People standing in the distance watching this scene, like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, shaking their bodies, their eyes are incredible!

Sun Shi 2 people but 9 Spiritual God, actually swallowed Divine Spark by Swallowing Heaven Beast, how strong is it?

In particular, its speed is almost like a ghost, it is invincible!


I don’t know who snarled. Everyone, like Overhead Bang, turned around and fled towards the endless Sea Territory.

Why ca n’t even the 2 9 Spiritual Gods kill the Swallowing Heaven Beast, say kill and kill, let alone them 8 Spirit Gods? Simply leaving is dead end!

If you want to survive, you can only escape. The farther you can escape, the better. When the two adults from Xianzhoushan come, they will be safe.

Little Brat didn’t stop, just glanced lightly, and looked again towards Sun Shi 2 people, but just glanced disdainfully, they snatched their space bracelet, and the small body flickered on Wu Tian’s shoulder. .

2 people are slowly recovering from the pain.

“How could this be……”

“Why didn’t Swallowing Heaven Beast die …”

“Settle in the ground, you can even kill the Spiritual God of 9 robbers, but you couldn’t kill it, how could this be …”

“Its speed, why is it so fast …”

“Divine Spark shattered, Qi Sea shattered, what should I do next …”

2 Like a lost soul, his eyes were dull and he kept mumbling to himself.

Hearing, Little Brat looked up and dismissed: “Your Divine Ability is really strong, otherwise Master Frog will not be injured, but you want to bomb Master Frog and go to cultivation for a thousand years.”

2 The human body shook, and at the same time looked towards Little Brat. Sure enough, several cracks were found on Little Brat’s body, and blood continued to emerge from it. In some places, the gold scales were shattered, and the flesh was blurred. Obviously, it did hurt, but what use did it fail to kill?


Wu Tian stepped forward and appeared in front of the two of them, searching for the soul of one of them after another.

“Didn’t expect 2 treasure trove, there are so many treasures.”

Wu Tian grunted, his eyes ejaculated.

Little Brat suddenly lighted his eyes, and Harrah’s DC flew, eagerly, “Where is the treasure house?”

Wu Tian said: “It’s just below the exchange and Chunyi Building.”


Little Brat hearing this, directly turned into a streamer, rushing towards the exchange.

Seeing this, Wu Tian could not help but shake her head and laughed, and asked, “Don’t you go hunting down other people?”

“Are those blackheads eligible for Master Frog to hunt? Besides, they don’t have much treasure on them.” Little Brat finished and disappeared directly into the exchange.

“It really is an old money fan.”

Wu Tian shook the head, his eyes were full of helplessness, but when his eyes fell on the two of Sun Shi, the helplessness disappeared instantly and was replaced by murderous intention.

“Is this going to die?”

“I think I dignified 9 robs Spiritual God, and I will die in the hands of a 5 robbers Spiritual God, really unwilling!”

“If there is an afterlife, today’s blood feud, I will make them pay back 100 times.”

2 people are smart people. When they saw the Murderous intention in Wu Tian’s eyes, they already knew that they were going to die soon, but they were unwilling to go through countless tortures, and finally became a 9 robber Spiritual God, a distance from ten robbers Spiritual God Just one step away, it was so dead, and it was so miserable, really worthless!

“bang! !”

Wu Tian raised his hands and dropped them. Two 2 Spiritual Gods fell on the spot, leaving only two Divine Ability charms.

This was the first time he had killed 9 Spiritual God’s life by himself, and this feeling made him feel so happy.

“I am indeed a person who longs for slaughter.”

He couldn’t help laughing at himself, if it wasn’t for the slaughter, that wouldn’t have happened after killing.

“oh! ”

With a sigh in my heart, I reached out and grabbed the two amulets. Divine sense sank into it. All the emotions were swept away, leaving only a look of suspicion.

These two types of Divine Ability are advanced Divine Ability, one is Spirit Divine Ability, and the other is Divine Ability.

Divine Ability comes from Sun Shi, the three Divine Ability used in the previous battle with Little Brat.

Burial, broken bones.

Burial, 10000 arrows penetrate the heart.


The three types of Divine Ability, collectively called quicksand, are a complete set, just like Skyfinger.

As for the Wu Divine Ability, the helm of the exchange, named Asura Corpse Fire.

And what surprised him was this kind of Divine Ability, because for a while, he was a bit confused as to what kind of Divine Ability it was.

However, it is initially determined that this form of Divine Ability’s formidable power is stronger than Sun Shi’s quicksand technique. Fortunately, Little Brat took advantage of his unpreparedness and decisively exploded his Divine Spark. Otherwise, whoever wins or loses will wait for his shot. It’s really hard to say.

For the time being, put away Asura’s corpse fire, and then slowly ponder it when you have time. As for quicksand, he must not be cultivation, but he can give it to Han Tian. To Han Tian.

But it didn’t take long for Bird St to send Divine Ability again.

“what happened?”

Wu Tian was a little embarrassed.

Bird Holy Road: “Han Tian said, he specializes in Five Elements Profound Truth, and is not interested in other Divine Ability, so you can give it to others.”


Wu Tian is wrong, quicksand technique is also advanced Divine Ability, and formidable power is obvious to all, enough to sweep the powerhouse of same realm, but this guy doesn’t want it, he really has personality!

But he also understands a truth, erudition and specialization!

Mastering a lot of Divine Ability is indeed a good thing, but it is also a bad thing, because you have too many things to consider, it is difficult to achieve excellence, and it is difficult to realize the will of Divine Ability.

Like himself, Divine Ability’s will to destroy the sky has long been realized, but Divine Ability’s will to the sky wheel fist and the fingers of the sky have not been realized.

There is a saying that this is not the case, greedy is not chewing.

Therefore, he agrees with Han Tian.

“But what should I do with this Divine Ability amulet now? Throw it away? It seems a pity that you should save it and wait for them to find the 5 Primordial Spirits before giving them to them.” Wu Tian muttered secretly and collected Divine Ability Into storage bag.


Just then, Little Brat was robbed from the exchange, and hurriedly came to Wu Tian, ​​asking, “Little Tian, ​​are you sure there is treasure in the treasure house?”

Wu Tian is ready to divide up the spoils of war, but Little Brat first throws out such an unfathomable mystery problem.

He personally read the memory of the two Sun Zheng people, can there still be fake? So nodded and said: “I’m sure.”

Little Brat frowned. “That’s weird.”

“What’s wrong?” Wu Tian was puzzled.

“I went to the treasure trove just now, but found that it’s empty, half of my hair was gone,” Little Brat said.

“It’s impossible.” Wu Tian shook his head categorically, and the two people’s memories clearly showed that all the treasures were in the treasure house. How could it not be?

“It’s true, I didn’t find anything,” Little Brat said affirmatively again.

Wu Tian eyebrow raised, and asked, “Have you ever been to the treasure house of Chunyi Tower?”

“Not yet.” Little Brat shook her head.

“All right, let’s go and see.”

2 People turned into a light and shadow, one after another swept into Chunyi Building, and those who were familiar with the light came to the door of the treasure house, but when the stone gate was opened, it was empty.

“How can this be?” Wu Tian froze.

“Will it be taken away by two people in Xianzhou Mountain?” Little Brat asked.

Liang Zhoushan and Hu Hongming are the controllers behind the two great influences. Every time after, they will personally go to the major stations to collect the treasure, so Little Brat suspects that they may have been taken away.

But Wu Tian shook his head when he heard this: “I’m sure this, no.”

“Where have all these treasures gone? Can they still fly by themselves?” Little Brat gradually became angry.

“It’s impossible to fly by yourself unless someone the early bird catches the worm …”

Wu Tian shook his head and whispered. When it came to the 4 words of the early bird catches the worm, he and Little Brat looked intently towards each other, and at the moment when the 2 line of sight met, they immediately let out a raging anger!

“Who dares to grab the treasure of Master Frog, get out and die!”

Little Brat angry roar, turned around and grabbed Chunyi Tower, stood on the sky, divine sense hiding the sky and covering the earth, and carefully searched every other courtyard, every inch of void, not even the deep sea.

Wu Tian follow closely from behind, standing beside Little Brat, glancing down at the city below, his face gloomy like water.

It really didn’t expect that someone would rush ahead of them and looted both treasure trove. In fact, it doesn’t matter if he wants these treasures, but this feeling of being acted by peoples monkey makes him extremely unhappy!

However, after their search, nothing was found.

Little Brat was so angry that he squeezed his claws tightly, and gnashing teeth said: “Dare to pluck hair in the tiger’s mouth, it is better not to let Master Frog know who it is, otherwise …”

“How about you otherwise?”

Little Brat wasn’t finished, a joke sounded ahead.

Hearing this voice, Wu Tian and Little Brat’s eyes suddenly burst out of strong cold light, retracted his gaze, looked up, and saw 3 young men in blood suits standing not far from each other. both hands crossed near chest, with a hint of playfulness in the corners of his mouth.

“Ouyang Chengjun, you dare to come out!”

Little Brat was furious on the spot, and the small claws blasted out. The inheritance of Martial Divine Ability turned out, and the extinction breath rolled out 8 squares. The golden fist went straight to 3 people.

Yes, these three people are Ouyang Chengjun, Xiao Yu, Luo Tian!

Seeing Little Brat 2 doing it without saying anything, there was a hint of helplessness on Ouyang Chengjun’s face, sighing: “Oh, we are also Old Friend, can you fight for me if you don’t see each other?”

In the face of the current strength of Little Brat, he did not dare to neglect the slightest. After that, he punched out with a punch, and a golden fist also appeared, then broke away.

Suddenly, two fists met in the air, accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the explosion exploded, and the devastating air waves swept across all sides!

Little Brat kept Wu Tian behind him, while Ouyang Chengjun was kept behind by Xiao Yu 2 to prevent them from being affected by the waves.

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