After returning from Hua Family’s Spirit Pet shop, Yi Tian returned to his Cave Mansion and began to retreat. Now it is time to cultivation every minute and every minute. Normally, there are no patrol officers who are instructing them and they simply retreat in Cave Mansion.

The good times didn't last long. These peaceful days lasted, but after a few months, a message from the inspection department flew in and fell directly into the cave mansion's prohibition.

Half a moment later, I saw the cave door open, and an azure light flew out from the inspection station moved towards Northern Part of City. In the escape is Yi Tian himself in the uniform of the inspection department. He just received the deacon's order to go to the inspection station and bring his team members to Yellow Maple Valley, which is a thousand miles west of Sunset City.

Sent a call for help before the hour, it seems that a team of people was attacked by another demonic beast in Divine Grade, and they are now standing by for help.

Yi Tian knew that the matter should not be delayed, so he hurriedly notified the other four of the squad and informed them to meet at the north gate in a quarter of an hour.

Except for City Lord and the others in Sunset City, normally only the Inspector Envoy that has received the task can be used for spatial flight. Such a journey of one or two hundred miles is only a short time.

After arriving at the North Gate, I found that Zhao Cheng and Kui’s brother were already waiting. They were both old people from the inspection department who knew when they could make soy sauce and when they were sloppy.

Seeing Yi Tian's rush to come, they all gathered around and said hello. Yi Tian swept his eyes and realized that Hua Yuxin was missing again, and his face was really helpless. Fortunately, in the divine sense, I found that there was a breath that was moving towards the direction where I was, and my face was not so ugly.

After a while, I saw a white light flying around, and it was Hua Yuxin himself who was wrapped in it.

This time Yi Tian didn't hide his clumsiness in a hurry, and directly took out a five-inch assault boat model to sacrifice in his hand. Later, he lifted the five-inch assault boat into the air and quickly turned into a ten zhang-long look in the wind.

Said: "All in," and then reached out and pointed to the main control room to open the hatch, and then the silhouette flew in for the first time.

Zhao Cheng and Kui's brother are also people who have met the world, and they flew into the cabin with Yi Tian apart from anything else.

As for Hua Yuxin, she stopped outside and stared at the assault boat above her head and looked at it, her eyes were bright and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Later, I only heard Yi Tian yell impatiently in the cabin: "What are you still looking at, wait for you to come in soon."

Hua Yuxin listened to her shoulders. He pursed his mouth and showed a contemptuous look on his face, and later used the escape technique to fly in through the opened hatch.

When I came into the cabin, I saw that Zhao Cheng and Kui’s brother had found a place to sit on the ground, laughing at Hua Yuxin with harboring malicious intentions.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he didn't have time to talk with her, so he walked directly to the main control position and flew towards the Yellow Maple Valley, driving the assault boat.

After ten breaths, I saw an azure aura across the north gate of Sunset City. Its escape speed was faster than Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator's full escape and it was almost three points faster.

Hua Yuxin looked around while staying in the cabin, then looked out through the cabin door window and realized that the speed of flight was beyond her imagination. However, thinking of Captain deliberately letting her fly all the way to Guyun Mountain when she was on the mission for the first time, she felt a little uncomfortable, even looking at Yi Tian's expressions all with a somewhat complicated look.

The journey of thousands of miles to Yellow Maple Valley took an hour to arrive. In the high altitude, Yi Tian performed the escape technique from the cockpit and looked far and found that it was within a range of less than a hundred miles. There is a hill covered with yellow maple trees covering the mountains and plains.

Take out the map and compare it carefully and turn your head to face the people sitting in the cabin: "We are here, we will be careful after we get down. The first priority is to find the people calling for help. If you encounter a demonic beast, don’t Avoid fighting as much as possible. Our task is to save people, not hunt and kill demonic beasts."

Zhao Cheng and Kui’s brother both nodded and echoed: "I know Captain."

Turning to Hua Yuxin to see that she was about to reply, Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "Your cultivation base is the weakest and it is difficult to protect yourself when you encounter a strong demonic beast. After you go out, follow me."

Hua Yuxin was stunned and then reluctantly said: "Yes, Captain."

Except for the assault boat, the Yellow Maple Valley is right in front of her feet, Yi Tian waved everyone and moved. The direction towards death goes around the four directions of the valley. After a short while, he passed over the valley and looked down as if a group of sick Wind Demon Wolf was besieging the caravan.

Hua Yuxin was about to go down after seeing her, but Yi Tian grabbed her and said: "Slow down first, and see if the situation seems to be able to withstand the besieged person for the time being."


"They look like they have been under siege for a long time, and the spiritual power is almost consumed at this time," Hua Yuxin was replied.

In fact, in the following situation, Yi Tian also used divine sense to glance at it, and it was obvious that the guards of the middle caravan were defending. But Wind Demon Wolf looks suspicious of these diseases, there are not many, but each one has the strength close to Nascent Soul Late Stage. It is somewhat different from the description on the mission intelligence.

But Yi Tian is also a cautious person. He quickly found out and analyzed the demonic beast's habit description and his expression became deeper after analysis.

Obviously, these all are Spirit Pets specially raised by somebody, but it seems that the caravan is not very good. It’s just that the whole strong people disdain to do this, and immediately asked: "Do you know who is proficient in imperial beasts, and also specializes in breeding Wind Demon Wolf?"

"Captain, do you mean? The following is not a beast chaos but a man-made disaster?" Hua Yuxin asked hurriedly.

"Simply is a man-made robbery, and it is very similar to the first mission. I guess the man who controls the beast is hidden in the valley, but it uses some secret method to let us all the time. Failed to discover its whereabouts," Yi Tian said resolutely and decisively.

"so that's how it is, what shall we do now?" Hua Yuxin then stabilized her figure.

While waiting for Yi Tian to answer, suddenly the mountain within the valley flashed a fire, and the divine sense swept through the mouth but said: "The Kui brother has fought with others, this Why are the two big bosses so careless, they went deep into the wolves and were surrounded by them." After talking, I saw another spell sound from the mountain within the valley, and Yi Tian had no choice but to show up. The body shape turned his head towards Hua Yuxin and said: "Be careful yourself, come to the side, and I will help Brother Kui's siege." After talking about the stretching and escape technique, the silhouette flashed a few times and then fell into the valley.

Before I waited to approach the target, I suddenly felt a bit of crisis in my heart. In an instant, a red light flashed out of the diagonally and moved towards myself. Yi Tian coldly snorted flashed twice in the air to avoid the incoming spell, and then swept along the source, only to see Xu Youcheng, a lonely wind thief, holding a crescent shovel in both hands, staring out and locking himself.

But then he yelled: "It's you kid, who let you run away last time, this time it happens to be the new and old accounts together."

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