Divine Armament Self-destruction is only 2 pieces away after 50 pieces. It ’s only about 1 times. Yu Wei is very terrifying. Mo Yundiao and Black Dragon must join forces and use all their strength to protect Wu Tian’s comprehensiveness!

Deeper all the way!

Not only Wu Tian became more and more surprised, but even Mo Yundiao 2 Beast felt incredible.

The Divine Armament Self-destruction of 2 pieces only scratches the dust, and even in the Core Zone, it only leaves some scratches.

Black Dragon said: “Wu Tian, ​​I think this city should have been tempered by someone with divin force.”

Wu Tian said solemnly: “I thought about this too, but if this guess is true, have you ever thought about how strong this person is?”

I heard that both Black Dragon and Mo Yundiao couldn’t help breathing in the air!

Because the people who can do this step are at least Paragon.

After calming down a little, one person and two beasts began to search carefully.

At the beginning, only they searched, they could n’t be separated, and they had to be very careful. Neither the courtyard nor the flowers and trees could be ignored, so the progress was very slow, but after Yu Wei dissipated more than half, the 9 Beast Sovereign also entered the city , Join the search camp.

Black Dragon also left alone, leaving Mo Yundiao to protect Wu Tian.

This makes it a lot faster.

Time just passed, and 3 days passed quickly.

On this day, Wu Tian stopped in front of a great hall with a trace of exhaustion on his face.

Searching for 3 consecutive days, and being careful to avoid being attacked by men, Mental Power is always in a highly concentrated state, which really tires him out.

But as a result, they found nothing!

Mo Yundiao looked at all around and wondered, “Why haven’t they come back? Will there be any accidents?”

It’s been three days, but it hasn’t returned yet. It’s really worrying. Wu Tian took out the land elephant and sent a message to each of the four beasts.

However, waiting for the hunted breaths, there was no response.

Mo Yun said: “It seems that they should still be in the space tunnel.”

“How to say?” Wu Tian was puzzled.

Mo Yundiao explained: “In the space tunnel, it is impossible to receive other people’s messages, and their divide sense marks are not dissipated, which means that they are still alive, so they can only be in the space tunnel. You do n’t have to worry about it , Like our ten spiritual Spiritual God, if you face head to head, you will be able to distinguish between ten and ten breaths, but if you play chase, it is common for several years, decades, or even 100 years. I remember that I used to It took master more than 2 1000 years to chase down a dead enemy. “

After listening, Wu Tian was relieved.

And after three days of calm, Yu Wei has done little harm to him, but if the spirit below the Spiritual God enters the city, I am afraid that it will scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot.

“sou! !!”

With the sound of one after another, the nine Beast Sovereigns, including Black Dragon and golden giant tiger, came together one after another.

However, the answers given were none and nothing was found.

“Strange, is my guess wrong?”

Wu Tian lowered his head and thought for a moment, and asked, “Are you sure you have searched carefully?”

“How dare we sloppy at such an important thing, I’m sure, I’ve searched it all,” Black Dragon said.

Wu Tian just asked unwillingly, and did not really think they were perfunctory.

Suddenly, he looked at the palace next to him. This was the tenth station only after another palace. It was tall and majestic, magnificent and located in the center of the city. At that time, 2 people from Xianzhou Mountain rushed out from there.

It is also because the two people came out from here that he was too lazy to search, because if there was a rare treasure in it, it would have been taken away by the two people in Xianzhou Mountain.

“It looks like I really thought about it this time.”

Wu Tian sighed and turned towards the square.

Mo Yun carving said: “Wu Tian, ​​why don’t we go in and look for it? It’s not necessary for the two people in Xianzhoushan to miss something.”

Wu Tian stopped and thought about it. Anyway, 3 days were wasted, and I didn’t care about this moment, so I turned around, Mo Yundiao and Black Dragon opened the road in front, Wu Tian was in the center, and the 9th Beast Sovereign followed, Step into the great hall.

The large inside the palace has no decoration, pitch-black floors, pitch-black walls, and pitch-black ceilings. It looks extremely empty and simple, but it looks a little dark, and it gives people a sense of oppression.

“Big tiger, you search separately. The old carving and I stay to protect Wu Tian. Remember, if you find anything, 10000000 can’t be disturbed. I always think that there is an unusual weirdness here.” Black Dragon said solemnly.


The 9th Beast Sovereign nodded into a stream of light, disappearing in all directions.

Mo Yundiao glanced all around, said solemnly: “Old black, I feel the same way, this place is probably unusual, be careful.”

Wu Tian raised her eyebrows and looked up. It turned out that the total palace altogether nine layers, each layer has ten zhang high, and 4 stone gates on 1 sides. After coming to this stone gate, it should be for people to rest and retreat. stone chamber.

Mo Yundiao wondered: “Wu Tian, ​​don’t you find it strange? Since there is no one at this tenth station, why is there a city?”

Black Dragon said, “Will it be built by 2 people in Xianzhou?”

In the past 3 days, Wu Tian has told them the situation of the major stations, so Black Dragon suspected the two people in Xianzhou Mountain.

Mo Yundiao scorned: “Would you grow your brains? They are all just the Spiritual God, can you build such a city?”

“Then you say, why is this?” Black Dragon said, rare and not angry, his eyes full of doubt.

Mo Yundiao groaned a little and said, “In fact, I have a very bold guess, just don’t know, Wu Tian, ​​do you want to listen?”

“What?” Wu Tian was puzzled.

Just then, the golden giant tiger returned to Wu Tian and shook his head: “I have searched the First Layer and found nothing, but I can’t open the eleven stone gates.”


Wu Tian was startled, seriously skeptical, is there something wrong with the ear?

You know, the golden giant tiger, but the 9th Spiritual God, can’t open the stone gates. How can people believe this?


Gold Thunder Panther came down from the Second Layer and shook his head: “Nothing, but I can’t open those eleven stone gates.”

“You can’t open it?”

Wu Tian was horrified.

The golden giant tiger, Mo Yundiao, and Black Dragon are also looking towards Gold Thunder Panther.

Seeing this, Golden Thunder Panther froze a little, looked at the golden giant tiger, and asked, “Did you fail to open it?”

golden giant tiger nodded.


The Wind Lion came down from the Third Layer, and the answer was exactly the same as that of Gold Thunder Panther and golden giant tiger.

Red blood cattle, silver maned horses, Azure Bamboo snakes, iron deer, diamond gophers, and ape monkeys returned to Wu Tian one after another. However, the answers given were surprisingly similar to those of the golden giant tiger 3 beast.

This is worth pondering.

Wu Tian groaned a little, his eyes light flashed, and said, “Let’s go and see.”

In front of a stone gate, Wu Tian reached out his hand and was about to push. Black Dragon hurriedly said, “Wait, let me come first, so as to avoid any accident.”

A smile appeared on Wu Tian’s face.

Don’t look at this as a small detail, but it can reflect a lot of things.

Ferocious beasts really get along better than people. As long as you truly become friends, the other party will consider everything for you, even go through water and tread on fire.

Just as now, if you change to someone else, you wo n’t stop Wu Tian at all, but you ca n’t wait for Wu Tian to touch this stone gate, because there is an unknown danger in stone gate, no one wants to be the first bird. But Black Dragon did not stop him with the slightest hesitation, and was in danger.

This is the difference between a beast and a human. If he is allowed to choose, he would rather live in the world of the beast.

Wu Tian these psychological emotions, of course, Black Dragon did not know it. It was placed in front of the stone gate, and it was carefully observed, but after looking at it for a long time, nothing was seen, and no institution or anything was found. It felt like an ordinary stone. gate, how can it not be opened?

The giant tail rises slowly, the tip rests on the stone gate, and if there is no abnormality, it pushes with 1% of the force and pushes, the stone gate is completely motionless.

“Yi! ”

Black Dragon was surprised.


20% strength.

50% strength.

80% strength.

Until 90% of the power was used, the stone gate did not move at all.

This time, Wu Tian and the Beasts felt incredible!

You know, Black Dragon belongs to Dragon Race, and its power is far better than other fierce beasts, such as Mo Yundiao. Although they are all Spiritual Gods, if they compete for pure power, they still have to give up.

However, Black Dragon couldn’t push the stone gate away. How could this not shock them?

Black Dragon’s eyes flashed and said, “Since pushing is useless, I’ll use it, you all pull back.”

Wu Tian and the beasts receded aside.

Black Dragon also receded a few feet, and the giant tail raised, accompanied by a loud explosion sound, fiercely hit the stone gate. There was a dust falling, but it was just just the dust falling. The stone gate is still as usual. Completely motionless.

“My grass, I really don’t believe it, why not a cold stone gate!”

Repeatedly frustrated, Black Dragon felt very shameless and fought hard. The giant tail strikes the strikes on the stone gate fiercely, but in the end it is tired, but the stone gate is don’t give face, even if there is a gap nothing.

Black Dragon lay on the ground, weakly: “dying, I can’t help it. If you want to laugh, just laugh!”

But at this moment, Wu Tian couldn’t laugh, Mo Yundiao and golden giant tiger could not laugh too, and his heart was extremely heavy!

Wu Tian took a step and prepared to approach the stone gate. Mo Yundiao hurriedly stopped him. Said solemnly: “This stone gate is too weird, so don’t approach it.”

Wu Tian said with a smile: “Nothing happened during the rampant bombardment of Laohei. Nothing happened. If you want to come here, you can rest assured!”

“I’d better protect you personally.”

Mo Yun Diao changed into a slap, falling on Wu Tian’s shoulder. Mental Power was highly concentrated and ready to cope with sudden changes. Black Dragon also reorganized and quickly shrank. It was placed on Wu Tian’s wrist and looked like a gloom. Shiny bracelets.

“is this necessary?”

Wu Tian smiled bitterly, but was very moved.

Black Dragon said: “Just in case of 10000, after all, you are an exterminator, anything can happen.”

“thank you all.”

Wu Tian sincerely thanked him, walked to the stone gate, and looked up and down, left, right, and right carefully. As for the 9 big Beast Sovereigns, such as the golden giant tiger, it is also a precaution to completely concentrate attention.

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