In the workshop, Yi Tian completed the core formation in one smelting process, but before he had time to be happy, he was disturbed by the news.

The time chosen by the intruder was really just right, just right until he had completed the last step. After listening to the voice outside the door, Yi Tian complexion changed, stretched out his hand to put the array directly away, turned to the three of Bo Siyang and said: "Go out and see what happened."

Then he pushed away. The door of the stove led three people out. It was only after I got outside that I realized that there was a loud sound of alarm in the outer workshops all around at this time. Obviously someone is trying the phantom array arranged in advance on the periphery of the breakthrough, and it seems that it is about to break through.

Then the jade token, the identity of the inspection department at the waist, also reacted. After taking it out and taking a look at the complexion sank, I saw that it said "Sword Sect Ou Jinglong is visiting, a group of three people."

Yi Tian has a decision in his heart when he sees it. Although the illusion that he can not lose can trap those loose cultivators, it may not be effective for these sect disciple. In addition, the strength of Ou Jinglong is still there, and the people he brings must also be proficient in Formation, so they can break the obstacles of being outside.

Qingyuan seems to have spent some thought to suppress himself and help Li Chi. Even Sect Senior Brother has asked for help. However, the timing of Ou Jinglong's ability to pinch himself so skillfully is also very suspicious. He also buried the nail early in the morning when he wanted to come to Qingyuan.

According to this, Bo Siyang’s brothers are not all credible, so he said to the three directly: "Bo Siyang and I will install the array components, you two quickly Notify my senior and junior brothers to enter the workshop and take refuge. No one is allowed to leave the job without permission. If you violate it, I can’t blame me for being merciless."

Before that, I have always looked like Fan and Yan Yue, so These Nascent Soul Cultivator are also used to it. But doing extraordinary things at extraordinary moments, and at the same time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were unscrupulously released, which directly stunned the three of them.

Bo Siyang then remembered that he was facing an ascending cultivator who was decisive and decisive, and he obviously had something to talk about in private. Then he took out a jade token and said solemnly to the other two people: "Elder Chen has ordered the formation process to be determined by the master Yi, you two quickly go to act according to the order."

The eyes of those two people. After swiping the jade token, his face was stern and Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and called the brothers.

Yi Tian said after seeing it: "Go, talk while walking." After speaking, he moved towards the center of Qixin Spirit Gathering Array and flew hurriedly.

Bo Siyang didn't dare to hurriedly followed and flew up. Suddenly I heard a sound transmission in my ear: "The visitor is the expert of Feiyu Sword Sect, and there are also people who are proficient in Formation."

When he heard this, Bo Siyang's face was shocked and replied in a hurry. "Why is it like this? Why did the alliance between Feiyu Sword Sect and my Refiner Master come to make trouble?"

"I am afraid that my appearance makes Qingyuan feel uncomfortable, plus Li Chi These two knives are limited in strength and cannot succeed, so they will cause such a disaster," Yi Tian uttered.

"Master Yi knows that Li Chi can't succeed, then why not tell the master earlier," Bo Siyang asked puzzledly.

Yi Tian just faintly replied: "I don't want to be ill of the director of the Qingyuan, presumably Elder Chen is thinking like this in his heart."

The two of them just finished talking. Arriving at the central node of the big array, after falling, Yi Tian also unambiguously took out the array plate directly, placed it in his hand and activated it, and set it on the octagonal depression in the middle.

This large array is connected to seven ground veins, and the formation marks depicted on it eventually converge to the position of the center array. After being activated in this way, the seven formations instantly activated and began to link the Spiritual Qi in the earth veins. At the same time, the white light shines from the array plate along with the formation marks on various directions to activate the large array at the same time.

After the three breaths, the seven-star array in the inner circle was activated first, and then the power of the spirit array quickly spread to the outer workshop area. I saw that all the formation marks that were originally built on the walls of the all around workshops in the valley were all activated. On the periphery of the Qixin Spirit Gathering Array, a circle of outer protective Formation with a diameter of more than one mile appeared.

At this time, Yi Tian's complexion was relieved, and turned to Bo Siyang and said: "You see that now the Seven Star Spirit Gathering Array has started to operate, and the outer protective Formation has also been erected. Even if the person is a distraction cultivator, it may not be able to break through my defense."

Bo Siyang turned his head and observed his face, but also showed a burst of joy happily said: "It's really successful, Master Yi is really amazing. "

"It’s not the time to be happy, think of a way to pass this level first. I guess Ou Jinglong’s nag is not easy to provoke, and Mi Jun won’t be able to stop it for long," Yi Tian frowned. His wrinkles have not been loosened at all, and he is full of thoughts.

Bo Siyang took out a messaging jade talisman to activate it quickly and then sent it out. The jade talisman turned into a meteor-like halo and flew out directly. Then he said: "I have written all the situation here in the transmission jade talisman. I believe the Master will come immediately after receiving the news."

"We can't be paralyzed before then. To the effect, some of your juniors must have been bought by Qingyuan, otherwise Ou Jinglong would not have such a coincidence," Yi Tian's expression did not relax a bit, on the contrary, he was even more worried.

Bo Siyang hearing this was also taken aback, and then it was not difficult to find the problem mentioned by Yi Tian by connecting the entire process of development in series. After ten breaths, his face changed a few times, and a very ruthless color flashed in his eyes, saying: "Master Yi is worried that someone will destroy Ou Jinglong internally and create opportunities for Ou Jinglong."

"That's right, you These senior and junior brothers do not listen to the announcement, and I dare not do anything against them so that Elder Chen will not be able to explain it in front of him," Yi Tian said solemnly.

"I save this matter, please master Yi, don’t worry, I will call that bastard obediently. I can also clean up the door on behalf of the family teacher. It will not make it difficult for you," Bai Si Yang decisively cut the railway.

Immediately after the two of them combined, Yi Tian stayed here to control the big formation. As for Bo Siyang now that he knew some clues, he would naturally not let it go. After saying goodbye, he hurried back to the gathering place of those Refiner Masters. For the next thing, Yi Tian doesn't need to worry that he will come forward and believe that he will definitely be able to find out the whistleblower.

Sitting in the formation, Yi Tian first communicated the situation in the formation to Mi Jun, and told him that he didn't have to forcefully stop him, and if he encountered Ou Jinglong overbearing, let the opponent pass. Anyway, I am confident about the big team, and I don't want who to test it.

But the backhand took out Hong Fei's contact, Jade Talisman, and described the incident here and the incident that Ou Jinglong came to cause trouble in detail, and sent it directly after activation.

If I eat less, I will turn my eyes to the lineup. After hitting a secret art, the illusory shadow appears on the lineup. It is the situation of Qilipo in a radius of ten miles. Suddenly the origins of the three reds flew from outside and stayed outside of Taisho, and then there was a roaring sound in their ears. It is expected that the three of Ou Jinglong are also testing the strength of the protective formation.

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