“Is it cheap?”

Hearing this sentence, Wu Tian smiled bitterly.

This harvest is really good, but he also paid a lot, ten strains of Earth Origin Spirit Grass, a total of ten or two drops of mysterious blood, and countless essences. Is the ratio of this payout to the harvest cheap?

Xiao Wuhao said with a smile: “Do n’t be unbalanced, this time you did make a lot of money. As for the two stone pillars that were not destroyed, the reason is simple. The devastating power of Divine Armament Self-destruction, formidable power. Not yet reached the level of Paragon. “

Xiao Wuhao said that if the 9th Spiritual God and the 1th Spiritual God are an insurmountable hurdle, then the 1th Spiritual God and Paragon will be a boundless ocean.

The formidable power of Divine Armament Self-destruction is only equivalent to 10% of the Paragon full strength attack.

“10% !”

Hearing this answer, Wu Tian is trembling physically and mentally, it’s incredible!

The destruction caused by the Divine Armament Self-destruction of the Ten Robberies, he saw it with his own eyes, without exaggeration, enough to kill all Spiritual God, including the Spiritual God, but Xiao Wuhao said at the moment that he could only attack the Paragon full strength attack Compared to 10% of this, how can he not be surprised?

No wonder the 2 stone pillars protected by Rule Strength will be intact. The original Paragon powerhouse is so powerful!

Xiao Wuhao said: “Don’t be surprised, don’t be envious, because you will take that step sooner or later, hurry up and take the treasure!”

Wu Tian took a deep breath, stabilized the mind of having ups and downs, and in turn looked towards the top of the 2 stone pillars.

On the top, both the immortal spirit flower and Divine Spark are safe and sound.

In fact, before Yu Wei dissipated, he led the Ryoma and Beasts to the Third Layer because he was worried that these two Supreme Treasures would be destroyed.

See its perfect and without blemish at this moment, nor relaxed.

But in the Third Layer, he didn’t see the 2 people and 2 Black Qilin in Zhouzhou Mountain, nor did they find their bones. He wanted to come with the Divine Armament scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Without further hesitation, Wu Tian and Little Brat split up and each had 3 Beast Sovereign guards.


However, at this moment, the immortal spirit flower and the space barrier in front of Paragon Divine Spark were suddenly broken along with a loud noise, and two bloody silhouettes emerged from the space tunnel at the same time.

They are not others, but the two people in Wu Zhou who thought they had fallen!

Immediately after the two appeared, they reached for the immortal spirit flower and Divine Spark.

“Why didn’t they die?”

This sudden change caused Wu Tian and Little Brat to turn pale with fright.

The 6th Beast Sovereign, such as Ryoma, is also pumps shrank, and hastily rushed to rush towards the 2 stone pillars.

But the resistance of the hurricane is too great to start at high speed!

However, the location of the two people in Fiber Zhoushan is close to the stone pillar, or even within reach. In this case, there is no time to stop it!

Little Brat growled: “Damn, isn’t it just a shortfall!”

After finally getting to this step, I saw that Paragon Divine Spark was about to come on hand. If they were snatched by the two people in Fiber Zhoushan, wouldn’t the efforts of these years be put to waste?

Under such circumstances, Little Brat would definitely not accept it, and Wu Tian could not accept it.

“Who can tell me, is there any way to stop them now?”

Wu Tian roared in his heart and snarled at the two people in Xianzhou Mountain: “Xianzhou Mountain, if you dare to snatch Paragon Divine Spark and immortal spirit flowers today, even if Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, I will destroy you Ashes! “

However, the two of them did not even look at him, staring directly at the two Supreme Treasures, their hearts were extremely hot!

Two big hands are only 2 inches away from 2 pieces of Supreme Treasure!

Such a distance, even if Wu Tian and the others arrived in time, could not stop them!

It can even be said that it is already in their pocket!

“roar! !”

But suddenly, two Black Qilin burst out of the air and hit one on the chests of two people. The sound of broken bones came through immediately. The ribs on the chests of the two people were under this collision. How many!

“Do not!!”

Along with an unwilling roar, the two flew out.

Their teeth were cracked, their eyes were like a red soldering iron, flushed, their hands stretched out, grabbed the Supreme Treasure of the stone pillar, but they could only watch as the distance between themselves and the stone pillar grew The farther away, the sight in the sight becomes more and more blurred!

Wu Tian shouted: “Black Dragon, Fire Dragon Beast, they are already an arrow at the end of its flight, go and kill them!”

Immediately, the two big Beast Sovereign left the team, and the murderous-looking two men rushed towards Xianzhou Zhoushan.

At the same time, Ryoma 4 beasts protect Wu Tian and Little Brat and continue to fly towards the two stone pillars!

“bang! !”

After a few breaths, two loud noises suddenly exploded in the Third Layer.

Wu Tian turned his head and looked at it. It turned out that there were two people in Xianzhou Mountain. Seeing the Black Dragon 2 beast killed, he immediately broke into the space barrier and broke into the space tunnel.

Black Dragon looked back at Wu Tian and asked, “What should I do?”

“Hunting to the end!”

Wu Tian’s cold light blinked, spitting out these cold words.

“sou! !”

Immediately, the Black Dragon and Fire Dragon beasted into a stream of light, one after another into the space tunnel, and a long chase began!

In this scene, the two heads of Black Qilin did not get the extra attention. From the moment they hit Fei Zhoushan 2 people, they have been watching Wu Tian and Little Brat and the others with vigilance.

After counting ten breaths, Wu Tian was the first to reach the stone pillar where the immortal spirit flower was located.

The dragon immediately looked down at Black Qilin in front of him, sound transmission said: “Wu Tian, ​​its Life Strength is rapidly dissipating, and in its within the body, I can’t sense the existence of Divine Spark, it is estimated to be in Ten Divine Armament Self-destruction shattered, and now I can stand stubbornly here, maybe there is a belief in my heart to support it. “

Wu Tian nodded, he has also sensed this.

But what puzzled him was that Divine Spark had already been crushed. Why did he come out to stop them?

What is the belief in Longma’s mouth?

But these are not important anymore, Wu Tian complexion sank, said: “The current affairs are Junjie. You have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. If you give way now, I promise to let you go alive.”

The Yanyun Beast on the side said: “Wu Tian, ​​you are wrong. Even if we let it go, it will die if it loses Divine Spark.”

“So, I will leave you all dead,” Wu Tian said.

Black Qilin didn’t speak, just staring at Wu Tian blindly, it seemed to have a sense of inspection.

“Since you are stubborn, then there is no mercy under someone, kill it!”

Wu Tian’s remarks ended, and Yanyun Beast immediately showed his fangs.

At this moment, Little Brat, Red Rabbit, and Mo Yundiao have also reached the other stone pillar.

Hearing Wu Tian’s voice, Mo Yundiao flew towards Black Qilin in front of him!


Black Qilin in front of Wu Tian finally spoke.

Wu Tian reached out to stop Yanyun Beast and asked, “Did you figure it out?”

On the other side, Mo Yundiao followed in the air.

“Not figured out.”

Black Qilin shook the head, looked at his companions in the distance, and lost his way: “Originally, we still have some power left, but unfortunately when we hit the two humans, they were exhausted, I know, based on our current State, there is no power to stop you, but I ask you, promise me one thing. “

Wu Tian said, “You say.”

Black Qilin said: “Send our bodies to the ancestral land of Qilin in the Holy Realm.”

“Are you from the holy realm?” Wu Tian was surprised.

“Yes, we had no intention of breaking into Heaven Realm and being chased by the Spirit God of Heaven Realm. It was the master who saved our lives. In order to repay, we have been following the master since then, but we never gave up on our ancestors. The plan of the land.

“Actually the master had promised to take us back, but things went against him. One day the master was ambushed by two dead opponents, and finally fell accidentally.”

“The master has rebuilt for us. In order to protect the Divine Spark of the master, we have decided to give up returning to our ancestral land, but now our lives have come to an end. I do not want to regret it for life, so I would like to ask you to help us fulfill this wish.

Black Qilin said quietly, in the dim eyes, the complex emotions emerged.

There is resentment and apology for the Gods Vestige master, there is nostalgia and longing for the ancestral land, and there is anger at the end of life.

Wu Tian tentatively said: “As a Heaven Realm person, I can’t go to the Holy Realm, I’m afraid your wish, Wu Mo can’t do it for you.”

Black Qilin insisted: “No, you will definitely go, because you are the destroyer.”

“How do you know?” Wu Tian eyebrow raised.

Black Qilin said: “What you are doing in the First Layer and Second Layer, we all see it. When I see your blood is golden, I already know that you are an exterminator.”

Wu Tian said: “So, the Rule Strength here, not at all restrains you?”

Black Qilin said: “Yes, Ryoma have restrictions, but we don’t. If we want to leave, we can do it at any time. And even if the entrance does not appear, we can easily learn the conditions of the Second Layer and First Layer. The master was dying Before, we were asked to find a way to go back to the holy realm, but after all, we couldn’t let go of the bond in our hearts. “

Wu Tian said: “So, as soon as I entered Gods Vestige, you already knew?”

Black Qilin nodded.

Wu Tian couldn’t help but feel lost for a while, but he could obviously leave Gods Vestige, but in order to repay, he gave up returning to the ancestral land where they were nurtured, stayed here and stayed until death.

If they left early, how could they fall now?

Who says that fierce beasts are ruthless?

Who said the beast was cold-blooded? cruel?

In his opinion, fierce beasts are more humane than human beings. At least they know the reward and have a grateful heart.

It was not until then that he understood why the two Black Qilin were sticking to this place.

In order to repay the graciousness of their masters, regardless of their own lives, ask the world, who else can do this step?

No one can do it, and no one can be so stupid.

This is what happened to the 2 heads Black Qilin. Such a great feeling is admirable!

“oh! ”

Wu Tian sighed deeply, nodded and said: “Okay, I promise you, I will send you to the ancestral land of Qilin in the holy realm.”

If the Divine Spark of 2 Black Qilin is only broken, even if the petals of 2 immortal spirit flowers are lost, he will help them to repair Divine Spark, but unfortunately, their Divine Spark is not already in, there are more immortal spirit flowers Nor can they save their lives.

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