“Hidden Kao?”

Wu Tian and Little Brat are puzzled.

The globular creature explained: “The Nether Flower Emperor is another area emperor, the shape is the same as the black giant flower that attacks you, but its strength is very strong, and depending on my current strength, it may not be its opponent.”

Little Brat said with a sneer: “You are not your opponent, neither Master Frog nor your opponent. Tell me, where is it?”

Spherical biopath: “It hovers near the entrance to Gods Vestige.”

Wu Tian eyebrow raised, asking, “How do you know this?”

“At that time, I undoubtedly heard its conversation with Liang Xing. Liang Xing was the human just now. Originally, they planned to join Gods Vestige to enter the treasure hunt, but at the entrance of Gods Vestige, the ghostly emperor suddenly repented and ordered his men to kill him. . “

“The strength of Liang Xing at the time was slightly better than that of Nether Flower King, but there were many followers of Nether Flower King. Although Liang Xing broke through and escaped from birth, he also suffered serious injuries. At that time, I hid in the vicinity and took advantage of The sentence was taken away. “

“The Netherworld Royalist searched for a while, but he didn’t find Liang Xing, so he was locked in the vicinity of Gods Vestige, waiting for the rabbit. I had planned to negotiate with the Netherworld Royal, but it was cruel by nature and stronger than me. Fearful, hesitated to act. “

Spherical creature slowly said.

Wu Tian asked, “Why don’t you kill Liang Xing?”

“I want to snatch his ancient mirror, because only if I get an ancient mirror, I am not afraid of the ghostly emperor, but Liang Xing threatens me. If I dare to kill him, he will take a Self-destruction ancient mirror, but it is helpless until today In fact, for us, it is nothing at all for a few thousand years, and it can consume him slowly, but what didn’t expect is that half killing you two evil stars will destroy my overall plan. “

Spherical creature said some grievances.

Two people looked at each other, and couldn’t help pulling a smile in their eyes.

Little Brat said: “Now Master Frog gives you two choices. First, surrender us and help us to grab another key. Of course, Master Frog will consider taking you to Gods Vestige for treasure hunt. Second, Master Frog now I will send you to hell. “

“Do I still have a choice?” The spheroid sighed helplessly. “Well, as long as you can take me to Gods Vestige, I am willing to submit to you.”

Little Brat said, “Count on your interest, and take your blood oath!”

“Swear a blood oath?” The globular creature looked a little panicked.

“Do you think Master Frog will trust you with just a few words? Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but if you refuse, it proves that what you just said is just pretend to be polite. In this way, Master Frog It’s not very polite. “Little Brat indifferently said, but his eyes were extremely bad.

“Okay, I swear.”

Seeing this, the globular creature quickly agreed, and immediately swore a blood oath, assisting the two people to grab the key with all their strength, and never doing anything to hurt the two people.

Once the vow is complete, it will be honest, Wu Tian and Little Brat are finally relaxed.

Little Brat said: “Now you go immediately and tell your men to search for the whereabouts of Liang Xing, you must get him to Master Frog before he leaks the news of Gods Vestige.”

Wu Tian said: “Actually, I don’t think he will leak the news of Gods Vestige. He should go to the Nether Flower Emperor.”

“Your reasoning is indeed very subtle, but our deep-sea creatures are not human beings. You cannot use human thinking to judge us, not to mention you don’t understand the World below the deep sea at all, let alone the character of the Nether Flower King.”

“Now Liang Xing loses his key. As you said, it has lost the value of use. If I go to the Nether Flower King again, I can guarantee that there will be no return. Liang Xing has dealt with the Nine Flower King. He will never look for it. “

“I agree with Swallowing Heaven Beast’s statement. Liang Xing’s heart must be unwilling now, but we and Ghost Kao will not let him go. He has only one way to spread the news and disturb the situation. His hopes will be even greater. “

“As for Liang Xing’s geomagic, it was destroyed by me in the first place, so as long as we kill him before he enters the human settlement, we can prevent the news from leaking.”

Listening to the analysis of globular creatures, Wu Tian was surprised. This body is a deep-sea creature of plants. When it comes to shrewdness and scheming, it will never lose to some of the city’s deep old foxes.

In fact, Wu Tian is a little bit of a deep-sea creature. After all, plants are not humans or fierce beasts. Where can they go?

However, there are exceptions to everything. Other deep-sea creatures may be dull, but how easy is it for a spherical creature to be the ruler of an area?

After a little groaning, Wu Tian nodded and said: “Okay, go now and tell your men to find Liang Xing as quickly as possible.”

The globular creature asked, “What then?”

Wu Tian shook her head and exhaled, saying, “I still didn’t expect to be able to win the ghostly emperor. I discussed with Little Brat first. After that, you come up to us.”



Hearing, the globular creature turned into a stream of light, swept into the sea below, and disappeared.

Little Brat puzzled: “Little Tian, ​​we can just kill the past, what else do we discuss?”

“Don’t forget the previous lesson.”

Wu Tian stared at it and said: “Although you have stepped into the 6th Spiritual God, you can only play half of it in the deep sea, and the spheroids are quite clear. It still has to be a few points stronger, and with the countless men of Nether Kao, we will break into it like this, and 100% will suffer a lot. “

When it comes to fighting in the deep seas, Little Brat also stunned.

After a little thought, Wu Tian suddenly said, “Today’s plan, we have only one way.”

Little Brat asked, “What is it?”

Wu Tian looked down towards the sea, her eyes were cold light flashed, and said, “Take the Phantom Flower Emperor out of the sea, and before it destroys its keys, quickly kill it with thunderbolt-like means!”

Little Brat’s eyes brightened, nodded and said: “This is indeed a good way. As long as you come to the sea, Master Frog must lie on his side if he wants to lie on it, but who will seduce it?”

Wu Tian said: “We have another key, don’t worry about it not coming out. As for the bait, I will go there myself, and you stay ambush on the surface of the sea.”

Little Brat worriedly said: “Can you go alone?”

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “Relax, I have other plans. Now the most important thing is to find Liang Xing and kill him. Otherwise, once the news leaks, we want to swallow the treasures in Gods Vestige alone. Not so easy. “

Little Brat nodded.

Half an hour later, the globular creature went back and fell in front of the two of them, saying, “I have given the order out, and soon there will be news.”

Wu Tian 2 smiles at each other. There are countless deep-sea creatures. Spherical creatures ordering them is equivalent to casting a huge net. Ancient mirrors can only be used once a year, plus Liang Xing’s vitality can only play. Out of the battle strength of 4 divine forces, even if he was paired with a pair of wings, he still didn’t want to escape this Sea Territory.

Waiting quietly for around breathed breaths, the globular creature was shocked joyfully said: “Find it, come with me!”

“sou! !”

Spherical creatures lead the way, Little Brat takes Wu Tian follow closely from behind.

On a certain piece of Sea Territory, there is an island with ancient trees and leafy trees on the island.

In the middle of the island, there is a dwarf mountain around hunted zhang, all around bushes and lush grass, and Liang Xing is hidden in it, his face is a little pale, both eyes slightly closed, absorb the elemental energy between Heaven and Earth, and restore the lost Life Strength and vitality.

After half an hour, the blood on his face recovered a lot, his eyes opened, his cold light blinking, and he whispered, “I can’t get what I can’t get!”


Immediately, he rose up and left.

“xiu !!!”

“dong! !!”

But at this moment, accompanied by the sound of one after another, countless deep-sea creatures rushed out of the water and surrounded all directions with no way out!

“How can this be? How can they appear?”

Liang Xing turned pale with fright.

“Hehe, is it an accident?”

A light laughter sounded, and deep-sea creatures in one direction receded to the side, giving way to a channel, Wu Tian, ​​Little Brat, ball-shaped creature, walking side by side into the encirclement.

“How can this be?”

Liang Xing was stunned, wasn’t the two people irreconcilable with deep-sea creatures not long ago? Why are they standing together now?

“Hehe, you don’t know yet, after you leave, their emperor has turned to Wumou.” Wu Tian faintly smiled.

“Trust him?”

Liang Xing has been stunned, and he has lived with ball-shaped creatures for thousands of years. Does he not know his character? That is definitely a master who is taciturn, but absolutely didn’t expect, would he trust this person?


Yes, this is not true, it must be dreaming!

He closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes hard, but when he opened his eyes again, everything he saw remained unchanged.

It ’s over, it ’s not a dream, and it ’s over.

The beam penalty at this moment is 10000 despair, and the whole body and mind are drowned by despair, unable to stand up!

“Who the hell are you? How did you do it?”


He snarled up and down so that deep-sea creatures could surrender, but it wasn’t something an ordinary person could do. This person must have a lot to offer.

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “Who I am really doesn’t matter. As for how to do it, I just gave it a promise to take it to Gods Vestige.”

“Take it to Gods Vestige? Haha …”

Liang Xing laughed, as if he heard the best joke in the world, tears almost laughed, looked towards the globular creature, said: “You are better than me, you are so stupid as to believe him The promise is really confusing! In this way, you and me cooperate, and my strength is stronger than them. Whether it is to grab the key or to kill the Umbrella King, the chances are relatively large, what do you think? “

This was the only chance he could find alive.

As long as he can convince the globular creature to let it go, he can defeat defeat!

Liang Xing was righteous, solemnly vowed, but the globular creature was unmoved.

Let’s not say that you have already vowed blood, but only say that the true battle strength of Swallowing Heaven Beast will not be worse than this person.

Although Swallowing Heaven Beast is 6 robs of Spiritual God, although Liang Xing is 8 robs of Spiritual God, but if the real war, Swallowing Heaven Beast is definitely the winner, this is very clear, so it rejected the proposal of Liang.

Liang Xing said urgently: “You think about it again, at worst you get the treasure at Gods Vestige, you 3 70%, you 7 I 3?”

This is the only one after another life-saving straw. If you can’t convince the other party, then you will definitely die today.

“kill him!”

But in response to him was a cold word.

With the order of the spherical creatures, all the deep-sea creatures swarmed up and drowned Liang Xing!

Immediately, the screams of sternness and pain resounded!

“If it weren’t for my vitality, it wasn’t me who died today, but you, and I curse you not to die!”

Suddenly, Liang Xing was eaten by deep-sea creatures, and fell to the end of skeleton doesn’t exist, leaving only a curse full of resentment, echoing between Heaven and Earth for a long time.

Originally, Wu Tian did not have to come in person, but if he did not see Liang Xing’s death in person, he would not be completely relieved.

A deep-sea creature rolled into the bronze ancient mirror and came to him.

After Wu Tian closed it, he glanced a little and sent it to the Astral Realm, and handed it to Xiao Wuhao for inspection.

“It’s all gone!” The spherical creature ordered.

After all the deep-sea creatures have disappeared into the sea, the globular creature asks, “Did you think of a way?”

Wu Tian nodded and said: “Yes, take us to the area ruled by Nether Flower King first.”

The globular creature hesitated a little and said, “Come with me!”

3 people teleported and hurled northeast.

Walking from the sea, there was no water pressure or resistance. In just 2 months, 3 people came to the area ruled by the Nether Kao and stopped over an island.

Spherical creature said: “Five Fingers Peak straight down from here, but can I not go down?”

On the way, Wu Tian has told it the plan in its entirety, and for the Umbra, it has always been taboo. Seeing that it will go on at this moment, it can’t help but start to fear.

Wu Tian lightly said with a smile: “A true ruler not only needs a clever mind, but also has the courage to face the powerhouse. You are now shrinking, and you are not a qualified ruler. Besides, we are just bait this time. , And didn’t say you would fight for your life, don’t worry, nothing will happen. “

Spherical creature said: “be that as it may, but I’m still a little scared. But you’re right, you have the courage to be a good ruler, and I will accompany you down.”

Wu Tian faintly smiled, to Little Brat warned repeatedly: “I will give you the killing of the Nether Flower King.”

“Wrap it on Master Frog.”

Little Brat patted his chest.

“dong! !”

Wu Tian and spherical creatures both jumped into the sea and disappeared.

In the deep sea, due to the water pressure and resistance, Wu Tian’s speed is very slow, but the spherical creature can exert its full speed. With only around breathe, it takes Wu Tian and descends above the entrance of Gods Vestige.

At the moment, the deep-sea creatures that are rooted in the ground are surrounded by Murderous-looking.

Spherical creature shouted: “Hidden Kao, I’m here to work with you.”


A sound of doubt sounded below, Wu Tian followed the sound, and immediately before the ancient stone gate, he saw a black flower bud with a diameter of about hundreds of zhang. The whole body pitch-black is like ink. If you do n’t look carefully, only I thought it was a black iron ball.

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