Yi Tian in Moyan Mountain was standing anxiously on the top of the mountain at this time, looking eagerly at the Lihuo fan above his head. In the past five years, I have exhausted my efforts and finally refined it, but didn't expect ushered in the robbery as soon as I left the customs.

And what didn't expect is that the power of this robbery is more than three points stronger than I think.

Looking at the range of the Tribulation Cloud, it is even stronger than crossing the Spirit Transformation Tribulation. To be honest, if you intervene in the Transcending Tribulation from the Fire Fan, you might be able to catch it.

But now, just look at the Spiritual Artifact itself under the tribulation thunder, it also appears on the verge of collapse, I'm afraid it can be carried by the thunder.

Just thinking about it, I saw a thunder in the sky again and moved towards the fan and fell straight down after condensing. A red halo appeared on all around of the Lihuo Fan, and then protected the entire Spiritual Artifact.

Just after a loud noise from the'ping', the white lightning fell on the fan and was picked up by the all around red shield. It seems that some electric energy seems to get into the protective cover and fall directly on the Spiritual Artifact body.

Fortunately, Mo Yuzhu, which is a fan handle, has absorbed all the remaining electric energy in an instant.

After Thunder Tribulation, the cloud on Acquired gradually dispersed, and the Lihuo fan slowly fell from the sky. After seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed on his face. After four or nine tribulations, Li Huo Fan finally accepted the baptism of the sky thunder and tempered the Spiritual Artifact itself again.

I said unceremoniously that the Lihuo Fan at this time was a lot stronger than the one that hadn't been robbed just now.

Reach out and hold the fan from the fire and take out the purple flame of thunder flame into it. The inscription on the Spiritual Artifact seems to sense the purple flame of thunder flame. After activation, the true flame is stored in it.

Slightly later, a few vague words gradually formed on the handle of Mo Yuzhu's fan, Yi Tian glanced sideways and saw that it was the four words'Ziyan Fenglei'. But in my heart, I was stunned that what I had refined was the Lihuo Fan, but now it was completely changed.

Then my brows stretched out and my heart widened, so it’s good. If the name of Lihuo Fan is too ostentatious, it will probably be recognized by others.

And this'Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan' is different. Although it is inherited from the lineage of the Lihuo Fan, it is already another Spiritual Artifact under its own processing. I really don't know what Ji Xuanyuan will look like when he sees it in the future.

After mutter incantations in the mouth, he put the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan directly into the Niwan Palace. After looking inside, he saw that the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan was holding onto the left hand of his Asura master. . The right hand is holding the Zixiao Zhan, with the seal still on top of his head. Except for the Taiyuan Sword and the illusory shadow of Yunmeng Toad on one hand, the other two hands were still empty.

After clearing up his mood, Yi Tian turned around and moved towards the destination of the next mission. But its forward direction is the same as the two of the three beyond a thousand li just now.

At the same time, the Refiner Master Alliance Ceremony in Sunset City was held in full swing, and many foreign cultivators joined this celebration. In addition to the formal competitions and discussions organized by the Refiner Master Alliance, many cultivators also have private exchange meetings.

But the most mentioned topic in these people's exchanges is the Spiritual Artifact'Purple Electric Sword' that appeared in Sunset City five years ago. Everyone is also very curious about who this Spiritual Artifact falls into. As for the deacons of the Refiner Master Alliance, they are keen to find this nameless Artifact Refining Grandmaster.

The order they received was also very straightforward. They found someone to draw into the Refiner Master alliance and suppress Ji Xingzhu who had left the Fire Palace.

It's a pity that I have searched the new Refiner Master from Sunset City for five years and I haven't found that master. As the seat of the Sunset City Refiner Master branch, Chen Haoran was in a state of fire. Not only did he have to face the pressure from above to organize the ceremony in an orderly manner, he also had to disperse his energy to find people.

Stay in the branch lobby of the Refiner Master Alliance. Although Chen Haoran greeted the guests with a smile on his face, did his eyes flash to see if the master might exist among the people.

It didn’t take long to see a deacon dísciple from one side of the corridor rushing over, holding a jade slip in his hand, hurriedly walked to Chen Haoran, and then called gasping for breath. Said: "The headquarters is ill, the new one is updated again."

Chen Haoran eyelids twitched, read the deacon dísciple below and said: "Don’t panic. The matter. The new list will be written into the Mana Tablet, so that many visitors can appreciate it together."

That deacon dísciple didn't expect Chen Haoran would say that, but in front of so many people The order of the face of the peak must not be violated. Later, several other staff members were hired to pass the new ranking on the jade slip to the mana monument verbatim.

Although most of the cultivators present are Refiner Masters, their attention is also on the refining ground. But the cultivator list came out first, and everyone would not care too much about it. The previous cultivator rankings above will not change much.

But this time the twentieth place was replaced by someone behind, and the person who replaced it turned out to be someone who was originally shot in more than 60 people. Out of this situation, it may be that the person has a larger breakthrough on the cultivation base, or it may be that Divine Weapon has raised its own strength.

Many cultivators, including Chen Haoran, just froze for a while and skipped it, but the deacon said with a solemn expression: "This Zixia school’s Han Zhenting is the cultivator who ranked 20th. It was only when the horse was sacked to replace its rank."

This is not an accident. Some of the people present are all face revealed disdain colors, and such competitions between cultivators are also normal. .

It's just that the face has changed, but the number has changed, and it can be said word by word: "According to reliable sources, Xie Ruiqin of the original 20th cultivator Taiqing Pavilion personally said that Han Zhenting took it out of his hand. It’s an Earth Grade purple electric sword, and its cultivation technique has seamlessly improved its strength to a level. And Han Zhenting also threatened to challenge the top ten cultivator next time."

As a result, everyone fryed in the hall in an instant, and Han Zhenting obviously had to cooperate with the excellent Spiritual Artifact to bring his strength to this level.

Sure enough, it is a good horse with a good saddle. I think Chi Wuji, Ranked 2nd on the cultivator list, is more or less helped by Xingyao Sword. And Han Zhenting, who ranked more than sixty, could jump directly into the first square with the purple electric sword jumping over forty.

Although it is willing to accompany the last banquet, it is full of real value.

When everyone hadn't recovered from their surprise, the evil spirit of the refining device appeared again. This is the time to raise the appetite of everyone in the hall.

Someone soon discovered that the ranking of Spiritual Artifact at the top part has changed, and a new Spiritual Artifact suddenly appeared on the tenth place called'Ziyan Wind-Lightning Fan'Earth Grade. The quality of the refiner was actually called Cheng Yuyun from Moyan Mountain.

At the end of the first half of the list, I saw that the Purple Electric Sword was raised by one place, and the name of the Refiner Master next to it was also called Cheng Xiyun from Sunset City.

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