At this moment, Wu Tian’s face was extremely ugly!

He didn’t expect that 2 people in Xianzhou will be in the tenth station!

Even more didn’t expect, 2 people want to kill people, forcing him to reveal his identity!

Now that his identity is exposed, he has no choice at all, and can only fight a fight. Although the chance of winning this battle is equal to zero, he cannot give up!

“Travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily, Wu Tian, ​​you are not dragged out of an ignoble existence at the 8th station, and actually came to the 1th station to die, you are really stupid, dead!”

Xianzhou Mountain is as cold as ice and frost, the index finger is far away, and the endless divin force becomes a blow of destruction, killing Wu Tian!

He didn’t dare to talk nonsense. In his memory, Wu Tian’s methods were too many. To prevent accidents, he must be killed immediately!

“Either stupid or clever. Since you met today, make a break!”

Wu Tian’s body shook. In the second area, the Battle Soul ring instantly turned on, and the realm skyrocketed to 2 Robbery Spiritual God, but he knew that this was not enough!


Body surface, burning flames, that is blood fire!

Xian Zhoushan said with a sneer: “It’s useless, I advise you not to resist, so you can die easily.”

After that, he was a little more volleyed, with a divine force spraying like a tide, a thunderous sound, crushing the void, exploded towards Wu Tian!

“In my Wu Tian’s dictionary, I never gave up the 2 words. Although I know that this time bode ill is rather than well, I won’t sit still and kill the sky!”

Wu Tian drank swiftly, destroyed the sky in one blow, collided with the first dao divine force, and made a deafening noise!


Immediately, Wu Tian burst into anger and blood, and qi and blood inside the body surged, his face as paper, incredibly pale!

The first confrontation, seriously injured and endangered!

However, to make matters worse, the blow to the sky at this moment seemed so unbearable. It was crushed by the first dao divine force crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, even without a pause. He came and killed!

The terrible imposing manner, wandering around the eight sides, Wu Tian was desperate in his heart. Is he so small in front of the Spiritual God of Ten?

Can’t even prevent the first dao divine force, what about 2nd? Is it really dead here today?

In fact, he can do this step, it is very rare.

If replaced with another 6 Spiritual God, I am afraid that in the previous collision, he has been broken up and his bones are destroyed, but he is only seriously injured.

Besides, he cultivated how many years?

It has not been 10000 years since the beginning of cultivation, and it is now the 6th Spiritual God. Less than 10000 years, 6 achievements of the Spiritual God, 7th grade, even if you look at 1000 ancient times, I am afraid he is the only one!

Of course, except for Little Brat!

But what about Fiber Zhoushan? He is probably an Old Monster who has counted millions of years, even countless years. It makes sense that Wu Tian is not an opponent.

If you give Wu Tian million years time, no, as long as the thousand thousand years, he will have the capital of the world. Ten Spirits such as Fiber Zhoushan Spiritual God, wave it away!

However, God will not give him too much time!

Fiber Zhoushan will not!

2 dao divine force divine might be unpredictable, if there is no accident, Wu Tian will surely die, but he doesn’t want to die!

My parents have not been found, my lover has not been resurrected, how can I fall here!

Go to the astral world!

This is the only way Wu Tian can think of to escape!

Although doing so would cause the world of stars to die out, he has no choice!

But at this moment, Ye Xiuling’s slightly cold voice sounded: “Wu Tian, ​​just now when I was most afraid, you helped me, and now I will give you this kind of affection.”


Wu Tian heart startled, looked towards Ye Xiuling.

Actually found out that, apart from a little cold, Ye Xiuling couldn’t see any worry or fear!

“Is she also a Spiritual God?”

The idea of ​​terrifying appeared in Wu Tian’s head.

It turns out that this is a fact!

Ye Xiuling’s silhouette flashed across Wu Tian, ​​followed by a horrible imposing manner, rushing out of her seemingly thin body, and suddenly, the crisis that 2 dao divine force brought to Wu Tian, ​​ran out No deposit!

“How can it be!”

Xianzhou Shan and Hu Hongming were shocked, their eyes were full of incredible, didn’t expect that the woman they ignored was actually a Spiritual Spirit God, who is she?

Wu Tian, ​​when did I have another Spiritual God?

“One finger is broken!”

Just when the two were shocked, Ye Xiulingyu pointed a little, the divine force roared, and under Wu Tian’s incredible eyes, the first dao divine force in Fiber Zhoushan disintegrated instantly, and the 2nd divine force also annihilated!



Threat is broken with one finger!

However, he found that the shock between the two people in Xianzhoushan disappeared and was replaced by a faint smile!

Is it!

Wu Tian hurriedly walked out from behind Ye Xiuling, looking towards her face, and found that there was a shocking blood in her mouth, and her face was pale as paper!

Xian Zhoushan said with a sneer: “It turned out to be just a rookie who just entered the Spiritual God of Ten.”

“In the face of our veteran Spiritual God, you have no chance at all, little beauty, you will marry me, give me a man and a woman, and continue my Hong Family incense, today I will spare you!” Hu Hongming laughed again and again, staring at Ye Xiuling, staring unscrupulously.

Ye Xiuling looked cold, and said, “I swear, I will tear your mouth.”

“Oh, didn’t expect is quite spicy, but I like it, Xianzhoushan, you are not allowed to grab me!”

Hu Hongming was coldly shouted, a flicker appeared in front of Ye Xiuling, and a large hand burst out, shaped like an eagle claw, grabbing at Ye Xiuling.

“Your end will be the same as your son!”

Ye Xiuling grabbed Wu Tian, ​​avoiding lightningly, while jade hand grabbed in the volley, divine force sprayed thin, the void around Hu Hongming collapsed, the divine force turned into a palm, a slam, fiercely fanned on Hu Hongming’s face, a blood red The slap seal immediately appeared.

Hu Hongming was snored on the spot.

“Smelly ‘婊’ son, I’m going to fiercely hit you now!”

At the next moment, he was furious, and the murderous intention spewed into a residual image, chasing Ye Xiuling!

Xianzhou Mountain is enclosed from the other side, but his goal is Wu Tian!

Today, even if Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, you will destroy this God World, kill the executioners of clansman, and kill!

Ye Xiuling said: “Wu Tian, ​​although I don’t want to admit it, I have no chance of winning in the face of 2 old-fashioned Spiritual Gods. After pulling a distance, take me to the astral world to avoid it!”

“Until now, you still want to explore my bottom line?” Wu Tian frowned.

“It was originally discovered by you.” Ye Xiuling said awkwardly.

“Your intention is so obvious. If I don’t see it yet, I’m ‘stupid’.” Wu Tian said solemnly.

Ye Xiuling said helplessly: “Well, if you promise me and take me to the stars to take a look afterwards, I will help you kill 2 people in Fiber Zhoushan. This is a deal that is stable and you will not lose it!”

Wu Tian said, “The more you do, the more suspicious I am. You obviously have enough ability to force me to submit, but you haven’t done so. Can you honestly tell me, what is your purpose?”

Ye Xiuling said: “I said a long time ago, I’m just curious about you, your world of stars.”

“I don’t believe it.” Wu Tian shook his head, a Spiritual God of ten calamities was curious about a Spiritual God of six calamities, that’s all. He actually chose Enwei and applied this method. Such an outrageous situation, no matter who it is, will not believe it .

“I really don’t care about you. In this case, I don’t care about you, you can die yourself.” Ye Xiuling said, really left Wu Tian and fled alone.

“Xian Zhoushan, Wu Tian is giving you the little bastard to deal with, you little girl, don’t step in.” Hu Hongming shouted, scornfully glancing at Wu Tian, ​​as if looking at the trivial ant, and then swiping directly over Wu Tian’s head.

“Wu Tian, ​​how can you escape this time!”

Looking at some Wu Tian who lost one’s head out of fear, Xian Zhoushan sneered, without that woman, without the 6th Beast Sovereign. In his eyes, Wu Tian is a waste, and you can play with it if you want to play with it!

“This stinky woman, how do you turn your face when you turn your face?”

Looking at the fast approaching fiber boat mountain, Wu Tian complexion ashen, the blue muscles jumped, without any hesitation, he entered the astral realm.

“Have you given up yet? I’ll make you completely desperate!”

Fiber Zhoushan smiled faintly, the divine force was thin, and a giant Formula was born, covering a side World!

“I have long known about the weakness of the Astral Realm. Once you enter, the Astral Realm will be exposed, and as long as I trap this void, you will hard to avoid calamity, and then you will slowly bear my anger. Come on! “

The words fell away, and the big sleeves of Fiber Zhoushan swept away. A storm emerged out of nowhere, looting inside the divine force Formation, the slices of wind blade, cutting the void frantically, he couldn’t help laughing loudly, but his eyes shot out. Sensitive rays of light!

“Today, you and the astral world will both go to destruction, and even the dregs will not be left, you will slowly despair, helpless, this is a torment that makes you want to die, not as good as life, haha ​​… “

Fiber Zhoushan is getting more and more happy, the more laughs the more, and the divine force formation is gradually shrinking!

At this moment, the sky is falling, the sky is broken, the earth is trembling, the blood sea in the second space, the blood waves are rising 2 zhang high, surging, the sky is facing a crisis of destruction!

top of divine wood!

Wu Tian’s face was as gloomy as water, and Bird St. was on his shoulder, and his eyes were also flashing with cold light, and at the same time he could see a resignation.

The destruction of the astral world is imminent, but it has no power to stop it.

Similarly, Xiao Wuhao’s face is also not good-looking, but his eyes are struggling!

Just then, with a buzz, the Transmission Gate on the square suddenly burst into light.

Then an old woman wearing a black robe stepped out of the Transmission Gate, raised her eyes and glanced at all around, her eyes were slightly gloomy!

When she saw Ye Xiuling being pursued by Hu Hongming, she gave up an amazing murderous intention, shouted: “Dare to hurt the Young Lady, it is unforgivable!”

[Ps; Recommend the author of a hot book (10000 ancient Divine Emperor; Flying Fish)]

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