As the days passed, Gods Vestige became more and more people, all crowded in the Second Layer.

Although everyone came from different places, after entering the Second Layer, they all did the same stupid thing, that is, went straight to the Third Layer and couldn’t persuade them.

At first, the two ferocious beasts in the Third Layer just released fierce might, and it would stop just a little shock, but gradually, they also began to get impatient. The Spiritual Spirit of the Ten Robbers was soaring, but the consequences are very serious. Instant blood splattered on the spot!

Soon, a hundred zhang high corpse mountain piled up on the ground below the entrance!

Since then, no one has dared to rush up.

But you ca n’t be idle all the time, so the beasts of the Second Layer have become their targets, and they start hunting down the beasts in groups, after all, the beasts are all treasures.

The fierce beasts of the Second Layer are basically the Spiritual God from 6 to 7, and even the 8th-order Spiritual God.

For the coming humans, the cultivation base is in the range of 4th, 5th, and 6th. The 7th Spiritual God is very difficult to find out. With this strength, if it is not Black Dragon and other 6 Beast Sovereigns, they have orders first. They had been killed Thoroughly by ferocious beasts.

If they can be honest, be disciplined, and survive, then why they hit the muzzle.

At the beginning, due to Beast Sovereign’s orders, the beasts in the 6 regions only defended and did not resist. However, in the face of such behaviors, those people not only did not stop, thinking that these beasts were soft persimmons, but the arrogant anger was more and more vigorous. !!

Faced with unrelenting killing all day, even Saint, who is kind-hearted and kind, will have resentment and lose patience, let alone a ferocious beast?

The beasts in each area were finally angry, and they sent sound transmission to their respective emperors.

Upon hearing the news, the 6 Big Beast Sovereign and other Black Dragons immediately informed Wu Tian about the incident.

Trickster, kill!

Wu Tian only responded to these 4 words.

As a result, the 6 Beast Sovereigns of the Second Layer, the 9 Beast Sovereigns of the First Layer, and the globular creatures secretly gave orders to their men, and the content of the order was the original words of Wu Tian, ​​the culprit, kill!

As soon as the order came out, the Second Layer immediately set off a foul wind and bloody rain!

The terrible beasts of 6 large areas show their fangs and start a counterattack frantically.

Only then did everyone realize that these fierce beasts are not soft persimmons, let alone their existence!

For a while, everyone retreated toward the First Layer.

The beast of the Second Layer cannot afford to offend. The beast of the First Layer can’t always be so perverted?

With this naive, believe oneself infallible idea, everyone enters the First Layer and starts hunting fierce beasts, but they are finally hunted.

Those camouflaged deep-sea dive objects are also killed as soon as they get a chance.

Frightened, they were extremely puzzled. Why did these fierce beasts ignore them when they first entered Gods Vestige? Even if they walked in front of them, they would not attack everyone, but why are they so crazy now?

Finally, it was discovered that as long as they do not proactively provoke these beasts, they will not fight back.

The news quickly spread through the First Layer.

Knowing this, the people who are still alive will regret it, and what to do to provoke these beasts?

Isn’t this my own courting death?

From then on, everyone finally became honest and did not dare to be in the wrong heart.

However, there are always arrogant and conceited people, such as those who have just entered Gods Vestige, dismissive of the persuasion of those who have experienced that catastrophe, arrogant, such people are destined to be miserable, The beast divides food.

Therefore, until Wu Tian and Little Brat came out, the slaughter did not stop.

After 300 years, Wu Tian and Little Brat are finally out!

After refining 20 Essence Origins, the Fleshly Body Realm world broke through to 4 robs Spiritual God.

Consumption of more than 4000 drops of extreme divide force, also raised the soul to level 5, the overall battle strength has been improved by another level!

He stepped out of the astral realm and looked at the situation of ten or five Beast Sovereign.

The 6 Big Beast Sovereigns, such as Black Dragon, are still one step away from Peak, and it is estimated that it will take at least 2 years.

Golden giant tiger and other 9 Big East Sovereign, it takes a long time to get away from the solid realm.

According to the golden giant tiger, it will take at least 5000 years, and at the latest it will take more than 10000 years!

The same goes for globular creatures.

Hearing this astronomical figure makes Wu Tian have to sigh, it is good to have Divine Wood.

For him, 5000 years and more than 10000 years are really astronomical figures.

I think he and Xiao Wuhao can stabilize a realm, only as long as a few hundred years. For example, if the realm is stable for 100 years of Spiritual God, it is estimated that it can be done in 4 years. Little Brat is even more perverted, breaking through to 2 times for Spiritual God, using only The realm has been stabilized in 100 years, but the 7 Big Beast Sovereign takes 300 years, or even more than 9 years to complete. This gap is really not so big!

Although they are 9 Spiritual Gods, if they are replaced by him and Little Brat, it will not take so long.

A piece of divine wood is enough to change everything, and it is indeed the first divine object in the ancient times.

It ’s no wonder that Divine Race, which used to have divine wood in the past, is enough to stand up to the nine Anti-Sky Warriors, but after losing Divine wood, Divine Race began to decline, and even only a few Great Saints were left in the end, it is sad. what!

If Divine Wood had not fallen in the past, Divine Race’s current heritage, I am afraid that even Heaven Realm and the Holy Realm would be afraid of it!


Wu Tian took a deep breath, changed the appearance slightly, and also changed Little Brat’s appearance, and flew towards the Second Layer.

Time and space within the shuttle.

Ouyang Chengjun 3 people crossed their knees.

Suddenly, Luo Tian’s eyes opened, a big hand waved, the void in front of him was distorted, and a picture appeared.

In the picture, it is Wu Tian and Little Brat, but after changing his appearance, he didn’t recognize it.

After a brief glance, the screen disappeared and my eyes closed to continue the meditation.

Gods Vestige Second Layer!

After more than 300 years, tens of thousands of people have gathered here. When Wu Tian saw this scene, he couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

How come so many people?

Is the news that Gods Vestige has been open to everyone?

But to his regret, the strongest is 7 Spiritual Gods, and 8 Spiritual Gods cannot be found.

Looking around all around, Wu Tian’s eyes were locked on a corpse mountain beyond hundreds of thousands of li. The bottom corpse had become white bones, and the middle rot had been rotted. The top corpse was still bleeding and could be heard from afar. To the sickening corpse and bloody smell.

Looking up, the Third Layer entrance is above the corpse mountain.

Wu Tian immediately understood that it seemed that the two beasts guarding the Third Layer had also lost patience and had already started killing.

Fortunately, the two fierce beasts did not step out of the Third Layer, otherwise all the creatures of the Second Layer and First Layer would be instantly destroyed, and blood flowing into a river!

Shook the head, Wu Tian looked down, hundred zhang opened, and 5 middle-aged men and women were whispering. He stepped forward, sat beside them, and asked with a smile: “Seniors, what are you doing? Got news about Gods Vestige opening? “

“4 Robbing Spiritual God?”

One of the middle-aged big man turned his head and looked towards Wu Tian. After seeing through his cultivation base, he raised his disdain without any concealment, and said, “The evil beasts here are at least 5 robbery Spirit God, you 4 The Spiritual God came, simply was bringing about one’s own destruction. “

“Yes, this is not for you, leave with interest, or you won’t know how to die then.” A woman differentially said.

“Only 9 robbers of the Spiritual God are eligible to enter the Third Layer, otherwise they are all courting death, youngster, and treasure, although good, but it depends on whether there is a life flower.” Another middle-aged man taunted.

The other two were also shy of the head, apparently mocking Wu Tian overestimate one’s capabilities.

Wu Tian didn’t take it to heart, was fatily smiled, and was about to get up and leave, but just then, Little Brat spoke, said with a sneer: “2 5 robs Spiritual God, 3 6 robs Spiritual God, you seem It ’s not strong enough, what qualifications do you have to laugh at others? Master Frog advises you that the treasure here is not something you can touch, and if you want to survive, hurry up! ”


Five people were eyebrow raised and looked towards Little Brat on Wu Tian’s shoulder, and their cold light blinked.

“No, why is it familiar?”

“Demon Frog, is it the little beast at the 4th station?”

“I just heard it call itself Master Frog, and that little beast always calls itself Master Frog, yes, it must be it!”

5 people suddenly got up, murderous-looking!


Wu Tian and Little Brat froze. Didn’t expect to be recognized so soon.

“Everyone, here is the little bastard that ruined the 4th station!”

Right in their midst, a middle-aged big man, Yang Tian, ​​shout out loudly, sound like a great bell, ringing over the entire Second Layer.

“sou! !!”

Suddenly, countless sky-splitting sounds, one after another light and shadow blasted from all directions, and within a short time, hundreds of people came here and surrounded Wu Tian 100 groups.

“Yes, it’s the little bastard!”

“It’s really a travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily. We searched for hundreds of years and couldn’t find you. Didn’t expect you to come to your door instead.”

“Dare to make trouble in the major stations, you can’t escape today!”

The crowd frowned, gnashing their teeth, and their towering murderous aura.

And, in just this effort, there were 100 more people in all around!

Seeing that one after another looks like a cannibalistic look, Wu Tian helplessly said: “I have said before, don’t hang your mantra on your mouth often, now it’s fine, your identity is exposed, what should you do?”

Little Brat stood up, clasped his nostrils, and said differently: “It’s all right if you kill all.”

That middle-aged big man shouted: “little bastard, but now dare to be arrogant, today I will not shave you, heavens cannot tolerate!”

Little Brat squinted and looked incredibly, scornfully: “Come on, don’t waste Master Frog’s precious time.”

The middle-aged big man was extremely angry and drank: “Damn little bastard, everyone shot together and shred them 10000 segments!”

In an instant, the crowds all around offered Divine Armament, and Divine might roar around, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

Seeing the great battle is upon us!

“bang! !”

But at this moment, two extremely powerful Spiritual God powers came to the Second Layer.

“Ten Robbers Spiritual God!”

Everyone was trembling physically and mentally, because these two suddenly come divin might that could almost match the two fierce beasts of the Third Layer!


Wu Tian’s face was sinking. No one even came to see it. He took Little Brat directly into the astral world, and immediately let Xiao Wuhao control the astral world and go to the First Layer at the fastest speed!

Because of the arrival of the 2 Spiritual Gods, they disrupted his overall plan!

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