This exchange meeting Yi Tian can be said to be what he wanted, that is, I got one-third of the auxiliary material Moyuzhu, and exchanged it for the spirit earth that cultivates Huangjing. It is said that the short-term small goal has been achieved.

After returning to Cave Mansion, he transplanted the Polygonatum from the flowerpot. This 1,500-year-old Polygonatum itself can be used as medicine, and it is planted in the spirit plant of Cave Mansion by the way.

As for the purple golden bottle gourd seedling that was originally planted next to the spiritual spring water, blamed the cautiously shoveling of the roots, and then transplanted it into the flowerpot. After completion, Yi Tian also introduced spiritual spring water for irrigation. The spring water drenched the seedlings and flowed into the cultivation soil to be completely absorbed.

But after a while, Yi Tian found that something was wrong, this cultivation soil was covered with a lot of spring water, but it seemed that he had a great appetite and couldn't drink it enough.

Then I stretched out my hand and directed a spring water to irrigate directly into the soil. It took three hours to see some water vapor on the surface of the soil in the flowerpot.

The seedlings of the purple golden bottle gourd vines have grown fiercely by more than three inches at this time. Almost with naked eye, you can find the branches and leaves of the gourd vine continue to spread on the built-up pergola. Open.

After finishing this, Yi Tian closed the door of the spirit plant garden with satisfaction and returned to his bedroom.

Sitting on the ground, he took out two jade slips and placed them in front of him. One was given to him by Mi Jun, and the other was given by Hong Fei at the exchange meeting.

Before he was lay bare the truth with one remark. I didn’t feel too surprised. This auction house belongs to his Hong Family. It was a piece of cake to try to find out the source of the Taiyin Sword, and I didn't mean to avoid it early in the morning.

I figured out that since I am under the jurisdiction of Sunset City, I can only open my eyes and close my eyes. There are some things that people can't catch as long as they don't deviate.

After opening Mi Jun’s jade slip, I found that it was a letter. After reading it carefully, I realized that it roughly means that after 90 years, Mi Jun is going to be with Dao Sect’s dísciple Ding Xuan. I would like to try the sword technique, and I would like to invite myself as a guest to accompany you.

I don’t know anything about this Ding Xuan. I only feel familiar with this name, as if I have seen it somewhere. A glimmer of light flashed in his mind, and then he took out the evil list to look through it, and finally found the name at the tenth place at the bottom of the list.

For a moment, I didn’t expect that Mi Jun had the strength to challenge the 91st place cultivator. If you want to come to this good show, you shouldn't miss it. It is of great benefit to you to be able to observe the battle of the same cultivator itself.

I wanted to reach out and take out the Communication Talisman, wrote down a subpoena, and then activated it and sent it out. After dealing with Mi Jun's affairs, open Hong Fei's jade slip again.

At the exchange meeting, the other party didn't seem to have spoken to explain, but just reminded myself to take the time to read the contents of the jade slip when I came back.

After a quick scan with divine sense, Yi Tian's face sank. In this letter, the straight to the point mentioned that Spirit Realm's many cultivation cities will hold celebrations as usual in a hundred years from now. activity. But one of them is to capture the traditional project of demonic beast in the wilderness. At that time, there will be the dísciple of Taiqing Pavilion to try it, and Hong Fei needs to help him with all his strength.

Usually, the higher the level of demonic beast captured, the more generous the reward for receiving sect. Hong Fei has found several helpers, but only one who understands Formation is missing. This time, seeing that I took out the Formation plate for exchange, I kept my eyes on it. I didn't even ask for an invitation directly after all. I just handed this jade slip to myself, but the implication is self-evident.

Yi Tian also wants to take this opportunity to see how Spirit Realm hunts and kills demonic beasts, and naturally agrees with Hong Fei's proposal from the bottom of my heart. It is true that you should not be afraid of being used by others, just because you have no value in being used.

As long as Hong Fei is fully aware of his role, there is no need to worry about it in Sunset City for the past 100 years.

I wanted to take out a transmission jade slip again, rushed to it, and then activated it and sent it out after a simple sentence.

After finishing this, Yi Tian stood up and regained his spirit, then opened the door of the cave and walked out in a big stride.

This time the destination is the Scriptures Depository Building in Sunset City. I remember that when I went there once a year ago, I couldn't choose any secret ability because I was shy in my pocket. In fact, I have noticed it a long time ago, and there are many Auxiliary Divine Ability in the Scriptures Depository Building that are suitable for my own use.

After Foundation Establishment, I once learned the purpose of Spell, but unfortunately, I can only use it for distant observation so far, and even the area covered by my divine sense far exceeds the scope of my eyesight.

In the Scriptures Depository Building, I have seen a divine ability called the "Eye of True Sight". The price of this secret technique is 1,000 merit points. Previously, I was too shy and unable to exchange it, but now I have the income from the sale of the Taiyin Sabre and the two Sunshine Sabre.

After coming to the Scriptures Depository Building, Yi Tian paid a visit to the deacon and showed his waist card saying that he wanted to find a secret ability cultivation. The deacon only briefly informed the selection method and then allowed Yi Tian to go to the third floor of the Jinglou to select it. In the end, it just warned the ordinary Spirit Transformation cultivator not to go up to the fourth floor.

Yi Tian cautiously replied to the sentence and then eagerly entered the Jinglou. Along the way, through 2-Layer, I saw many Golden Core Stage and Nascent Soul Stage cultivators. cultivation technique. After reaching the third floor, the obvious number of people is only a few. As for the stairs on the fourth floor, there is a white prohibition to stop them. Once they cross over, they will be detected by the cultivator on duty.

I don't know if there is a cultivator guarding the Divided Spirit Stage here, and Yi Tian didn't dare to directly violate the ban and had to choose the secret ability obediently and honestly on the third floor.

It didn’t take long for me to find the scroll named “Eye of True Sight” in a corner. I opened it and read the introduction. It is very difficult to cultivate this divine ability and requires a considerable perception. And patience. But once cultivation to Small Accomplishment, you can see through any camouflage techniques performed by the cultivator of the same level.

Practicing to Great Accomplishment is even more powerful, and the magical formations under the sky can't trap oneself. Even breaking the ban on finding the Formation node is as easy as as easy as pie.

Seeing here, Yi Tian felt hot in his heart. Isn't this divine ability tailor-made for him? He stretched out his hand to take down this jade slip and would copy it.

Suddenly there was a silver bell of laughter from the stairs on the fourth floor. When I looked up, it turned out that Hua Yuxin came down from above. I was wondering that the eyes suddenly swept over her. Behind her, there was a youngster in her twenties who looked six or seven points similar to her, and the spiritual pressure on her body did not fluctuate at all. The convergent cultivation base is roughly what it looks like in the middle of the incarnation.

Yi Tian thoughts move secretly thought: "Could it be Hua Yulin," then he turned around and avoided the two by searching for the cultivation technique. I knew before that this Hua Yulin was in the eighty position on the Earth Evil List, and it was enough to compete against him with his current strength.

It is better to pretend that you don’t know what you missed.

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