The caravan in the middle of the Yellow Maple Valley is forming a defense against the last wolf attack. Yi Tian divine sense swept away and discovered that there was a dwarf dissatisfied with three feet near the wolf. The fangs in the driving hand urge the wolf to launch an attack on the defensive circle.

In the caravan, only Zhao Cheng and Hua Yuxin are struggling to support them. As for Brother Kui's body at this time, his aura is much weaker than usual. It should be because of his injuries. The two of them were sitting cross-legged in a Defensive Array trying to maintain the camp.

Seeing here, Yi Tian didn't say much to stretch out a seed of Ghost Face Flower. After three breaths, he fell directly into the mud behind the dwarf.

Then Yi Tian clicked on the seed after both hands forming seals in the air, and a vine vein with the thickness of a thumb appeared in the mud, as if moved towards the direction where the dwarf was. Stopped, and then retracted into the mud with a'swish'.

After three breaths, the soil swelled slightly, and the vine veins quickly stretched forward from the ground.

All of a sudden, I heard the dwarf yell "Aiya", and saw that one of his feet was entangled by a vine vein that sprang out of the younger brother.

The vine vein quickly entangled his feet and firmly fixed him on the ground. As soon as the dwarf ate the pain, the wolf teeth controlled by his hand stopped shaking. At the same time, the wolf found out of control and hurriedly moved towards the dwarf, then took a look, then turned his head and ran away.

As a result, the pressure on the caravan team that was surrounded by the center was suddenly reduced, and Hua Yuxin directly shot out from it. After flying forward, he glanced at the entangled dwarf, and said yelled: "The lone wind thief should be angry, didn't expect you to have today, too," the voice just fell on the Spirit Sword and moved directly after it was unambiguously sacrificed. Towards should be attacked.

After being entangled by the Ghost Face Flower vine, Ying's lower body was full of wounds cut by thorns. Blood flowed from the vine veins. At the same time, the spiritual power of his whole body was also depressed.

Hua Yuxin found the gap Spirit Sword and instantly hit the protective cover that should be wailing, but after only three breaths of support, the protective cover quickly disintegrated because of the lack of spiritual power. After Flying Sword's stabbing, it hit Ying's chest and directly pierced him with a cross.

Ying An held back the pain and screamed, and then a golden light flew out from his forehead to escape Nascent Soul and moved towards Huayuxin and flew straight.

Faced with the sudden situation, Hua Yuxin was also shocked. It was probably the first time I saw Nascent Soul body possession and I didn't know how to deal with it.

Behind him, Zhao Cheng was yelled: "What are you still doing? Quickly move away."

As soon as the voice fell, Nascent Soul was already close at hand. , Hua Yuxin had no time to avoid seeing that golden Nascent Soul Spirit Physique was about to rush into her forehead. Suddenly, a vine vein with the thickness of a thumb came out from the side, and a bud on the top opened to the size of a foot in front of Hua Yuxin with a'pop'.

That Nascent Soul Spirit Physique was directly swallowed by the flower buds, and then all around the petals were closed with a'swish', and the Nascent Soul who should have been caught directly captured.

At this time, Hua Yuxin saw a vague silhouette appearing beside him, and after three breaths, from virtual became real, Yi Tian's true body appeared.

"Are you okay?" Yi Tian looked at the shocked Hua Yuxin and asked indifferently.

"Oh, it's okay," replied mechanically, but the cold sweat on his forehead betrayed the flower jade core forcibly calming down.

Yi Tian just flashed a playful smile on his face, and then walked forward and took out a jade bottle to move towards the bud of the Ghost Face Flower and waved.

Later, the bud slowly looked over and opened a petal to reveal an airstrike, only to see a comatose Nascent Soul Spirit Physique slipping into the jade bottle. Then Yi Tian took out the talisman to cover the bottle cap and attached the talisman to it.

After doing this, I turned around and moved towards the caravan camp, and shouted: "It's all right. Everyone, check if you have lost valuable items. If you're OK, take a rest and leave for a while. Sunset City is here."

Ying's body fell weakly, but his belongings were scattered all over the place. Yi Tian saw that Hua Yuxin seemed to be in shock, and then privately sound transmission asked her to help pick up storage ring and other valuable things.

Then sound transmission to Zhao Cheng and the others asked them to put away the demonic beast corpses scattered all around. Although these diseases Wind Demon Wolf are only six-level appearance, the flesh and blood and even the skeleton are all high-quality treasures.

This time the rescue caravan inspected the squad and paid a lot of money. Just now divine sense swept the Kui family brother, it seemed that the two had suffered a lot of dark losses. This account must all be counted on the body of the lone wind thief.

I know that I must give all the benefits I should give, and I will never show mercy when I need to spur.

Later, the guard cultivator in the caravan had the courage to come out to clean the battlefield, but the brother of the Kui family was so good to meet him that he would never spit it out. Moreover, this time effort and effort should take up the bulk, and only one-tenth of the area was left for them to deal with in the subsequent cleaning process.

After half a day, after the chief of the caravan confirmed that the rescue mission was completed, Yi Tian took out the assault boat again and called the team members to wait for the boat, and then galloped away in the direction moved towards Sunset City.

Sitting in the cabin, Kui’s brother and Zhao Cheng are sitting on the ground and sharing the spoils. Yi Tian ignores them. Anyway, this time they would not be able to complete the task if they were not there. So leave a certain amount of profit margins as they decide to divide it.

It is true that Hua Yuxin has been silent since he boarded the ship, even after being allocated a large amount of belongings, there is no joy on his face. On the contrary, Yi Tian found that her gaze looking towards herself was a bit complicated, and there was some worship and fear in her eyes.

For a cultivator like her, she has been accustomed to being spoiled since she was a child. Naturally, she didn't know the dangers of the world. She almost got the trick twice in a row. Now that I think about it, I should be alert.

And she was decisive. The first time she didn't see it in her eyes, the second time she saw a Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator efficiently at close range, and she solved it by herself, which shocked. Compared to her, it is also unheard-of.

Later, she moved her lips to sound transmission and said to her in private: "Are you okay, I just gave you an absent-minded expression."

Hua Yuxin After listening, Yi Tian was stunned for a while and then lifts the head to his face laughed sound transmission replied: "It's okay, just a little tired."

After sighed, Yi Tian said again: "Although I don't know you are in the inspection department. But I can only say that I can take care of you within my abilities. You must be careful in everything from now on, especially when fighting with others. If you make a mistake, you will step into the land of eternal damnation. Keep the slightest luck."

After talking about this remark, Yi Tian put his eyes away and focused on driving the assault boat, while Hua Yuxin showed a gleam in his eyes and swept his eyes across the driving position. Hou didn't know what he was thinking about.

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