Wu Tian was extremely surprised. A piece of mysterious soul only needs 10 million essence, and a piece of mystic soul requires 1 billion essence. The difference between them is 100 times!

However, Zhou Shu was a little unhappy, and frowned, “I remember in Heaven, the value of a ray of mysterious soul power is at least 10 billion essence. Why do you only quote 1 billion here, do you think we are the first? Next time, do you think we are bullying? “

The white clothed woman said, “My son misunderstood. I didn’t mean it that way. My son also knows that this is the sea of ​​stars, not heaven, and the price cannot be generalized.”

Zhou Shu thought a little, as if thinking of something, shook his head and said, “I see. You want to take it off at a low price and sell it to Heavenly Treasure Pavilion at Tianyu at a high price. I have to say that you are really smart!”

The white clothed woman glanced at the surprise, said with a smile: “The son can think of this, it seems that the son must not be an ordinary person.”

“Hehe, it’s nothing more than speculation.”

Zhou Shu smiled and shook the head, waving his hand, 10 million essence continuously swept out of the space bracelet.

After the white clothed woman took away the essence, Zhou Shu took out a dagger and stuffed it into Wu Tian’s hand with Xuanhun Stone, chuckled, “The next thing is to see if your luck can turn against the sky, but in Before opening Xuanhun Stone, I want to ask if anyone here dares to bet on me. “

Zhou Shu glanced at the crowd all around, with a provocative look in his eyes.

A black clothed middle-aged man stepped forward and asked, “How do you want to bet?”

“What are you gambling?”

Wu Tian sound transmission asked.

“You haven’t been in Tianyu for a few days. You don’t know a lot of things. After the end, I will slowly explain to you.”

Zhou Shu secretly responded, and looked towards middle-aged man, said with a smile: “If the power of the mysterious soul is released, my bet belongs to me. If the power of the mysterious soul is not released, I will not only return your Bet, pay back ten times. “

As soon as this word came out, the Second Layer of the trading floor immediately became loud.

“It’s ten to one!”

“The odds of developing the power of the mysterious soul are so small, he dares to bet so much, is he crazy?”

“Should he already know that there is a power of mysterious soul in this mysterious soul stone?”

“It’s impossible, but anyone who knows something about Xuan Soul Stone knows that Xuan Soul Stone can prevent the detection of divine sense, and I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have never heard of it. Someone can see through it.”

“In this way, he should be a noble child, like to play like this, have the money to play like this.”

“That being the case, let’s play with him and make him lose his money.”

After the discussion, everyone in the Second Layer came forward.

The first black clothed middle-aged man who spoke first also showed a hint of irony, saying, “I accompany you, but what if you don’t have enough capital?”

Zhou Shudao: “If you want to kill or scrape, we 2 will do whatever you want.”

“Okay, this is what you said, everyone has heard it. You won’t be able to afford it later, so don’t blame us. I press 50 strains of divine medicine!” Middle-aged man took out a space bracelet and threw it at On the ground.

“I press 1 billion essence!”

“I press 500 million!”

“I press 300000000!”

“I press 3 advanced Divine Ability!”

“I pressed 2 pieces and 2 rob Divine Armament!”

“I pressed 100 Azure Dragon stones!”


For a while, everyone bet on Divine medicine and Divine Armament. In short, as long as there is something that exists, there is pressure on Wu Tian. It can be seen that Wu Tian is boasting. These people who have been roaming in the sea of ​​stars all year round have no net worth. same.

Of course, even if everyone’s net worth is added, they can’t enter his eyes, but who would be too much resources?

There are almost 500 people in the Second Layer, as long as everyone contributes, the accumulation is also a lot of wealth.

After counting ten breaths, more than 500 space bracelets were stacked on the ground, and almost everyone was involved.

Seeing this, Zhou Shu is also under great pressure. Pats Wu Tian’s shoulder said lowly: “Brother, don’t pit me. If I lose, my savings will shrink by more than half.”

Wu Tian could not help but scorn, the son of the Dignified Chief Pavilion Lord, couldn’t he be a little bit boned? I placed mysterious stone on the counter, grabbed the dagger, and was preparing to cut it with a knife.

“and many more.”

However, at this time, a drink rang suddenly, everyone looked at the sound, and saw a purple clothed youth striding forward.

“I’ve seen Simon.”

Except for Wu Tian and Zhou Shu, everyone was saluted, with a respectful look, and stepped aside to make way.

Simon went to the opposite side of Wu Tian 2 and glanced at the mountain-like space bracelets on the ground. A hint of fun climbed on his face, saying: “This Young Master is also interested in betting with you, 10 billion ordinary essence, 1 billion Elemental essence, 100 pieces 2 Spiritual God, 100 divinity medicine, ten advanced Divine Ability, dare to take it? “

Zhou Shu eyebrow raised, silent, seems to be unable to eat.

“Hehe, wasn’t it arrogant just now? Why aren’t you silent now?”

“If you don’t have that ability, don’t start gambling.”

“Come on, don’t waste our time.”

Seeing this, the crowd all around couldn’t help but fringe irony and scorching satire, and those who didn’t talk had their faces full of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Zhou Shu clenched the teeth, looked up towards Simon, saying, “I want to see your bet with my own eyes.”

“Haha, it’s ridiculous not to believe Simon.”

“Youngster, you may not know who he is yet, let me tell you honestly, he is the Young Master of this exchange.”

Someone sarcastic.

Simon’s hand pressed slightly, and the audience calmed down immediately. “The gambling game is just to be fair. Even if I am the Young Master of this exchange, I also have to abide by the rules. Come, please take me The bet was taken to let this brother look. “


A staff member immediately ran to the back hall and ran out again after a while. When he arrived in front of Zhou Shu, he passed a space bracelet and said: “Take it and count it.”

Zhou Shu looked carefully, his eyes fine flashed, but hesitated.

Simon Frown frowned: “Why? Can’t you really eat? Of course, if you can’t really eat, you can’t take it, after all, ten times is not a child’s play.”

“Who says I can’t eat, I’ll gamble with you today!”

Zhou Shu was so furious that he threw the space bracelet on the ground and said to Wu Tian: “brother, cut it off!”

Wu Tian asked, “Are you sure?”

Zhou Shu nodded and said: “If you agree to bet you must accept to lose, if you lose, you will lose everything at worst, but if you win, then we will make a big profit this time.”

The black clothed middle-aged man joked: “The odds of ten 1 / 10000th are not so easy to make.”

“Xuan soul stone has not been opened yet, it is difficult to say whether to win or lose.” Zhou Shu said solemnly, then looked towards Wu Tian: “brother, look!”

Wu Tian tightened the dagger in her hand and placed it on the top of Xuanhun Stone.

At this moment, Zhou Shu stared at Xuanhun Stone desperately, and his forehead exuded cold sweat.

On the other hand, Simon and the others, arms hug, waiting for time, waiting for compensation.

Because no one would believe that this mysterious soul stone has the power of mysterious soul. The chance of ten 1 / 10000th cannot be met by 2 people.


With a strong arm, Wu Tian cut iron into mud like a dagger and directly divided the Xuanhun Stone into two.

Everyone looked towards 2 pieces of mystic stone, and they changed color on the spot!

“Haha, sorry, I won.”

However, Zhou Shu was laughing upside down. With a wave of his hands, the space bracelets on the ground disappeared and he was put away.

Wu Tian was also very surprised. He stared straight at the half-soulstone, and saw that there is a very small groove in the center of the half-soulstone, but because the dark groove is pure white, the black-soulstone is pitch- The black color can be easily distinguished.

But this is not the point, the point is that there is a ray of silk in the groove, about 3 inches in length. As for the fineness, it is half thinner than the hair.

However, it was this thing that made Simon and the others stunned, it was incredible!

Because it is the power of the mysterious soul that can repair the soldier soul!

The chance of ten 1 / 10000th was actually hit by 2 people. Is this luck too bad?

But the fact is before them, they must accept it if they don’t accept it.

“Brother, this time we made a lot of money. Let ’s go and celebrate. Then we will share the spoils, right, it will be the spoils of war, haha ​​…”

Zhou Shu laughed endlessly, pulling Wu Tian and was about to leave, but at this moment, Simon was standing in front of 2 people, said with a laugh: “2 people, can you continue to gamble?”

Zhou Shu shook his head and said, “Gambling on Xuan Soul Stone depends on luck. Today we have run out of luck. So, tomorrow, tomorrow, we will accompany you to take a good bet.”

“Can luck run out?”

Hearing this, in the depths of Simon’s eyes, a touch of cold light flashed elapsed, but said with a smile: “Okay, we it’s a deal. Tomorrow, I will be waiting here for 2 drivers in person, and I will also invite 2 Everyone from the land comes to participate in the gambling. Come and give them 1 billion essence. “

This 1 billion essence is naturally the cost of recovering the power of the mysterious soul.

“Bet so big? But I like it, haha ​​…”

Zhou Shu laughed loudly, and after the staff got 1 billion essence, he went away with Wu Tian.

Out of the exchange, 2 people walked in the crowd, Zhou Shule didn’t miss Shu, but Wu Tian’s eyebrows were a little suspicious.

Suddenly, Wu Tian frowned, took out a piece of essence, pretended to be accidentally dropped on the ground, and then bent over to pick it up, but Yu Guang swept behind him, and found a black clothed man with a strange look, who would look at them from time to time.

Seeing this, Zhou Shu wondered: “What do you do?”

Wu Tian stood upright and threw the essence to Zhou Shu, differently said: “We have been followed.”


Zhou Shu eyebrow raised, did not look back, threw the essence to the ground, the trick was re-implemented, and after 2 breaths, he stood up with a sneer: “These people really can’t afford to lose.”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “No, they ca n’t afford to lose. They want to investigate our history. After all, ordinary people dare not make such a big bet, and dare not take tomorrow’s bet. I’m sure if you lose your appointment tomorrow We all have trouble. “

Zhou Shu dismissed: “How many of you are there, are you afraid they will not succeed?”

Wu Tian shook the head, asking, “I always have a question to ask you, why don’t you take away the power of the mysterious soul, and you have to sell it to them?”

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