Kun Peng’s 8 Great Elder fell and suffered heavy losses!

The loss of the inner temple is even worse!

Not only did ten Perfection Paragons fall, but even five great perfection Paragons were also seriously endangered!

This means that the battle between the temple and the Kun Peng clan is completely started, and the situation is irreconcilable!

The anger in the Palace Lord’s heart could no longer be controlled, and it erupted like a volcano!

The old woman in the green robe was even more brutal, killing Kun Peng directly in one step, covered with murderous-looking, pitch-black eyes, a faint cold light appeared!

“Temple, do you really think that my Kun Peng clan is a place where you can spread wild?”

Seeing that King Kun Peng was about to be hit by a poisonous hand, but at this moment, an angry roar blew up in Kun Peng Holy Land!

Immediately, a terrifying coercion came!

This is exactly the 5th ancestor of Kun Peng!

He crossed in front of the Kun Peng Emperor and punched out towards the green robe old woman!

“Jié jié, come out just right!”

Green robe old woman sneered, her arm out, and she went away without escaping!


The two fists met in the void, and suddenly a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sounded!

The two of them retreated 2 feet each, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of their mouths!

However, both of them were Heavenly Venerate.

Destructive air waves, centering on 2 people, heading towards mountains in all directions. Wherever they pass, 10000 things disappear. This place is even more chaotic, just like the opening of Heaven and Earth!

If it wasn’t for the timely rescue of the Palace Lord and the old man in the black robe, the great perfection Paragon of 5 respecting the wound in the temple would definitely fall on the spot!

The Kun Peng Emperor is also lucky to escape behind Kun 5 Peng!

However, the devastating air wave is rolling towards Kun Peng Holy Land!

If no one stops, Kun Peng Holy Land will be destroyed!


Just then, a more terrifying imposing manner broke out in Kun Peng Holy Land!

Immediately afterwards, a black clothed big man rushed out of the lake and stood proudly above Holy Land. I saw his big hand wave, and the air waves leaving the sky and covering the earth disappeared instantly!

“Temple, you are doing too much this time!”

black clothed big man looked at the Palace Lord 3 people in the inner temple, arms raised, forefinger a little further away, a horrible power, suddenly like a tide, rushed towards the Palace Lord 3 people in the inner temple!

And in this brief moment, the body of the Palace Lord 3 people in the inner hall seemed to be frozen, so they couldn’t move!

Palace Lord shouted in the inner palace: “Kun Peng 4 ancestors, it is you who are too much. Last time you did not baptize the temple. Now you have sent someone to kill my East Continent’s genius. It is simply unforgivable!”

“Send someone to mutilate East Continent’s genius?” The black clothed big man frowned, and then shook the head, said with a sneer: “Don’t create something from nothing, today you took the initiative to kill Kun Peng mountain range, then all Stay! “

“Dare to admit it, Kun Peng 4 ancestors, is this the style of your Kun Peng clan?”

A sigh of laughter sounded.

The words didn’t fall. Two elderly men appeared in front of Palace Lord 2 in the inner palace. One was wearing a white robe, and the other was wearing a red robe. Although they were old, the imposing manner emanating from them was extremely shocking. Earth!

In particular, their eyes showed a sense of Supreme dignity, which made people dare not look straight!

The red-clothed old man waved his hand, Kun Peng 4’s terrifying power, suddenly disappeared!

“Holy Lord 2nd Generation? Holy Lord 3rd Generation?”

The ancestor of Kun Peng 4 was stunned, said with a sneer: “Really didn’t expect, you have actually come, it seems that your temple is iron-hearted this time, and you want to eradicate my Kun Peng family. In this case, then Decisive battle! “

“Shua !!!!”

After that, there are 3 silhouettes appearing next to the ancestor of Kun Peng 4!

“3 ancestors!”

“2 ancestors!”

“Great ancestor!”

Kun Peng Huang Yixi.

“haha ……”

Kun Peng 5 Zu Yangtian laughed loudly, staring at the old woman in green robe, with a strong murderous intention in his eyes, said with a sneer: “Aren’t you crazy? Today, if Xuanyuan Ao doesn’t come, you are ready to explain here Come on! “

He waved his hand, forcibly rolled up the old woman in the green robe, and rushed towards Star River!

“Shua !!!!”

At the same time, the 2nd generation Holy Lord and the others, the old ancestors of the Kun Peng family, rushed towards the Star River!

An amazing great battle on Star River!

Emperor Kun Peng recovered and flew towards Kun Peng Holy Land. Great Elder greeted him and said sadly, “Are they all dead?”

Kun Peng Emperor is nodded.

Great Elder opened his eyes and yelled, “Hey people in the temple, damn it!”

Kun Peng emperor gnashing teeth said: “It’s really damn right, you immediately ordered to go down, and if you have to kill the powerhouse above the Spiritual God, immediately go to the mountain range of the burial god, and it will be necessary to settle the temple!”


Great Elder answered, and immediately entered the lake.


Just then, Li Tian appeared beside Kun Peng.

Although he had just escaped in time, and fortunately escaped a disaster, he was still spread, bloody, and his face was incredibly pale!

Emperor Kun Peng cared, “Li Tian, ​​how are you doing?”

“Fortunately, the younger nephew fled in time, otherwise he would never see your uncle again.” Li Tianyu said aloud, and then he was frowned, and said: “Uncle, the younger nephew just heard that you intend to attack the temple ? “

Kun Peng said with a sneer: “They have killed our old nest, even the 2nd and 3rd generations of the Holy Lord have come. If we do n’t fight back yet, would n’t it seem that my Kun Peng family is timid? ? “

Li Tian nodded and said: “Uncle’s grievances, the younger nephew understands, but the younger nephew believes that the temple cannot be attacked now.”

Kun Peng asked, “Why?”

Lee Heavenly Dao: “Uncle, have you ever thought that if we go to war with the temple, it will definitely be a suffer on both sides, who will be cheaper then?”

Kun Peng frowned, “Do you mean, how many other wild beast races will fall when we are in danger?”

Li Tian nodded and said: “This possibility is very high, after all, the wild beast race of western continent is not an iron plate.”

Kun Peng Sovereign Dao: “You are resourceful and give me ideas.”

Heavenly Dao, Lee: “For the present, only the other wild animal races can be persuaded to join us to attack the temple. This will not only reduce our casualties, but also drag other wild animal races into the water!”

Kun Peng shook his head and said, “I’m afraid this won’t work. Now is the critical moment, such as Fire Qilin, Phoenix, Golden Crow. They will definitely not come in easily.”

“sou! !!”

Just then, Great Elder took hundreds of people out of the lake!

Kun Peng Emperor shouted: “Go, set foot on the temple for the Emperor!”


Great Elder and the others answered.

Lee Heavenly Dao: “Wait!”


Kun Peng looked at him puzzled.

Lee Heavenly Dao: “Uncle, if you have to attack the temple, the young nephew will not advise, but the young nephew suggested that after the Great Elder they go to the mountain range of the burial god, they will temporarily hold their troops and let the other beasts take the lead. “

Kun Peng Huang Mulu looked at him expectantly, and said, “How do you say?”

Li Tian said with a smile: “There are countless ten beasts in the western continent. For example, the mountain range of the burial god, there are many paragon beasts. Uncle Kun Peng, it is not difficult to get them out. When they fight with the temple on both sides suffer, we will go to the end, so that we will not lose anything. “


Great Elder gave Li Tian a thumbs up and then looked towards Kun Peng, saying, “I agree with Li Tian’s suggestion.”

The Kun Peng emperor is also very happy. Pats Li Tian’s shoulder, said with a big smile: “Your kid really has a lot of ghost ideas. Well, just do as you say.”

Li Tiangong said, “Uncle, my nephew has another request.”

Kun Peng Sovereign Dao: “You say.”

Lee Heavenly Dao: “The young nephew also wants to go with the Great Elder to the mountain range of the burial gods.”

“This uncle can’t agree, it’s too dangerous.”

Kun Peng Huang flatly rejected Li Tian’s request.

“Uncle, my nephew is not afraid of danger.”

“At the beginning, when the young nephew was in danger, it was your uncle who kindly accepted the young nephew, so that the young nephew finally had a place to stay.”

“Now that the Kun Peng family is in trouble, how can the young nephew stand by? Although the young nephew’s strength is poor, the young nephew’s mind believes that he can still help the Great Elder. Besides, the young nephew is sometimes empty. If he is in danger, the young nephew Just walk away. “

“So, please also ask Uncle Must.”

Li Tian bowed down, full of sincerity, and moved Kun Peng and the others.

Kun Peng Emperor nodded and said: “Okay, my emperor approved you to go. Great Elder, my emperor ordered you to be with Li Tian at any time, anywhere, even if you die, you must protect his integrity, If he misses something, raise your head and see you! “


Great Elder responded.

Emperor Kun Peng took out a white token from his arms and engraved a pitch-black Kun Peng on it. He solemnly handed the token to Li Tian and warned repeatedly: “This is my sacred of the Kun Peng family. relic, the order of Kun Peng, with this order, you can drive all the beasts of the mountain range of the burial god, including the Paragon beasts, do n’t forget that 10000000 cannot be lost! “

“Kun Peng Order!”

Great Elder and the others are shocked, and their eyes are full of incredibles!

There is a hint of doubt in Li Tianmu, but looking at the expressions of Great Elder and the others, this object should be quite out of the ordinary.

Both of his hands took Kun Peng’s order, nodded and said: “The young nephew must guard it as his life!”

Kun Peng emperor nodded and said: “Well, go, when the matter here is resolved, the emperor will personally go to the mountain range to bury the god.”

“My nephew said goodbye!”

Li Tian arched his hand, nodded to Great Elder.

Great Elder is a Perfection Paragon. With a big sleeve, he rolled up Li Tian and the others, and immediately left Kun Peng mountain range and rushed towards the mountain range of the burial god!

Li Tian played with Kun Peng’s order, his eyes were full of curiosity.

This Kun Peng order is not only very hard, but also a terrifying beast fierce might!

Li Tian asked: “Great Elder, what exactly is this Kun Peng order?”

“This starts when the mountain range was formed.”

“In the past, in order to prevent people from the East Continent, they broke into the West Continent and hunted wild animals and ferocious beasts. The emperors of the 8 strongest wild animal races, Kun Peng, Qilin, Golden Crow, Heavenly Dragon, Phoenix, Golden Peng, and Peacock. , Heavenly Phoenix, the Sovereign of the Eight Great Races, joined forces to build the line of defense mountain range. “

“However, after the line of defense was formed, new problems were faced. Who stayed in the mountain range of the burial god?”

“For this issue, Eight Great Races are naturally unwilling. After some discussion, the burden of guarding the mountain range of the burial gods ultimately fell on the heads of our Kun Peng family. The reason is that our Kun Peng family’s family, The closest to the mountain range of the burial gods. “

“Later, King Kun Peng led us and held it for a while, and found that this was not a long-term solution. So after our discussion, we captured a lot of ferocious beasts from other places and let them come to guard the mountain range of the burial gods. In order to cultivate these Ferocious beasts, we also spent a lot of resources. “

“Although we have paid so much, but because of this, gravely captured the hearts of those beasts. The burial god mountain range is now the only beast ordered by Emperor Kun Peng, such as Fire Qilin, even the Old Antique In person, they will not buy it. “

Great Elder said, with sarcasm and relief in his words.

Li Tian asked: “So, Kun Peng made this Kun Peng Order?”

Great Elder nodded and said: “Yes, this Kun Peng Order was made by King Kun Peng with a piece of his own bone. As long as the beast who buried the mountain range saw this order, it was like seeing King Peng Will obey your assignment. “

“hehe ……”

Li Tian smiled, and smiled extremely brightly, this really dropped the pie in the sky!

With this Kun Peng order, coupled with Wu Tian and Emperor Tian Li should be together, why worry about a major event!

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