The commotion in Manlin Mountain didn't last long before it subsided. According to loose cultivators passing by, it was the dísciple of Scarlet Sword Sect chasing the demonic beast.

Afterwards, Elder Chen of the Refiner Master Alliance and Hong City Lord of Sunset City also passed by coincidentally, and then the two also directly announced that Manlin Mountain would be directly divided into an area as the exclusive land of Sunset City . This exclusive land was finally hung under the name of the Refiner Master Alliance and became their private club.

But those who know the inside story don’t say that. The news from them is that in the dark night, five hundred miles away from the Manlin Mountain, they saw that there is something extraordinary in the misty valley. spiritual power appears.

Needless to say, where the large array must be converted to the Refiner Master alliance. Moreover, there is also a bit of rumors from some Refiner Masters who know the inside story. The Alliance Headquarters will send a delegation to inspect the Sunset City branch in the near future.

In this way, its purpose is self-evident, and in addition to the turmoil in the Refiner Master alliance in the past few years, the news of the Ancient Ruins Great Array Seven Star Spirit Gathering Array has long been repaired. Spread all over.

In this way, those with active minds are naturally clearly understood. They know that there must be a new Formation in Manlin Mountain, so that it will alarm the people in the Refiner Master headquarters.

Nowadays, the happiest ones are naturally Chen Haoran and Pei Yuexiao. As the facilitators of this matter, they naturally experienced the effects of the new seven-star Spirit Gathering Array first. Afterwards, it was directly announced that the interior of Manlin Mountain was divided into several areas and the combat troops of the Refiner Master Alliance were arranged to guard there. It also stated that anyone who wants to enter the restricted area must obtain a warrant from the Sunset City Master or the permission of the Refiner Master Alliance. Row.

No one is happier than City Lord Hongshanhe. The ability to build such a large formation on the boundary of this land is not only for refining tools. After the upper-level briefing, those Pill Masters who received the wind seemed to have secretly negotiated the price with Hong Shanhe.

But those who are happy are bound to be unhappy. Compared to Hong Shanhe, the second person in the Sunset City Inspection Department, Qingyuan, the past few days, his face is obviously not pretty. Moreover, as far as he knew, Hong Fei had already placed his herringbone flag Team-27 directly under the Inner City Defense Department early on, so his intention was obviously to protect Yi Tian.

Recently, at the headquarters of the inspection department, I could hear the director of Qingyuan lose his temper for no reason from time to time. Even the people below don't know how to deal with it, so they can only try their best to behave with their tails.

The Array Master Li Chi is also in a bad mood. Chen Haoran has never seen him since returning from a trip to Manlin Mountain. To be honest, Li Chi has dug out a lot of good things from the warehouse of the Refiner Master Alliance branch in the past ten years. It can be said that almost half of the treasures have been emptied, but in the end, the array cannot be activated even after repairing.

In contrast, Yi Tian only achieved the destination with 10% of the treasure, and it was recognized. The weight of the two in Chen Haoran’s mind is naturally different. It is obvious that Chen Haoran does not want to pursue Li Chi anymore, but afterwards he has taken back all the rights to obtain materials from his hand. The meaning of dissatisfaction is obvious. Up.

Now Yi Tian has handed in an errand and returned to the inspection department of Sunset City to receive more than two thousand merit points. It is said that half of these merit points are special rewards designated by Pei Yuexiao on behalf of the Refiner Master Alliance.

Yi Tian now still remembers that when he received merit points, the deacon looked like his clothes were light and windy, but his hands still shook a few times during the transfer. As for the colleagues who are all around, their expressions of admiration are directly revealed on their faces. The people under Hong Fei's command naturally came up with a familiar face. As for the Qingyuan party, although they were deliberately making friends, they didn't dare to be verbose in view of the pressure from the top of their heads, but there was still a little awe in their eyes.

After handing in the task, Yi Tian was told that he didn't need to take any more tasks before the Taiqing Pavilion Inner Sect selection, and the original Team-27 just temporarily hung up this fictitious name at this time. After careful questioning, I realized that Hua Yuxin was the first to leave the team. After her one-hundred-year service period, she was recommended by City Lord and naturally did not need to stay in the team for mixed qualifications.

As for the other three people because they don’t need to take the task anymore, they were broken up and filled into other squads, but it was also for their own good. They moved from the outer city to the inner city and are now in charge of public security. To inspect these tasks with a lower risk factor.

In addition to the inspection department, Yi Tian went directly to Hong Fei's mansion. This time, it was Hong Fei's overall coordination behind him to handle the formation with peace of mind.

The Jiading outside the gate of Hongfu naturally regarded Yi Tian as a big red man who is hot enough to scald one's hands. After entering the gate, he first passed the master's house and then Steward personally led the way to Hong Fei's study.

Usually, the meeting is in the main hall of Hong Mansion. I did change to the study this time, and it seems that my status in Hong Fei's in mind has been improved. In this way, it should have been fully recognized, but Yi Tian knew in his heart that this meeting with Yu Hongfei was no small matter. It is estimated that there will be face-to-face instruction on important matters that will be arranged like this.

After thanking steward, Yi Tian took a big step and walked slowly into the room. At first glance, the interior is also very delicately arranged. When I was walking, I suddenly heard Hong Fei’s words: "Brother Yi is here."

"Let Hong big brother wait a long time," Yi Tian said in a hurry, and then speeded up his feet. Step into the room. It happened to see Hong Fei sitting behind the desk with a smile, stretched out his hand and sat down as usual.

The two had a conversation first, and Yi Tian went through the process of arranging the Seven Heart Spirit Gathering Array this time. Hong Fei also showed some indignation on his face, this time Qingyuan did a little too much, and even asked the same sect of Feiyu Sword Sect to help.

However, when Hong Fei heard that he was completely taken down by the protective Formation outside the big formation, a trace of bright light flashed in his eyes. When Yi Tian saw it, he stretched out his hand to meet the previously prepared rubbing copy of the formation diagram, and gently handed it to Hong Fei: "This formation diagram is also saved in the Refiner Master alliance, and Elder Chen also wrote it there. You can let me take care of it by myself. Now it’s nothing wrong for Hong big brother to receive a copy."

Hong Fei took the jade slip and opened it and quickly swept it with divine sense, the smile on his face became even brighter. Nodded and said: "Brother Yi, I did not read you wrong. You must know that the Refiner Master Alliance is now preparing to upgrade the division level of this place to Earth Grade."

See Yi Tian I don’t know much about this, but Hong Fei said with a big smile: "Do you know how the cultivation city is divided?"

"I only know the scale, the strength of the spirit vein, and the strength of the spirit vein. The population is related, how can the Refiner Master alliance also influence the city level?" Yi Tian curiously asked.

“That’s natural. The opinions of these union alliances like pill concocting are often decisive,” Hong Fei explained: “Generally, the level of cultivation city is advanced first. It started with the promotion of the union level. I believe it will not be long before the Pill Master union will raise the level here, so that my brother will have the confidence to start planning to expand the city level."

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