The emperor in the next area is a leopard.

Of course, being an emperor of a realm, the existence of 8 Spiritual God is naturally not an ordinary leopard.

According to the golden giant tiger, this beast is a Gold Thunder Panther, fast as lightning, an ancient lost species.

The mention of Gold Thunder Panther reminds Wu Tian of Gold Thunder Panther next to Shishi. When he left, Gold Thunder Panther stayed at the Cuishan Residence of Asura Palace. Now more than 3000 years ago, I do n’t know if it is life or death.

In the area of ​​Gold Thunder Panther, there is also a stone pillar, which can be around hunted zhang, and as Wu Tian expected, all around hides countless fierce beasts and vicious birds.

Seeing the emergence of humans, they showed their fangs and rushed up.

However, the golden giant tiger only slightly moved in an imposing manner, and all of them were now honest.

The golden giant tiger said: “Thunder Leopard, when a VIP comes, you are not ready to meet yet.”


A suspicious sound sounded in the jungle below, followed by an empty sound, Gold Thunder Panther swept from the jungle and paused opposite Wu Tian 3 people.


When I saw Wu Tian, ​​a glimmer of fierce light passed through golden eyes, but when I saw Little Brat, the fierce light disappeared and was replaced by a trace of awe, and finally looked towards golden giant tiger, and suddenly a full of incredible magic appeared in my eyes. .

“Why can’t you see through your cultivation base? Don’t … you have stepped into the 9th Spiritual God?”

Gold Thunder Panther was surprised by 10000 points.

“Yes, thanks to my side human, it was he who sent me an Earth Origin Spirit Grass and Swallowing Heaven Beast to help me block the Spiritual God, so I can successfully enter the 9th Spirit God.” Golden giant tiger said.

“Earth Origin Spirit Grass!”

Gold Thunder Panther pupil shrinks, and next moment bursts out a strong rays of light, which is longing, but it hasn’t lost its sanity, and warned: “What are you bringing them here for?”

The golden giant tiger said, “Take away your treasure.”

“It was originally for the treasure.”

Gold Thunder Panther eyes flashed, saying: “If I can also step into the 9th Spiritual God, I don’t see it.”

The golden giant tiger said: “You don’t seem to know your situation yet, you are not qualified to negotiate now.”

“Hmph, don’t think that the 9th step into the Spiritual God is the right to dominate the First Layer, tell you that if you fight hard, even if you kill me, you will pay for it yourself.” Gold Thunder Panther coldly snorted and said .

“Okay, anyway, our emperors in the 9 regions will have to fight against each other sooner or later. It is better to hit the sun than I choose. I think it is today!”


A terrifying fierce might, rushing out from the golden giant tiger within the body, all around the vicious bird and the fierce beast, instantly stunned to the ground, trembling with fear, like the abyss!

“Do you really do it?” Gold Thunder Panther shouted.

“Do you think I’m kidding you?” Golden giant tiger sneered.

Seeing a bloody fight, Wu Tian hurriedly stood out, stood in the center of the 2 beasts, rounded the field: “Okay, okay, you are all victims trapped here, what can you say well, you don’t have to fight for your life . “

“hmph! ”

Golden giant tiger coldly snorted, saying: “Look at Wu Tian’s face today, let go of you first, and you will take your dog’s head in the future.”

“Anytime!” Gold Thunder Panther responded indifferently.

Wu Tian faintly smiled, saying: “In this way, in order not to waste everyone’s time, please do me a favor and call all the emperors in the other 7 regions. Let’s talk about the transaction when everyone comes together.”

“Trading?” Gold Thunder Panther was puzzled.

“The so-called transaction is naturally mutually beneficial.” Wu Tian said.

Gold Thunder Panther’s eyes are light flashed, and they screamed at all the beasts around. The content is roughly that they are optimistic about the treasure on the stone pillar, and Wu Tian 2 is not allowed to approach.

Then no more nonsense, turned around and left.

Similarly, the golden giant tiger also turned into a stream of light, cut through the sky and disappeared.

Little Brat wondered: “Little Tian, ​​what are you doing?”

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “It’s very simple, put them all under your control.”

Little Brat said: “The big tiger is now fully capable of slaying emperors in several regions. Is this necessary?”

Wu Tian nodded and said: “Of course, after all, we still have to go to the Second Layer and Third Layer. If you look at the First Layer, there are 9 heads and 8 Beast Sovereign of Spiritual God. Besides, it ’s Second Layer and Third Layer? Plan ahead and be fully prepared. “

Little Brat said: “You did make sense, but didn’t the golden giant tiger say that he couldn’t find an entrance to the Second Layer? Master Frog is now doubting whether there is a Second Layer or a Third Layer.”

Wu Tian said with a smile: “Don’t worry, since the master of Gods Vestige says yes, there must be, but the entrance is hidden in the place we don’t know that’s all.”

Little Brat asked, “So what are you going to buy them for?”

Wu Tian said: “For them, Earth Origin Spirit Grass is the best bait.”

“Little Wu Tian, ​​I can warn you that there are only 8 strains of Earth Origin Spirit Grass, which will save me a bit of use.”

At this moment, Xiao Wuhao’s voice sounded in his mind.

“8 strains?”

Wu Tian froze for a moment, how can it be so little?

He remembered that after giving 2 plants to the Supreme Venerable couple, there were 3 plants left, 2 plants were robbed at the 5nd station, and 4 plants were robbed at the 3th station. It seemed that there were 1 plants.

How come there are only 3 strains left?

Not right

At first it seemed that he was robbed by Ouyang Chengjun.

Then give each of the golden giant tiger and the globular creature.

Counting it down, there are really only 8 strains left.

Wu Tian is a little depressed, why is this Earth Origin Spirit Grass so useless? Without much profligacy, it was gone.

If you let others know what he thinks at the moment, I’m afraid he’s gone.

You know, for others, Earth Origin Spirit Grass is a lifetime hope. He owns 8 strains, which is too few? Don’t you think you’re wasting? Isn’t this scolding?

Furthermore, Earth Origin Spirit Grass is not radish and cabbage, and it can be found all over the ground. If a person encounters a strain in his lifetime, he can read Amitabha and burn it.

Of course, each has its own circumstances, and no one dares to say certain things in the world. Perhaps someone who accidentally meets has a lot of Earth Origin Spirit Grass.

At this moment, Wu Tian also had a hard time making a decision.

After three more hesitations, he finally relented and said, “It’s okay, after the worst waits out, we have looted the rest of the station. I believe that we can always get a few Earth Origin Spirit Grass.”

“I have no objection, but if the treasure harvested at Gods Vestige cannot be compared with ten Earth Origin Spirit Grass, don’t blame me for being polite to you then.”

Xiao Wuhao made a ruthless remark and paid such a large price that he would have to earn it back. If the end is lost, who can bear the blow? No matter if others can bear it, he can’t bear it.

Little Brat said: “Now that we have decided, let’s see what exactly is the treasure on the stone pillar?”

A ferocious beast said: “The emperor has an order, and you cannot approach the stone pillar.”

“Master Frog didn’t say close.”

Little Brat disdain, his small body turned into a stream of light, soared into the sky, stood on the sky overlooking the stone pillar for a moment, and fell on Wu Tian’s shoulder with lack of interest.

“What is it?” Wu Tian asked.

“It’s still grass,” Little Brat pouted.

“You can be content. At the beginning of the ancient continent, Shishi’s soul was wounded. We couldn’t find the shadow of the soul grass, but we were in a hurry to turn around.” Wu Tian said.

“It’s true, but it’s not what it used to be. Soul grass can’t get into Master Frog’s eyes now,” Little Brat said.

Wu Tian shook her head and laughed, and she couldn’t help expecting it. If the First Layer really has soul grass, how amazing is the Treasure of the Second Layer and the Third Layer!

“sou! !!”

After a few hours, accompanied by the sound of one after another, nine fierce beasts descended on this piece one after another, fierce might sway, making 9 beasts surrender.

Wu Tian looked up and saw a little surprise in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that most of the Beast Sovereign here should be lost in ancient times, but didn’t expect, except for Gold Thunder Panther, it is actually just a very common type.

They are red blood cows, silver maned horses, wind lions, Azure Bamboo snakes, iron deer, gophers, and apes.

Then there are the golden giant tiger and Golden Thunder Panther.

It’s hard to imagine how they cultivated to the 8th Spiritual God.

The wind lion said: “Human, let me tell you straight, the treasure in my area is heaven soul grass, but what can you give us?”

“Really soul grass!”

Wu Tian and Little Brat looked at each other, eyes full of ecstasy.

Xiao Wuhao, who was in the astral realm, heard this, and he was refreshed, and immediately went to pick up the remaining 8 Earth Origin Spirit Grass.

Earth Origin Spirit Grass is indeed extremely precious, but it can still be found anyway, but heaven grass does not have the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, which covers all treasures in the world. From this we can see how rare it is.

Not to mention the Second Layer and Third Layer, the value of only one soul grass is more than 8 strains of Earth Origin Spirit Grass.

This sale is a good deal!

After calming down, Wu Tian, ​​after a moment of contemplation, glanced at a few Beast Sovereign and said, “I happen to have 8 Earth Origin Spirit Grass here, I can give you, but you have to promise me a condition.”

“8 strains!”

Several big Beast Sovereign can’t calm down, even the golden giant tiger, it’s full of shock!

Gold Thunder Panther said, “What conditions? You say.”

Wu Tian said, “Like the big tiger, assist me fully until the last moment I leave Gods Vestige.”

“So, I also heard the big tiger said that you and Swallowing Heaven Beast want to go to the Second Layer and Third Layer, but I advise you, don’t waste your time, you can’t find the entrance.” The monkey monkey said.

Wu Tian said: “This will not need you to worry about, you only say that you will not agree.”

“Of course it is such a good deal.”

“Yes, anyway, treasure in all major areas, we can only watch, let you take it away, at least invisible.”

“Stop talking nonsense, we all know your rules, blood oath, simple.”

In addition to the golden giant tiger, 8 beasts such as Golden Thunder Panther have successively vowed blood.

When the oath was completed, Wu Tian secretly let Xiao Wuhao send 8 Earth Origin Spirit Grass plants.

When 8 strains of Earth Origin Spirit Grass broke through and landed in front of the 8 beasts respectively, it means that the transaction Perfection is complete!

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