧€媏ven Great Elder did not respond!

Seeing that Li Tian was about to be attacked by a poisoned hand, Heavenly Venerate emerged out of thin air, clenched into a fist with five fingers, and banged in the palm of Xuanyuan Ao!

This incident was also unexpected by Xuanyuan Ao, and was bombed out on the spot, but there was no slight injury.

Until then, Li Tian and Great Elder and the others came back to his senses and immediately went into alert. Li Tian was immediate, took out the space-time mirror, and was ready to escape!

Heavenly Venerate said solemnly: “Xuanyuan Ao, you are still the first generation of War God, you actually shot against a Junior who only robs Spiritual God. It is really shameless!”

Xuanyuan Ao stabilized his body, glaring at Heavenly Venerate, saying: “I want to kill Li Tian, 鈥嬧€媙ot swallowing the Python!”

Heavenly Venerate of God Python said: “Li Tian is a partner of the little master. Li Tian is dead. The little master is bound to be sad. This is not the end that the true body wants to see, so today the true body will not let you succeed, not only now, but in the future. Don’t think about it. “

Xuanyuan Ao said: “God python Heavenly Venerate, if you think about it, and leave him, the holy realm will be chaotic!”

Godly Venerate scorned: “What about the chaos? Is it related to me?”

Xuanyuan Ao clasped his hands, his face was rather hazy, and his heart was annoyed, but in the end he took a deep breath, his clasped hands were released, and he looked towards Lee Heavenly Dao: “You better not to enter East Continent, otherwise you ca n鈥檛 even Godly Venerate Can’t protect you! “


After that, his silhouette flashed, and disappeared without a trace.

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