Unconsciously, 3 people have moved away from the 6th station.

Wu Tian looked back, his eyes light flashed.

Little Brat sound transmission: “Are you going?”

Wu Tian responded, “Wait a minute, it’s not far enough.”

Silently teleporting ten breaths, Wu Tian gazes at a cold light, drinking darkly: “Start!”

Little Brat made a lightning shot in the teleportation, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and blasted away towards the lower belly of the middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man was discolored. Why didn’t he expect it? Little Brat actually shot him. When he was caught off guard, the lower abdomen took a firm punch, and he was immediately blown forward and forward, and the blood was sprayed!

Qi Sea and Divine Spark are both crushed and vanished!

“What are you doing?”

middle-aged man drunk, his body flew away.

“kill you!”

Wu Tian coldly smiled, winking at Little Brat, and then stepped forward, catching up with the middle-aged man, catching it, and started searching for the soul.

“clang! !!”

Suddenly, accompanied by a popping sound of pierce gold and split stone, a 3-foot war sword tore the void, chopped off towards Wu Tian, ​​sharpening the Heavens and Splitting the Earth!

“Haha, wait for you long!”

Little Brat laughed, turned into a golden streamer, and his big hand leaned toward the sword. When he held the blade, he pinched it suddenly, and made a loud noise. The 3-foot sword was directly pinched, and the fragments splashed at 4 Shoot!

“Get me out!”

Immediately afterwards, Little Brat yelled, his fist exploded towards the void in front, and the place broke instantly. At the same time, a scream rang out in the sky, and then an old man wearing a black robe fell out of the broken in the sky.

His skin was cracked, his blood was dripping, and those blood-stained eyes stared at Little Brat, shocked!

“Small dish.”

Little Brat disdain, stepped forward and grabbed the old man in the black robe, a flashing room appeared next to Wu Tian.

That’s when Wu Tian’s soul hunt ended.

The old man in black robe shouted, “It’s impossible to be a hedonistic son of rich parents with such strong strength. Who are you? Why should we plot us?”

Wu Tian turned his head and looked toward the old man, differently said: “We are the ones you are looking for.”

“What? Are you Wu Tian? He is Swallowing Heaven Beast?” The old man in black robe was shocked.

Little Brat chuckled: “Congratulations, you got it right.”


After getting confirmation, in the eyes of the old man in the black robe, a trace of madness suddenly climbed up, and a devastating gas machine pulsated from within the body, obviously to Self-destruction Divine Spark!

Little Brat’s eyes were light flashed, and he kicked his feet on the old man’s abdomen. Qi Sea and Divine Spark were smashed, said with a sneer: “Last time we lost your defense because we were unprepared. Now that we have Knowing that you are all dead men who are not afraid of death, and you want Self-destruction Divine Spark, there is no door.


Wu Tian stepped forward and searched the soul of the old black robe.


However, at the next moment, his body trembled and he closed his eyes in haste, but at the corner of his eyes, a stream of blood poured out!

Little Brat busy: “What’s going on?”

After a good moment, Wu Tian just opened his eyes and wiped off the blood from the corner of his eyes. Said solemnly: “He had a killing idea in Sea of ​​Consciousness. If I did n’t close my eyes in time and stop searching for the soul, I am afraid that not only my eyes will be scrapped, but The soul will be strangled by killing thoughts! “

Little Brat exclaimed, “Who’s killing thoughts?”

Wu Tian shook her head and said: “I don’t know, it’s strange, but I can be sure that the master of this killing idea is at least a Spiritual God.”

“Ten Robbers Spiritual God!”

Little Brat’s eyes saw a murderous intention, and he wrung up the old man in a black robe, angrily, “Say, who is the master behind the scenes!”

“Haha, kill me, I will not tell you if I die.” The old man in black robe said with a smile.

Little Brat said sensibly: “It’s not so easy to die. If you don’t recruit it from the facts today, I’ll let you taste better than death!”

The voice didn’t fall, Wu Tian waved his hand, the divine force gushed, and the devastating atmosphere rolled around. The black clothed old man and middle-aged man were hanged instantly.

Little Brat froze slightly, dissatisfied, “I’m ready to destroy them, how can you kill them directly?”

Wu Tian said, “They are all dead men. No matter how you destroy them, don’t try to pry out a little bit of information from them. Instead of wasting time, you might as well remove all the dead men in the 6th station.”

“and also?”

Little Brat raised an eyebrow.

Wu Tian nodded and said: “Yes, they are hidden on an island in the vicinity. There are a total of ten people. The cultivation base is between 2 and 6 robbers.”

Little Brat said, “Let’s go!”

In fact, he was also very clear that the dead had undergone very strict training before his death. Even if they peeled off their skin layer by layer, they might not be able to pry open their mouths, but it took so much effort, but they found nothing. He was more or less reconciled.

“By the way, is there no information about the middle-aged man in the memory?” Little Brat wondered.

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “No, we overestimated the status of the middle-aged man. He is only a small leader. He has not seen the person behind the scenes. The command is transmitted by the old man in the black robe, so hidden. Deep, this person is really not ordinary mysterious. “

Little Brat coldly snorted and said: “No matter who he is, no matter how mysterious he is, I’ll kick him out!”

Half an hour later, two people landed on an island.

Looking down, Little Brat was preparing to speak, Wu Tian hurriedly stopped him, sound transmission said: “They don’t know our true identity yet, they would think we just happened to pass by here, and take this opportunity to give them a fatal blow.”

“it is good.”

Little Brat nodded, with the emergence of a murderous intention in the golden light, a golden fist manifested, and then a lightning boom blasted in the middle of the island. With a loud explosion sound, the island was instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke , 4 faces of Sea Territory, white waves cover the sky!


Just as the island was annihilated, more than a dozen screams sounded.



“Ten 2.”

Wu Tian listened to the 8 parties, calculated silently in her heart, that there were exactly 2 screams.

This means that the twelve dead men hidden on the island have fallen!

Wu Tian was also quite surprised when he killed and killed ten dead men in one blow. He asked, “Little Brat, how strong is your battle strength now?”

Little Brat arrogantly said: “Spiritual God 8 is complete.”

Wu Tian also said, “What about 9 Spiritual God?”

Little Brat hesitantly said: “This … if killing, it is a bit difficult, but it should be a draw if it is a tie.”

“That is to say, your current battle strength is enough to compete with the 9th Spiritual God. And I, in the second area and the increase of Battle Soul, have a maximum of 2th the Spiritual God battle. Such a strength, I want to be in the center Sea Territory is enough to protect itself. “

Wu Tian whispered, and at the end he smiled.

In the past, even the Spiritual God of a robbery was invincible in his eyes, but now, even the Spiritual God of 8 robbery, he dares to beat, time can really change everything.

Wu Tian looked towards Little Brat, said with a smile: “I’m glad that I can meet you in my life.”

Without Little Brat, there would not be him now.

Little Brat pouted, “You should be glad, but I’m bitter. I have to take care of your tow bottle all day.”

Wu Tian immediately climbed up a row of black lines on his mind. This guy said he was really breathing even when he said he was fat.

Don’t bother to continue the nonsense, take out the ground elephant and send a message to Huangfu Ming Zhu, then start the teleportation, and swept towards the 6th station.

When Wu Tian descended on the square, a beautiful shadow immediately greeted him, glanced at Little Brat behind Wu Tian, ​​and looked towards Wu Tian again, Xin joyfully said: “You are finally here.”

Little Brat watched the strange woman in front of her, alertly, “Are you a real pearl girl?”

The woman frowned and asked, “Who are you?”

Little Brat joked: “Guess.”

The woman looked at it seriously, wondering, “Are you a Little Brat?”

Little Brat chuckled said: “Yes, it is Master Frog, right, now it should be called Grandpa, but what proof do you take, you are really a pearl girl?”

Wu Tian said with a black face: “Have you made enough trouble, her breath has not changed at all, can there still be fake?”

“Cut, there are more rare treasures that can change the atmosphere, who knows if she is real.” Little Brat dismissed.

The woman glanced at 2 people, some unfathomable mystery, and wondered, “What the hell are you talking about?”

Little Brat said, “Answer me first, what is your other identity? If you can’t answer it, don’t blame Grandpa.”

The woman looked at Wu Tian and looked at Little Brat, helplessly said: “I am Huang Fuyi’s daughter, and it is Chu Yiyan’s Reincarnation Body.”

“It’s really Pearl Sister, I’m sorry Ha, I am compelled.

Little Brat chuckled.

The reason why she confirmed it again was because Huangfu Ming Zhu now is another face she has never seen before. She was afraid of being a scam of the dead, so she asked her to answer this question. Now Huangfu Ming Zhu is correct. The answer is enough to show that she is herself.

“A last resort?”

Huangfu Ming Zhu Yiyi, suspiciously: “Wu Tian, ​​did you meet on the way?”

Wu Tian said: “It’s a long story …”

Huangfu Ming Zhu said with a smile: “Then wait until you go back and talk.”

“go back?”

Wu Tian froze slightly and asked, “Are you ready to return to Tianyu?”

“No, you misunderstand me.”

Huangfu Ming Zhu shook the head, said with a smile: “Xue Lan rented a house here. When I said go back, I went back to the other house, not to Tianyu.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Wu Tian shook her head and laughed, saying that it was not long before she entered the 6th station and it was impossible to return to her home.

After entering the city, the three people walked for about half an hour and entered a separate courtyard.

In the hall, Her Royal Highness Xue Lan, Ye Yeye, Zhou Shu, Lu Yuan, Qu Sheng, are drinking tea and chatting.

Seeing Wu Tian’s arrival, apart from Xuelan and Qu Sheng, they all got up to meet.

But like Huangfu Ming Zhu, they all changed their appearance again.

For a moment, everyone took a seat, Wu Tian glanced at a few people and wondered, “Why do you look like this again?”

Ni Yeye rolled the eyes, said ill-humoredly: “It’s not all because of you and Swallowing Heaven Beast.”

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