When entering Mijun’s mansion, I saw Hong Fei and Mei Xin'er sitting together, and an unknown female cultivator sitting beside Hong Fei. Seeing this situation, you can probably guess that it is Hong Fei’s Dao Companion. Yi Tian then stepped forward and bowed his hands to everyone, saying: "It’s really hard to let you all wait."

"Brother Yi no need to be so polite, we also just arrived soon that's all," Hong Fei waved his hand to say with a smile, and then motioned for Yi Tian to sit down and talk.

Go forward and sit down opposite Hong Fei and listen to Mi Jun opening the mouth and said: "This time, many thanks, everyone came to cheer for me. I think Na Ding Xuan is also my old opponent. It’s a hundred years, and I’m sure that Yixue was humiliated by him in the past."

Mei Xiner, who was sitting next to her, was not so optimistic, her forehead wrinkled slightly. He said: "Husband must not underestimate the enemy. I think you and Na Dingxuan are opponents for millennia. This time I not only want to win him but also want to be shameful, but how can the other party make you do what you want."

Yi Tian heard a lot of news from this remark. Later, Hong Fei first introduced the person sitting next to him, Mao Ruoxi, his Dao Companion. Yi Tian also stretched out his hand for paid respect, and then saw Hong Fei sighed and said: "Mi Jun and Ding Xuan originally came from the same city. It's just that the two of them parted ways and worshipped different sects, but Ding Ding Xuan luck is slightly better to enter the Feiyu Sword Sect line, and Mi Jun is the supernatant Dao Sect that enters the Taiqing Pavilion branch."

until now Ding Xuan is pressing Mi Jun. For one thing, this time they also have an agreement to try again to see how much they have improved after entering sect.

After Hong Fei finished talking about Yi Tian, ​​he glanced at Mi Jun in a blink of an eye, secretly said in one's heart, or the heart of this struggle was at work. The two have turned from friends to rivals and don’t know is it fortune or misfortune. If you have such a playmate who has been cultivation together since childhood, you will definitely have this idea.

Unfortunately, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. You are not compared with others, and you have to prevent others from taking you as a goal. When I was in the White Horse Gang, the Master often said, "People are rivers and lakes". If you say it at this time, it's really appropriate.

Then extend the hand to gently hand a jade bottle to Mi Jun and Hong Fei, saying: "Little meanings are not respectful. Maybe you will use them when you fight against others in the future."

Mi Jun eyelids twitched took over and said jokingly: "Why, brother, when did you switch to pill concocting? It takes half a quarter of an hour for ordinary medicine pill to turn on the medical power before it takes effect. At the time of the duel. I’m afraid it’s not very useful."

Yi Tian smiled faintly after hearing this: "This bottle is the honey wine I brewed with a drop of concentrated purple cloud honey in it. Ordinary cultivator If you drink a bottle, you can instantly replenish half of the spiritual power consumed, so my big brother can use it."

"Oh, there are such special effects. Doesn't it mean that Ding Xuan and I will win compared with endurance." Is it set?" Mi Jun asked.

"That’s it. After all, the effect of Ziyun honey is placed there. Although it is diluted a lot after being mixed with spirit wine, it can still be used. At least I have tried to restore it once. The effect is three points weaker than the original Ziyun honey stock solution that's all," Yi Tian slowly revealed the effect of his newly brewed honey wine.

Mi Jun hearing this lowered his head and thought for a while, then lifted the lid and used divine sense to gently draw a drop of wine into his mouth. After a while, he swallowed it into his belly and started refining. After ten breaths, his brows stretched out and said: "Good thing, I have a good idea after trying it. This time Ding Xuan is difficult, and I have finally reached a point in the entanglement with him for a thousand years."

On the other hand, Hong Fei, who was sitting on the side, took the jade bottle and took a closer look, then opened the bottle cap and asked if the taste was indeed mixed with a drop of purple cloud honey. Then a faint smile was revealed, and he looked at Yi Tian. Then he said in a ridiculous tone: "Ziyun honey is Qinglianyun's exclusive brew, and it takes a long time to brew ten drops every 100 years. Normally, the Taiqing Pavilion dísciple can't get a drop if you break your head. Where did you get it from? Don’t tell me that Qing Lianyun gave it to you."

When he asked Yi Tian this way, I suddenly felt bad. It seems that I have inherited Qing Lian this time. Cloud's favor. However, in a blink of an eye, I think that the other party is probably so generous only because of his two assists. If this Ziyun honey is so precious as Hong Fei said, it is really just right to make wine.

Then said with a smile: "Frankly, Qing Lianyun personally gave it to me." As soon as I said that, I saw the four people around me set on him with strange eyes, it seemed to be everything The look of unbelief.

Yi Tian took out a rubbing copy of the task jade slip and handed it to Hong Fei, and then gave a rough explanation of the process. As for the summon Yunmeng Toad's detoxification of Cui Fu Ling, he did not avoid suspicion. Since Qing Lianyun didn't recognize it last time, I am afraid that the knowledge of everyone here will not be brilliant.

After half a moment, everyone heard it, but Hong Fei frowned mentioned something: "Although you managed to save Qing Lianyun's follower, that girl is stubborn, and it may not be possible with your help. I will remember you well. And I think in the future, even if you are selected to enter the Taiqing Pavilion, you must be careful to watch out for Cui Fuling to make you stumbling."

Yi Tian's face showed a little after listening. Embarrassed, look at Mi Jun and they also have sympathy on their faces. Inwardly complained in one's heart. This offends Inner Sect's head sister before he walks in. The days to come can be a bit leisurely.

On the contrary, Hong Fei is very comfortable: "In fact, don't be afraid. Everything has advantages and disadvantages."

"How can I say this?" Yi Tian said in confusion.

"You hated Cuifuling, at most it was trimmed by her, as long as you clamp your tail and don't give her a chance to go crazy," Hong Fei said with deep meaning: "Inner Sect of the Taiqing Pavilion What you need to guard against is Xiang Donghui. This person is also a famous person on the Inner Sect list. But his reputation is not very good in the original biography. Jealous of the talents and suppressing backwards everywhere is the trickiest."

"I haven't met this person before, and there will be no intersection, how can he miss it?" Yi Tian asked.

Mao Ruoxi next to Hong Fei pursed her mouth and said, "That Xiang Donghui is Qinglianyun’s suitor, but any newcomer’s dísciple will be affected as long as he shows a little love for Big Senior Sister. He was worried about it. Thinking that Husband had suffered a lot from his pursuit of Qinglianyun back then."

Some words made Hong Fei feel unable to come to Taiwan, so he had a helpless smile on his face. Down. Later, I opened the mouth and said again: "Brother Yi, you have offended Cui Fuling now. It may not be a bad thing. At least it can make Xiang Donghui neglect you."

"I know two things about this. Do you take the lighter of the evil? It’s easier to deal with Qinglianyun’s followers than to face the powerful senior brother." Yi Tian nodded said

"Let me take care of you and think of you. It's definitely not something in the pool. As long as you can achieve something in the future, I just hope that you can help me Sunset City Hong Family," Hong Fei said.

"That's natural, the kind brother of Hong big brother will keep it in mind," Yi Tian said hurriedly.

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