Wu Tian turned to Her Royal Highness Xuelan, who looked towards as cold as ice and frost, calmly indifferently said, “This is just a warning, don’t use your identity to order me to do anything because you are not worthy.”

His Royal Highness said: “Okay, let’s go and see. Now in the Sea of ​​Stars, you can act wilfully. When you return to Heaven, I will make you regret.”

Wu Tian hehe smiled and said, “It depends on you, if you can return to Tianyu alive.”

After hearing this, Her Royal Highness’s eyes cold light surged, as if it was snowing in June, biting cold!

Obviously, she hated Wu Tian to the extreme.


It was then that Vermilion Bird, who had fallen into the sea, finally returned and stopped above His Royal Highness Xuelan’s head. His eyes looked dim and apparently badly hit.

Xuelan Temple leapt up, landed on Vermilion Bird’s back, glanced at Ni Yeye and the others, expressionlessly said: “Let’s go.”

Only Wu Tian was ignored.

Everyone knows that she wanted to leave Wu Tian. The three of Zhou Shu looked at each other and chose Her Royal Highness, Ni Yeye and Huangfu Ming for a while, but it was difficult to make a choice.

With his eyes flashing, Ni Yeye whispered: “Now they are all angry, let them stay together, maybe they will fight, Sister Mingzhu, I ca n’t see it like this, we are separated for the time being, you follow Wu Tian, ​​good Persuade him, I will also go to enlighten Sister Xuelan. “

Huangfu Ming Zhu worriedly said: “What should I do when I get lost?”

“Isn’t there still a land elephant?”

The words fell, Ni Yeye’s pats Wu Tian’s shoulder, sighed softly, jumped up, and fell beside Zhou Shu 3, and then did not know what was said in the ear of His Royal Highness. Vermilion Bird spread its wings and left.

As for this matter, Wu Tian didn’t care about it at all, but fell easily.

Seeing that he didn’t say a word for a long time, Huangfu Ming Zhu asked, “What are your plans next?”

Wu Tian said: “As long as the map and compass are in your hands, we will go to the Central Sea Territory as usual.”

Huangfu Ming Zhu shook her head and said, “When you and Zhou Shu went to the exchange yesterday, I returned it to Xuelan.”

Wu Tian eyebrow raised.

Seeing this, Huangfu Ming Zhu hurriedly explained, “I don’t know what will happen today …”


Wu Tian faintly smiled, saying, “I have the map in my heart, so long as nothing unexpected happens, I will not deviate from the safe route.”

After speaking, he took Huangfu Ming Zhu to the Astral Realm.

At Tian City Square, Little Brat and Xiao Wuhao led the Ghost Bee and were excited to classify the spoils of war.

I saw that the individual medicine of Divine Medicine Xiaguang 4 overflows, the pieces of rare treasure are thin, the handle of Divine Armament 4 is shining, and this place is dyed with 5 colors and 1 colors, which is absolutely magnificent.

Two people came to Tian City together, Wu Tian asked with a smile: “How about the harvest?”

“Meet the big brother.”

2 1000 Ghost Bees have saluted, funny scenes, which make Huangfu Ming bewildered.

Little Brat grabbed a beautiful iron box, and happily jumped to Wu Tian, ​​chuckled, “Little Tian, ​​guess what’s inside?”

“What?” Wu Tian wondered.

Little Brat said: “The power of the mysterious soul, a full 500 strands!”

“500 strands!”

Wu Tian was shocked that didn’t expect the exchange to have so much inventory.

Huangfu Ming Zhu said with a smile: “500 strands of mysterious soul power is indeed a lot for us, but if it is placed in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, it will be nothing.”

“What about Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, sooner or later, one day, you will enter Master Frog’s small treasure house.” Little Brat laughed.


Huangfu Ming bewildered, then shook his head and laughed, just as a joke.

Wu Tian stared at it, as if he was blaming him for talking nonsense, and asked, “Anything else?”

Little Brat said: “Earth Origin Spirit Grass 5 strains, Heavenly Spirit Grass 20 strains, soul grass 30 strains, as for the remaining spokes of war, there are too many, we are just categorizing, there is no inventory, anyway, this time the harvest is good. “


Suddenly, Xiao Wuhao, who was directing 2 Ghost Bees, had a look of doubt on his face, and then disappeared without warning.

This move made Wu Tian very confused.

After a few breaths, Xiao Wuhao appeared again, but there was one more person around him.

No, sure to say, there is an extra vicious bird.

When I saw this vicious bird, whether it was Wu Tian or Little Brat, I couldn’t help surprise.

That’s right, it’s exactly Bird St.!

After a lapse of more than 1000 years, the bird sage finally awakened, and the eyes, as big as bronze bells, looked extremely divine, and the pitch-black feathers of the brilliant lights and vibrant colors were extraordinary!

Seeing a few of them silent, the bird holy eyes turned, and said, “What’s wrong? Bird holy grandfather is not welcome?”

“Welcome, of course welcome.”

Little Brat laughed heartily, clutching the bird’s neck, and sighing again, “Little sparrow, wronged you.”

“Boss frog, what are you talking about? In the past, the birdfest grandfather was the strongest. It is right to help everyone. Besides, depending on our relationship, it’s a bit out of hand to talk about grievances. By the way, I was injured. Do you know? “Bird Holy Road.

“I don’t know.” Little Brat shook his head.

“That’s all right, I’m afraid they will blame themselves.” Bird Sheng said with a smile, glanced at a few people, when he saw Huangfu Ming beads, his eyes glared, surprised: “Wu Tian, ​​very good, He’s already got Huangfu Ming beads. “

On Huangfu Ming’s face, she immediately got a touch of blush.

Wu Tian shook her head and laughed, cursing with a smile: “I just woke up, don’t that many nonsense.”

Niu Sheng sighed: “Oh, oh, I thought that at that time, the grandfather of Niu Sheng was the strongest. Now, each of you and everyone have become gods. Listening to Xiao Wuhao, the frog boss has already stepped into 4 robs Spirit God It seems that in the future, the astral world will have no place for the holy bird grandfather. “

“piss off!”

Little Brat immediately slaps his head and slaps angrily, “Do you think we are the kind of people who disregarded the brother?” You gave Master Frog a solid heart in your stomach, a lifetime Brother, you covered Master Frog before, then Master Frog covered you. “

“Frog Boss, it’s still best for you!”

Wu Sheng’s nose and tears made Wu Tian laugh and laugh.

It was only at this moment that Huangfu Ming Zhu Fang truly realized what kind of person Wu Tian is. Although he is extremely indifferent to outsiders, he is very enthusiastic about the people and the beasts around him.

For a moment, Wu Tian asked, “Bird Saint, you just woke up. Can you fly for a long time?”

“what are you going to do?”

Bird St. watched him alertly, as if the little sheep met the wolf.

Wu Tian rolled the eyes, saying: “I’m going to the Central Sea Territory.”

Bird St. pumps shrank, wondering: “What are you going to Central Sea Territory for?”

Wu Tian said, “It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you slowly on the way.”

Bird’s Holy Road: “Well, I’ve been moisturizing well under those years, flying for a few hundred years is not a problem.”

Below that, naturally refers to the stone chamber of Spring of Life.

“Okay, it’s not too late, we set off immediately. As for these spoils of war, Xiao Wuhao, you look at it yourself, Little Brat, you go with me.”

Then, 2 people and 2 beasts walked out of the astral realm.

Bird St took them on their way, Little Brat let go of his appetite, swallowed Sea Beast, and extracted Essence Origin. Huang Fu Ming Zhu also closed his eyes with Wu Tian’s instructions. As for Wu Tian, ​​while observing the situation of the Sea Territory and determining the orientation, he was refining the Essence Origin.

So time goes by.

Fifteen years later, Little Brat finally refined another Essence Origin.

Seeing this, Niu Sheng was surprised: “Boss Frog, you still have this ability?”

“Nonsense. At the beginning, the Little Tian son was able to step into the cultivation, because the Essence Origin refined by Master Frog was refining, but later the Little Tian son did not need it, and the Master Frog did not refine it any more.” Throw to Wu Tian.

“So that’s how it is.”

“Refining this Essence Origin should suffice for me to enter 2 Spiritual God.”

Wu Tian defamated in secret, threw Essence Origin into his mouth, the waves of energy were rolling, and his fleshhy body was torn on the spot, golden blood 4 splashed and annihilated 8 parties!

In desperation, he can only jump up and stand at a high altitude to refining. Little Brat is defending the law.

After 3 days, he stabilized the tendency of the flawy body to crack, returned to the bird’s back, and moved on.

With endless energy as a source, his imposing manner is stronger every day.

Five years later, his imposing manner has reached a tipping point.




On the sky, rising winds, scudding clouds, but unexpectedly, the clouds rolling from all directions turned out to be clouds of blood, and even the lightning was blood red. At first glance, it seemed like a sea of ​​blood converging. On the top of the clouds, the momentum is amazing!

Seeing this scene, Wu Tian was really surprised.

Because only 10000 unforgivable people who have provoked the indignation of God and God will drop the Scarlet Heavenly Tribulation.

Little Brat taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “Little Tian, ​​Master Frog said you were a scourge before, and you also quibble. Now it turns out that you are indeed a scourge.”

“He’s more than a scourge, it’s a disaster star.” Bird Sheng followed, chuckled.

Wu Tian’s face turned dark, shouted: “Get out of the way, Little Brat, warn you, don’t take away my heaven Force of Tribulation.”

“Don’t you say, Master Frog really has this idea.” Little Brat laughed and led Huangfu Ming Zhu and Bird Sheng, backing away.

Huangfu Ming Zhu Worriedly said: “This formidable power of the Spiritual God is infinitely more powerful than the ordinary Spiritual God. Can Wu Tian resist it?”

Little Brat put her little paw indifferently, and said, “Pearl Girl, you can rest assured, Little Tian will not be so vulnerable.”


The words just fell, a bloody Heavenly Tribulation crashed and fell on Wu Tian, ​​his fleshy body cracked on the spot, and blood 4 splashed.

However, he ignored the injury, opened the ground vein, operated the Sky Thunder Body Refining Technique, crazy tempering fleshy body, and solid realm!

After a few breaths, 2nd Heavenly Tribulation poured down, heavenly might rolled, this piece of Sea Territory could not be calm, set off a ten thousand zhang giant wave, and covered the sky!

“Didn’t expect someone to cross the Spiritual God here, and it’s still terrifying the Heavenly Tribulation, just to supplement the loss.”

However, at this time, a slightly excited voice rang out of thin air, and then, a blood-covered man was seen above Wu Tian’s head, and he just accepted 2nd Scarlet Heavenly Tribulation into his mouth in one breath!

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