Chen Haoran is the duty master of the Sunset City Refiner Master Alliance. His cultivation base has also reached the Divided Spirit Stage, and he can also refine the Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact. However, Spirit Realm's rising stars have emerged in an endless stream over the years, especially the sudden emergence of Ji Xingzhu from the Refiner Master of the Fire Palace, which has stabilized all Refiner Masters of the same order.

And three of the Spiritual Artifacts she has refined over the past 100 years have been on the list. The highest ranking is an Earth Grade initial-level Spiritual Artifact. This time, some of the Refiner Masters of the Divided Spirit Stage were shocked.

Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator is an incredible thing for refining Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact, and Spiritual Artifact also has a dividing line on the list. The first fifty included Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact, and the last fifty included Human-level Spiritual Artifact. Ji Xingzhu’s Three Spirit Artifacts occupy the 49, 51 and 53 positions respectively.

At first glance, it is nothing, but you can savor the invincible existence of human-level Spiritual Artifact, and it is already heading for the higher-end Earth Grade.

On the list of Spiritual Artifact, only the Earth Grade and the human-level Spiritual Artifact Peak are included in the 50th place. Even if the Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact can be refined, it will be futile. In fact, this refining tool list can also be divided into two. Taking the fifty position as the dividing line, Ji Xingzhu is the only Spirit Transformation cultivator Refiner Master who entered the top fifty.

In the past few years, Chen Haoran has also deeply felt the sense of crisis. The disciplines he cultivated are not the opponents of the Refiner Master of Lihuo Palace, and even his own status is in jeopardy. The reason is also very simple. His best Spiritual Artifact'Black Tortoise Ring' is ranked 43rd, as long as Ji Xingzhu's skills can directly trample him under his feet once he breaks through.

This time the Refiner Master Alliance held a grand ceremony here, but also wanted to take this opportunity to find good seedlings to be cultivated. Moreover, the General Administration of the Alliance also sent a message at all costs to suppress Ji Xingzhu from Lihuo Palace, absolutely not allowing her to be so arrogant anymore.

The Refiner Master from Lihuo Palace has occupied the top of Heaven Grade and Earth Grade for thousands of years. Now there is a rising star. How can other people live? To be honest, the establishment of the Refiner Master alliance is to fight against Lihuo Palace.

On that day, Chen Haoran was sitting cross-legged in the Cave Mansion. Suddenly there was a dísciple knocking outside the door and hurriedly shouted: "Master, go to the lobby to see if there is an update on the Disha list."

"What's panicking, it's normal for the list to change. Don't make a fuss about nothing." Chen Haoran's expression on his face became disdainful.

But the dísciple outside the door seemed to not bother Chen Haoran’s rest at all. He just urged him to go to the Alliance Hall to take a look, and shouted: “A new Spiritual Artifact appeared to suppress the star. Yao Jian".

So Chen Haoran is also frowning and heart startled. This is a remarkable thing. It's been a long time since there has been someone who can hold down Ji Xingzhu. Even the cultivators of their generation have exhausted their potential and can maintain the original Some rankings are not easy anymore.

After half a moment, when he rushed to the hall, he saw a large group of people crowding in front of the mana monument, and everyone seemed to be talking about something.

Chen Haoran's divine sense swept away. Many Refiner Masters in the scene showed surprised expressions on their faces, but more of them were expressions of joy and misfortune.

I looked up and glanced across the list, only to see that the ranking of the top 50 did not seem to have changed, but when I looked at 49, I saw an unfamiliar name. This new spiritual artifact on the list is called "Purple Electric Sword". It replaced the original location that belonged to Ji Xingzhu, but the name of the refiner was not marked after the Spiritual Artifact name, but the source was written, which is a bit intriguing. .

Chen Haoran's gaze swept to the end, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly condensed. This Spiritual Artifact turned out to be from Sunset City. I was shocked at the moment. Is it because I was in front of one's eyes that there was a high-end Refiner Master visiting and I didn't know. Otherwise, people deliberately avoid the Refiner Master alliance, anyway, these Refiner Masters are people with weird personalities.

But even this is very exciting, no matter how strong this person's skill is, he can suppress Lihuo Palace anyway. Moreover, the grand ceremony of the Refiner Master Alliance is being prepared, and most of this master also came to participate in the grand event.

As long as others come to the Refiner Master Alliance, there will be a chance to include him. He can suppress Ji Xingzhu's other birth status is not important.

Look back and look at the fiftyth "Xing Yao Sword" as everyone knows. It is the rarest and most powerful work of Ji Xingzhu from the Fire Palace in recent years. Spirit Sword naturally fell into Chi Wuji's hands. He became the Life-Source Magical Treasure.

It's a pity that it's now at the bottom. Although it's still on the list of the evil spirits, I want to come to Lihuo Palace to get the news. Ji Xingzhu will most likely send someone to Sunset City to find out, and all influence is surging in secret, I am afraid that at this time, he will set his sights on the grand ceremony of the Refiner Master Alliance.

Thinking of this, Chen Haoran showed a smile on his face, and then lightly coughed moved towards the people in the hall: "Everyone, let’s go away first, and the replacement of this place is not a major event. Let’s hurry up. Quickly finish what you have at hand, don't have any unrealistic thoughts about it."

That being said, the many cultivators present are not fools. The Spiritual Artifact that can crush the Xingyao Sword is very worthy of appreciation. Moreover, the source states that it is Sunset City, so the Refiner Master may exist in the Refiner Master Alliance Division.

Or those outside masters who have not yet reported up to this point have sold the Spiritual Artifact in their hands.

Some clever cultivators didn't talk much after seeing this situation, so they turned around and moved towards the hall and walked outside. Needless to say, they are going to contact their colleagues to ask what this Spiritual Artifact called the "Purple Electric Sword" looks like.

Some people even asked privately on the spot, wanting to know where this Spiritual Artifact came from. At this time, Chen Haoran, the backbone of the Refiner Master Alliance Division, also had a bad face, but she couldn't reprimand these people in the hall.

Turning his head to dísciple, the two close friends behind him, sound transmission privately: "Hurry up and ask all the deacons in the branch to put down their work and come to the conference hall. I want to hold it in one hour. Temporary internal meeting. If anyone dares to excuse me, don't blame me for the power of the chief of deployment."

This is the first time Chen Haoran mentioned the powers of the chief of traffic. Hearing the two dísciples, they also showed strangeness in their eyes. look of shock. It seems that this Refiner Master Alliance Grand Ceremony is destined to not be too peaceful. It is not during the preparation period that there will be explosive news. I really don't know what the master who refined the purple electricity will be like if he is called into the alliance.

At the same time, Lihuo Palace, Feiyu Sword Sect, and Taiqing Pavilion have also received updates on the Refining Demon List. But the reactions of all parties were quite different. Ji Xingzhu in Lihuo Palace just glanced at it and put the list aside. For her, these false names are all insignificant, and only the Chi Wuji in front of him is what he cares about.

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