After coming out of Hong Fei’s mansion, Yi Tian got an unremarkable Storage Bracelet. But the goods in it are not ordinary, and the bottle of Spirit Beast blood is priceless.

In addition, the whole body of Mochizuki Rhinoceros, although the most valuable inner core and rhino horn were taken down by Hong Fei early in the morning, the whole skin is still there.

The thick skin on this Mochizuki Rhinoceros's body is an indispensable ingredient for making high-end leather armor. As long as you buy some more ingredients, you can make three soft nails with a few rough calculations. The skeleton can be used to refine the Spiritual Artifact, and the flesh and blood can be used as a good feed for the Spirit Pet, even if it is sold to a restaurant or eaten by yourself.

I don’t need to eat anymore after Core Formation, but it’s okay to try the best ingredients.

Thinking of this, there is naturally a touch of relief on his face, and he also put aside Hong Fei's entrusting himself to take care of Hua Yuxin.

Her Hua Family has a good calculation, and Hong Fei is also an arm-flinging shopkeeper. Fortunately, there is such a reason that I will never be assigned any more dangerous tasks in the future.

Presumably, Hua Yulin had also greeted Hong Fei early in the morning, and he could save a bit of effort in a hundred years with the blessing of Hua Yuxin.

After returning to Cave Mansion, I was ready to retreat again. This time I exchanged the Divine Ability from Scriptures Depository Building for Divine Ability. I haven't opened it yet. And the newly obtained Spiritual Artifact Jade bottle has never been used, I really don’t know if it will condense the Spiritual Qi as Ou Jinglong said.

Speaking of this jade bottle, Yi Tian's heart was hot, and he couldn't help but think of Jingling bottle. I remember that Ou Jinglong once mentioned that the Jingling Bottle was his sect Supreme Treasure, but how could he ran into Qianlingzi's hands for no reason and was taken to the lower realm.

Since this Jingling Bottle is something of a great background, it can be seen that Qianlingzi's identity in Feiyu Sword Sect is also good. Thinking of this, Yi Tian only felt that there was some tide on his forehead, but it was some sweat when he stretched out his hand.

The most urgent thing is to find out the identity of Qianlingzi before making any plans. Thinking that he had said that it was Inspector Envoy Yi Tian back then, his heart began to not calm down.

Now that he knows where he came from and where he holds his post, naturally looking for the root cause can find part of the information before him in the lower realm. Thinking of this, Yi Tian turned and moved towards the headquarter of the inspection department.

As the Herringbone Banner Captain of the Inspection Division, he still has some small privileges on hand. There are still permissions for things like looking up information.

After entering the inspection department, I found a deacon worthy officer, and pushed that I wanted to check the list of personnel who had served in the inspection department in the past. That deacon was just a symbolic'um', and then stretched out five fingers to let Yi Tian pay merits first to check the internal information.

Although there are a hundred upsets in his heart, Yi Tian dare not show it on his face. Later, after paying the merit points, deacon led to the archives of the inspection department.

After listening to Yi Tian’s request, deacon just said lightly: "All Spirit Realm's city inspection department personnel lists are recorded, but your authority level is at most to access the upper Level 1 information. , As for the information list of the identity like Director Hong Fei is temporarily not open to the cultivator of your identity."

Yi Tian knows that his authority is not high, but it is estimated to be enough. A cultivator like Qianlingzi is also impossible to be the head of the inspection department.

After that, I found a free spot in the lobby of the archives room and sat down, holding up the thick roster of the inspection department in my hand and starting to look it up.

The deacon notified Yi Tian after seeing the incident and said: "After reading, remember to return the directory to the archive room."

Yi Tian just clicked nodded to indicate Understood, and then focused on the list, not even knowing when the deacon left.

The roster records all the personnel below the director of the Spirit Realm Hundred Cities Inspection Department. Yi Tian first found it in the Sunset City where he was, and looked ten lines wherever he went.

At the end of the Sunset City roster, I found my name, followed by Hua Yuxin's name. A helpless wry smile appeared on her face. It seemed that she was really a novice, compared with herself.

Later, I searched for a human-level town near Sunset City and found no record of Qianlingzi's name.

So I continued to search more than a dozen cities all around, but no clues were found.

came back to his senses Yi Tian temporarily stopped the work at hand and began to think backwards. Qianlingzi is the direct biography of Feiyu Sword Sect. In terms of his identity, he should be above Ou Jinglong, at least his level or it is absolutely impossible to get the Sect Supreme Treasure.

Furthermore, he was ordered to track down Luo Que's whereabouts, and Captain, who is a human-level town inspection department, would not take care of that many things. And I remember that he mentioned that he followed Luo Que all the way down the boundary.

In this way, the scope of the search can be directly increased to the data of the Heaven Grade main city. Only the cultivator of the inspection division there will be able to receive the task of monitoring the foreign cultivator.

Thinking of this, my eyes suddenly opened up, and then I opened the directory of the roster and looked it up directly.

The bloodline dísciple of Feiyu Sword Sect will never serve in the main city of other two sects. The most likely source of Qianlingzi is Misty City, the main city of Feiyu Sword Sect.

Then opened the roster and turned to the part of Misty City, and then looked at them one by one. After ten breaths, the startled visual observation on the face stayed in the third position of the Misty City Inspection Division Earth Grade Inspection Captain. I saw the three words Qianlingzi clearly written on it.

There is also a simple note after his name: "The Sword Sect of Feiyu Sect, the dísciple, has a nickname of "Peerless Sword". It was ordered to track down Asura clansman four thousand years ago. Spirit Realm’s activities, whereabouts unknown afterwards.”

Although the comment is brief, it has already given answers to the confusions in my mind. Sure enough, Qianlingzi's original status in Feiyu Sword Sect is not low, and his ability to work in the Heaven Grade main city itself shows his extraordinary strength.

Seeing that Yi Tian has a bottom in his heart, he stretched out his hand to close the roster and put it back on the file shelf directly, and then looked up all the records of the previous case handling by the Misty City Inspection Division.

If I don’t check it, I don’t know, the records of the Misty City Inspection Division are really not average. Fortunately, I just wanted to find the data four thousand years ago, so I can skip nearly 90% of the handwritten records.

After removing a dusty handwritten note, Yi Tian found a brighter place and spread it on his hand and read it carefully. Soon I found the record of Qianlingzi in this one.

At the time, he was the most promising one among the original biography of Sword Sect Divine Transformation Stage of Feiyu. Counting the current Jian Shaoqing can only be regarded as his Junior.

Besides, he used his sword technique to beat rare opponents of the same rank, but he did not mention the situation of Lihuo Palace's strongest Spirit Transformation cultivator at that time, but it should not be much worse.

There are many kinds of content. In order not to make people suspicious, Yi Tian had to extract the part about Qianlingzi and write it in his jade slip, and then hurriedly put the script back to its original position. Quietly left the inspection department.

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