Hearing, Huangfu Ming shot cold light.

Wu Tian grabbed her jade hand tightly, sound transmission said: “I have my purpose, don’t be impulsive.”

Immediately, he turned his head and looked towards the two big men next to him, claiming with a smile: “2 big brothers, she is talking about the little brother and it.”

Wu Tian pointed at the bird saint on his shoulder and continued: “I have nothing to do with you. I am sorry to disturb your Yaxing.”

The big man in white looked at Wu Tian and Niaosheng, and said, “That ’s the case, okay, we misunderstood, but brother, the big brother advises you, and you should discipline your woman, do n’t yell outside Scream, it’s easy to offend the person, and it’s embarrassing to you, right? “

Wu Tian flattered: “The big brother said it is extremely true. When I go back, I will let her make a good change, I am sorry for 10000 points.”

“Since it’s a misunderstanding, don’t apologize.”

The big man in white laughed and turned around to discuss with the black clothed big man.

Wu Tian turned around, groaned a little, went to Huangfu Ming’s ear, and whispered, “Don’t move.”

Immediately, he took up the wine glass and flask, stood up and walked to the table next to him, said with a smile: “2 big brothers are generous, their younger brothers admire 10000 points, I wonder if I can have a few drinks with the 2 big brothers at the table ? “

Two people looked at each other, and the big man in white looked at Huangfu Ming Zhu, and said in a small voice: “brother, aren’t you afraid to leave your woman in the cold?”

Wu Tian is cheeky and sits directly between the two. Said with a smile: “I’m not afraid of the two big brother jokes. In fact, she is quite knowledgeable, but only occasionally loses her temper.”

While speaking, he screwed the jug and filled the empty cup one after another in front of the two, saying, “Come, my little brother respects the two big brothers for 2 cups, and I apologize.”

“It can be seen that brother is also a true-nature person, come, toast.” Black clothed big man said with a big smile.

At the end of the 3 cups, Wu Tian mingled with the 2 people. It was like meeting each other late.

After drinking for a while, Wu Tian said with a smile: “Frankly, the younger brother is still visiting the 2rd station for the first time. Can the 3 big brothers tell me about the situation here?”

White man big man pats Wu Tian’s shoulder, said with displeasure: “brother, this is your fault, since you have already called us a big brother, then don’t be so polite, ask directly if there is a problem, as long as the big brother knows, Will tell you. “

“Many thanks 2 big brothers.”

Wu Tian respected 2 people for another drink. After drinking and lowering the wine glass, he frowned and said, “The younger brother saw a Chunyi Building in the second station and had a drink in it, but this third station has a spring intention. floor?”

The big man in white said, “This is the original, brother. The big brother tells you that there are 2 forces in the main station of the Sea of ​​Stars. You can’t offend 10000000. The first is Chunyi Tower, and the second is trading. Place. “

“Why?” Wu Tian was puzzled.

Huangfu Ming Zhu is also listening quietly.

“The reason is very simple. This exchange and Chunyi Tower are the hegemons of the major resident sites, and they have absolute dominance. It can be said that in this sea of ​​stars, they are Celestial Emperor, and they are the deities.” Bai Yi big man said.

“so smart?”

Wu Tian was shocked, looking thoughtful: “So, are there two powerhouses behind the two great influences?”

The big man in white said: “Yes, the exchanges and Chunyi Building in the major locations are ruled by two people, such as Lin Chengtai, the owner of Chunyi Building here, and Xin Yuan, the master of the exchange. It’s just the canine teeth of these two people. “

Wu Tian asked, “Who is the ruler behind these two great forces?”

The big man in white said, “We are all a nobody. How can we know that they exist at that level? I have only heard some rumors.”

Wu Tian nodded, chat a few words, and got up with a smile: “2 big brothers, it’s not too late, the younger brother should leave, if there is a chance in the future, the younger brother and two big brothers have a good drink. “

“Brother is going slowly.”

2 people arched.

Wu Tian laughed, walked to Huangfu Ming’s bead, pulled her, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, just listening to the black clothed big man and returning to the original topic, he said, “I really don’t know what the little girl has, and there is a Divine Beast Vermilion Bird around him.”

“Vermilion Bird !”

As soon as Huangfu Ming’s lovable body shook, she immediately turned to ask, Wu Tian gently shook the head, and sound transmission said: “Don’t ask, let’s go to Chunyi Building and see the so-called landlord by the way.”

“Do you still need to see? The woman in their mouth must be Xuelan.”

Huangfu Ming’s cold light flashed. It is easy to tell from the conversation between the two people. Xuelan is in a very bad situation now. No more words. After the checkout, she pulls Wu Tian towards the Chunyi Tower. .

“Hehe, if the women in the mouths of the two big men are really the little maidens of Xuelan, then there will be a good show this time.” Bird Stray said with a smile.

“Shut up.” Huangfu Ming Zhu stared fiercely, but it was obviously useless to Bird Sheng, chuckled: “The Bird Father grandfather really wanted to see what the Celestial Emperor’s daughter twisted and rubbed her ass.”

“Master Frog is also looking forward to it!” Little Brat gave a head, and the thief said with a smile.

Glancing at the two Little Brats, Huangfu Ming Zhu took a deep breath, pressed down the anger in her heart, just turned around, and turned her head again towards Wu Tian, ​​saying, “You have been in the restaurant for so many days, is it just to inquire about Xuelan? whereabouts?”

“Just luck.” Wu Tian faintly smiled.

Inquiring about the restaurant, restaurant is undoubtedly the best place, but this time is really good luck, because he was not sure at first, and really could hear the news about Xuelan and the others, but just held a fluke.

After counting ten breaths, 2 people came to Chunyi Building, and before they entered, the noise and noise came out from the lobby.

When two people walked in together, they could hardly hear what everyone was talking about.

Moreover, the lobby was overcrowded and the water was leaking. Without exception, everyone’s eyes were on the central stage.

On the stage, there was a woman with a well-dressed and superb figure who was slowly twisting a water snake-like thin waist, and her two jade legs dangled, exuding a fatal temptation, yet her eyes looked extremely melancholy.

“Really Xuelan!”

Seeing this woman, Huangfu Ming’s body shivered. This was enraged, and there was a sky of anger in her eyes.

“It’s really her.”

Wu Tian touched his nose and looked at it with interest.

The woman on the stage was indeed Her Royal Highness, but she still maintained her changed appearance, but it was a little strange, she could not feel the slightest cultivation base on her, and she did not see Divine Beast Vermilion Bird.

However, neither he nor Huangfu Ming Zhu noticed that both Bird Sheng and Little Brat quietly took out the land elephant and began to record the scene.



Huangfu Ming Zhu releases Wu Tian’s big hand, and the silhouette flashes, appearing on the stage, taking out a trench coat from the space bracelet, and quickly covering it on Her Royal Highness Xuelan.

Sudden changes have made Her Royal Highness a little stunned, and it seems difficult to believe that Huangfu Ming beads will appear at this time.

Similarly, in the lobby of Chunyi Building, there was an instant silence.

“This is not a dream, Pearl. You are finally here.”

His Royal Highness pinched the skin on his lower arm, and a severe pain immediately swept his heart. It was not a hallucination, and he flew directly to Huangfu Ming’s arms, crying aggrievedly.

Huangfu Ming Zhu patted her back gently, and rebuked herself, “Shelan, I’m sorry, I’m late and made you feel wronged.”

“wu wu ……”

His Royal Highness cried even more sadly.

Wu Tian shook her head and sighed, the daughter of dignified Celestial Emperor, Princess of Heaven Realm, when did this happen, it seems that this time it hit her a lot!

Then again, this Ouyang Chengjun is really enough, and actually thought of bringing her to Chunyilou as a dance girl.

No, is this person related to Chunyi Tower?

“Hey, who are you?”

“Come on, or jump with her.”

“Where’s the person in Chunyilou, please hurry her away!”

“That is, don’t sweep Yaxing from your uncle.”

Just in Wu Tian’s contemplation, the audience around all around shouted dissatisfied.

“Who dares make trouble in Chunyilou!”

“Well, it’s still a little beauty, so that’s all right, you can dance with her, come, give her a set of clothes, and I want her to change in front of everyone.”

Two big men wearing guard costumes came out of the backyard. They were all 2 feet tall, with long faces and flesh, fierce and arrogant!

Soon afterwards, there really was a guy who took out a suit and strode toward the stage.

Seeing this, the crowds all around couldn’t help shining their eyes, the Bloodline sprayed out, and some of them even shouted loudly.

Wu Tian looked around the audience, and his face suddenly climbed up with a trace of doubt. In his memory, whether it was the second station or the third station, they were basically men, and it was difficult to see several women.

But if you think about it, you will be relieved. The sea of ​​stars is 10000 points dangerous. How many women will come to such places to risk?

It’s no wonder that the men here, when they see a woman’s eyes, go green, full of possessiveness.

“Hey, didn’t you hear me changing you?”

On the stage, the guy looked at Huangfu Ming Zhu, and shouted with impulse.

Huangfu Ming said that if the frost on the pearl surface is cold, Yin coldly said, “I will kill you!”

“Yo, this chick is nice, I like it.”

“It’s really good. When she’s finished, our brothers will take good care of her.”

The two big men of Chunyilou touch the chin, and on their rugged faces, a smile of wickedness creeps up.

Huangfu Ming Zhuzhu said, “Asshole, do you know who she is? And who do I know?”

“Pearl, 10000000 don’t say it.”

Her Royal Highness whispered, such an incident would have been very shameful. If Self-destruction was passed on, what would she do in the future?

“It doesn’t matter who you are. What’s important is that you are women or beautiful women. Change quickly, or we will have to do it ourselves.”

After that, the two big men walked side by side toward the stage, and the smiles on their faces grew brighter.

At this moment, Wu Tian’s eyes were cold light flashed, stepping forward, and walking step by step, expressionlessly looked at Her Royal Highness Xue, said: “Are you aware of it now? If you ignore your identity, you are nothing.”

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